Is that really a foot ?




I would like to address something that is concerning me lately.
It's the feet that are coming out lately.

Have a look at this

This i'm guessing is around a UK size 5.
That's what size i am and my toon is about my height.

Now look at this.

This is twice the size of the first and i'm guessing around a 10.
Now where I live no women have a size 10 foot.

It's a shame really because it looks like a nice shoe but the fact it's so huge and kinda gross looking for a foot makes me not want to use this at all.
This seems to be a serious trend in shoes lately, they all seem to be massively oversized.
WHY ?.
I've looked around the internet and the average shoe size is 6-7 NOT 10 so please please stop making HUGE gross looking feet.
I beg you !.




Actually I think the Devs have already posted (somewhere in the Beta forums IIRC) that they were going to look into "trimming" some of the excess toe length off of that costume item. I suppose we'll see it when it happens but Dink (one of their semi-new art people) seems to be pretty active when it comes to fixing things so maybe it won't take too long to see it fixed.

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Those feet have been fixed only it is not out yet. I would love to go back and fix some of the feet but again I must move forward. Maybe some time when I get a little extra time I can do just that but I cannot promise anything. I think the first feet are way too small but that is just my personal opinion.


Posted a man foot.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Those feet have been fixed only it is not out yet. I would love to go back and fix some of the feet but again I must move forward. Maybe some time when I get a little extra time I can do just that but I cannot promise anything. I think the first feet are way too small but that is just my personal opinion.
Thanks for the quick fix! I'm looking forward to seeing them.

And yes I do agree that some of the other feet out there are probably actually a little too small (like the thigh high carnie boot feet) but I understand completely that you have your priorities. Even a goddess of art has her limitations.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Those feet have been fixed only it is not out yet. I would love to go back and fix some of the feet but again I must move forward. Maybe some time when I get a little extra time I can do just that but I cannot promise anything. I think the first feet are way too small but that is just my personal opinion.
zOMG Dink lost her red name! Someone fix her, stat!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post a man foot.
Cross dressers need decent costume options as much as anyone.




Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post a man foot.

What's your point? Frankie can't have nice heels?



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Cross dressers need decent costume options as much as anyone.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

What's your point? Frankie can't have nice heels?
Oh, don't get me wrong. I think it's wonderful for our TS/TV community.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
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Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Cross dressers need decent costume options as much as anyone.
Well for what it's worth as long as this foot type was fixed to appear more realistic for a female foot (as Dink implied) then I wouldn't really mind if they left the original so-called "crossdresser" version in as well. I'd probably never use it, but I've always been in favor of having as many costume items available as possible for everyone regardless if I'd use them or not.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Those feet have been fixed only it is not out yet. I would love to go back and fix some of the feet but again I must move forward. Maybe some time when I get a little extra time I can do just that but I cannot promise anything. I think the first feet are way too small but that is just my personal opinion.
When you (not you personaly) wear heels your foot does look smaller because the heel is higher.
I take a 5 in heels and a 6 in flats sometimes.
I prefer the petite feet than something that looks like it belongs to bigfoot.

Edit: if you do alter the first feet i will have to hunt you down and beat you to death with a shoe :P




I happen to really love the Strap Boots foot from the Pocket D Pack. I'll be sad to see them trimmed! I put this together when the pack was on Beta..



The strap boots look great when viewed straight on, straight from behind, or up to 1/3. The further perpendicular they get, the worse they look, until they look like flippers when they're side-on.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



They don't look necessarily bad to me, but the toes certainly strike me as being a bit 'spider toes' in length from the side.

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Those aren't toes, those are digitigrade appendages at the ends of pedals.

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Isn't this the case of people getting what they want (defined toes) and then complaining about it?

Also, the feet do look terrible!

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I think this is a case of people not understanding body proportions.

A normal woman's foot is more than half the length of her thigh. Go ahead ladies, put the heel of your foot at the crook of your thigh and see how far your toes reach.

I know this is a game based on comic books and it's hard to reach anything close to normal human proportions. I tend to pull the legs slider all the way down, move the chest slider down a bit, and the waist slider up a bit. That's as close as I can come to actual female body proportions, and it's close.

Based on that, the feet we have currently in game are about the quarter the size they should be if the feet were proportional. The Pocket D boots are much more close to accurate proportions for the character model.

If people don't like the appearance that's one thing, but to say they're too big for the body borders on dysmorphic.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Isn't this the case of people getting what they want (defined toes) and then complaining about it?

Also, the feet do look terrible!
I don't recall specifically wanting better defined toes myself. And even if had wanted them I would have assumed they would've been drawn as human-lengthed toes instead of as modified chimp feet the -first- time around.

All I ask is that whatever they give us be reasonable to begin with, regardless if we suggested it or not. At least Dink was able to address this obvious problem quickly.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
The strap boots look great when viewed straight on, straight from behind, or up to 1/3. The further perpendicular they get, the worse they look, until they look like flippers when they're side-on.
This. Aggelakis is Aggelakis.




Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I think this is a case of people not understanding body proportions.

A normal woman's foot is more than half the length of her thigh. Go ahead ladies, put the heel of your foot at the crook of your thigh and see how far your toes reach.

I know this is a game based on comic books and it's hard to reach anything close to normal human proportions. I tend to pull the legs slider all the way down, move the chest slider down a bit, and the waist slider up a bit. That's as close as I can come to actual female body proportions, and it's close.

Based on that, the feet we have currently in game are about the quarter the size they should be if the feet were proportional. The Pocket D boots are much more close to accurate proportions for the character model.

If people don't like the appearance that's one thing, but to say they're too big for the body borders on dysmorphic.
I certainly won't argue that this game gets all the typical human body proportions right to begin with. I mean if you were to believe this game's female model then you would think that -all- women have a C/D breast cup size as a minimum.

But even if most of the feet in this game are too small to be realistic at least most of them are proportional to themselves. These new strappy shoes had toes that looked like they were as long as most people's fingers and maybe like a 1/3 of the total length of the foot.

Yes the overall strappy shoed foot may still be too small for a real human if the toes are chopped back, but at least they'll be far more acceptable that way than not.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Those feet have been fixed only it is not out yet. I would love to go back and fix some of the feet but again I must move forward. Maybe some time when I get a little extra time I can do just that but I cannot promise anything. I think the first feet are way too small but that is just my personal opinion.
Dink, I was actually just coming to post myself on a similar topic. Is there any way, shape or form that the regular, basic bare feet can be fixed? There shoes were fixed after there was some discussion about them recently, but how many people will use them? I am sure many will, but I would expect that at least as many people have costumes involving bare feet and we have been asking for them to be fixed for much longer than these boots.

I have at least 3 characters who would benefit from a fixed bare foot model, but I can't bring myself to use the flesh-coloured boots that we presently have.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Actually, they kinda look like my feet... and that's not necessarily a compliment.

I have very long toes; when I went swimming with my cousins as a kid, they immediately tagged me with "frog feet". yeah, nice cousins.

I also wear a size 8 1/2.... somewhat large compared to most women. I was definitely not fated to be a ballerina.

Thing is, my feet suit my stature; which is somewhat heavier and more muscular in the legs than most women.... which is also why I would never make it as a model, either.

To me, the problem here stems from the fact that the feet don't really scale to suit the rest of the body model. If you're building a muscular woman, great... otherwise, not so much. Also, the ankle area looks off to me, JMO.


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Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I think this is a case of people not understanding body proportions.

A normal woman's foot is more than half the length of her thigh. Go ahead ladies, put the heel of your foot at the crook of your thigh and see how far your toes reach.

I know this is a game based on comic books and it's hard to reach anything close to normal human proportions. I tend to pull the legs slider all the way down, move the chest slider down a bit, and the waist slider up a bit. That's as close as I can come to actual female body proportions, and it's close.

Based on that, the feet we have currently in game are about the quarter the size they should be if the feet were proportional. The Pocket D boots are much more close to accurate proportions for the character model.

If people don't like the appearance that's one thing, but to say they're too big for the body borders on dysmorphic.
I can't find the picture now but on Beta someone did up a whole picture with a side by side comparison with a real foot in a real shoe that looked similar to the strappy boot.

They looked completely different, and the strappy boot looked even worse when viewed side by side with a real foot in a real shoe than it does when it's by itself.

They also dislodged the ankles with the strappy boot, but that's easily overlooked because most people don't know where the ankle should be off the top of their head. (out of sight out of mind)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



There's also some Huge body boots/feet that look weirdly stubby, like thalidomide stubby... But none of the feet issues even come close to the shortcomings of female shoulders in this game. Compared to the vast majority of women I know, or even to comic art of female characters, the female shoulder frame seems freakishly petite. I would be fine with that if it actually changed when you raised the scale slider, but even at maximum, there's almost no breadth to the shoulders. It's what most commonly keeps me from making female characters, unless their costume calls for one of the all-to-few shoulder pieces that adds enough bulk to hide the fact that even ad max scale, the shoulders look nothing like a woman with even a hint of athleticism.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.