You can have my stuff!




Could I have lot 23, the Gladiator's Armor teleportation protection/+3% defense? My global is @Iolite Phoenix (first letter is an i not an L). Thank you!



Could I have lot 11, the other Defender ATO set?

My Global is @7th Seal1




Lot 19 would be great.
Lot 12 would be nice too.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by IolitePhoenix View Post
Could I have lot 23, the Gladiator's Armor teleportation protection/+3% defense? My global is @Iolite Phoenix (first letter is an i not an L). Thank you!
Originally Posted by Ouul View Post
May I please have a Gladiator's Armor teleportation protection/+3% defense lvl 50 if it's still about?

I won't be online for the next 6 hours, but ingame email to @Ouul will work!
It looks like the two I had were already claimed by the first page, so I'll have to see if I have any others lying about. I've updated the list to show what's gone.

Will work at sending out everything when I get home from work this evening.

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Looks like Lot 4 Scrapper's Strike is unclaimed -- I would take that if available. Working on a Scrapper right now.

Global is @Sailboat.

Might not have enough room in e-mail -- I'll check tonight.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



If you still have a Scrappers Strike set, I would appreciate it. I've decided to try to get one character to 50 befor the world shuts down.

Send it to @Prentar (I'm on the Champions server if that makes a difference).

I've only been playing since late June. And I'm all ready depressed and shocked at this game being shut down.

(Oops, just noticed Sailboat may have beat me to it. Oh well.)



I'll take lot 4 plz @ Powerblast , thx



That's 3 people asking for the Scrapper's Strike set, but I should have enough in base to get all three of you. As I said, I have a lot of Scrapper's Strike...

Updating to show that's gone as well.

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Lot 13 - @Shadeknight.
If thats claimed, Lot 8



I would love to have lot 9. If you could e-mail it to @Guardian Irish-Fury that would be fantastic!



My friend and I are trying to kit out his stalker at last. If you could please, we'll take the Stalker's guile set.

Lot 8 @Malli would help us tremendously.



I have a couple of toons that could use lot 14 and lot 15. @ura hero

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
Could I please have the Unbreakable Constraint set? My global is @Blackmoor.
Thank you very much in advance.
Can you verify that there's a period at the end of your global? Just want to be sure.

Okay, nevermind, I figured it out. You and Sailboat had me a bit confused with a period at the end of the sentence.

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Everything should be sent by now, except for 4 of a scrapper's set because Powerblast's e-mail is full as far as i can tell.

Only thing unclaimed:

Lot 16: 3 Achilles's Heel Chance for Resistance Debuff, level 18 now improved with 3 pcs (full set) Rectified Reticle. (all level 20 I think....)

Lot 27: Full set Blaster's Wrath claimed
Lot 28: Full set Ascendency of the Dominator claimed
Lot 29: Full set Ascendency of the Dominator
Lot 30: Full set Malice of the Corruptor claimed
Lot 31; Full set Malice of the Corruptor
Lot 32: Full set Malice of the Corruptor
Lot 33: Full set Might of the Tanker claimed
Lot 34: Full set Might of the Tanker
Lot 35: Full set Defender's Bastion claimed
Lot 36: Full set Brute's Fury claimed
Lot 37: Full set Scrapper's Strike claimed
Lot 38: Full set Scrapper's Strike claimed
Lot 39: Full set Stalker's Guile claimed
Lot 40: Full set Dominion of Arachnos claimed
Lot 41; Full set Kheldian's Grace
Lot 42: Full set Obliteration, level 30-34 (mixed) claimed
Lot 43: Overwhelming Force KD/KB IO, uknown level

Won't be doing any deliveries on these until tomorrow, and please post in the thread, don't PM me. I only know who claimed what first by what was posted first, PMs go to the back of the line!

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Thank you very much, Organica.



Sorry about the full e-mail. I have cleared it if u can plz send the other 4 atos it would be greatly appreciated. thx @Powerblast



Originally Posted by Powerblast View Post
Sorry about the full e-mail. I have cleared it if u can plz send the other 4 atos it would be greatly appreciated. thx @Powerblast

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I should thank Organica for the last experiment. It taught me how to play the market successfully instead of just farming for purple drops to make money.



If no one else is really interested, I'd also take take lot 36 off your hands too, please ( ' :





I'd be interested in Lot 37, myself, one of the scrapper ATO sets.

If that's not available, then lot 41, the kheld set would be good.

Thank you, Organica!

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Was wondering when people would notice my post down at the bottom of page 2. ^_^

Sure, both of you, I'll send the stuff tomorrow sometime. ^_^

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I'll take lot 33 and thanks once again



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post

I'd be interested in Lot 37, myself, one of the scrapper ATO sets.

If that's not available, then lot 41, the kheld set would be good.

Thank you, Organica!
Can I assume that your global is the same as your board name? You didn't say.

Stuff sent to Tex and Power!

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IF we are able to make more then one claim?

Lot 38. @Shadeknight