CoH the Musical




Sorry if this wrong place for this thread. I couldn't think of a better place for it, and I really wanted to ask.

I was at a Rocky Horror showing the other night and started thinking about which of my characters would play which roles if they had to put on the show themselves.

So that led me to wonder--what if you were the casting director in Paragon City and had to cast the City of Heroes signature characters to stage a show? Who do you cast for each role, and why? Who plays:

Dr. Scott?
Riff Raff?
The Criminologist?

Maybe I'm weird but I happen to think what people would pick tells us a lot about each of the characters in game that a simple discussion of their personalities might not.

[BTW I'm aware the movie/show contains some somewhat suggestive themes, although IMO its actually quite a bit tamer even than what Desdemona and Mother Mayhem are wearing in promotional pictures. Hopefully we can keep it fun without taking it completely off the tracks.]



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
[BTW I'm aware the movie/show contains some somewhat suggestive themes, although IMO its actually quite a bit tamer even than what Desdemona and Mother Mayhem are wearing in promotional pictures. Hopefully we can keep it fun without taking it completely off the tracks.]



All based on attitudes and... I just really think these fit the best.

Brad? Manticore. He's as serious minded as Brad is. I could see him taking things too seriously and missing the double entendre going on and thus being the 'straight man' to a lot of the humor (plus who Janet and Dr Frank are just makes this so much funnier).

Janet? Sister Psyche. Especially when she gets all 'wishy washy' under the kind of psychic and emotional assaults that would be going on in that story...

Frank? Mother Mayhem. They're both self absorbed narcissists who want to be 'loved' by everyone... plus they even dress alike!

Dr. Scott? Citadel. Closest thing to a character with wheels in the game.

Rocky? Emperor Cole. His penchant for gold clothing, and Mother's desire to be loved by him (and everyone else...)

Magenta? Ghost Widow. The very "above it" attitude... and the accent.

Riff Raff? Scirocco. 'Cause Ghost Widow is Magnenta... plus those dreadlocks and helmet kind of have the same look.

Columbia? Silver Mantis. Do I really have to explain?

The Criminologist? Statesman. Detached and serious.

Eddie? Black Scorpion. I just want to see him sing "What Ever Happened to Saturday Night" and play the sax... Plus he's got that same kind of attitude, and probably spells about as well...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



NOT READING any replies, yet, until I post this. On purpose. I don't wanna screw up my thoughts. So if I copied, awesome, great minds think alike! Answers shown below, in bold:

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Sorry if this wrong place for this thread. I couldn't think of a better place for it, and I really wanted to ask.

I was at a Rocky Horror showing the other night and started thinking about which of my characters would play which roles if they had to put on the show themselves.

So that led me to wonder--what if you were the casting director in Paragon City and had to cast the City of Heroes signature characters to stage a show? Who do you cast for each role, and why? Who plays:

Brad?... Percy Winkley
Janet?... Desdemona
Frank?... Tyrant
Dr. Scott?... Positron
Rocky?... Dominatrix
Magenta?... Mother Mayhem
Riff Raff?... Neuron
Columbia?... Vanessa DeVore
The Criminologist?... Detective Freitag
Eddie?... Anti-Matter
Love me some Rocky! It's just a jump to the left!

Percy because he just seems so... Brad.
Desdemona because she's confused.
Tyrant beacuse he fits the "my way, and I'm weird" thing.
Positron because he is a scientist, and may, possibly, be looking to collude with his counterpart.
Dominatrix... duh.
Mother Mayhem seems quite a Magenta character... willing to help, but...
Neuron is the suck up to Tyrant, but would gladly turn if he got the opportunity.
Vanessa Devore... because she looks like Columbia, and the Primal one would probably be in cahoots with Tyrant. Too bad there's not an Eddie (Schwetty!) connection there.
Detective Frietag could have easily been Fish or other... just the first Police contact in Kings is why.
Anti-Matter is due to his being cast off Tyrant's 'awesome' list, thanks to Domi and Neuron.

And it pretty much goes with 'good/bad' characters too.

/And I agree, Mother Mayhem is teh hawtness, and thatssa skimpy costume.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



The Story of Darrin (to the tune of Eddy's Teddy)

From the day he was born
he was trouble
he was the thorn
in the Midnight Squad's side

They tried in vain
but he never caused nothing but pain

He came home when Statesman died

From the day he was gone
all he wanted
was Rularuu to spawn
wherever he liked
stealing midnight squad junk
he was a low down cheap little punk

Taking everyone for a ride

When Darrin said he didnt like Statesman
You knew he was a no good kid
but when he took Statesman life
with a spell of strife

What a guy
makes Liberty cry
and she did

Everybody loathed him
I very nearly croaked him
I said Hey listen to me
Spend eternity rescuing Percey Winkley
But he opened the door and took away our things

But he must have been drawn
into something
making him taunt
us in a note that reads

I'm out of my head
HA HA UR Statesman's dead
I must carry out my evil deeds

When Darrin said he didnt like Statesman
You knew he was a no good kid
but when he took Statesman life
with a spell of strife

What a guy
makes Liberty cry
and she did



*gathers the toast*

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
*gathers the toast*
*Passes the jam*



I... it... just...

Now imagining Recluse chasing after Liberty in her underwear singing "Planet Schmanet Janet". It will never leave my head.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
*Passes the jam*

No.. no no no no no.

*Hands back the jam and pulls out rice, newspapers, water pistols, newspapers and toilet paper, lighters/flashlights, playing cards and party hats!*


*Puts on a tuxedo and waits for the show*

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Saint Valencrime View Post
The Story of Darrin (to the tune of Eddy's Teddy)
Nice... you inspired me...

Powers Shmowers, Statesman!

I'll tell you once, and once you're told

You better wise up, Marcus Cole

Your hero shtick, it's getting old.

You better wise up, Marcus Cole.

We found the well, things could have been so swell

You're as moral, as red coral

You're just wound around my little sister's finger

When she held you, did you hear The Well sing?

You feeling trapped? Well don't be bold

You'd better wise up, Marcus Cole

My Web Device has got you in its hold

Marcus: Power draining... getting weaker
Positron: My armor, can't control my... armor!
Synapse: Can't move, it's as if I'm being being glued to the spot!
Recluse: You are! So quake with fear, you tiny fools!
Manticore: We're trapped!

It's something you'll get used to

A powers enema can be nice...

Positron: You won't find the Freedom Phalanx quite the easy mark you imagine. This Web device- it is, I suppose, some kind of mystical-techno-physio-molecular-draining device?
Manticore: You mean?!
Positron: Yes, Manticore, it's something I've postulated and tried to find a counterdevice to prevent, but it seems our friend here has developed it before I could. A device which is capable of breaking down our various powers then projecting through space, and who knows, perhaps into Recluse himself!
Statesman: You mean he's going to take all our powers and add them to his own?

Powers Shmowers, Statesman!

You better wise up, Marcus Cole

You better wise up, give your guise up.

You better wise up...

And then Sister Psyche cried out!

Don't use psychic horror, use a healing aura

You're a villain, but you better not try to hurt her,

Stephan Richter!

You're a villain, but you better not try to hurt her,

Stephan Richter!

You're a villain...

Followed by "Ghost Tint: Floor Show/Fanfare/Make you Dream it/Well Incarnate Thing"

And of course, finished with "Super Heroes" (don't even need to change that one )

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I still remember all the call lines year later.

Hey, look! There's a _____ in my Cheerios!

Shh! Quiet! Or everyone's going to want one!



Dr Scott made me think that I don't recall any retired or active heroes or villains in a wheelchair. Is medicine/cybernetics so good that this doesn't happen any more ?

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Dr Scott made me think that I don't recall any retired or active heroes or villains in a wheelchair. Is medicine/cybernetics so good that this doesn't happen any more ?
That had better be the case, there's no ramps anywhere in Paragon City. None for the Hospitals, Universities... anywhere. My wife, who's in an arcitectural field, noticed this when she first started playing. That and the crazy design philosopies at play in building mission interiors that you'd never see in real life.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
That had better be the case, there's no ramps anywhere in Paragon City. None for the Hospitals, Universities... anywhere. My wife, who's in an arcitectural field, noticed this when she first started playing. That and the crazy design philosopies at play in building mission interiors that you'd never see in real life.
hey, just because the elevator is unique between every 2 floors, and they build 4 elevators to go between every two floors, doesn't make it crazy



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Dr Scott made me think that I don't recall any retired or active heroes or villains in a wheelchair. Is medicine/cybernetics so good that this doesn't happen any more ?

Probably fear of Professor X/Davros type legal bollocks

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Ok, there is some seriously inspired casting going on here, but none more so than Mother Mayhem as Frank. That's brilliant. It puts the BAF cutscene into an entirely new perspective. She's not enunciating. She's singing. (Or at least mincing).

As for the others, I may have some strange ideas:

Brad - I think it should be someone uptight. So naturally I gravitate to Maelstrom. Percy is also an inspired choice.

Janet - I actually don't really see Sister Psyche here. I see someone who starts out... fastidious, fussy, and easily influenced. The Desdemona suggestion fits quite well though. In fact even as I'm typing this, more and more I can see Desi as the "corrupt Janet" from late in the show. Also, Ms. Liberty's real world and alt world personalities seem to embody this character in literal terms.

Magenta - Ghost Widow is almost too perfectly snide to not play this role. Hired without an audition.

Columbia - Tell me if I'm weird: Flambeaux. Totally. Don't the characters even have similar story arcs, getting caught up in stuff way over their heads?

Rocky - I gravitate to Back Alley Brawler and Black Scorpion but only on virtue of size.

Riff Raff - I totally see Captain Mako in this role, right down to being a backstabber. I agree that Sicorocco is good casting as well.

Criminologist - Given his role as a "meta entity," I nominate Null the Gull. If Null is unavailable, Prometheus is my next pick.

Dr Scott - Does Azuria have a Praetorian counterpart? Because if so, that's who I have in mind.

Eddie - Frostfire or Mangle.



One two
One two three

Whatever happened to Sewer Trial
When you jumped in the sludge and began to fight
It don't seem the same since the issue five
reduced the XP, I thought it was divine

I used to teleport with a hero I know
we'd listen for our team to be given the go
A mass attack would lead to getting Rikti-Rolled
We worked down the drain, really had a good time

Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled
Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled
Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled

My head use to swim from the sewage I smelled
Everyone was there because it leveled well
I get a few good drops under my belt
The Rikti would teleport in and then we'd run
Get the tank in front and put the buffs on
Killing Hydra spawn to the very last one
saving wakies for the ones who fell down
It felt pretty goodÂ…Whoo!
Really had a good time

Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled
Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled
Hot Patootie Bless My soul
I use to love getting Rikti Rolled



Originally Posted by Saint Valencrime View Post
The Story of Darrin (to the tune of Eddy's Teddy)

I'm literally crying from laughing so hard. This. Is. Amazing.

Okay, here's my casting call:

Brad: Jonathon St. John-Smythe

Janet: Azuria (you know they've stared at each across the hallway in the basement of City Hall for years!)

Frank: Dr. Aeon. Or maybe Vernon von Grun. Both make me a little uneasy, which is perfect.

Rocky: Cap'n Mako (he's naked all the time, which is close enough for the role of Rocky)

Riff Raff: Darrin Wade (sure, he's sneaky and sinister, but the real selling point is imagining him doing the Time Warp with his trenchcoat)

Magenta: Mynx

Columbia: Katie Douglass (oh yeah, you can see it too, can't you?)

Dr. Scott: Tin Mage Mk II (there is an eerie resemblance...)

Eddie: Wretch (just freaking because, that's why)

Criminologist: General Hammond (from Fire Base Zulu. Yeah, that place over there, you know, in PI. Through the portal. Yes, it's still there.)

Time Warp Dancers: Valkyrie, Crash Cage, Desdemona, Dominatrix, Ms. Liberty



What about Shock Treatment?

The pseudo-sequel?



That's later. We're not done with RHPS.


Oh, so we're doin' songs now? Cool. I'll do this one:

*Fade in with red lips, probably Ms Liberty's, but DJ Zero singing.*

Hero 1 was ill
The day the earth stood still
But he got up.
And made a stand.

And ol' States was there
in that tight underwear
and Synapse was the world's
fastest man.

But something went wrong
for our poor heroes all
They got caught in a
Rikti led jam.

So at a deadly pace
'1' went through
portal space.
For this he is an
Honored man.

Rikti War Zone
Alien creatures.
Neighborhood has
cratered features.
See Vanguard fighting
B'rad and Ja'net
Heroes and villains
protect our planet!

Wo oh oh ooooh oooh oh ooooh

At the Crash Site
Rikti Creatures
In the Zone.

You know that Stefan Richter
Would be a real leader
with tar-an-tu-la-like
backpack skills.

And I really got hot
When I saw Calvin Scott's
Featured Task Force
for some reason
got killed.

Yeah Midnighters have rules
And passphrases too.
To be one you need
lots of skills.

Then a ship collides
with the ground, and it slides
Then Rikti pour out
and run through the hills.


Rikti War Zone
Alien creatures.
Neighborhood has
cratered features.
See Vanguard fighting
B'rad and Ja'net
Heroes and villains
protect our planet!

Wo oh oh ooooh oooh oh ooooh

At the Crash Site
Rikti Creatures
In the Zone.

I wanna go.
Oh Ooohh oh oh oooohh.

To the Crash Site
Rikti Creatures
In the Zone.

Tough creepy foes.
Oh Ooohh oh oh oooohh

In the Crash Site
Rikti Creatures
In the Zone.

End's running low...
Oh Ooohh oh oh oooohh

In the Crash Site
Rikti Creatures

*Cross fade to a flashback in Ouroborous where Manticore and Sister Psyche have just said their vows, whereupon Lord Recluse and his ilk crash the ceremony...*

/Oooooh, Shock Treatment!!!
//Just when you thought RHPS was weird... that came along.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



In just seven screens (or maybe six) I can make me a ta-a-a-a-a-ank