Some new Dark Knight Rises pics.
I can't get passed this.. he looks totally stupid.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
The first time we see "Batman" in Batman Begins, he looked like this:

I'm willing to cut Nolan some slack in terms of seeing how it looks when its all put together.

I'm willing to cut Nolan some slack in terms of seeing how it looks when its all put together.
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To be fair that IS how batman started before he doned the cowl in Batman TAS or was it Mask of the phantasm? (same thing really)
The first time we see "Batman" in Batman Begins, he looked like this:
![]() I'm willing to cut Nolan some slack in terms of seeing how it looks when its all put together. |

I remember people saying in Raimi we Trust after Spidey 1 and 2 hit the scene.. and how many turned on him after part 3.
This part three just seems off to me..
/emote wait and see.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Anyone who thinks Raimi is to blame for the problems with Spidey 3 hasn't been paying attention.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
Anyone who thinks Raimi is to blame for the problems with Spidey 3 hasn't been paying attention.
It was written and directed by Raimi who am I suppose to blame?
Sorry but as bad as Venom was in Spiderman 3 having Peter get up and do a song and dance was just so much worse.
Batman eventually puts on his cape and cowl. And we saw shots of it during production.
I'm willing to cut Nolan some slack in terms of seeing how it looks when its all put together.
Every shot we've seen of Bane has looked pretty much like the one C_F posted. And (among other things) that mask just sucks.
On the other hand, the Joker from the second movie looked horrible but I ultimately found it enjoyable. So, while I'm not exactly hopeful, I plan on seeing the movie despite the fact that thus far Catwoman and Bane haven't looked very good. Perhaps the performances and such will transcend the abhorrent aesthetics again.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
That's how Batman first suited up in the flashback part of Mask of the Phantasm. In Batman Year One he went out disguised as an old veteran and got into a fight with some crooks, was wounded and got back to the mansion. As he's bleeding he's trying to think of how to make criminals afraid. As he stared at a picture of his father a bat flew in to the room and perched on it and Bruce smiled....."I shall become a bat" and then rang for Alfred to come and stitch him up.
To be fair that IS how batman started before he doned the cowl in Batman TAS or was it Mask of the phantasm? (same thing really)
![]() I remember people saying in Raimi we Trust after Spidey 1 and 2 hit the scene.. and how many turned on him after part 3. This part three just seems off to me.. /emote wait and see. |
As for Spidey 3, the executives above Rami are to blame for shoving Venom into the movie.
Look at it like this: there are somethings that can and cannot be in a movie to have a PG or PG13 rating. Had they had "evil Peter" in Spidey 3 get too violent or attempt to **** some girl or something like that, it would have been more likely to be rated R, and also would have been about as a big desecration to the character as Marvel having Peter and MJ make a deal with Mephisto.
It was written and directed by Raimi who am I suppose to blame?
Sorry but as bad as Venom was in Spiderman 3 having Peter get up and do a song and dance was just so much worse. |
So....dancing Peter or psychotic violent Peter?
Look at it like this: there are somethings that can and cannot be in a movie to have a PG or PG13 rating. Had they had "evil Peter" in Spidey 3 get too violent or attempt to **** some girl or something like that, it would have been more likely to be rated R, and also would have been about as a big desecration to the character as Marvel having Peter and MJ make a deal with Mephisto.
So....dancing Peter or psychotic violent Peter? |
You ever see the 90s cartoon of Spider-Man when he gets the symbiotic suit? It shoulda have been like that Spidey. Cocky willing to stand up for himself from Flash not afraid to to knock the ever loving snot out of Rhino.
If the 90s cartoon could do it without turning Peter into a psycho path(which I own on DVD) the movie should have been able to do it to.
Yes I have seen the 90's cartoon and wish it would be officially released on DVD in the states.
You ever see the 90s cartoon of Spider-Man when he gets the symbiotic suit? It shoulda have been like that Spidey. Cocky willing to stand up for himself from Flash not afraid to to knock the ever loving snot out of Rhino.
If the 90s cartoon could do it without turning Peter into a psycho path(which I own on DVD) the movie should have been able to do it to. |
Also we did get a more cocky Peter in the third movie when he decides that his relation with MJ is indeed over thanks to Harry. Then he's seen acting more arrogant, confident, etc. Look how he demanded Brock's former job and pay from Jameson, or how when suited up in the black costume he smashed Brock's camera, and how he was kicking the sand out of the Sandman when they fought and how he basically used terminal force against the Sandman by getting him washed away. He thinks he has gained revenge/justice for his Uncle Ben, not quite realizing what a line he'd crossed until he told Aunt May about the fight and saw how shocked she was at Spidey's behavior and how she told Peter that Ben wouldn't want them to seek revenge and how revenge poisons the soul etc etc etc etc.
I just chalk up the dancing as an exaggerated tribute to the Fonz from Happy Days.
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