2012 Player Summit? Information?




Any new information on the proposed Player Summit for this year? Some of us would like to know to make arrangements to see if we could possibly attend it.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Any new information on the proposed Player Summit for this year? Some of us would like to know to make arrangements to see if we could possibly attend it.
April 28, 2012. You can get the airplane tickets, but you might want to hold off on hotel reservations since they will probably get a discount rate wherever they decide to hold it. There's also a Community Discussion thread.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
April 28, 2012. You can get the airplane tickets, but you might want to hold off on hotel reservations since they will probably get a discount rate wherever they decide to hold it. There's also a Community Discussion thread.
The problem is going to be that booking a hotel with my flight and rental is cheaper up front than trying to tack it on later.

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For what it's worth... when I called Dinah's Garden Hotel (where it was held back in November), apparently it's listed there again this April. Mention Paragon Studios for the discounted rate.

Whether they're going to change it, I don't know. But when I called the day the Pummit was announced, that's where it was.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The problem is going to be that booking a hotel with my flight and rental is cheaper up front than trying to tack it on later.
Are you going by yourself? If so, double up on the hotel with someone. I had a roommate back in November (Ninus), and it was awesome.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
For what it's worth... when I called Dinah's Garden Hotel (where it was held back in November), apparently it's listed there again this April. Mention Paragon Studios for the discounted rate.

Whether they're going to change it, I don't know. But when I called the day the Pummit was announced, that's where it was.

It's 99.99% certain to be at the Dinah again. We haven't singed contracts yet, so hence the .01%.

Once I've got all the paperwork created we'll post ticket sales, hotels, date, events, panels schedules, etc.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's 99.99% certain to be at the Dinah again. We haven't singed contracts yet, so hence the .01%.
Is this one of those "deal with the Devil" type of contracts?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's 99.99% certain to be at the Dinah again. We haven't singed contracts yet, so hence the .01%.

Once I've got all the paperwork created we'll post ticket sales, hotels, date, events, panels schedules, etc.
That's great news. Get the food from somewhere else if you have to, but the hotel is actually really nice for a great price, in my opinion. I stayed at the Dinah in November and at the Crowne Plaza across the street back in May, and the Dinah was MUCH nicer--and less expensive to boot. And those mai tais at Trader Vics...

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I have a fiddle of gold somewhere...



I'm scared.

In part because the "irresponsible" portion of my Tax return (already partially in) is already spent.

*looks at the responsible portion, prepares to have a wake for it*

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Are you going by yourself? If so, double up on the hotel with someone. I had a roommate back in November (Ninus), and it was awesome.
Consider this an open invite if someone needs/wants to double up.

Warning. I snore a bit. Not like "factory full of giant chainsaws" or anything, but light sleepers sometimes complain.

I don't have an itinerary confirmed YET. But I should by next week or so.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Consider this an open invite if someone needs/wants to double up.

Warning. I snore a bit. Not like "factory full of giant chainsaws" or anything, but light sleepers sometimes complain.

I don't have an itinerary confirmed YET. But I should by next week or so.
Dude, I will! As long as you don't smoke in the room, we'll be fine.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Dude, I will! As long as you don't smoke in the room, we'll be fine.
I don't smoke. I've had all of half a drag of one cigarette in my life and after I stopped choking and picked myself up off the floor I swore I wouldn't have another.

So I guess that's settled. I'll be in on the 27th and out on the 29th. That good for you?

Also, if for some reason I am not able to make it I'll still pick up my half of the hotel tab.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I don't smoke. I've had all of half a drag of one cigarette in my life and after I stopped choking and picked myself up off the floor I swore I wouldn't have another.

So I guess that's settled. I'll be in on the 27th and out on the 29th. That good for you?

Also, if for some reason I am not able to make it I'll still pick up my half of the hotel tab.
Do you drink? Because mass quantities of alcohol will be consumed.

This is Protector dammit! ! We have to give those Pinnacle peeps a run for their money.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Dude, I will! As long as you don't smoke in the room, we'll be fine.
My hubby won't be going, my daughter will be gladly taken by my parents for that weekend. If you guys don't mind girl cooties I might be interested in having some roommates. Plus, I don't snore. I'm quiet, and love long nights in front of a computer screen.

We'll need a bigger room, and the best one they offer. Plus you owe me for the deletion of all my pics on COHFaces anyway Tony.

I don't mind splitting the bill.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Do you drink? Because mass quantities of alcohol will be consumed.
Nope. I'm fscked up enough as it is. Alcohol would be superfluous.

Did most my drinking while I was overseas and it was legal for me to drink while under 21. I did more than enough of it to know two things.

  1. I hate the taste of alcohol. Hate it. Passionately. I'm incapable of being a "social" drinker. I drink to get rid of the alcohol as fast as possible so I can go drink something I can actually stand the taste of.
  2. I've tried the "getting drunk" thing. It took a phenomenal amount of alcohol (did I mention that I can't stand the taste?), and the worst I got was "comfortably numb", which I wasn't too fond of either. Think of it as trying to cure a headache by eating fresh, raw willow bark instead of asprin.

As such I've had two beers since I left the service, and two "hard liquor" drinks. Known as "ER PPCs". A regular PPC is grain alcohol or other distilled clear spirits at 151+ proof and a shot of something to give it taste. An "ER (Extended Range) version goes for 190+ proof. Essentially the drink I had was 190 proof + Peppermint Schnapps. Didn't get me drunk, but sure as hell cleared my sinuses out!

This is Protector dammit! ! We have to give those Pinnacle peeps a run for their money.
Good for you! You can have my share!

I can bring along bags of Saline solution and a few large-bore IV needles to rehydrate you the following morning!

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Good for you! You can have my share!

I can bring along bags of Saline solution and a few large-bore IV needles to rehydrate you the following morning!
I've had enough needle pricks in my time, thanks.

I'll be drinking but only socially. Never been a heavy spelunker when it comes to anything aside Wine, Champagne, and Smooth (fruity) Rums.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
My hubby won't be going, my daughter will be gladly taken by my parents for that weekend. If you guys don't mind girl cooties I might be interested in having some roommates. Plus, I don't snore. I'm quiet, and love long nights in front of a computer screen.

We'll need a bigger room, and the best one they offer. Plus you owe me for the deletion of all my pics on COHFaces anyway Tony.

I don't mind splitting the bill.
That'd be something Tony and I need to discuss (since he's the first). Do we want a "room" or "crash space".

Granted, the latter might be more economical, but that's something that needs to be agreed upon.

And in any case, I'd be calling dibs on a bed. Done way too many years of "And you get the floor!" when working cons.
I'm also kinda wary about it too. My last year of "group organization" was the last Milwaukee GenCon. I wound up having to make three trips up to Milwaukee (one two days before the con) to insure we had rooms, then half the people no-showed at the last minute and I got stuck with the bill. If I'm going to grab a big room (or suite) for something like that, plans for everyone involved need to be ROCK FRICKING SOLID (so even if you no-show you still pay your part of the room).

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Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
My hubby won't be going, my daughter will be gladly taken by my parents for that weekend. If you guys don't mind girl cooties I might be interested in having some roommates. Plus, I don't snore. I'm quiet, and love long nights in front of a computer screen.
Hyper, you're out.

Seriously, I'm not sure if Dinah's has rooms with more than two beds. I'll call and check. If so, this will be a possibility. I don't think they have adjoining rooms, either, but we can at least get rooms in the same building, maybe on the same floor, I'm sure. I grew up with three older sisters, so I'm well used to girl cooties.

Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
We'll need a bigger room, and the best one they offer. Plus you owe me for the deletion of all my pics on COHFaces anyway Tony.
They're not deleted! If you want, I can box 'em up in an archive and send them to you. The site's not dead, though, I swear!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I can bring along bags of Saline solution and a few large-bore IV needles to rehydrate you the following morning!
That's what Bloody Marys are for!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hyper, you're out.

Seriously, I'm not sure if Dinah's has rooms with more than two beds. I'll call and check. If so, this will be a possibility. I don't think they have adjoining rooms, either, but we can at least get rooms in the same building, maybe on the same floor, I'm sure. I grew up with three older sisters, so I'm well used to girl cooties.
Awesome. As for Hyper getting the stick on his last venture .. I've been there also. I had reserved the room, and was all chillaxing thinking it was good when the people bailed. I'm pretty much solid but I don't do the whole '' you pay everything upfront..'' without 100% guarantee, so no worries. Don't book it yet. What I need is how long everyone's planning to stay, and what dates so I can coordinate then you split the bill with however many are there, I will also forward my portion of the room immediately upon securing it with however many ways a split can bring. You'll have cash in your pocket long before I even arrive, or the date is set just so all my birds are hit with one stone.

I hate, HATE, hate crash space.

I'm a chick so naturally you HAVE to give up one bed, or you'll be forced to sleep with me in one. I have no qualms about jumping on said bed, scooting my bum over, and over, and over, and over until you fall off the bed and I'll comfortably spread across it to hog it all.

If nothing else, then I'll just get a room myself. Whatever helps you guise sleep at night. I may be quiet but I am an extreme tosser and turner, and when I do sleep it will probably be during the day or in the afternoon hours since I like to game at night thru mornings. That means if you can't sleep through keyboard typing then I suggest bringing ear muffs. Big ones. Sound proof ones, or ear plugs. Also, be used to random people being invited into the room for gaming sessions or chatty cathyness. I'm there to have fun and milk it, not '' zomg downer time'' ''I'M SLEEPING GTFO'' kinda thing. Been to those type of cons, been in those situations, and lulz'd all the way through while the GG's took over causing this one groucho to become highly annoyed. Loved it.

I will probably get my own fridge, and be prepared for feminine products and long shower times. I'd suggest locating the nearest bathroom to our room if we do bunk, cause I abuse hotel bathrooms with a passion. Baths, showers, and sinks will be my friend. Don't forget the fragrances, ''girly'' smells (bring asprin/ib proffin if you get headaches from perfumes), and all the costume bits and just plenty of random stuff and yeah I am the typical '' Gotta take EVERYTHING from home'' person. Big suitcases filled to the bursting point.

Now with my flaws outta the way, the reasons I rawk as a roommate? I don't mind towel walking. j/kj/k. I'm quiet if I have to be, don't argue, am not fussy, and am too chillaxed to be a rude commentator. You want to do something or *borrow* the room for something, lemme know so I don't walk in on a special adult edition of Twister. I bring the fun, FUN. Lots of it. LOTS. Other than when I am IN the room, you really, probably, won't see me too much. At cons I like to milk the time down to virtually all I can throughout it. Only real long times I stay in the room is to eat (if I choose to nibble in the room), obligatory bathing, and dressing up in any costumes I might bring (Hair, accessories, contacts..) do take time. Also, I share my nibbles. I get pringles, ramen, rumanae, fruits, sandwich meats, fixings, poptarts, beef jerky and more times than naught pocky. I don't care what you raid as long as I get some of it when I'm on the go. I don't just bring one can, or two. I bring a whole load, like a dufflebag filled with zomgmunchies. I do smoke, and drink. Obviously the first won't be done in the room or around it, however the second is a high possibility. Just to air out any uncertainties.

Just keep me updated through my inbox on what's what and what's not. When it gets closer we can do skypes, or cellphones. Whatever the case may be.

I don't mind two other guys to room with but another lady that shares a passion for gaming wouldn't hurt either. For any that are reading this.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
They're not deleted! If you want, I can box 'em up in an archive and send them to you. The site's not dead, though, I swear!
Shhh! I like the idea of leverage. Really tho I don't need them. I kinda have all mine stored on a comp anyhow, don't need duplicates of myself. Good to know they weren't deleted tho!



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Awesome. As for Hyper getting the stick on his last venture .. I've been there also. I had reserved the room, and was all chillaxing thinking it was good when the people bailed. I'm pretty much solid but I don't do the whole '' you pay everything upfront..'' without 100% guarantee, so no worries. Don't book it yet. What I need is how long everyone's planning to stay, and what dates so I can coordinate then you split the bill with however many are there, I will also forward my portion of the room immediately upon securing it with however many ways a split can bring. You'll have cash in your pocket long before I even arrive, or the date is set just so all my birds are hit with one stone.
That's workable.

I hate, HATE, hate crash space.
See! Knew we had something in common. Worst EVER was a single room used in shifts by 12 people. Three of whom subscribed to "Ban dihydrogen monoxide" and wouldn't touch soap if their life depended on it.

As Foamy would say "It's like being stuck in the middle of a FUNK SANDWICH". I wound up sleeping by the door to the balcony so I could crack it open for fresh air.

Never, EVER, EVER again!

I'm a chick so naturally you HAVE to give up one bed, or you'll be forced to sleep with me in one. I have no qualms about jumping on said bed, scooting my bum over, and over, and over, and over until you fall off the bed and I'll comfortably spread across it to hog it all.
Nah, I'm a restless sleeper, if I keep too much caffeine in my diet, I'll manage to fall out all by my lonesome. I don't care tremendously about sharing a bed with someone, just that sleeping on the floor effectively starches my spine to the point that bending over to where I can touch my knees hurts.

If nothing else, then I'll just get a room myself. Whatever helps you guise sleep at night. I may be quiet but I am an extreme tosser and turner, and when I do sleep it will probably be during the day or in the afternoon hours since I like to game at night thru mornings.
Since it's a weekend and I'd normally be working overnight then, I'm up for sleeping whenever the schedule allows.

That means if you can't sleep through keyboard typing then I suggest bringing ear muffs. Big ones. Sound proof ones, or ear plugs. Also, be used to random people being invited into the room for gaming sessions or chatty cathyness. I'm there to have fun and milk it, not '' zomg downer time'' ''I'M SLEEPING GTFO'' kinda thing. Been to those type of cons, been in those situations, and lulz'd all the way through while the GG's took over causing this one groucho to become highly annoyed. Loved it.
Please. My problem is waking UP. As long as you're not trying to cram a Manowar concert into the room, or have some doofus try jumping on me (VERY bad idea), I think we're fine.

I will probably get my own fridge, and be prepared for feminine products and long shower times.
Hey, I like long hot showers too! But yeah, I can do the shower dash in under 5. Not a lot of hair to deal with, wash face, wash the rest of me, rinse, out. Then a couple minutes to dry off and pull some clothes on.

I'd suggest locating the nearest bathroom to our room if we do bunk, cause I abuse hotel bathrooms with a passion. Baths, showers, and sinks will be my friend. Don't forget the fragrances, ''girly'' smells (bring asprin/ib proffin if you get headaches from perfumes), and all the costume bits and just plenty of random stuff and yeah I am the typical '' Gotta take EVERYTHING from home'' person. Big suitcases filled to the bursting point.
If I can get a little corner for my soap and stuff, we're good, take the other 99% of the counter. I pack pretty efficiently, but flying will mean I need to stop at a supermarket for liquid hygiene products (soap, shampoo, , stink slayer...deoderant, etc).

Now with my flaws outta the way, the reasons I rawk as a roommate? I don't mind towel walking. j/kj/k. I'm quiet if I have to be, don't argue, am not fussy, and am too chillaxed to be a rude commentator. You want to do something or *borrow* the room for something, lemme know so

I don't walk in on a special adult edition of Twister. I bring the fun, FUN. Lots of it. LOTS.
This really isn't a problem with me. There are things that most women want in a man. I'm still trying to figure out what they are, but I'm pretty damn sure at this point I have none of them. So no "BRB, Bootie Call" for Hyperstrike.

Other than when I am IN the room, you really, probably, won't see me too much.
The con isn't THAT big. So we'll probably see you more than you expect.

At cons I like to milk the time down to virtually all I can throughout it. Only real long times I stay in the room is to eat (if I choose to nibble in the room), obligatory bathing, and dressing up in any costumes I might bring (Hair, accessories, contacts..) do take time. Also, I share my nibbles. I get pringles (Love 'em but the "cast iron stomach" has developed a few rusty spots and can't take em any more) , ramen (one of the things I don't economize on at cons is food, I eat ramen way too much at home, at cons I splurge), rumanae (Yeah, you and I are gonna get along fine), fruits, sandwich meats, fixings, poptarts, beef jerky (see rusty iron stomach) and more times than naught pocky (after years and years of going to and helping run Anime Central, and I still don't have a taste for Pocky, yeah, I'm weird). I don't care what you raid as long as I get some of it when I'm on the go. I don't just bring one can, or two. I bring a whole load, like a dufflebag filled with zomgmunchies. I do smoke, and drink. Obviously the first won't be done in the room or around it, however the second is a high possibility. Just to air out any uncertainties.
And if I raid, I replace, either directly if possible or I owe you a meal or a store run. I'll have a car, so if you want to pack lighter and run for "essentials" when you get out here, we have transportation. After years of playing "convention draymaster and chauffeur" for Origins and GenCon, I have no problem with a timely run to the local supermarket/Target/Wally-World.

Just keep me updated through my inbox on what's what and what's not. When it gets closer we can do skypes, or cellphones. Whatever the case may be.
Not a problem.

I don't mind two other guys to room with but another lady that shares a passion for gaming wouldn't hurt either. For any that are reading this.
As I said, I'm fairly easygoing and try to be as non-creepy as possible. As long as roomates don't go out of their way to be obnoxious (like the "no bathing" thing), I'm fine. Just figure it like this. 99% of the stuff out of my mouth is intended to be funny on one or more levels, even if it's serious dissemination. The other 1% is just flat-out BS.

My itinerary is going to look something like this:
I'm looking to get in sometime Friday. Morning or afternoon.
I'll leave out sometime on Sunday. So the room would be for 2 nights (was NEVER stupid enough to try the "sleep in my car" thing).

One of the evenings I'm there I'm probably going to do dinner with an old army buddy of mine who's out there working for nVidia.

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Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
That's what Bloody Marys are for!
Tomato juice? No thanks.

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Hyper (& Luli),

You may want to check out Schaub's Meat Fish & Poultry & Sigona's Farmer's Market in the Stanford Shopping Center. Not discount, but you will find good eats in both locations. I'm fond of the Fred's Steak sandwich @Schaub's but the meatloaf sandwich a couple of people tried smelled too good for me to not try this time around.

There's a cafe across the breezeway that a few of us found to be chock full of tempting pastries as well if you're interested.