Help me to like Titan Weapons
I personally thought Energy Aura was the safest bet when it comes to endurance and rechg. Invulns being the safest bet for accuracy. Some characters will take time. I always spend a by far, considerable amount of hours more playing a character after 50 and that's even with a slow level up because well thats when characters are whole and at their most fun.
Is your character building at its best?
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
A set with a damage aura maybe helpful. My TW/FA Brute is a powerhouse! It was rather tedious as a low level set since you have to wait for a "Knock-out Blow" length animation to take place early in the toon's career. I skipped BM till I got a solid attack chain with Blazing Aura, then turned off bosses, and set diff to -1 or 0 x 2 or 3. I did that untill I got DO's then raised my diff to +1-2, then added bosses at lvl22. I know kinda lame, run a few Death From Below trials too if you can. In all, sounds like a lowbie issue. I might roll a scrapper as /wp or energy later, but I doubt it - I like the aoe and staying power of my brute.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
I'm playing a TW/Inv scrapper, and I have to say it's surprised me by the overall power. I have made it to the mid-40's, but even back in the teens and the twenties it felt pretty powerful. I did take heed of the warnings about both accuracy and endurance use, and franken-slotted double and triple set IOs and end reducers accordingly. I also added a Kismet accuracy IO when I could, and that helped as well. TW depends on accuracy and hitting to get momentum, and then using your high dps and aoe attacks effectively. Placement of my character for the wide cones has been another area where some work's needed -- getting to the edge of the mass of enemies and fighting inward is much more useful than being in the center, and I took combat jumping to help with that. Over the long haul, I've been slotting Invulnerability towards being nearly softcapped for several typed defense areas. Even getting close means a single defense inspiration can put you over the top. And being able to stand toe to toe with that big spawn group lets TW shine.
Stick with TW, do some slotting for accuracy and end reduction. Leverage your secondary for survivability. It'll pay off -- it really builds up with the next few attacks you get, too.
I'm playing TW/DA. It is spectacular. Very burst-y, extremely strong.
I get to swing a concrete lollipop. What could be better?
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Hey, you can still use the Jet Engine on a Stick.
I'm not sure I understand the "Garage Brand" name. Is it an I made this in my garage thing? Or an I made this out of everything in my garage?
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Well, I'm somewhat limited thematically, since he's a Bizarro version of my namesake. I suppose I can use the crossbuck or jet engine stick on alternate costumes though.
I'm not sure I understand the "Garage Brand" name. Is it an I made this in my garage thing? Or an I made this out of everything in my garage?
To OP:
I rolled a TW/EA brute and dinged 28 a couple of days ago (somewhat sporadic play). As was mentioned in other threads as well as here, slotting priorities are acc and end redux.
My experience was a little like...first couple of levels...rock and roll. Then i started getting a few extra attacks. bar is starting to take some hits. Extra seem to be rather short-winded here. After hitting SO's the Blue tax did sometimes vary, probably due to whatever i was fighting at the time. Some fights i had good amount of end left over, others...not so much. Currently my settings are at +0/x2...and has been for quite a while (i think maybe since late DO levels).
My slotting has been acc first slot, end redux the next two slots, especially in the AoE attacks, and THEN maybe some damage. After i get a few more slots to play with, i'll start doing some frankenslotting. Do have some basic IOs now, mostly end redux.
After hitting 28 and getting Energy Drain, end worries are now a thing of the past. I can pretty much go non-stop now, endurance wise. Plus drain helps with the defense, and in turn, with the green bar.
I say stick with gets better. Maybe move your difficulty up, particularly the # of players, up as soon as you can. Both TW and to a degree EA (i'm looking at you Entropic Aura) thrive on larger groups. TW because it's so AoE heavy and higher +Rech bonus from Entropic Aura due to more targets. Also...hasten ASAP helps too.
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
I'm not sure that I can help you like it, since you seem to know the drawbacks already. My advice to you is to get build momentum early, and slot it for recharge. Throw at least one +def enhancement in defensive sweep and use it often.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
I'm running a TW/EA, and it's the first character I've had where it has been nonstop awesome. Nearly everyone I've played slowed down and got boring from 15-21, and it's where I usually give up on a build. TW rolls so fast and steady that I've had to intentionally slow down my pace because I'm trying to collect mayhem badges for the Villain Accolades. If I went as fast as the set would let me I'd outlevel stuff too quickly.
Hasten won't really help, and Recharge only mildly helps. Hasten won't speed up the non-Momentum attacks, and for most of the early levels the only recharge I had in the attacks were the Dam/Rech Going Rogue pre-order enhancements; everything else was Accuracy and Endurance Reduction. Recharge helped in that Defensive Sweep came back up before Momentum went away, ensuring I could get in at least one swift attack, but otherwise it's not a big deal.
I skipped Build Momentum. Yes, I know how it works, and it is an excellent power, but if you try to lean on it you'll just crap out your end bar. I'll pick it up in the 40s when I have other tools to manage endurance. I've been pretty satisfied with the rotation of Defensive->Titan->Crushing->Defensive, and the pacing feels just right to me.
Right now I'm level 25 and I've been running at -1/x5 with bosses since level 12 or so, and I'm pretty sure at this point I can get it up to 0/x6 without issue, if not higher. A set that can achieve that so early is no underperformer.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
I absolutely love the thing, so I'm not sure how to help you. Focus more on the WOOSH WOOSH SMASH than the wind up and you should be happier. The fact that I can take out the whole spawn in one period of momentum is enough to keep me smilin'.
As for Build Momentum... eh. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I suspect that the animation time of the 'slow' version of the attacks is not so long that the animation time of build-up + fast animation is going to really change it much. Maybe if you use it before combat.
I personally thought Energy Aura was the safest bet when it comes to endurance and rechg. Invulns being the safest bet for accuracy. Some characters will take time. I always spend a by far, considerable amount of hours more playing a character after 50 and that's even with a slow level up because well thats when characters are whole and at their most fun.
Is your character building at its best? |
Energy Aura gets it's END management later on with Energy Drain; once you get it practically infinite END is only a click away.
I tried a TW/Regen brute just to see if it would suck as much as people thought. It was _ok_ performance wise and END was definitely not a problem, but the momentum issues and redraw were _annoying_ so I was forced to agree that it's not a good combo and dumped the character in the late teens.
I rerolled it as a TW/Electric Armor brute and so far so good, though I kind of lost interest in the early teens and went back to my Street Justice brute who I find more fun over all.
My son has a TW/Wp that seems to work well also.
I love my ice/TW tank. But I feel hasten is really necessary early on. It totally changes the toon.
I'm playing TW/DA. It is spectacular. Very burst-y, extremely strong.
Not really seeing the strength of the combo. Maybe I'm used to defensive sets like Shield and SR (and even Invuln) where I don't get hit.
Gor my TW/DA up to 50 and kitted out -- softcap S/L, theft proc, purples, the good stuff plus T3 Musculature. Getting my butt kicked pretty soundly by +3/+8 carnies and arachnos. The carnies are getting enough mez stacked on me to mez me, and the arachnos chew through me like paper (tarantula bosses stuff my recharge and def into the john).
Not really seeing the strength of the combo. Maybe I'm used to defensive sets like Shield and SR (and even Invuln) where I don't get hit. |
I'd suggest you post your build in the appropriate forum and ask for input.... a DA should be laughing at carnies esp after getting incarnate powers.
On Topic: Titan Weapons is, like, completely overpowered. Like many here, I had to play my 20-something TW/ brute at x6 or get bored. If you don't think it is powerful enough, I think you need a sanity check. I stopped playing the character only because I felt a little guilty playing such an obviously overpowered toon. Yes, I am serious...
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
Find a secondary you really enjoy and I hope that will help you enjoy bludgeoning your foes maybe ela or wp I see lots of those. My TW/SR scrap has become my new favorite toon it made me love the game again after playing City Of Heroes for so long it made me bother to start using the forums. I love watching them swing at me and missing as I prepare to use one of my arc of destruction. I do not feel overpowered honestly. I honestly love just destroying everything I come across and once I get him the proper build and sets once mids is updated. Then come here to have my mistakes fixed ( i kinda suck at mids I admit it atleast )
Mask of Vitiation can f*** over anything pretty well, but the rest should be smooth sailing.

but yeah, Carnies shouldn't be too tough - Arachnos can be vicious for many ATs and builds though - particularly regen.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

So far I`m finding that if you had momentum 24/7... TW would be way overpowered. Hell, some people call it over powered as it stands.
But I like it. Once you get rolling you can just clobber crap around. It IS end heavy and needs accuracy/to hit to really be effective, but what doesn't really? TW just needs it more so.
Originally Posted by JayboH
- Arachnos can be vicious for many ATs and builds though - particularly regen.
My Stone/WP brute that i don't even have softcapped, but pretty good defenses, can handle quite a lot of stuff at /x8 and not even break a sweat. But those blasted Arachnos give me utter Hades.
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
I would actually say titan weapons is one of the sets that least needs to stress about accuracy due to the fact that if you keep defensive sweep in your build it will almost always succeed at hitting at least one thing on one side of you, building momentum. This is helped by the fact that if you have kept it, you probably want to be using it approximately once every ten seconds. If we break approximately ten seconds down into two approximately five second momentum intervals, this means that defensive sweep used only once per ten seconds will keep you regular, as it were, half of the time. That's better than Activia! It's also better than dual blades, for example, where the best combo is mostly single target and therefore very prone to breakage via miss.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I rerolled my TW/EA scrapper. I'm at level 14 so far, picked up hasten early, slotted for accuracy and endurance reduction. I've skipped Build Momentum for the time being. I'm soloing at -1/x5 w/ bosses and loving it.
I currently have a lvl 13 scrapper Titan/Energy Aura, and so far I am underwhelmed. I picked up all primary powers up to Build Momentum and a few secondary powers. I haven't picked up hasten yet nor have I slotted for endurance reduction on anything yet. Between the recharge issues of TW and endurance issues of my build in general (especially with toggles), and Momentum requiring a successful hit to accumulate, I feel like I under perform. I think I should re-roll this toon as a TW/WP or TW/Regen and pick up hasten as soon as its available, and start slotting for endurance and accuracy. Also, I'd be willing to go Tank or Brute...just took a stab with scrapper for their critical hit ability. I really like the concept of TW and want to figure out how to enjoy it.
Has anyone else felt the same way and was able to overcome these limitations?