So, What's Preventing Costume Asymmetry?




In your examples it's still a single selection. I think the OP's question about asymmetry is more along the line of selecting different gloves, boots, shoulders for each side of character. Other than choosing the one robot arm torso and them being able to customize each arm, you are stuck with symmetry.

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asking why they don't double the number of costume piece and pattern locations?

because that is what you are asking for if you can choose separately for the sides of your body



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Also a fair assessment. However, doesn't the existence of just one set mean the devs had to, at some point, have said "Well, here's the deal... This could cause the server some severe problems if too many people wear it at once. Let's put it in game anyway."?

I don't see a multitude of people walking around with said arms, but they're still available- couldn't it be considered non-game-breaking to implement something like that on a larger scale?

Once again, I think the CoH server capacity/hardware capabilities has improved since launch- I don't think there's that same risk of lag, or other associated problems from loading more textures.
I'd imagine the real issue (if there is one) wasn't made obvious till it was live and there was enough players active on servers to show the issue. There might have been no sign of the issue until work went into capes.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
asking why they don't double the number of costume piece and pattern locations?

because that is what you are asking for if you can choose separately for the sides of your body
How do you equate double the costume pieces with asymmetry? There's a grand line between asking for a reconsideration of anchor points on character models and having to redesign, recreate and retexture an entire library of costume bits.

As it stands, I wouldn't be asking for a single new design to be made- just to reinvent the way in which our current designs are placed. The issue is anchor points.

Furthermore, the anchor points I'm asking for include gloves, shoulders and boots. How is that, in any way, asking for doubling the number of costumes?



Sig, are you aware there are a fixed number of anchor parts available to the player rig? Sounds like you're asking for 3 more anchor points to be used, but I think after the back packs got added we only have 2 more anchor points left.

I'd like atleast one of those last anchor points to be used on thighs so we can put holsters and pouches on existing pants and bottoms.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post

at about the 37:50 mark Positron gives an answer to asymmetrical costume parts that should shed light on this subject.
Thank you for this link. This sheds some (unfortunate) light on the issue.

I'm kinda disappointed that through the lifespan of CoH thus far, Paragon hasn't gotten sufficient tech to upgrade the capacity of our rendering and other techspeak I don't know where it belongs.

tl;dr - sadface. Wish our stuff was better.



It takes more work doing UV mapping to make symmetrical and asymmetrical versions of a costume piece, and they are limited in the number of available "attachment points" they can stick costume bits to on the skeletons.

The short version is: technical problems.

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Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
How do you equate double the costume pieces with asymmetry? There's a grand line between asking for a reconsideration of anchor points on character models and having to redesign, recreate and retexture an entire library of costume bits.

As it stands, I wouldn't be asking for a single new design to be made- just to reinvent the way in which our current designs are placed. The issue is anchor points.

Furthermore, the anchor points I'm asking for include gloves, shoulders and boots. How is that, in any way, asking for doubling the number of costumes?
asking to be able to choose separately right and left glove, right and left chest pattern, etc means double the number of costume pieces for each character.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Just as a public service announcement, performance is never EVER the deciding factor of what the devs will or will not do. The resources in question are development resources, not technical resources.
I'm fairly certain that this is why we don't have asymmetrical stuff.

With symmetrical pieces, you just create half, then click a button, and the computer mirrors it into the other side. Do a little clean up, and it's finished.

With asymmetrical pieces, the artist has to model the entire thing by hand. This results in roughly double the work being needed.

I would love to see each shoulder option given "Both", "Right Only" and "Left Only" options. This should, theoretically, take a fairly small amount of work (though the menus would need to be tweaked to avoid a HUGE bloat on the list). Adding truly asymmetrical pieces (like the Gladiator shoulder) is likely to be an infrequent occurence.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post

I would love to see each shoulder option given "Both", "Right Only" and "Left Only" options. This should, theoretically, take a fairly small amount of work (though the menus would need to be tweaked to avoid a HUGE bloat on the list). Adding truly asymmetrical pieces (like the Gladiator shoulder) is likely to be an infrequent occurence.
This is what I think we should get for most shoulders that makes sense.
Resistance shoulders are the only ones with this feature, but I would love to have just 1 shoulder for most of pieces, would give us more versatility.
For example the barbarian rings and shoulder pads...



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
This is what I think we should get for most shoulders that makes sense.
Resistance shoulders are the only ones with this feature, but I would love to have just 1 shoulder for most of pieces, would give us more versatility.
For example the barbarian rings and shoulder pads...
Agreed 100% plus tax!

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