Is the MoM supposed to be completable by a PuG League?




Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
States TF - Broken because you NEED a tank/healer in most cases.

Lady Grey TF - Broken because you need at least somebody who can hold the mitos.

Hollows Trial - Broken because you need 8 people on it, most cases involve you having a person who can recall friend.

Sewers Trial - Broken because it requires teammates to time their attacks together to defeat the pylons.

MORuns - Broken because you most teams only allow players they know.

Now that i've got that out of the way with some VERY simple and quick examples [i can name so many more], lets move onto the trials themselves.

Keyes - broken because you need a tank with high energy resis.

Lam - broken because if you dont get enough of the temps in stage 2 then its very hard to complete it.

Underground - broken because it requires some players to have a clarion.

TPN - broken because of the auto kill feature such as marked for death.

MoM - broken because of the 15 second death penalty.

DD - broken because of the death penalty that buffs MoD.

Now can the people who are always complaining about trials see why people roll their eyes at them? [not you obviously cpt, teamed with you and know that your one of the few who see good/bad in trials].

There are so many examples of tasks ingame that requires a certain AT, a certain powerset, a certain standard of player to complete it already. When was the last time you saw a thread complaining that the STF is too hard because of the insame damage LR does?
When was the last time you saw a thread saying that the Hollows trial should have its requirements lowered or the igneous guarding the pillars removed?
When was the last time you saw a thread saying the LGTF was just stupid because it gave no warning beforehand that you NEED a certain AT/power than can be of use against the hami?

This is a bit of a rant post but its because while yes your obviously welcome to all your opinions, but when people try and show that X isnt as bad as you might feel, those people get instantly shot down with "well it is that bad because i say so".
Earlier in the thread a poster shoots down the DD trial while in the same post saying he's never tried it . . . .
People like myself get fed up of "itrials are broken" posts because while a very small minority will post actual good feedback on how to improve them, majority are just posting anti-trial posts for the sake of it now it seems

If those anti-trialers are so against itrials but want to actually improve them, then make a seperate thread for each trial where people can actually throw out ideas on what needs to be buffed/nerfed.
Nice post. I just want to emphasize that alot of the kind of stuff that is in itrials has also been present in the preincarnate content as well.

I remember when the LRSF came out (when the vindicators were lvl 53 and the FP was lvl 54). It has HARD as heck, and with no IOs back then I'd probably say it was harder than any itrial we currently have. What's the difference between that and now though? Everyone worked super hard to complete that tf. It was hard and eventually nerfed to a reasonable level, but no one complained about it like they do to the itrials. The iTrials are just an easy target, most because the community has made it so, and now even though people are completing these trials left and right the stigma still exists.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Nice post. I just want to emphasize that alot of the kind of stuff that is in itrials has also been present in the preincarnate content as well.

I remember when the LRSF came out (when the vindicators were lvl 53 and the FP was lvl 54). It has HARD as heck, and with no IOs back then I'd probably say it was harder than any itrial we currently have. What's the difference between that and now though? Everyone worked super hard to complete that tf. It was hard and eventually nerfed to a reasonable level, but no one complained about it like they do to the itrials. The iTrials are just an easy target, most because the community has made it so, and now even though people are completing these trials left and right the stigma still exists.
RiP old LRSF you are still missed

@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
States TF - Broken because you NEED a tank/healer in most cases.

Lady Grey TF - Broken because you need at least somebody who can hold the mitos.

Hollows Trial - Broken because you need 8 people on it, most cases involve you having a person who can recall friend.

Sewers Trial - Broken because it requires teammates to time their attacks together to defeat the pylons.

MORuns - Broken because you most teams only allow players they know.

Now that i've got that out of the way with some VERY simple and quick examples [i can name so many more], lets move onto the trials themselves.

Keyes - broken because you need a tank with high energy resis.

Lam - broken because if you dont get enough of the temps in stage 2 then its very hard to complete it.

Underground - broken because it requires some players to have a clarion.

TPN - broken because of the auto kill feature such as marked for death.

MoM - broken because of the 15 second death penalty.

DD - broken because of the death penalty that buffs MoD.

Now can the people who are always complaining about trials see why people roll their eyes at them? [not you obviously cpt, teamed with you and know that your one of the few who see good/bad in trials].

There are so many examples of tasks ingame that requires a certain AT, a certain powerset, a certain standard of player to complete it already. When was the last time you saw a thread complaining that the STF is too hard because of the insame damage LR does?
When was the last time you saw a thread saying that the Hollows trial should have its requirements lowered or the igneous guarding the pillars removed?
When was the last time you saw a thread saying the LGTF was just stupid because it gave no warning beforehand that you NEED a certain AT/power than can be of use against the hami?

This is a bit of a rant post but its because while yes your obviously welcome to all your opinions, but when people try and show that X isnt as bad as you might feel, those people get instantly shot down with "well it is that bad because i say so".
Earlier in the thread a poster shoots down the DD trial while in the same post saying he's never tried it . . . .
People like myself get fed up of "itrials are broken" posts because while a very small minority will post actual good feedback on how to improve them, majority are just posting anti-trial posts for the sake of it now it seems

If those anti-trialers are so against itrials but want to actually improve them, then make a seperate thread for each trial where people can actually throw out ideas on what needs to be buffed/nerfed.
Excellent arguement

@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)



Originally Posted by BlackTabby View Post
RiP old LRSF you are still missed
Yeah, I'd love to have the chance to do old LRSF again somehow, just for sake of fun.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Yeah, I'd love to have the chance to do old LRSF again somehow, just for sake of fun.
You totally still can. Get together 7 random people to fully simulate a PuG rsf team. Have everyone respec out of every single IO they have, as well as removing incarnate powers. Fill up the toons with SO's, run rsf with buffed enemies to account for the -1 level difference.

I am sure people will be lining up for that.

Sarcasm aside, I agree with you. It was a great feeling of accomplishment when I finished my first rsf, even more so when I 'tanked' it for the time.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
You totally still can. Get together 7 random people to fully simulate a PuG rsf team. Have everyone respec out of every single IO they have, as well as removing incarnate powers. Fill up the toons with SO's, run rsf with buffed enemies to account for the -1 level difference.

I am sure people will be lining up for that.

Sarcasm aside, I agree with you. It was a great feeling of accomplishment when I finished my first rsf, even more so when I 'tanked' it for the time.
Yeah you *can* do that... though I was more thinking along the lines of old RSF except with IOs, just to see what it'd be like. Ya know how the most difficult piece of content from the past would stack up to the new power levels we have access to now. I don't think it's codeable but it would be cool if difficulty affected the lvl set AVs, so if you were on +2 the freedom phalanx would be lvl 55.

At one point myself and other people I usually run with put together a +4 RSF with buffed enemies, debuffed players, no enhancements, all the challenges set. Even with the most stacked team imaginable for such a situation (I think we had something like 2 colds, 2 therms, 3 kins, and 1 melee).... well to say the least we weren't even able to kill Agent Crimson in the first mission, haha.

And yeah first RSFs was basically your rite of initiation into manhood

*ahem* as much as I like reminiscing, getting off topic xD



Just curious..doing it on +4 on made the normal mobs 54 right? SO Crimson, who is normally a level 50 hero, was still 50?
Can totally see you guys not able to kill him though. I remember reading that all those buffed enemies settings function like turning an even con minion into a +2 boss (in regard to hp, damage dealt, taken, etc) so I can imagine it would make a Hero very tough. Also, read some post saying a normal even con AV is basically working at +5 levels to you for the damage and buffing that..yeah, ouch. Would have been interesting to see how much States could hit you guys for at the end though. lol



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Just curious..doing it on +4 on made the normal mobs 54 right? SO Crimson, who is normally a level 50 hero, was still 50?
Can totally see you guys not able to kill him though. I remember reading that all those buffed enemies settings function like turning an even con minion into a +2 boss (in regard to hp, damage dealt, taken, etc) so I can imagine it would make a Hero very tough. Also, read some post saying a normal even con AV is basically working at +5 levels to you for the damage and buffing that..yeah, ouch. Would have been interesting to see how much States could hit you guys for at the end though. lol

The answer is . . . a lot

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Lady Grey TF - Broken because you need at least somebody who can hold the mitos.
Nearly every character has a mez available to them, and there are numerous temp powers that provide holds.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Now that i've got that out of the way with some VERY simple and quick examples [i can name so many more], lets move onto the trials themselves.
Your sarcasm isn't helping the discussion.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Keyes - broken because you need a tank with high energy resist.
I had a thread: What would you do to make Keyes fun?

Guess what? Several of the changes suggested in that thread were adopted and more players do Keyes now.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Lam - broken because if you dont get enough of the temps in stage 2 then its very hard to complete it.
Actually, and people have said this from the pre-beta, this trial is made more difficult due to the fact that there isn't much recourse for the league if a player DCs with one or more temp powers, refuses to use a temp power, doesn't know how to look for a temp power, pulls the AV out of the area, or enters the sabotage phase before the rest of the league is ready (and Positron acknowledged the last point himself).

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Underground - broken because it requires some players to have a clarion.
Underground has a lot of issues with it, and not only because of its length? I started a tread about this trial's issues back in October: What would you do to make Underground better?

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
TPN - broken because of the auto kill feature such as marked for death.
To be honest, the TPN has greater issues than just the auto-kill "feature". One thing about that though: the developers invested time and resources to put in a feature into the game to specifically prevent 1-shots from killing players, because of player requests. To back track is a waste of developer time and effort. Not only that, but that isn't the only auto-kill that Maelstrom has at his disposal. He can do upwards of 2,000-3,000 damage with his other attacks.

Oh yeah, it is also repetitive in the extreme.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
MoM - broken because of the 15 second death penalty.
The MoM trial has far more issues than just the death penalty, it is just the most obvious.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
DD - broken because of the death penalty that buffs MoD.
Actually, that isn't so much of a problem. The problem is that the "limited death" clause and the hard to spot graphic effects.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Now can the people who are always complaining about trials see why people roll their eyes at them?
Yes, because they take their own experiences with min-maxed groups or larger servers and try to make it fit all players.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
This is a bit of a rant post but its because while yes your obviously welcome to all your opinions, but when people try and show that X isnt as bad as you might feel, those people get instantly shot down with "well it is that bad because i say so".
And those showing that there ARE problems are getting instantly shouted down with "well it isn't that bad because i say so" too. Every single time. Even from people that aren't subscribing.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
If those anti-trialers are so against itrials but want to actually improve them, then make a separate thread for each trial where people can actually throw out ideas on what needs to be buffed/nerfed.
I do that already. I've done it with Keyes and Underground. I'm happy to say that the Keyes thread was actually successful in promoting changes that made the trial being run more frequently.

I wait to do the trials a few times before I make those threads though. However, I continue to get the same people that you see here saying "nothing is wrong". People that are self-blinded to the possibility that a mechanic might be improved resulting in a greater trial acceptance aren't doing themselves or others any favors.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Just curious..doing it on +4 on made the normal mobs 54 right? SO Crimson, who is normally a level 50 hero, was still 50?
Can totally see you guys not able to kill him though. I remember reading that all those buffed enemies settings function like turning an even con minion into a +2 boss (in regard to hp, damage dealt, taken, etc) so I can imagine it would make a Hero very tough. Also, read some post saying a normal even con AV is basically working at +5 levels to you for the damage and buffing that..yeah, ouch. Would have been interesting to see how much States could hit you guys for at the end though. lol
Survivability wasn't an issue with the amount of support we had, the issue was dps, mostly because we had no enhancements. No enhancements is the most brutal challenge setting by far. Without that set we would have probably completed it quite easily.



Nearly every character has a mez available to them, and there are numerous temp powers that provide holds.
Wrong. My blasters dont. My scrappers dont. My corruptors dont. Sure i could go and change my builds to get the epics that'ld include a mez but they dont suit my characters.

Your sarcasm isn't helping the discussion.
Maybe a bit of sarcasm but surely all the points i made about the other TFs/trials are valid yes? Arent all the points i brought up from those taskforces more difficult than the current trial mechanics in some form or another?

Actually, and people have said this from the pre-beta, this trial is made more difficult due to the fact that there isn't much recourse for the league if a player DCs with one or more temp powers, refuses to use a temp power, doesn't know how to look for a temp power, pulls the AV out of the area, or enters the sabotage phase before the rest of the league is ready (and Positron acknowledged the last point himself).
So in other words like other taskforces ingame currently that requires players to use powers, such as Khan tf?

To be honest, the TPN has greater issues than just the auto-kill "feature". One thing about that though: the developers invested time and resources to put in a feature into the game to specifically prevent 1-shots from killing players, because of player requests. To back track is a waste of developer time and effort. Not only that, but that isn't the only auto-kill that Maelstrom has at his disposal. He can do upwards of 2,000-3,000 damage with his other attacks.

Oh yeah, it is also repetitive in the extreme.
We discussed the issues of the high attack he does in the other thread, but repetitive i dont agree with. There are multiple teams within that trial, if your league decides to go everybody inside then yes it will be repetitive, not the trials fault . . . its the leagues tactics fault if repetitive 3 different TPN runs in the last week, i was twice on the ST tele team and once on the inside team.
If anything, Keyes is the most repetitive trial of them all.

The MoM trial has far more issues than just the death penalty, it is just the most obvious.
Examples please? The devs stated before making all these trials that they wanted to make them to make players use powers that were previously hardly used. How many times pre-trials did you see a granite tank? Almost every team. Now we have tanks of all varieties all over the place due to the [as an example] psi attacks that this trial does.
Im mentioning psi damage because i remember people complaining that a trial has a damage which a lot of ATs have little/no resistance too, which by itself i find laughable because its almost like you want purely smash/lethal because it'ld be the easiest to resis. There are powersets from buffers that'ld help this too remember . . . . not to mention debuffers.

Actually, that isn't so much of a problem. The problem is that the "limited death" clause and the hard to spot graphic effects.
Its a good feature imo, ran it 4/5 times on a league that was to try and complete it [not including the leagues where we were +0/+1s to test] and on none of them did we even get to 1/4 of the deaths allowed, infact most of them were 0 deaths.
There arent any tough enemies to face during that round so as long as the league has any sort of construction to it, it'll be a walkthrough that stage. [A lot of us said that was the easiest bit of all the trials]

Yes, because they take their own experiences with min-maxed groups or larger servers and try to make it fit all players.
Isnt this what your doing though? Your basically saying X is broken because of all these experiences i've had. Which is fair enough, we're all saying its not nowhere near as broken as you say it is because of OUR experiences.

And those showing that there ARE problems are getting instantly shouted down with "well it isn't that bad because i say so" too. Every single time. Even from people that aren't subscribing.
Because of examples like i gave earlier with a poster being against the DD trial without actually running it. It instantly creates a bad vibe towards a trial which is downright wrong when they havent even run it.
If you run a trial and dont like it then fine, more power to you. I myself cant stand the UG trial and always say it, what us trialers [we are a cliche now! xD] do expect though is for people NOT to go around bad mouthing things with zero evidence apart from word of mouth.
With the "isnt that bad because i say so" , i've actually gone on to other servers and in that thread in beta there was a pretty good discusion stating about how varied tactics are on all servers. Even as a basic trial the baf, that had so many different tactics on each server.

I wait to do the trials a few times before I make those threads though. However, I continue to get the same people that you see here saying "nothing is wrong". People that are self-blinded to the possibility that a mechanic might be improved resulting in a greater trial acceptance aren't doing themselves or others any favors.
Great that those kind of threads do make positive changes, but there is a very fine line between what everybody is asking for.
People like myself are asking that there are indeed easy/medium and hard trials to suit all players needs, which is what we now have. But the vibe that is constantly being shown from the same posters is "we only want baf/lam level difficulty trials", because thats what the amount of nerfs people against the trials are calling for

Threads which you made [like the one in the beta forum] where constructive feedback/improvements are suggested are great, you'll hardly see anybody be so much against you. But say your a new/unsub'd player looking at a random thread like this, they'ld look at all these anti-trial posts and be put off it wouldnt they?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Wrong. My blasters dont. My scrappers dont. My corruptors dont. Sure i could go and change my builds to get the epics that'ld include a mez but they dont suit my characters.
And there are plenty of temp powers to get around the LGTF situation, which does allow temp powers.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Arent all the points i brought up from those taskforces more difficult than the current trial mechanics in some form or another?
Not really.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
So in other words like other taskforces ingame currently that requires players to use powers, such as Khan tf?
The temp power in Khan requires a single use by anyone on the team, and everyone in the previous mission is granted 10 charges. So no, the comparison isn't valid.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Examples please?
I've given examples about MoM specifically. In this thread, not to mention others.
  • Awakens in the Penelope phase.
  • Too many auto-hit Psi damage in the Penelope phase.
  • Graphic "fuzz" in the Penelope phase makes it hard/next to impossible to see the "safe" zones.
  • The storm voids have an issue with being taunted.
  • No visual clues as to if you are in with Aurora or not.
  • Can't get close enough to use AoE heals on the rifts.
  • Some of the Nightmares are overpowered (Rularuu, Avatar of Hamidon) and will cause many team wipes.

There are some other spots, but those are some of the more annoying problems.
Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
The devs stated before making all these trials that they wanted to make them to make players use powers that were previously hardly used. How many times pre-trials did you see a granite tank? Almost every team. Now we have tanks of all varieties all over the place due to the [as an example] psi attacks that this trial does.
And if you can't get enough psi protection for the league, you're screwed. The developers often go overboard when they produce things.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I'm mentioning psi damage because i remember people complaining that a trial has a damage which a lot of ATs have little/no resistance too, which by itself i find laughable because its almost like you want purely smash/lethal because it'ld be the easiest to resis. There are powersets from buffers that'ld help this too remember . . . . not to mention debuffers.
Empathy, Thermal, Cold, Radiation, Sonic, Storm, Kinetics, Traps, and Trick Arrow all lack Psi protection. Dark Miasma, Force Field, and Time all have a tiny bit of Psi protection. And you can't debuff a zone wide auto attack.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Isn't this what your doing though? Your basically saying X is broken because of all these experiences i've had. Which is fair enough, we're all saying its not nowhere near as broken as you say it is because of OUR experiences.
Partially, yes. However I'm also looking at not only what I would like, but what could get people to actually run the trial when they would normally avoid the trials in the first place. The people saying that things are working fine, despite being frustrating enough for players to avoid a trial, are only speaking for themselves.

Have you considered that some mechanics might need to be changed for the trials to have wider adoption?

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Because of examples like i gave earlier with a poster being against the DD trial without actually running it. It instantly creates a bad vibe towards a trial which is downright wrong when they havent even run it.
As I've said, I've run the trials before slamming them.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
If you run a trial and dont like it then fine, more power to you. I myself cant stand the UG trial and always say it, what us trialers [we are a cliche now! xD] do expect though is for people NOT to go around bad mouthing things with zero evidence apart from word of mouth.
I liked the Underground. I liked it until I witnessed the many ways the trial doesn't work well. Also, the last time I seen it run was back in November.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
With the "isnt that bad because i say so" , i've actually gone on to other servers and in that thread in beta there was a pretty good discusion stating about how varied tactics are on all servers. Even as a basic trial the baf, that had so many different tactics on each server.
And I've had players from Union come to Triumph, and find out that what they do on Union doesn't work so well on Triumph. That player, despite feedback, pulled the AVs in BAF to an unfamiliar place expecting people to know where they were talking about.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Great that those kind of threads do make positive changes, but there is a very fine line between what everybody is asking for.
There are people demanding a level of difficulty that would see around 1% of the players be able to marginally able to complete the trial, there are others that want to see that 99% of all trials succeed.

Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle. However I don't want to see 50%-90% of the trials fail because of 1 or 2 people on the league. UGT, TPN, and MoM all fail at this test.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
People like myself are asking that there are indeed easy/medium and hard trials to suit all players needs, which is what we now have. But the vibe that is constantly being shown from the same posters is "we only want baf/lam level difficulty trials", because thats what the amount of nerfs people against the trials are calling for
Actually there are a few posters in this and other threads that don't want any of the trials being easy/medium.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Threads which you made [like the one in the beta forum] where constructive feedback/improvements are suggested are great, you'll hardly see anybody be so much against you.
Yet I see the same 5-10 people, including a few that aren't even subscribers, on a consistent basis whining that ANY change is unwelcome.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
If those anti-trialers are so against itrials but want to actually improve them, then make a seperate thread for each trial where people can actually throw out ideas on what needs to be buffed/nerfed.

This has been done repeatedly already.

Just going to lump the rest of my response into one run on paragraph: The trials are what they are. IMO they are not very good. They are not as bad as what I have seen in other games. They are not, however, landmark material I think is worth being exported. Some of their specific mechanics are worldclass terrible. CoH was a bad candidate for a game to hide end game rewards behind teamed content. Existing TFs aren't good related examples because they have never played the role of primary arbiters of rewards. The trials do not meet their original goal as being similar to zone events. Some time ago there was a huge battle over even getting the ability to lock a league, because this content was, allegedly, open to everyone. Now we've swung 180 degrees the other direction, seemingly by accident. Rather than being something I tell my friends about when recruiting them to this game, I keep what I know about trials a secret before filling them in once they are hooked, because the content is overall poor, the manifestation of a tacked on end game on top of an aging combat system that wasn't up to the task, as well as a misfire in terms of design goals, which originally prioritized "openness" over all else. Level shifts are a particularly awful way to differentiate incarnate progress. I still like this game overall anyway.

Well, there you go.