Advertisements for City of Heroes




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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This all is making me wonder just what Black Pebble really does besides making sure information is withheld, items on the market get pushed forward or held back, and suggesting which characters get killed off?
That's exactly the same question much of the playerbase has been asking itself for years.



There were magazine ads for CoH and CoV back when PC game magazines existed, in print.

TV ads are really too expensive even for highly targeted runs (CN, SyFy, G4, Hub, Nick*). I was hoping for a GameStop one when Going Rogue came out but that didn't happen (or I simply didn't see it).

The game has been set decoration in Chuck and Big Bang Theory (even mentioned recently in actual dialog).

Not advertising directly but there was even a Forbes article way back in the early days of the game.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Like others have said not that many. One good tie in was Heroclix, at least for my wife and me its how we started playing COH and haven't stopped since. Both games are very good and fun but both have small dedicated player base with little to no advertising.

Basically you got a random COH/COV Heroclix in each box of COV and a complete collection of them in the special edition. I picked up the special edition just for the Heroclix figures ( I had to have them all) then decided to give the free month a try.

They also later gave out random Heroclix figures (especially lots of Ghost Widows) at conventions and to stores that ran Heroclix events.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



I actually recall seeing a full page spread of City of Villains (you know the one, where Lord Recluse is leaning over an unconscious Statesman) in a local newspaper, weirdly long after CoV was released. As in, within the last few years.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Caesar's ghost, you're right! I had forgotten about the PvP webcomic tie-ins. Geez, the first one was over 10 freakin' years ago; how did that happen!!?
So, after reading almost 3 years worth of PvP I finally found them.
CoH Comics
I remember them being part of the collectors(?) edititon...anyway, the one with the VIP badge


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



It's one of those spend a lot on adds in hope to get more folks / dont spend so much on adds and wonder how to get more people... but plz dont compare how we do adds to WoW im sick of that lol.



now that i think of it, i can not for the life of me remember how i was introduced to the game...

i know that i redeemed my code right after CoV was launched.

i know that i'd had my box of CoH purchased and waiting on my desk for a wicked long time until i had a computer that could run it and internets. months.

i know that before i saved up to buy it i saw it on shelves in the store and would longingly stare at the back of the box.

i know that before i bought it i had a game called "freedom force" that i couldnt figure out so stopped playing.

there must have been something though, to make me want to play the game beyond the box. and i dont think it was a commercial on the tele because i didnt recognize the one from the link posted earlier in this thread... and i wasnt a big internet/computer user. and i have a STRONG feeling that i was excited about the game right before it was released, then super sad when it was released but i didnt have internet/was broke so had to wait before i could buy it then stare at the box til i could play it...


:shrug: oh well



I didn't find COH because of an ad. I found it because it was on sale at Wal-Mart and I felt like playing it.

I remember comic book ads for it. I don't recall seeing them anywhere but in the COH comics.

COV, I saw a poster or two for in some shops.

Other than those and (recent, by comparison) MMO/gaming site coverage, I can't think of seeing much advertising.



I seem to recall around the time that Going Rogue went live that I updated my ATI graphics card drivers and low and behold I was pleasantly surprised to see an advert for the game expansion in the install window showing off Desdemona's hot pant clad rear



I've seen banner ads on tvtropes of all places once in a while...but those ARE google ads and it's when I'm looking at the City of Heroes trope page...



I randomly saw a commercial for it one night...I think it was during Impact wrestling or something.