Interesting find in Independence Port




Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Typical! I'm always the last to hear about these things... So what was the conclusion you came up with months back?
umm... we concluded it's a mission door for a mission that's not active yet.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
By the way, the devs have said that the removal of Statesman won't happen right away once part 5 is live.
I kind of figured. They need to alter a lot of stuff when they do remove him.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
As in that doesn't match what i saw at the time. There was an extended period, much more than a few weeks
It may not have been within a week of the change, I don't recall exactly, but I do know it was not by any means an "extended period, much more than a few weeks".

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
It may not have been within a week of the change, I don't recall exactly, but I do know it was not by any means an "extended period, much more than a few weeks".
The 5th Column was removed in Issue 3. They didn't come back until I11, which was purely a cameo appearance. I12 saw them actually come back, but it was only in the ITF. I15 had them come back in the Reichsman TF/SF, and I16 brought them back as an actual enemy group that spawns in the streets and show up in missions.

I can't provide citation for this, but I remember Manticore stating this once and it became the official reason why. But the 5th Column was removed in I3 because CoV was originally going to allow villains to play as enemies in villain factions. The devs didn't feel comfortable allowing players to be Nazis, however, so the Council was created and all references to the Column replaced or destroyed. CoV didn't go that route, though, but they still replaced the Column and kept all references hidden. If the Council didn't outright replace the Column as a reference, the Column would only be referred to as a "military organization" or something similar.

For years, the Column and all references were, in fact, missing. From 2005 to 2009.




Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
For years, the Column and all references were, in fact, missing. From 2005 to 2009.

The mobs were gone. Other than a brief period right after the Council appeared, references to them were not. History plaques were changed in error, but switched back fairly quickly. Yes, the plaque under Atlas still talked about the 5th Column by name. There were other references to them here and there. They were not completely erased from memory.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
The mobs were gone. Other than a brief period right after the Council appeared, references to them were not. History plaques were changed in error, but switched back fairly quickly. Yes, the plaque under Atlas still talked about the 5th Column by name. There were other references to them here and there. They were not completely erased from memory.
Every single 5th Column general has a different background as Council members that make little to no mention of the 5th Column, as I stated.






Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Well, my thread had a picture, so hah!

On a serious note, I hope they plan to relocate that spawn point for dear ol' Lusca. Also, it seems a bit out in the middle of nowhere to be a contact location.

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Every single 5th Column general has a different background as Council members that make little to no mention of the 5th Column, as I stated.



...and yet you keep ignoring the fact that there were other references to them, including the Atlas plaque, still in place aside from a brief period right after the Council went in. "little refrence" =! "all references were, in fact, missing".

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint