More Sets in near future?

Agent White



I thought I read that they were going to create more purple sets like for Fear, Snipe, and maybe even Knock Back.

Any idea?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I'd love to see a set category for attacks like Parry/Divine Avalanche/Defensive Sweep, as well as Energy Drain/Energy Absorption.

Set Category: Defensive Maneuvers


Grym's Deflection

Valkyrie's Feint
--Chance for Knockdown

Set Category: Accurate Defense Buffs

Dillo's Hardiness

Citadel's Forcefield
--Chance for Self Heal

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Oh wait, I guess there are AT-specific sets coming out right? I haven't followed much of the new set info.

I just thought they were going to add more sets for secondary effects like Fear?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Oh wait, I guess there are AT-specific sets coming out right? I haven't followed much of the new set info.

I just thought they were going to add more sets for secondary effects like Fear?
So far it's just looking like the AT sets. No indication of more new sets for existing power types, or the addition of sets for power types that don't have any.

Sad considering there are numerous power types that could really use some new options. (Ranged AoE for instance, or any of the newer types they added, such as Accurate Healing, with only 2 sets total(1 low level/1 high level)).

Purple sets could use some expansion into non-damage oriented power types also. (Fear/Healing/Defense and Resistance buff, Various Debuff types, etc.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



The problem with new purple sets is they would then water down the drops further and drive the rarity of what we have (and the prices) higher.

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Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
The problem with new purple sets is they would then water down the drops further and drive the rarity of what we have (and the prices) higher.
Yeah but you'd still be able to drop Empyrean/Alignment merits for them.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I thought I read that they were going to create more purple sets like for Fear, Snipe, and maybe even Knock Back.
I wish. My scrapper is waiting for defense, resistance and heal sets.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



If anything we need less snipe and KB sets, not more. Yes, even if the new ones are purples.



I don't so much mind the KB sets. There's one uncommon set and one rare set at any given level - and occasionally they're even useful (Force Feedback proc is great in AoEs, and the rech/end piece is sometimes nice to round out an attack's numbers). Lots of powers take KB sets. I don't think we particularly need more, but at least I don't mind the ones we have.

Snipe sets, though, are usable only in a very few powers (which are often not desirable powers anyway), and there are FIVE snipe sets at level 50, most of them terrible. Plus, it's kinda redundant to give snipes their own category when they already take normal ranged attack sets. Please, no more snipe sets, ever.



I agree we need more sets, at the moment there are quite a few sets out there that [according to WW anyway] get hardly used simply due to their low numerical stat boost and really poor set bonuses.

I dont think i've ever used a KB set, well ok maybe i used a full set once, but otherwise they get deleted right away. Some unique IOs i'ld love are

  • Chance for resis/def boost
  • More chance for sleep/holds
  • Chance for knock up
  • A better chance for heal [the current one fires so little for so little value its really not that worth it sadly]
  • Chance for PbAoE heal
That sort of thing

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The specific category I think really needs new options is Slows. I'm not sure why, but Slow sets routinely give lower bonuses than other sets. It leads to me skipping over these powers to 6 slot something like Boxing.

New options for Teleport, Flight, Run, and Jump would be nice too. Just have to be careful with some of these being inherent now.

A KB set clone of Baslisk's Gaze would be nice too. If there were a KB set with a good bonus after 4 slots, you could still use it and actually slot powers for damage or procs.



I just want more TAoEs. The paucity of options there is just appalling, especially in terms of the actual enhancements themselves rather than the set bonuses.

I can slot a melee or ranged power for almost 250% total enhancement value (about 7 and a half SOs worth) with *uncommon* level 30 IOs in 5 slots *and* get worthwhile set bonuses at the same time (thank you thunderstrike/crushing impact!). In a TAoE I can slot 5 level 30 posi's if I want set bonuses, but I get only ~200% enhancement (ignoring range because it's worthless 99% of the time). I can't even really frankenslot effectively, because there are so few triples available. The best I can do in 5 slots is still worse than what I can do for melee/ranged *and* offers no set bonuses to speak of. And even trying to add a 6th slot to round things out is problematic, because there's no TAoE set ios that *don't* enhance damage, and you're at the ED cap if you've already got 5 IOs with damage components. If the attack happens to take another type of set (defense debuff and knockback are the most common) you can toss in an end/rech, but even there you generally can't add a triple, and your only option is a generic for something like fireball.

Apart from that, I guess my biggest annoyance is indeed slow sets. It's certainly true that their bonuses are mediocre, and the mix of enhancements is rather weird. For one, why is there damage enhancement? For another, why is there so little recharge? And why are the enhancements combined as they are (who actually wants to enhance both damage and slow on the same power?). And why are all the sets (effectively) identical? Even more than most, powers which slow can be *very* different. Lots are autohit, lots aren't, many slow as a primary effect, many don't, some are toggles, some are clicks, etc. You can't going to be able to cover all of them with just one mix of enhancements.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah but you'd still be able to drop Empyrean/Alignment merits for them.
Fair enough, but the ability to do that now hasn't done much to lower prices. Not everyone grinds merits, so the market remains their avenue. It remains my only concern with adding more purples without adjusting drop rates.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Fair enough, but the ability to do that now hasn't done much to lower prices. Not everyone grinds merits, so the market remains their avenue. It remains my only concern with adding more purples without adjusting drop rates.

Same here, personally i wish that once you reach level 50 that purples work the same way as shards do and can drop at any level when you exemp down.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The specific category I think really needs new options is Slows. I'm not sure why, but Slow sets routinely give lower bonuses than other sets. It leads to me skipping over these powers to 6 slot something like Boxing.

New options for Teleport, Flight, Run, and Jump would be nice too. Just have to be careful with some of these being inherent now.

A KB set clone of Baslisk's Gaze would be nice too. If there were a KB set with a good bonus after 4 slots, you could still use it and actually slot powers for damage or procs.
UGH, yes, the slow sets drive me batty. WHY DO THEY ALL ENHANCE DAMAGE?!?!?!

None of the other debuff set types waste bonuses on Damage enhancement. it makes slotting sets into powers like Shiver aggravating, because you're getting enhancement to something completely useless and loosing out on more bonuses that actually have any relevance to the power. It's of course even worse for powers like Snow Storm, where the Accuracy enhancement is also useless.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I agree we need more sets, at the moment there are quite a few sets out there that [according to WW anyway] get hardly used simply due to their low numerical stat boost and really poor set bonuses.

I dont think i've ever used a KB set, well ok maybe i used a full set once, but otherwise they get deleted right away. Some unique IOs i'ld love are
  • Chance for resis/def boost
  • More chance for sleep/holds
  • Chance for knock up
  • A better chance for heal [the current one fires so little for so little value its really not that worth it sadly]
  • Chance for PbAoE heal
That sort of thing
[*]Chance for resis/def boost
[*]Chance for PbAoE heal

These two will actually exist after the ATOs go live, though only for Tankers (Resist buff) and Defenders (PBAoE Heal).

Something Else I'd kinda like to see.... Non-Set proc IOs.

Damage/DoT/debuff/Control procs that can be slotted into any offensive power
Heal/End/Buff procs that can be slotted into any defensive power (Or just any power, all the current heal procs are offensive sets already)
Pet summon procs that can be slotted into anything (Chance/Duration would need careful balancing)
etc etc

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I brought up this because I was discussing with a friend who doesn't do itrials much.

He said he doesn't like the idea of "end-game" content because he doesn't want it to "end". He's been playing this game since beta and he has two accounts. He plays like every day.

He said he likes the idea of making his Hero/Villain stronger through sets because that's what he is looking for when he makes new toon - to see their true potential with awesome sets.

I kinda feel bad because he would do x8 mission to try to farm "shards". He said sometimes he would get zero shard and sometimes 3 shards. I can't imagine how long it would take for him to get to Tier 3 Lore/Destiny. lol

Anyway, this makes me think that the game should keep introducing more new/cool sets to satisfy gamers that love min/maxing their toons but don't like "end-game" contents that forces you team up with a lot of people.

It would be nice if they can re-visit some of the old sets too. I mean do we really need Debt Protection in Aegis?? Aegis is the high level Resistance set and I just think it's such a waste of spot for Debt protection. They should also introduce more Target AoE sets and create more S/L defense so the price of Kinetic Combat isn't so high. I know some people find sets boring but I think sets are what makes "end-game" interesting as it gives you a reason to keep using the same toon, to try to grind those salvages and to see what your toon can finally become (like soloing AV, GM or +4x8 mobs). I sometimes feel Incarnate is a "cheap" way to become "god-like". lol Everyone has access to super Nuke power in Judgment, Lore, Destiny and Interface.

The idea of AT-specific sets is cool though. Many games have Class-specific sets. I will be looking forward to those. By the way, are those only going to be "cash" items?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Currently, in as far as I recall, the AT specific IOs will be available via random drop in the Super Packs and through merit vendors, I'm not sure which ones.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Fair enough, but the ability to do that now hasn't done much to lower prices. Not everyone grinds merits, so the market remains their avenue. It remains my only concern with adding more purples without adjusting drop rates.
Does that mean the value of merits would go up?