Convert all IO sets to attuned

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But you either have to replace that gear with better more improved stats or you have to replace/upgrade the skills. That is to say, a weapon might have a specified number of damage points it deals in conjunction with your stats. That's replaced when a better weapon that has a higher value of damage becomes available that you can put your resources into improving over a weaker old weapon.

Conversely, for static skills that perform a certain way, those are replaced by newer skills with higher value effects.

There should always be an avenue of upgrading, modifying AND replacing *along with* increasing in level and obtaining new skills.

That's kind of an attribute of RPG video games, the micromanagement of a character's skills, stats and level.
I don't see how that compares to live where SOs don't get any stronger. You're just replacing the same thing over and over again. If they were static at least you could put enhancement boosters in them. Or maybe combine them like live up until +3 to maintain a potential growth, then use enhancement boosters beyond.

I apologize. MajorDecoy has reminded me that this is the wrong thread to even be talking about this in. I'm just going to drop it.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
I don't see how that compares to live where SOs don't get any stronger. You're just replacing the same thing over and over again.
The point was, you either have this or you either have that. What I was trying to say is, our powers don't get replaced, they just get stronger so no replacing Fireball with Fireball II and Fireball III later. Same with weapons, you don't later find an upgraded Impervium Katana that does 10% more damage than a Steel Katana, your Katana attacks simply scale with your level and stats.

What you're doing with enhancements is 'maintaining'. I never played one of the popular MMOs where you had to repair your equipment so it continues to work properly, but that's basically what it amounts to.

If they were static at least you could put enhancement boosters in them. Or maybe combine them like live up until +3 to maintain a potential growth, then use enhancement boosters beyond.
It'd also replace the need to maintain enhancements. You get a dmg SO enhancement, plot it into an attack and forget about that slot forever. I suppose if your perspective is that you don't want to micromanage enhancements, then of course you're going to prefer the attuned everything route. I wouldn't blame you.

But that's the draw of IOs, that there's less maintaining but one has to craft them/buy them off the market. You want to use IOs because it requires a different kind of micromanagement. They don't expire and wear but then there's the whole side issue with exemplaring and how the bonuses are affected by them...origin enhancements, to my knowledge, don't have issues with exemplaring...they always provide whatever bonus they do as long as the slot they're in is available at your level. If you want the same thing with IOs, you have to micromanage the levels of your IOs.

It's just another aspect of RPGs, IMO. Some will not have a problem managing their enhancements a certain way. Personally, I have no problem with SOs and their corrode and the levels of IOs. What I don't really manage is exemplaring. I just go with whatever power/value I have during exemplaring and be done with it. Others, on the other hand, have no qualms tweeking the particular levels and bonuses of their inventions to get max benefit up to [X] level down. That's just busy work to me.

Now if we're trying to quell busy work with enhancements, I've got a lot of ideas that mainly have to do with the buy/slot interface. Don't really need to reface the enhancement system to make it less clunky.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Things this would break:

Enhancement Boosters. These currently work with invention origin IOs but not with attuned IOs.
You say that like it would be a bad thing. Removing even a tiny element of pay to win is a bonus IMO.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
You say that like it would be a bad thing. Removing even a tiny element of pay to win is a bonus IMO.
They exist in game already and people have paid for them. And since they are in super packs, there's a lot more of them out there. They can't just remove them and pretend they never happened, they would have to make it so boosters would work with attuned enhancements.



Hey, Bill, if you're gonna insult ProgressQuest, I'm gonna grab my Level 2 Land Squid Tickle-Mimic and kick ur butt!

Wow... Just... wow. Land Squid Tickle-Mimic. I... I'm just speechless.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
What you're doing with enhancements is 'maintaining'. I never played one of the popular MMOs where you had to repair your equipment so it continues to work properly, but that's basically what it amounts to.
Interesting point, Leo... but assuming you did play one of those RPGs with item decay, you'd remember that there's a "repair all" button that essentially accomplishes the impossibly tedious 'maintenance' SOs require. It's press "repair all" vs squinting at an ugly menu for half an hour every 5 levels, full of similar stuff with unintuitive names and mutually exclusive origin types. Plus, when gear decay actually starts to make sense (at level cap), it stops working...

There's a big difference between what's happening here and what happens in other games. Upgrading the Buster Sword to an Ultima Weapon isn't the same as replacing a lvl 40 Awakening with a lvl 45 Awakening. There's no new graphics involved. No extra materia slots. No actual accuracy increase. No incentive to do so at all. To make matters worse, the Buster Sword stops working once you ding 45, so you'll actually find yourself fighting empty-handed midfight. And if things couldn't get any worse, the Ultima Weapon will barely work at all against a pair of low level street thugs when you're exemplaring in Sector 6 Slums. Needless to say, I haven't slotted a single SO since IOs made it to live servers.

As for the OP suggestion, I'll /sign it, mostly because attuned IOs would solve the problem of set bonuses disappearing when you exemplar, which is a bummer when most of the new content being released is non-50.



This could be good for refreshing the supply of recipes available to mid-range players.

A few months back I had a hell of a time getting hold of 5 pieces of Malaise' Illusions for my Mind Controller in the mid 30s. They weren't expensive, but just not available at all below level 50.

I'm guessing that a lot of farming and generation goes on at level 50 (for purple drops, plus mature builds). Making all Ios attuned would stop this pattern where there's a dearth of many recipes in the mid range and stacks of them available at 50.

So it would work well for people like me who favour running lost of alts and IO-ing them as I go



while I'd be all for removing levels from IOs, simple because it'd make getting the ball rolling on sets that much quicker.

I'd like to bring up, the badges. while I am not a badge hunter by any stretch, but i have a close friend that is, and i know a lot of people like to hunt badges, and the invention system is LITTERED with em, so there's that to consider to.

as for removing levels from normal enhancements, >.> eh .... i could take or leave that, i have enough INF spread between characters, (and a half billion or so on one) that any lowbie i ever roll again will be set for life, so it really would only effect SUPER new players, by making it easier on the ones that don't get invention drops to slot, since mission pay outs kinda blow at low levels

other wise, yeah, i'll sign off on it



I don't immediately see anything really wrong with making IO sets attuned, but I also don't really see anything right with it, either. It is more of a convenience move than it is anything else, and I'm hesitant to violently shake the market over convenience.

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