Pre ED vs. IO's/Incarnate




Pre-ED my Dark/Dark Defender was flooring -to hit on mobs and I always had multiple Dark Fluffies out thanks to six slotted Hasten. While I do indeed miss the days of seeing fire tanks herd the entire map and dive into a dumpster to burn everything and watching blasters nova all over...I definitely like the modern era a lot more--things are a lot more evened out nowadays.

Psyphon lvl 50 Mind/Psy/Psy Dom Freedom
'Healer' dependency is like filling a car with airbags instead of having a seatbelt. -- Lady Sadako



Overall I think things are better off now than they were in pre-ED days, and if you count incarnate abilities, in general, we're all more powerful too.

But I sure do miss being able to kill 300 guys at a time with inferno on my fire blaster.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
That's a ridiculous statement.

Power levels were MUCH more polarized back in the old days, when it was basically Tank/Blaster/Six Random Characters To Pad The Mission.

IOs massively leveled the playing field for the non-FOTM power combinations.
For those that can afford them. For those who do not have the understanding of how influence is made in the game IOs themselves are largely inaccessible and that leaves them definitely in the land of the have nots.

Under construction



I just hate to pile onto Shubbie but he's even wronger than he appears prima facie due to super sidekicking. Remember bridging? Who could forget? I can't even explain the concept without using profanity so I hope it's fresh in everyone's minds. Suffice it to say that I can now take basically any of my incarnates and powerlevel seven arbitrary door sitters. That's somehow worse for teaming than it used to be? Sure.

On topic, I liked how sturdy my old regen scrapper was but what could we really do with it? In considering now versus then balance we must also consider what was on offer in terms of activities. The only way to challenge yourself was pointlessly soloing giant monsters for no reward, tanking hami which said regen scrappers could do while unconscious, and the thrilling challenge of trying to complete a task force back when a disconnect of any kind meant you were permanently kicked. I didn't see anyone bring up issue zero smoke grenade but it's demonstrative of my point: great, you can kill everything in dark astoria with literally no risk. Then what? Then you probably cancelled your sub in anticipation of WoW's fantastic launch. Now we not only have plenty of absurd power, we have challenges to apply it to.



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
For those that can afford them.
ANYONE who wants them can afford them.
They're available via so many various currencies & routes now the only explanation for someone running on SOs or generics would be a profound lack of interest in set IOs.

For those who do not have the understanding of how influence is made in the game IOs themselves are largely inaccessible and that leaves them definitely in the land of the have nots.
I have zero sympathy for the man who starves to death with a massive banquet spread out on the table because he was too lazy to put fork to mouth.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
ANYONE who wants them can afford them.
They're available via so many various currencies & routes now the only explanation for someone running on SOs or generics would be a profound lack of interest in set IOs.
Influence and money grow on trees now?

I have zero sympathy for the man who starves to death with a massive banquet spread out on the table because he was too lazy to put fork to mouth.
I think you could have cut that sentence off after the fourth word and been plenty accurate.

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Influence and money grow on trees now?
Influence, yes, pretty much. RL money, still no, but it's no more necessary for IOs than it's ever been.

You don't need to be a market guru to run tip missions and cash in the merits, or most of the 417 other ways to quickly and easily obtain very valuable items.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Influence, yes, pretty much. RL money, still no, but it's no more necessary for IOs than it's ever been.
No, influence does NOT grow on trees.

You don't need to be a market guru to run tip missions and cash in the merits, or most of the 417 other ways to quickly and easily obtain very valuable items.
No, but you have to know the methods that pay the rewards and those are not obvious for people who either were not around when those methods went in or have joined the game subsequently. Its part of a learning curve that you may never climb without substantial investment in time spent not playing the game.

I bought one set of recipes and the requisite materials to craft them and it cost me a little over 200 million influence. Hmmm. . .how did I happen to have the influence to do so? I'll tell you it did not come from running regular missions. I got incredibly lucky in my grouping with 50s and got 3 purple drops in a month that sold for 1.2 billion. Before that the concept of even having 200 million was a prospect of months of effort based on what I knew of the game from having played it in its first year.

For those of you lipping off about riches, the dessert may be rich in things to survive on if you know what to look for but for most people from the inner city its barren. The same applies here with regard to acquiring influence in the quanitity necessary to kite out a character in the fashion that is being talked about here (because I am pretty sure we're not talking common IOs putting a character at being on par with pre-ED characters).

Heck, I've been back in the game for 7 months and only last month learned there was a process for memorizing recipes for common IOs. Now take the run of the mill character who downloads the game and starts to play with no extra knowledge. Factor in too that most people who play aren't frequenting these forums and don't have any other regular source of information about the fine points of the game. Heck, the help system is far from straightforward to access. Just how much inforamation is at site that the average person won't know exists?

Yes, there are methods for generating influence. Acting like everyone knows them and thus has an easy path to doing so is beyond credible.

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
No, influence does NOT grow on trees.
I have spent roughly zero hours in the last year focused on earning influence. The only inf I've earned from the market has been from selling items I obtained as drops or via merits I got from stuff I wanted to do anyway. The only farming I've done has been, hm... I haven't actually done any. I don't have a character that could farm competently if I even wanted to.

Currently, starting from approximately broke a year ago, I have every 50 I care about (about ten at the moment) equipped with the best build I want, plus a few billion liquid.

Yes, inf does grow on trees. Knowledge is definitely a part of it, but you don't have to be a market expert or an awesome farmer to make hundreds of millions. I'm certainly not in either category. I agree with Nethergoat: anyone who has IO access, knows what an IO build is, wants an IO build, and tries to obtain an IO build, will be able to do so, fairly easily.



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
ED wasnt for IO's really. I remembr jack posting somthing along the lines of "I never expected players to slot 6 of the same type of enhancment, and even totally ignore secondary effect enhancment" which is of course, totally rediculous for a designer to overlook.

So, in a way, ED was more about forcing players to slot like Jack wanted them to all along.
Add too that some people campaigned for ED, arguing that they felt they couldn't optimize or were somehow being penalized for making choices other than 1xAcc,5xDamage for powers.

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Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I have spent roughly zero hours in the last year focused on earning influence. The only inf I've earned from the market has been from selling items I obtained as drops or via merits I got from stuff I wanted to do anyway. The only farming I've done has been, hm... I haven't actually done any. I don't have a character that could farm competently if I even wanted to.

Currently, starting from approximately broke a year ago, I have every 50 I care about (about ten at the moment) equipped with the best build I want, plus a few billion liquid.
Nice and wonderful but you do realize generalizing from one's own perspective is not going to put you in place to understand someone else's?

I bet Bill Gates can tell a nice story too about how all he did was going to school and found a company. Thing is there was a bit more involved than that.

Fact of the matter is I have encountered multiple people in my time back who look at the totals tossed about, compare what they earn and make the conclusion that they are missing out on something. I've seen that time and again. In fact just this past weekend I had the SG leader of one of the SGs one of my characters belongs to off me 50 million influence and when I turned it down, noting I knew he was struggling to come by influence and that I had tons more than he was offering socked away had him asking what I did to earn it. That does not happen if it is as straightforward and as obvious as you and Nether Goat maintain.

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Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Nice and wonderful but you do realize generalizing from one's own perspective is not going to put you in place to understand someone else's?
But your anecdotal evidence was totally a valid generalization?

You don't need to understand the whole market. You don't need to know everything that can be bought with every kind of currency. You don't need billions to make a solid build. It takes one good market niche, one question in /help, one quick tip from another player, to learn how to earn enough for almost anything you could want. Keeping your SOs up to date so they didn't turn red was harder. I'm not saying everyone knows the methods instinctively, I'm saying that the methods are right out in the open for anyone who attempts to look.

Someone who totally doesn't understand how other players can have so much inf, wants to have that much inf, and does not bother to ask or look for info is the kind of person I'm saying is their own obstacle.



If you just play the game, sell your stuff when you find it, you will comfortably earn (without exaggeration) billions.

I did it myself - after I stopped bothering with flipping on the market and I just did a bunch of hero tips and 50 content.

It's so easy to make money you just play your character and you'll be right.



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
For those that can afford them. For those who do not have the understanding of how influence is made in the game IOs themselves are largely inaccessible and that leaves them definitely in the land of the have nots.
This game's market and various other means of obtaining "stuff" are, from what I can tell, some of the most hands-off, easy to use for a "layman" in MMO-dom. I believe it's harder to figure out how to put IOs to good use than it is to obtain them, in terms of the game knowledge required.

Those who have no understanding of how influence is made are those who have not tried to learn, do not want to, or have learned and prefer not to use the knowledge. While only the first can easily be changed, the player does have to make the effort to do so.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
I bet Bill Gates can tell a nice story too about how all he did was going to school and found a company. Thing is there was a bit more involved than that.
Except that analogy is horrible.

Just some time spent poking around in the interface and actually playing the game earns you money. You don't need LotGs and purples raining on you to become rich. I earn 10s of millions of inf every day I spend a few hours playing just working with uncommons, inspirations and converters that come my way playing a level 50. There's some market and game knowledge required to know what to craft and sell and what to vendor, but it's not even on the same planet, let alone same ballpark, as what Bill Gates needed to do, be and manage to get rich.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



You used to get around 200-300 millions influence if you played from level 1 to 50 normally, without farming anything, selling your common stuff (enhancements, standard IOs) to the vendor and listing your remaining drops for 1 influence on the market. With the introduction of hero merits and signature story arcs and enhancement converters smoothing out the worth of rare IOs, I'd wager that total would be higher now.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
But your anecdotal evidence was totally a valid generalization?
No. What I am telling you is that people aren't lying. If a person tells you they are finding it difficult why are you here saying they aren't?

I've told you how their difficulty comes about. If you want to maintain otherwise I have better things to do than try to convince you otherwise.

Under construction



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Except that analogy is horrible.
Don't confuse you not liking it with it being horrible.

Just some time spent poking around in the interface and actually playing the game earns you money. You don't need LotGs and purples raining on you to become rich. I earn 10s of millions of inf every day I spend a few hours playing just working with uncommons, inspirations and converters that come my way playing a level 50. There's some market and game knowledge required to know what to craft and sell and what to vendor, but it's not even on the same planet, let alone same ballpark, as what Bill Gates needed to do, be and manage to get rich.
Key words bolded above, echoing what I've stated.

Under construction



So the capacity for learning and knowing things about the game is an onerous requirement and a bridge too far for you?



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
No. What I am telling you is that people aren't lying. If a person tells you they are finding it difficult why are you here saying they aren't?
No, I believe you are entirely correct:
Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Fact of the matter is I have encountered multiple people in my time back who look at the totals tossed about, compare what they earn and make the conclusion that they are missing out on something.
I'm saying that the person who concludes they are missing out on something, wants to know what that something is, and makes no effort to find out is their own obstacle. The game or the market isn't holding them back.

...and yeah, actually, if Bill Gates had become a billionaire by wandering around on his days off, doing whatever struck his fancy until it became boring without regard for the money he'd earn doing it, and also being incredibly irresponsible with the money he did earn, and without encountering any particular lucky breaks, he'd have pretty good justification for calling the rest of us lazy and incompetent for our financial troubles.



For the ED vs. IOs conversation, I really prefer it with IOs. They opened many alternative build strategies in addition to leveling the playing field for powerset combinations. Most of my characters are now way more powerful, due to bug fixes, buffs to powersets and most of all, improved knowledge of the game mechanics. I do miss AoEs with no target caps, though

As for the second conversation in this thread:
I think it's rather funny that people assume you are talking about a totally min/maxed super expensive build when all you did was mention the phrase "IO build". If getting an IO build made up of uncommon sets is too much of an obstacle, all that tells to me is that you aren't willing to put the slightest bit of effort in getting IOs. Just doing missions has uncommons raining on you.

Claiming that IOs are difficult to get is just ridiculous, claiming that it is difficult to maximize the benefits of the various IO set bonuses is a whole other thing. And, to be honest, there is nothing that difficult about the market that a little bit of effort and thinking wouldn't get you through. That effort might very well require you to - *gasp* - ask someone for help or actually find out about it on the internet on your own if getting help is too much for you.

As Nethergoat said, I don't think there should be any sympathy for those who claim it's too hard to get stuff in this game. For the past year I've been playing on a very limited time schedule (military service, woop) and still have managed to get billions worth of stuff just playing the game and not even touching the market for anything else but selling drops or buying stuff I'm actually intending to use. It might require some knowledge on the game, but it really isn't that hard to come by if you want to find out.

In any other environment people wouldn't have any qualms about people telling you to do something if you wanted to reach a goal, but in MMOs it seems many think it's the goal that should move to reach you.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I think it's rather funny that people assume you are talking about a totally min/maxed super expensive build when all you did was mention the phrase "IO build".
I thinnk its rather funny how many people think they are so witty to find something funny. Because when the conversation is about what is/was POSSIBLE you're talking about the limits, not the run of the mill and not the suboptimal.

Talking about how fast a human can run versus how fast a cheetah can run is not talking about the human jogging and the cheetah trotting, its talking about them both at full runs.

That said, the IO period is definitely more interesting than pre-ED days, even considering no other factors than ED and IOs.

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Key words bolded above, echoing what I've stated.
No, it's not what you stated. What you stated makes it sound as if the time spent and knowledge required, put together, represent a significant barrier. They do not represent a significant barrier, unless the player in question insists that they do. As I said, the knowledge and time we're talking about to earn 5-50M inf a day spent playing are significantly lower than that required to gain the game knowledge required understand how to build a really top-end build.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
No, it's not what you stated. What you stated makes it sound as if the time spent and knowledge required, put together, represent a significant barrier.
Word of advice. . .never tell the other person what he said (unless you're going to quote them and show them in contradiction) say what you understood.

It represents a barrier. The level of subjective significance is all in if you get past the barrier or not.

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Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Word of advice. . .never tell the other person what he said (unless you're going to quote them and show them in contradiction) say what you understood.

It represents a barrier. The level of subjective significance is all in if you get past the barrier or not.
There is no barrier save ones own ignorance. One has the power to educate themselves if they choose to.

If you see things are more expensive than your typical earnings in game and wonder why.... ASK SOMEONE! It's THAT simple to make money.


NEWBIE SAYS: "Can anyone tell me how to make influence to afford expensive IO's? Or how to get expensive IO's in game?"

EXPERIENCE GUY SAY: "Sure you can use reward merits from doing story arcs via Ouroboros or use Alignment merits through tips and Signature Story Arcs to buy expensive recipes, craft em and use or sell em!"

OTHER EXPERIENCED GUY SAYS: "I make inf farming Architect missions that favor my power sets and use the tickets to get recipes and expensive salvage to use or sell!"

YET ANOTHER EXPERIENCED GUY SAYS: "I just play the market. I find things in high demand, place lowball bids in bulk and then resell at a huge mark up!"

If you never ask questions your ignorance is your own fault. You have the power to change but it is up to you to make the effort by asking questions.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30