Tales from Beta (du dun dun), random thoughts, comments, silly stuff.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
My points make so little sense the developers were actually going to implement the range change into City of Heroes based on said points, and a majority of the game's population would happily embrace it.

Yeah. Okay. You got me there, bud.
Your logic and reasoning has no place here! Lrn2plykthxbai1

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Your logic and reasoning has no place here! Lrn2plykthxbai1



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Holy crap.

I couldn't run the new arcs, my subscription lapsed before the announcement. Thanks for the spoilers. I ... I almost don't know what to say about Marchand's arc. I was really under the impression that we were going to let all those people die, that the extent of our involvement was going to be an anti-Hamidon raid just to keep him from following the Praetorian escapees through the portal. That they were planning on letting us save at least some human civilization on Praetorian Earth in issue 24 almost makes up for what we did to them in issue 23. I feel a little better.

I don't suppose you got any screenshots to show off of the underwater fight? I've been wondering when they were going to use that tech.

Man, issue 24 had everything. I don't think it would have been enough to save the game, but it was an amazing attempt.
I hope you were being serious about the Spoiler thanks. lol. I got yelled at on beta for being all excited about whooping 3 avatars and talking about it in Help.

I haven't seen the underwater fight yet..I have only done teh hero/vigi and then post incarnate arc, so far. When I get to it, I'll drop a link to teh shots I get.

I agree...issue 24 would have been a huge one.



Hey Hopeling..are those bodysuit cossies just in the editor right away? I saw screenshots for them and was impressed.



Playing my MC blaster a bit more.

The set is fun! Now I am somewhat slotted and can hit stuff. I still dislike the blue/orange glow..but it happens so fast you can just..not see it.

The redraw still kinda annoys me...one of my fav things to do is use the last BoS stack to get OUT of a mob, and use Bullet Rain on it, and the redraw slows that combo down.

Likewise, using storm kick while jumping backward looks fully awesome, and it would be even cooler if I could draw my gun mid air and shot them in the face.

BoS into mob, dragons tail, storm kick the boss again, Bos, Bos OUT of mob, bullet rain back in, then Exc shot to the boss...wow! Fun stuff. I'm sure a bind for bos would help a lot.

This set would be awesome to see in the hands of a twitch/speed type player..could do some amazing stuff.

Changed my mind about Reaction Time..the absorb (low as it is) seems to really help, even soloing at 0/0. Also, being able to detoggle it if you get Slower is neat. Maybe it needs some slow resist though.

Oh yeah..the +recovery in RT is HUGE! Its over 3 times what a miracle + does! Crazy. Extra spot for a shifter proc too.



Still not seeing RftL (FTL!) doing much.
Can it stack? Is it even meant to?

Doing the PCM faultline arc, attacking 3 ebs constantly..and it didnt stack. EVER. If it cant, thats lame. Sure, its only the same buff as Claws/Follow but that you can have on allll the time, as well as when you need it.



To BRAD (sorry for caps, but so you dont miss it)

You were saying your Sub lasped and you cant get on Beta? I asked in another thread about this and..Jack was saying you can access Beta even if you arent a vip, now.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
To BRAD (sorry for caps, but so you dont miss it)

You were saying your Sub lasped and you cant get on Beta? I asked in another thread about this and..Jack was saying you can access Beta even if you arent a vip, now.
Yep, everyone is allowed on Beta now. Also, everyone is allowed to send PM on the boards, even Preems (not sure if receive was ever limited)!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Used an Alignment token to go Red. I love all the Sharkhead arcs.

Working on Dean's atm. His dialogue and briefings are great stuff. Cant wait to do the Villain i24 arcs with him.

Ummmm...found a bug!

Dean's first mission, where you see Ajax, and cant kill him. I kicked him..he took damage!
You have defeated Ajax
You gain 600 experience and 288 infamy.

Yay I broke the game! Woot for auto completes!

Oh..update! After I killed him, nothing happened. With the objectives I mean. Then, after writing the above (as in, teh TIME the mission took normally, as you try to kill him, and find out you cant) ..the objs just updated normally.
Game is fixed!



Trying out the new Presence pool stuff.

Pacify..single target placate, min rech. Sounds pretty handy for a blaster...but the DoT from my fire ammo may ruin it.

Will see.



Omg...one moment while I stop choking with laughter.

Doing the Defeat Ajax mission, where you get a flawed clone (with random powersets) helping you.
I am dp/mc.

And my clone..seems to be dual blades/dual pistols and..some secondary with Build up! (I just saw him use BU)
So the clone STILL is holding the two guns (and they are out constantly! how is that possible? Why arent OUR weapons out constantly?) yet he is also holding two custome swords..that springs out of the tops of the pistols. Hilarious.
Gunblades look better though.

You and Dean share an intense high-five together.

It was manly..dont look at me like that.



Time for Leonard's arc.

Another fav. The clone mission is awesome..not sure how 8 blasters are going to be to fight though..



If you only have premium you can still go to ouro and buy stacks of ultimate +1 lvl shift inspirations from the astral vendor also



Ki Push is suuuch fun.
Using it on someone in a warehouse, watching them fly back, hit a railing, slide along it, then fall backwards over it, all while I am shooting them in the head..awesome.

Storm kick is so cool looking too..I love bouncing away as I use it, looks really ninja like.

testing the blaster ato2 set also..got it in ExeShot..seems to go off a lot! It is pretty easy to keep up 3 stacks of mez prot. Still think mag 1 might be a it low..but considering how handy it would be..



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Hey Hopeling..are those bodysuit cossies just in the editor right away? I saw screenshots for them and was impressed.
They're in the beta store. I haven't been on beta in a while, so I dunno if it's still functioning properly, but they should be zero points like everything else.

And yeah, they're pretty awesome. This was the costume I was planning for my brute Red Vigor:

Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Still not seeing RftL (FTL!) doing much.
Can it stack? Is it even meant to?
AFAIK it doesn't stack and isn't supposed to; it has better uptime than Build Up does (especially with the near-guaranteed proc from BoS), especially if you're not talking high-recharge builds, but still, I think there was some room to improve the magnitude of the buff, especially since ALL Blasters have fast-recharging nukes in i24, which automatically favors a large-but-brief damage bonus over a smaller-but-better-uptime damage bonus.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

My spines bio was soo brokenly insane. With the 2 ato sets, even more so! I loved the first stalker set, but really thought it made stalkers to much like scrappers. Well..the 2nd scrappa ato fixed that! With bells on! Makes scrappers into super scrappers!

As an aside..I think spines bio is like..the best ciombo for the set. With the atos you get the +crit chance (of 3/6%) then the 50% for the next few attacks. Great thing is..it tells you when it goes off, and it goes off a LOT.
This is when the 2 damage auras shine, because even if you dont have an attack Q;d, or miss with the next..you have those 2 damage auras ticcing like made, and ALSO getting that +50% crit. I seriously see a wall of crits!
Where did you get the second ATOs? I never found a place they existed, other than the market, and even then I couldn't get a proc.

I also made a Spines/Bio Scrapper, though I probably had different intentions than you. My intention was to see if the fast-snipe change helped Spines in the single target department enough, and I did manage to beat down a level 54 Chimera. Basically, my build plan was recharge, resists, and enough defense to softcap with Shadow Meld, and I constantly used offensive mode for the extra ToHit so that Moonbeam could always fast fire.

Would have been interesting to see what impact the second scrapper set would have.

Anyway, I have a little beta trick: Buy lots and lots of Precise and Protected Dual Inspirations. Essentially popping 10 Precise inspirations and 2 or 3 Protected inspirations will be enough to cap damage and softcap defenses for a mission, because they last for 5 minutes. Combine with 4X Exp from patrol and Double Exp, and it makes leveling super easy.

TW/Elec Optimization



The ATO2s are in the Rogues & Vigilantes packs. Converters are helpful if you need a specific piece.



yep..as Hope said, get a ton of super packs and convert what you need. Not as fast as being able to get them via emp merits..but still free!

Still think Rftl should have been able to stack..maybe if it got a 100% proc from BoS and EC. As you say Hope..short duration, burst damage is what blasters want, and with the nukes, more so.

Going back to what I was saying about Claws...follow up DOES stack. And works every time that power hits..not randomly.
Its even worse for combos like DP and AR, who dont get a build up..which is another issue of course.



Really liking the PLacte pool power.

Works great when theres an extra nasty baddie about. Used it a lot in darrin's arc..all those mobs with multiple bosses. Aoe both, placate one, kill the other. Neat stuff.



Just got Inner will!

When pushed to your limit, you can tap into an inner reserve of power, allowing you to overcome impossible odds. When you are below half health, below half endurance, or the victim of any status effect, you may activate Inner Will. Inner Will cancels any status effects currently affecting you, increases your resistance to status effects by 100%, and increases the power of your own status effect-inducing powers. Inner Will also heals you for a moderate amount when activated. Recharge: Very Long

'Any' status effect will be cancelled? Is that a money back promise? I wonder if it wonder cancel if I was hit by GW soul storm..or Seq'd on a BAF.

Hmm..minor problem. With the DefAmp on..I never get mezzed, so guess I can only use it when under the hp threshold.



Ok..bit annoying.
Inner Will doesnt light up when you CAN use it. I was really expecting it too..and it would make sense.
The heal it gives is very small, like a tic of 75/75+X (seems slotting only buffs one of the tics) but I guess its better than nothing.

Looked at the info after I used it..applies a -SIX mag mez prot to you..so while good, it will hardly break 'any' mez in the game.



It actually applies a scaling amount of protection, specifically 1 more than whatever mag is currently affecting you. So it pretty much does what it says: cancels effects currently on you (although the protection then lasts 30 seconds, even if the mez expires before then). There's supposed to be a cap on its magnitude to prevent it from breaking stuff like Sequester, but idk what the cap is or if it's even working, since I can use it while Resting and get mag 101 immob protection.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
It actually applies a scaling amount of protection, specifically 1 more than whatever mag is currently affecting you. So it pretty much does what it says: cancels effects currently on you (although the protection then lasts 30 seconds, even if the mez expires before then). There's supposed to be a cap on its magnitude to prevent it from breaking stuff like Sequester, but idk what the cap is or if it's even working, since I can use it while Resting and get mag 101 immob protection.
Awesome, that is pretty cool. The Mag +1.
When I used it just now, I was at half hp, no mez at all, and got mag -6. Which is still pretty darn awesome on a blaster.
And lol@using it will resting.



odd bug with Inner will and/or the blaster ato..

No idea how to try replicate it but..

I was fighting Barracuda, used IW just before she died, then kept fighting the ambushing freaks.

I had teh DefAMp all the while, giving mag 4 status prot to everything. I was NOT mezzed at all (as in, not freak attacks had applied a mez effect)

Attacking away, and then IW dropped and I was suddenly Held, Feared, Stunned and Slept, Confused and Immob..ALL at once. The red text and teh mez effects themselves were SO brief, I didnt even notice my toon being unable to move etc etc.

Never seen anything like it. All I can think of is that the IW mez prot and resistance, was conflicting with the +mag from teh blaster proc..and when it wore off..BOOM..mez madness?



Not sure I like the whole conditions thing to activate IW.

If you are fighting a boss or hard target, and they hit you with a 'moderate' attack, that cna very often put you just above 50% hp..and unable to use IW. Yet...you KNOW (from past experience) that if said boss hits you, with one of his big attacks..you are going to lose MORE than 50% hp..and die, instantly.

Also..the slow in Reaction Time is pretty darn good! Was slowing Metal SHift to a crawl!