3D TV's and CoH




my 'old' HDTV went out... but it was under warranty, and i just got a full reimbursement of the old HDTV purchase price (!), so i am buying a 3D HDTV to replace it... it's hard to buy an HDTV nowadays that is not 3D... hehe

it is possible to play CoH in full 3D?... if so, what do i need to know or get to do this?

FYI, I will have the computer hooked up to the 3D HDTV directly via a port in the back of the HDTV... it will be a Samsung plasma HDTV using active 3D glasses system...



To the best of my knowledge, City does not have a 'full 3D' mode. I suppose that if it did exist you'd need not only a 3D TV but a graphics card that can render it properly.

Panel of experts?

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Oliphantino View Post
my 'old' HDTV went out... but it was under warranty, and i just got a full reimbursement of the old HDTV purchase price (!), so i am buying a 3D HDTV to replace it... it's hard to buy an HDTV nowadays that is not 3D... hehe

it is possible to play CoH in full 3D?... if so, what do i need to know or get to do this?

FYI, I will have the computer hooked up to the 3D HDTV directly via a port in the back of the HDTV... it will be a Samsung plasma HDTV using active 3D glasses system...
You would need to make sure the game can actually DO stereoscopic 3D.
I don't believe that CoH supports it.

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Preparing for the incoming 3D hate squad in 5..4...3...

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
Preparing for the incoming 3D hate squad in 5..4...3D...

Nah, more power to ya, if I could play any game in 3D I'd go for it.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
Preparing for the incoming 3D hate squad in 5..4...3...
I'll take pointless useless trolls for $100 Alex!

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If the game wasn't OpenGL 3D would be easy.



Originally Posted by Oliphantino View Post
my 'old' HDTV went out... but it was under warranty, and i just got a full reimbursement of the old HDTV purchase price (!), so i am buying a 3D HDTV to replace it... it's hard to buy an HDTV nowadays that is not 3D... hehe

it is possible to play CoH in full 3D?... if so, what do i need to know or get to do this?

FYI, I will have the computer hooked up to the 3D HDTV directly via a port in the back of the HDTV... it will be a Samsung plasma HDTV using active 3D glasses system...
People have played CoH in stereoscopic 3D, but since the game doesn't support it directly, the only way to get 3D is with a graphics card and drivers that can force 3D mode. I don't know any of the details; you might try asking in the Technical Issues or Player Questions forums.



Sadly, it IS OpenGL. Despite the significant number of people who always insist that writing a wrapper ought to be simple, nobody ever seems to actually create this mythical simple-to-program wrapper.

IZ3D still does not support OpenGL and Nvidia gave it up ages ago. I keep hoping that one of these days Paragon Studios will hire a graphics dev who has a vested interest in 3D and who has the incentive to take the time to create the code for the game client to generate anaglyph images.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
IZ3D still does not support OpenGL and Nvidia gave it up ages ago. I keep hoping that one of these days Paragon Studios will hire a graphics dev who has a vested interest in 3D and who has the incentive to take the time to create the code for the game client to generate anaglyph images.
3D is still just a fad and a niche market. Why expend resources on something that only a tiny percentage of the player base will use?

Personally, I can't wait for the 3D fad to bugger off. I'm not a hater of the technology, but I don't have binocular vision so it's completely useless to me and just gets up my nose when my local cinema only shows a movie I want to see in 3D format...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Stereoscopic 3D hurts my eyes and gives me headaches. Never liked it.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
3D is still just a fad and a niche market. Why expend resources on something that only a tiny percentage of the player base will use?

Personally, I can't wait for the 3D fad to bugger off. I'm not a hater of the technology, but I don't have binocular vision so it's completely useless to me and just gets up my nose when my local cinema only shows a movie I want to see in 3D format...
How many years must a thing last before it's no longer considered just a fad casue we are going on 7 years of 3D movies being profitable?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
How many years must a thing last before it's no longer considered just a fad casue we are going on 7 years of 3D movies being profitable?
It's just a repeat of the 50's "love" of 3D movies, that flourished for a time as well.

I actually recently went to a 3D movie last weekend, despite it being pointless. My kids wanted to see Phantom Menace in 3D, and as they'd never seen it in the cinema, I got the job of taking them. They loved it (the movie itself not the 3D which was wasted on them really), but me? Well, ignoring the fact that the 3D effect doesn't work on me anyway, the glasses reduced the picture clarity by a significant amount, washing out the colours by a fair amount, and they were extremely uncomfortable worn over my own glasses. These are significant issues that have no solution as long as accessories must be worn to see the effect.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



a few points...

first, while there have been previous 3D movie fads in the past, times have changed. nowadays, we have the ability to watch 3D content in our homes.

but more importantly, computer games can also be played in 3D environments... often retro-actively! In fact, as i understand it, the PS3 has an upgrade to firmware (free) that converts all 3D rendered games to 3D vision...

the technology has gotten a lot better. in the old days, they used polarization to get the 3D effect. this works, but has the drawbacks that it can give the user a headache and will always dim the picture since each eye only gets half the light of the projector.

today in 3D TV's, the 'active' 3D method uses glasses that have two 'shutters' for lenses... these are synced to the TV and can open and close at about 120 times a second... this is faster than the eyes/brain can detect... it alternates between the left eye being closed and the right eye being closed... each time it can use the FULL brightness of the TV to render each eye's perspective... i'm told this method of generating 3D doesn't work for everybody (likely genetic in nature), but i do know it works for me...

and there are also 3D cameras now... some cell phones even have 3D cameras! the Nintendo 3DS also has a 3D camera... 3D still images are best viewed on a 3D TV...

and 3D video cameras are also on the market... as well as software that can convert panorama videos to 3D stills... again, this even exists for some cell phones!

DirecTV has a few 3D stations... major sporting events are now often captured live in 3D to show on these 3D stations...

so nowadays 3D has many more reasons to stick around...



Originally Posted by Oliphantino View Post
these are synced to the TV and can open and close at about 120 times a second... this is faster than the eyes/brain can detect...
I've seen this argued on video game forums for years about varying framerates and frame flicker.

I'll say this again, "detection" is more than simply noticing the flicker of the shutters.

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Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
How many years must a thing last before it's no longer considered just a fad casue we are going on 7 years of 3D movies being profitable?

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-- Commonly misattributed to P.T. Barnum

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I believe a test was done on people's emotional state during a 3D version and 2D version of the same movie and, although the 3D caused greater "shock" moments, the 3D audience showed no greater involvement with the story than the 2D viewers.

3D is a great spectacle but I personally think the inconveniences don't outweigh the advantages, in films at least.

However, in certain competitive action games, the ability to accurately judge distances could be a vital advantage. I'm sure CoH isn't one of them and I'm not sure any game uses 3D effectively enough for that yet, but the potential does exist.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
How many years must a thing last before it's no longer considered just a fad casue we are going on 7 years of 3D movies being profitable?
Avatar was released just over 2 years ago. Yes, I know that there were films released in 3D in the years before that, but those were chiefly "kid" movies. It wasn't until the success of Avatar that studios decided "ZOMG 3D rules and everything must have a 3D conversion!" Prior to that no one would have even considered releasing the Ghost Rider sequel in 3D.

3D won't go away but hopefully 3D conversions of 2D movies (which generally end up looking like crap) will. "Real" 3D films are more expensive to produce and studios are less likely to be willing to shell out the extra money on films that aren't sure fire hits or made as 'prestige' films like Hugo. The exception to this is with computer generated animation where 3D is not significantly more expensive because the effects can be achieved through use of a virtual second camera.




I don't particularly care about 3D in film. In games, though, I tend to enjoy it. I'd be really happy if CoH received some 3D support and we could travel through the city with real depth and perspective.



Originally Posted by Oliphantino View Post
the technology has gotten a lot better.
No it hasn't. I went and saw Conan the Barbarian last summer, because I really, really wanted to see it, and I still came out of the theater with aching eyes and a headache.



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
However, in certain competitive action games, the ability to accurately judge distances could be a vital advantage. I'm sure CoH isn't one of them and I'm not sure any game uses 3D effectively enough for that yet, but the potential does exist.
The advantage 3D gives in CoH is the ability to spot side tunnels in the cave maps.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
The advantage 3D gives in CoH is the ability to spot side tunnels in the cave maps.
I can see that could help, but it's hardly vital advantage.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
The advantage 3D gives in CoH is the ability to spot side tunnels in the cave maps.
That's what my map in the upper right corner does for me, but i can see how it would help.

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Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
The advantage 3D gives in CoH is the ability to spot side tunnels in the cave maps.
I already do that well enough on my own, thank you very much.