Robot Character-- Science or Tech Origin?




A lot of great answers in this thread. I've asked myself these kinds of questions myself, and I think it really depends on how something is portrayed, and what it can do.

My 'main' villain is Science. He is a Robot/Dark/Elec MasterMind. Like Doctor Doom, he weilds technology, science, and magic like tools. I chose Science because no other one origin would be able to encompass what he's about. He started out just a natural (but ambitious) man with a high intelect (possibly mutant levels of intellect) who can design fantastic Robots to do his bidding (Tech- human minions are too unpredictable) and weild the forces of eldrich electricity and dark magics (magic... obviously). Not to mention he can fly, teleport, has strong leadership skills, and miraculous molecular stability rearangement devices (healing)! Only through Science could he be able to do all these things. Experimentation, education, and practiced mastery of all the tools at his disposal.

Now, for a robot not to be tech based, I would have to say it would have to lay in the concepts behind it:

The first and most simple question. Is it sentient? That opens the door right there for it to be almost anything. A simple robot is only able to do what it's programmed to do, like any good computer. A well programmed robot can emulate human behaviour and emotions, and may appear intellegent, but ultimately someone else is responsible for it's development. Now a true A.I. blurs those lines, or can erase them entirely, but then you start getting into the context of a soul and other things that can make it more than the sum of its parts. Like someone mentioned, Transformers could be Natural origin for that reason.

Is what makes it truly sentient be some strange power source? Take Tin Mage for example. He is decidedly a robot but is powered by arcane energies, making him Magic. What about 'Cosmic Energy' (al-la the Fantastic Four). That would defintely be Science!

Does it have strange components? Is it's brain and nervous system some new bio-mesch developed to mimic human capacities for senses, emotions, etc? What if it's a Psychic Mutant's brain in a robot body. The body is tech, but it's powers are obviously Mutant... where does that sit on the scale?

How does it work? Take Warlock of the X-titles for example. He's a part of a species of Cybernetic 'techno-organic' viruses that take over living hosts. Is that Natural (techno-organic virus) Cybernetic (being that techno parasite that takes over hosts) or Science (just because both can be applied)? Warlock is also considered a Mutant because unlike any other member of his species, he has compassion, which is why he's part of the X-titles.

For me, I have some characters that are obviously "X" but more often than not, I have to give it a lot of thought. It seems you are too. I hope all our feedback helps!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



People are forgetting...this isn't yourncharacter 's origin, it's the origin of your powers...if you are a brain in a robot body, but all your powers are because you were born with psychic powers, you are mutant, not tech. If it instead comes from your brain making a pact with Stan the genie, you're magic.



On Science:

City of Heroes origins are a bit side-shifted in terms of what they're called vs. what they represent. What most people would call mutants are, most often, classed as Science by the game's origin conventions because they were mutated by science. Conversely, most of what people would call scientists are actually Technology by the game's origin conventions, because Science characters are MADE BY science, rather than personally USING science.

If your character uses science to create scientific tools to use as super powers, that's not Science, it's Technology. Your character is only Science if he has super powers granted to him by a scientific experiment, possibly self-afflicted, that then linger on their own. A "scientist," i.e. a smart person who uses science as a tool, but is not super-human physiologically is, contrary to what one might think, not of the Science origin, because that's how the game has defined its own origins. Mutants aren't Mutation, scientists aren't Science, and aliens are Natural more often than not.

That's if you want to stick to the game's conventions, which you don't have to. That's the beauty of Origins being mostly cosmetic. However, if you do want to defy origin conventions, be sure to include an explanation in your description or have one on hand

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Devlin_Quaid View Post
People are forgetting...this isn't yourncharacter 's origin, it's the origin of your powers...if you are a brain in a robot body, but all your powers are because you were born with psychic powers, you are mutant, not tech. If it instead comes from your brain making a pact with Stan the genie, you're magic.
Someone with a red name mentioned this at some point, but he wasn't a writer. I don't think that's ever really established anywhere officially, at least not that I've seen. That doesn't mean it isn't true, just that I can't really confirm or deny it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Devlin_Quaid View Post
People are forgetting...this isn't yourncharacter 's origin, it's the origin of your powers...if you are a brain in a robot body, but all your powers are because you were born with psychic powers, you are mutant, not tech.
Unless of course you are not human and those psychic powers are inherant to your race, then you would be of Natural origin. What if those powers came about because your brain was put into the robots body, would that not make your abilities Science in origin? What if the robot components amplify the abilities you had, but never had the juice to manifest, would that not be Tech in origin.

Also a lot of origins are not cut and dry to just one origin. I see Batman as Tech and Natural. I could see Spiderman as being Mutation and Science, where the spider bite was the catalyst that activated a mutation in him, that for anyone else would have just killed them. Johny 5 who was already mentioned in this thread could be Science and Tech. I've always wished I could choose two origins.

I think whether your character is Tech or Science, or both, is up to you.



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
What if those powers came about because your brain was put into the robots body, would that not make your abilities Science in origin?
I vaguely remember a 50s SciFi/Horror film where the "brain in a jar" manifests TK and mind control on it's own. It's almost a staple of the "brain in a jar" subgenre.

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Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
What if those powers came about because your brain was put into the robots body, would that not make your abilities Science in origin?
Not unless you can elaborate on what you mean. If your powers of any kind come from you being put into a robot, that robot is the origin of your powers, and that robot is Technology.

Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
What if the robot components amplify the abilities you had, but never had the juice to manifest, would that not be Tech in origin.
You essentially described Positron, who's more or less the poster child for the Technology origin, despite the source of his power being the mutant ability to generate large quantities of anti-matter at will. In his own words from the Origin of Powers, this power is useless for anything other than making large explosions, but it's the technology he's built to harness it that gives him his actual super powers, thus he's of the Technology origin.

Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
I could see Spiderman as being Mutation and Science, where the spider bite was the catalyst that activated a mutation in him, that for anyone else would have just killed them.
Spider-Man really isn't Mutation. He was mutated, but again - a mutant isn't of the Mutation origin. If your argument for Mutation is that he was somehow "different" and only he could have survived the bite, I've never heard that before. Could you cite a source? As far as I'm aware, pre-Spider-Man Peter Parker was actually a pretty un-special loser.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Not unless you can elaborate on what you mean. If your powers of any kind come from you being put into a robot, that robot is the origin of your powers, and that robot is Technology.
The line for me between Tech and Science is whether the outcome fell within expected results or not. Both origins require an intermix of tech and science. For me it would be Tech only if putting the brain into the robot was meant to manifest powers. If on the other hand the powers was a side affect of being put into the robot body, then the abilities would be Science. To further this, if through scientific research, this manifestation of powers was found to be reproducible, and others produced, then the others produced would be Tech.

The Hulk was produced through the use of technology, but he is considered Science, because he was made through an accidental use of technology. Also we know that just zapping someone with gamma rays does not produce another Hulk. Something else we do know is that another Hulk was created, though of far lesser power level. She was also created through the side affects of technology (Radiated blood transfusion.). She was also the cousin of Banner, which implies that the creation of Hulk had a genetic component, as well as a scientific component, which could make their origin Science Mutation.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Spider-Man really isn't Mutation. He was mutated, but again - a mutant isn't of the Mutation origin. If your argument for Mutation is that he was somehow "different" and only he could have survived the bite, I've never heard that before. Could you cite a source? As far as I'm aware, pre-Spider-Man Peter Parker was actually a pretty un-special loser.
First, I did not say he “was” Mutation Science, I said I “could see” him that way. Second, Peter Parker was not an “un-special loser”.
Brilliant, Parker excels in applied science, chemistry, and physics. The character was originally conceived by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as intellectually gifted, but not a genius. However, later writers have depicted the character as a genius.[58]
In other words he was a nerd. As far as I know Spiderman has never had any serious research done on his abilities. I don’t know if his abilities would have been reproducible. I don’t know if someone else being bit by the spider would have manifested the same powers, manifested other powers, or just up and died. I do know that Mutants already existed in his reality, when he manifested his powers. I also know that he was able to pass his abilities down to his daughter, which implies there is a genetic component to the powers. Now was that genetic component created by the spider bite, or was it already a part of him. If the creators of Spiderman have not specified this, than it’s left up to me to decide, and it’s easier for me to suspend disbelief, if I think there was genetic difference in Peter Parker that reacted to the radioactive spider bite, thus Mutation Science. Now if you have something from the creators of Spiderman that says there is no genetic component to Peter Parker’s transformation, then I will have to change my viewpoint. Otherwise my viewpoint falls well within the verse that was created around Spiderman.



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
The line for me between Tech and Science is whether the outcome fell within expected results or not. Both origins require an intermix of tech and science. For me it would be Tech only if putting the brain into the robot was meant to manifest powers. If on the other hand the powers was a side affect of being put into the robot body, then the abilities would be Science. To further this, if through scientific research, this manifestation of powers was found to be reproducible, and others produced, then the others produced would be Tech.
I think the line is more in terms of what you're using to generate that power. If it's a machine, it's Technology. If it's your own body changed in some way, it's Science. The Fantastic Four, for instance, would be considered Science here even though technology wasn't involved in the origin of their powers. They got zapped by cosmic rays, technology just took them to where the cosmic rays were. The Hulk is similar to this - he was zapped by technology-produced radiation, but his powers are not technology-related. They come from the phisiochemistry of his own body. That's science.

Now, when you start talking about powers that "came about" because of a technological transformation, you're walking into double origins and trying to judge which is more important. For instance, Metronome is Mutation on the one hand because that's where his ability to possess Clockwork comes from, but Technology on the other because the Clockwork which are his actual power are a piece of technology. Then you're faced with trying to decide if it's more important that he can possess technology of it it's more important that there's technology to posses, and there's really no right answer.

Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
Brilliant, Parker excels in applied science, chemistry, and physics. The character was originally conceived by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as intellectually gifted, but not a genius. However, later writers have depicted the character as a genius.
Yeah, that's what I mean. He's a smart guy, and a good guy to boot, but within a super hero context, that IS an un-special loser. He has no abnormal super-human powers, thus there's nothing about him which makes him more fit to be a super hero than any other smart, good guy. What makes him special is the spider bite which gives him the powers to make his smarts and his good nature mean something.

Now, as before, you can argue that it's his inventions or his ingenuity or so forth that are his real strength, thus why he'd be something different, but I feel by far the strongest contender is still Science. Much of what Spider-Man does is based on his strength, speed and ability to cling to walls, and those come from the spider.


I should point out that being defined by having super powers essentially granted to you doesn't make you a less deserving super hero, because a super hero is defined as much by what he does with his powers as what those powers actually are. I'm not saying Spider-Man is somehow less deserving because he got his powers by accident, just that I don't believe there was anything special about him which made him "deserve" those powers more than anyone else. Hence, I don't see a strong argument for Mutation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
I could see Spiderman as being Mutation and Science, where the spider bite was the catalyst that activated a mutation in him, that for anyone else would have just killed them.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Spider-Man really isn't Mutation. He was mutated, but again - a mutant isn't of the Mutation origin. If your argument for Mutation is that he was somehow "different" and only he could have survived the bite, I've never heard that before. Could you cite a source? As far as I'm aware, pre-Spider-Man Peter Parker was actually a pretty un-special loser.
Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
First, I did not say he “was” Mutation Science, I said I “could see” him that way.
Oh dear lord, I hope Marvel never sees this discussion. They've done enough to his origin and personal life as it is. This would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.