Not only is Statesman dead, but so is everyone related to him.

Agent White



Actually if you read one of the comic series over at the City of Comic Creators website, you'll find at least ONE MORE child of Marcus Cole out and about.

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



Originally Posted by Battlerock_X View Post
Actually if you read one of the comic series over at the City of Comic Creators website, you'll find at least ONE MORE child of Marcus Cole out and about.
Well, the guy's wife died of old age sometime in the 1980's. Even if he was completely faithful to her until the end, he's had 25ish years of being a widower who's not only young looking (age 34 at the most since that's when he drank from the well) but way beyond being in his physical prime. He's the most famous man in the world and probably has women throwing themselves at him all the time. Even if most women are too fragile for him, there are plenty of superladies out there. There's bound to be a few that had some 'no strings' fun with him over the years. He might even have a regular relationship with someone that they've kept hidden to avoid publicity. So there's certainly the possibility of States having other children. Maybe lots of them and some that he doesn't even know about.




I don't think it's a red herring. I think it's exactly what, uh, one of the red names who I don't recall now said: Statesman dies in act 5 and acts 6 and 7 are about the repercussions of his death. He's not coming back.

It should be pretty obvious at this point, with Miss Liberty and Malaise dead, Sister Psyche possibly insane and Manticore untrusted that this whole story is about shaking up the status quo and quite possibly eliminating the Freedom Phalanx as a force in Paragon City.

Statesman's death is just one brick in the wall, though I think it's one to which Matt and maybe some other old-timers are happily applying the mortar.



Could someone explain the "Levels as Time" idea? I've been around for four years now, but this is the first I've heard of any tie-in between what level you are and how much time has passed. Was this a cannonical mechanic, or something the players came up with?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



It's not as obvious now with the revamped newbie game.

If you played through the old Atlas Park and Galaxy City content, there was a progression in the missions. You'd run across a mission appropriate to your origin, where you'd be introduced to a villain group. For instance, the old missions where you'd be asked to get clockwork gears because nobody really knows what the clockworks are or how they work or what they represent. You'd defeat some clockworks, then you'd get a mission where you found a diary of the Clockwork King where he notes that your hero bears watching; that s/he reminds him of himself as a youth.

Then you advance through the various clock work enemies until finally you face the King himself in the Synapse task force and you put him away. Then there are (or were, in the early days) no more clockwork above that level. The exceptions were alt-world missions, like the portal to the world of the Psychic Clockwork King.

Ditto for Vahzilok, and others. Cray corp is treated as an upstanding corporate citizen until you get into the thirties or so and then you know (even if the world at large does not) that they are mercenary. Etc, etc...

This is why all the jokes about the MAGI vault. It really just gets robbed once but everyone plays through it as part of their personal timeline, so it appears that it happens many times.

The new content was more or less forced to abandon that progression, short of raising the level cap every time something new came out. Some exceptions occured - you still can play through the whole Doppelganger story despite the fact that Praetoria was invading every other day there for awhile and Going Rogue has been out for an appreciable time.

Mostly, though, the idea of level progression = time progression has been getting shunted into the past. The removal of the old Atlas Park and Galaxy City content was not quite the final nail in the coffin but it pretty much insured that new players of Freedom would be unlikely to ever develop an association between levels and storyline time progression.



Levels = timeline is very visible in tip missions.

If you play a lot of tips, particularly the Vigilante and Rogue ones which tend to be more complex than Hero and Villain, then you start to notice progression. Flambeaux goes from an incompetent hero in Twinshot's arcs and the 20-30 tips to an incompetent villain in the 40-50 tips. Blast Furnace turns evil, or at least mercenarial, too. Polar Shift starts as a hero, becomes a villain, then finds redemption. Frostfire gives up villainy and starts on the path towards being a hero. Where they are in their personal stories is completely dependent on which range of tips you're doing.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



my pet slug is still alive



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
The whole CoH time-line is like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.

However, I believe that the devs have stated that the one of the surviving eight that dies in 'Who Will Die?' will in fact be removed from the game except for historical references (and the WWD series itself.) Note that I do not say Statesman is the one being removed. I think him dying in part 5 is a red herring and will end up as a 'comic book death' with the 'real' death not taking place until part 7. I don't think State's demise would have been announced so far ahead of time otherwise.
The devs have explicitly stated that Statesman is the one being removed from the game world, although this won't happen until Issue 22 due to implementation issues (and is more fitting for an Issue release anyway).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Could someone explain the "Levels as Time" idea? I've been around for four years now, but this is the first I've heard of any tie-in between what level you are and how much time has passed. Was this a cannonical mechanic, or something the players came up with?
A good example is Praetoria - when you play the 1-20 content, the war hasn't started - the story builds up to the discovery of Tyrant's plans to invade Primal Earth.
Once you escape from Paretoria, you should next meet the loyalists AVs in the 45-50 range on Peregrine Island, only now, the invasion is about to happen, just s Statesman has disappeared, so you have to go find him and fight the Avs on the way.
Next comes the actual invasion at 50, with first the Apex TF, where Kings Row and Steel Canyon are attacked, then the Tin Mage TF, where we fight off the Praetorians in the Rogue Isles, the Vanguard base, and Peregrine Island, and then launch a counterattack to Neutropolis to knock out the invasion portals.
Mender Ramiel arrives from the future either just befoe the invaison, or as it starts, and Prometheus appears at the Ouroboros Citadel after we've taken out the invasion portals, but before we take the war to the loyalists on their own world. Around this time, Tyrant also empowers his henchpeople with some of his Incarnate power as he becomes more and more dependent on the Well.

That's where the Admiral Sutter TF messes things up a bit - it deals with the Paretorian invasion, but instead of being at 50, it's at 20-40, which means that players can learn about the invaison 1-20, fight the invasion 20-40, then learn the invasion is abotu to hapoen 45-50, then fight the invasion at 50

The Trials don't have any level related progress, as even the tougher ones don't require players to have a level shift to play them.
So while they can be played in any order, the correct sequence starts with the BAF, which isn't a major military target, but the discovery of Mother Mayhem's mindwashing plan to spread chaos in Praetoria and blame it on the Resistnce and Primal Earth means that it's something we have to deal with right away.

Once that's done we can turn our attention to a proper military target - Lambda Sector, where the newly empowered Marauder has been sent following events that happened in the 20-30 content in First Ward, when Dominatrix came up with a devious plan to make sure he'd be sent there by Tyrant, leaving her in complete charge of the Magisterium in Nova Praetoia.

After smashing this major loyalist supply depot, we then move onto the Keyes Island reactors, which not only power the invasion portals and the Warworks construction facilities, but also the sonic fences - and during the 20-30 First Ward content, we learnt that Tyrant and Anti-matter had used the sonic fences as a weapon to almost wipe out everything in First Ward, and with the war starting to turn against them, there's the danger they could try the same thing again in Praetoria City, or, as we find out durign the Trial, in his insane rage, Anti-matter sends the reactors into meltdown, which means that the sonic fences would lose their power and the city would be open to the Devouring Earth.

Once we defeat Anti-matter and secure the reactors, along with the security of the sonic fences and the ability to shut down any more invasion portals and slow down the construction of more Warworks, we then get a message from Vanessa DeVore, asking us for help, as she's learnt a big secret that could badly damage Tyrant's standing with the people of Praetoria.
Statesman sends along his new sidekick Desdemona, who in the lowerl level cotnent was still a rogue on the path to redmeption, to help us as we follow Vanessa's trail deep into the Underground, where we encounter an avatar of the Hamidon, which kills Vanessa.
Desdemona takes her mask, becoming the new leader of the Carnival of Light, and from the consciousness of Vanessa still attached to the mask, learns the secret that Vanessa had discovered - Tyrant had never defeated the Hamidon - instead, he'd made a deal with it, where it'd agree to stop attacking humans if Tyrant would make sure humans couldn't cause anymore damage to the world, which he did by creating his dictatorship to control them.

Now that we have this secret, we need to get it out to the people, so they can see how Tyrant has betrayed and lied to them, so we head for the TPN campus, where the loyalists are of course desperate to stop us broadcasting the truth.
Once we defeat them and let the people of Praetoria know what Tyrant's really like, we don't get the expected uprsinig - instead, the people stangely become even more loyal to Tyrant, and we soon find out why - Mother Mayhem has taken control of Penelope Yin, the daughter of Vanessa DeVore, and one of the msot powerful psychics in Praetoria, and using that psychic power along with her own, as well as an imporved version of the midnwashing plan from the BAF, has mindwashed the entire world, turning almost everyone into fanatical supporters of Tyrant.

We're unable to attack her asylum directly, because of the psychic protection wards all around it - but we manage to find an unguarded node that lets us into the Seer Network, where we can fight the mind of Mother Mayhem directly.
We eventually defeat her consciousness, freeing Penelope Yin, along with Aurora Borealis, whose body was being used by Mother Mayhem.
During the battle, we meet Metrononme, who has turned away from evil, and is now using the refitted body of Siege after we smashed it during the BAF raid, and we also discover that Calvin Scott was never married to Aurora Borealis as he'd claimed - it was part of his delusions as a mental patient at the asylum whre she ws treating him.
This revelation totally shatters Calvin, and he's left in no state to continue to lead the Resistance military struggle, with Penelope, Aurora and Desdemona coming together to take charge of the final stage of the war with Tyrant and the loyalists.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We're unable to attack her asylum directly, because of the psychic protection wards all around it..
Though we CAN stand on it's roof to collect a day job badge.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Though we CAN stand on it's roof to collect a day job badge.
Technically, that's before the MoM Trial as FW is 20-30

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork