Watching every superhero/comic movie ever made




If you have a VCR still I can donate a 40's Captain America serial to the project

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
If you have a VCR still I can donate a 40's Captain America serial to the project
Haven't had a VCR since... '04.

Also brainstorming titles

Movie night on Infinite Earths
The Superhero Movie Files
The Secret Origin of a Movie Blog
Tights, Movie Nights, and Me

Also, I've got the site up and running though not fully fleshed out yet.



You realize noone here has listed ANY of the serials.

Batman had two, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Superman, Blackhawks, Green Hornet, etc.

Before they were multi-million dollar films, they were Republic Serials. Don't forget that.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Haven't had a VCR since... '04.

Also brainstorming titles

Movie night on Infinite Earths
The Superhero Movie Files
The Secret Origin of a Movie Blog
Tights, Movie Nights, and Me

Also, I've got the site up and running though not fully fleshed out yet.
I like "Tights, Movie Nights"

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



I think I settled on a title - Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights, and I've got the site more or less ready to go, you can find it at go check it out and vote in the poll I have to help me decide what movies I should start with in January. When I actually start posting reviews, I'll mention them here in a new thread so anyone can follow along. Hope to see some of you there as readers and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the help, and if you have any other comments or suggestions, let me know.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Does this sound like a project that other people would be interested in reading?
Here's the crux of the problem determining this project's potential appeal: Many of the movies on your earlier post's list are, not to put to fine a point on it, bad. They're not even so-bad-they're-good bad, just bad.

With that in mind, what are your reasons for your watching them, and what are the potential enticements in your writing about them?

Also, to re-emphasize mousedroid's post above, there are enough independent comic book movie adaptations to broaden your scope and add some variety. A few such movies as Heavy Metal, Crumb, American Splendor, Persepolis, or Ghost World would round out your project far better than, say, the multiple Punisher flops.

Good luck!



Well, just finished my first week of watching the first four Superman movies and writing about them. And while the better movies are easier to watch, the worse movies are easier to write about. Honestly, I'm mostly watching the movies because I want to, I'm writing about them because I want to write, and I just hope my writing is entertaining enough to attract an audience, however small it might be.

Even though the first four posts are done, since this is supposed to be a project for 2012, they won't be online until the first week of January, I'll make a new post when they go live. I'm posting here because I wanted to watch Richard Donner's cut of Superman II sometime this week and I can't find it anywhere. If anyone knows how I can get a hold of it, PM me. Thanks.



Grats! Looking forward to the articles.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Bubba, if you do come across a VCR, and havent found these movies, I have a tape somewhere in the closet....

Fantastic Four by Roger Corman
Captain America starring Matt Salinger
Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD starring the Hoff!

Have had it for years.




If you wanted to check out something NOT from America, you might look at Koi... Mil Gaya (2003) and the sequel Krrish (2006). Both films are Bollywood projects in Hindi and kind of long.

You'd be watching the first one to set up the sequel for you - if you do watch it, do NOT give up on the series because of the first film! (I almost did, but my GF liked it well enough, so off we went to the next one) It's a semi-cheap ET semi-knock-off and rather typical Bollywood - heavy on the romance, some sap, a number of song and dance numbers, etc... if you just skipped it and read the wikipedia entry before watching the second I wouldn't blame you, really, but if you're being a completest...

The second one is much more in the "American superhero movie" tradition: effects that don't look like they came from a film two decades ago and a cheap one at that, more ACTION!, a real villain, a secret identity, less comedy/silliness and a seriously ripped guy playing the part; he's also a real handsome guy despite the weird thumb he was born with and has a modicum of acting talent, so your wife might enjoy this one for the eye-candy, my GF sure did. The downsides would be it still has some silliness to it, but not so much, and the sap is still present but not at such high levels. There are also still a few (iirc) song and dance bits you could probably skip through.

Just thought of this after checking this thread earlier, YMMV.