Disappointing Week in the Market -- Nothing new, no SSA?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
No-one is forcing you to read them and post in them.

And no, I do not see why someone posting their displeasure must automatically come off as entitlement. These people want to give Paragon Studios their money, that's anything but entitled.

Further, in regards to the SSAs, when Freedom was announced we were explicitly told we were going to get a new SSA every month, and we've been getting them decidedly less often than that. Part of our VIP subscription was supposedly going to get us those monthly stories.*
Where exactly is the "entitlement" in wanting what we were told we would get?

No-one ever said any differently.
SSAs and powersets aren't the only things they release. This is still pretty much the first week where nothing new was released.

*In fact, we were also told we would get a couple of comic pages at the start of each one, like with the tutorial. Whatever happened to those? We got a single picture with each story of the first SSA and with the second it seems we're going to get screen-shots.
Ehm, just 2 things there

1: Yes, they said we would get an SSA every month. However, Zwillinger (I think it was him) has also stated multiple times that there will be gaps in between the different story arcs, to make and test the new ones. Once an SSA is started, like now, then it will be monthly, till it ends. Then they may wait till the next issue to fully test and make sure the SSA's are completed. We still have 2 weeks this month.

2: There have been many more weeks that we got "nothing". Mainly look at the months before issue 24, April and May. All they offered was nothing more than sets on sale. Because they were working on the issue mainly. They can't always have a lot of stuff ready to give away. We already get more than we used to.

Also, I think thirty-seven's problem is about there every week beiing a thread that it's a dissapointing week, not just this one. And that the feedback isn't always useful feedback but more "I don't like it, I want something else."


It may not be a good week, but well we just got water blast. Not everyone likes it. But look at it like this, they could either publish everything at once with a lot of bugs, making a lot of people annoyed that the stuff doesn't work properly and try to solve it with tons of maintenances (more complaining), and ending up with extremely long periods with nothing.

We'll get the next SSA either next week, or after that. Then there are the rogue and vigilante superpacks coming end july beginning of august. And who knows, we may get the cybertech costume somewhere next month too, in top of the mako week. AND we still have 2 powersets waiting, and last time that happened they also released about 1 powerset every month (that means, if they have powersets ready and tested,...).

So cheer up everyone. We still got plenty of stuff coming. Patience isn't always a waste of time.

...now if they only would stop putting devs in their "secret project"...



Originally Posted by Sebaddon View Post
Ehm, just 2 things there

1: Yes, they said we would get an SSA every month. However, Zwillinger (I think it was him) has also stated multiple times that there will be gaps in between the different story arcs, to make and test the new ones. Once an SSA is started, like now, then it will be monthly, till it ends. Then they may wait till the next issue to fully test and make sure the SSA's are completed. We still have 2 weeks this month.
Was the mentioned beforehand? If it was, I never saw it.

There's a great big difference between going "We're going to release one every month, then a gap before the next set start." and going "We're going to release one every month." then, 5 months into the first arc go "Oh, but there's going to be a gap between the first arc and the second."

The latter is what I remember happening.

2: There have been many more weeks that we got "nothing". Mainly look at the months before issue 24, April and May. All they offered was nothing more than sets on sale. Because they were working on the issue mainly. They can't always have a lot of stuff ready to give away. We already get more than we used to.
Those weeks weren't nothing, they were sales on sets that were newly released on the market. Those sets were the new thing.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Yeah, to you.

stating that you aren't pleased with the selections this week (especially if specific comments are made about what -should- be on the market)
That sound exactly like what the marketing people would want to know about, right?



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Thirty-Seven, just think of them as this:
Can't. Those two "guys" were genuinely funny.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Can't. Those two "guys" were genuinely funny.

I just chalk it up to entertainment not being what it used to be...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



What people define as feedback can differ from game to game, from community to community. For some games, feedback is something like "any reaction to an idea or change, be it positive or negative".
For others, it's more like "positive reactions = feedback, negative reactions = whining".

Personally, it is my hope that the devs take the former stance, rather than the latter. Ignoring negative feedback and only listening to the positive side of things have led to some very, very poor decisions in other games.



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
What people define as feedback can differ from game to game, from community to community. For some games, feedback is something like "any reaction to an idea or change, be it positive or negative".
For others, it's more like "positive reactions = feedback, negative reactions = whining".

Personally, it is my hope that the devs take the former stance, rather than the latter. Ignoring negative feedback and only listening to the positive side of things have led to some very, very poor decisions in other games.
Unfortunately the forumers appear to view it as the latter.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
.... yes, but that doesn't change how long it's been between parts 1 and 2 of a story arc that was supposed to have one chapter released every month. (With the implied meaning of "released approximately 28-30 days apart")

They'll probably release it next week, but that still makes it almost two months since the release of part 1, and that's getting people edgy.

New powersets and new story arcs are very different types of content vectors, and one shouldn't preclude the other.
Ehhh I wouldn't necessarily say this is true. The powers and animations teams may be needed for the arcs, but they have probably been busy with new powersets. There IS actual overlap in some areas.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!