Dev Chat Highlights: November 9, 2011 - The Puscast with Zwill's Infected Ear and Arbiter Hawk




We're off the a late start today as Zwill was having trouble with Ustream.
He also wants to sneeze, but cannot.

12:49 hellkat9940: I have no nose, but I must sneeze.
12:49 coh_beastyle: Nice reference.
12:49 ZombieManCoH: How do you smell?
12:49 hellkat9940: Like wet dog.
12:49 Samuraiko: thank you, Harlan Ellison
12:49 short2care: THe BEST GAME EVER!!!

Zwill's ear has the swelling down a great deal. It's from a sebaceous cyst, most people have them. Usually they don't do any harm, but one of Zwill's got infected. He had a mark on his neck and thought that was the cause and it was a spider bite.

TANGENT: Zwill's ear swelling and infection.

Coh_beastyle: And then, live on Ustream, the spiders burst from his neck.
12:52 WayTooLateTV: and the spiders promptly went off on a tangent
12:52 psychoti: It's Poison. It was proliferated to Corruptors, Controllers, and Zwillinger.
12:52 Turgenev: Coming in Issue 22.5: Sebaceous Melee!
12:53 coh_beastyle: More like a blaster set, Turgenev
12:53 coh_beastyle: *pop*
12:53 Turgenev: Cone effect melee is more realistic, SRSLY Beast.
12:53 short2care: I want to see pictures
12:53 SnowGlobeCoH: Zwillinger is a Coralax
12:53 TheNetPQA: Am I really listening to this...*shudder*
12:53 cohsteelclaw: this tangent has been brought to you by "Pop That Zit dot com"... and Yes... that's a real web site
12:54 ZombieManCoH: Lancey Smurf will take care of it.

Zwill is going to get surgery to get the cysts cut out, but he's put it off until after the Pummit.

12:54 psychoti: That should be a door prize. "31st person in the door gets to pop Zwill's cysts"

Zwill: "This had nothing to do with CoH, but somebody asked."

Arbiter Hawk arrives. Zwill makes Wolverine jokes. Chat calls him Hipster Wolverine.

cohsteelclaw: the cysts were a direct result of Hat Bacteria
SnowGlobeCoH: Was it a shadow cyst?

Zwill manages to drop a meme that I have no idea about what it is, like our own Kill Skuls, but from a different game. "Skinning a bear shuld argo every ber in 50 ft." or something like that.

12:58 Turgenev: Popped cysts. Zwill sipping tears. Eating cheese. Yep, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
12:58 cohsteelclaw: Hey... who wants to see "Zwillinger's Ear Ooze" as a new invention salvage in the market?
New incarnate powers article, which Arbiter Hawk is here to talk about.
Zwill likes Vorpal Judgment.

Hawk: "We were all like what if you're so good at kicking, what if you could kick like 40 people?"
Zwill: "So are your feet so sharp they cut off heads?"
Hawk: "So if we put a Bandersnatch in the game..."
Zwill: "No, that's not it. What is it?"
1:02 Samuraiko: Jabberwock
1:02 hellkat9940: Jabberwooky.
1:02 TheNetPQA: Jabberwokky
1:02 Bloodspeaker: Jabberwookiee?!?
1:02 Turgenev: Jibbajabbawookiee.
1:02 Rajani_Isa: Jabber-baby-walky
1:02 Turgenev: ...I have a new street justice brute name. BRB
1:02 psychoti: Jibberjabberwookiee. Mr. T pities the furry shark alien smuggler.

Tangent: Zwill finally finished Mass Effect 2. He finished it in a Vicodin haze.
Tangent: Zwill getting his wife video games for Xmas and that she likes to watch him play them.

They tease the solo incarnate path but insist that they cannot talk about it and we'll have to either attend the summit, follow someone on Twitter, or wait for the inevitable Show Fall Out Thread.
I cannot attend the Pummit, so don't expect me to type that up.

Back on topic!
Hawk: "The Television wanted me to put snicker-snack in the combat log text."
Samuraiko: does this mean I can now make a BOOT TO THE HEAD CoH video?
Zwill: "As long as it's not American History X style."

Vorpal Judgment is a self-targeted cone, rather than centered on a target. It rewards better positioning of your character.

Hawk talks about the boons of all the Judgment powers.

Quasi-Tangent: Underground will have a rare or very rare guarenteed.

Talk about the mid-trial rewards. Defeating the Lichen-Infected War Walker awards 60 threads, enough for an uncommon or three commons.

TPN, MOM, and Keyes have higher chances for Rares and Very Rares to the point where it is noticeable and not just statistically noticeable.

Zwill and Hawk are distracted by an office e-mail about Mexican food and margaritas.

Talk about the teleport-themed Destiny power.
Hawk: "Basically Assemble the League."
Hawk: "We had a player here in the office that would teleport the entire league into five patches of World of Anguish on the MOM trial until we put a prompt."

Hawk: "I was happy to come up with this idea for a buff. Negative healing resistance."
They give an example of a heal of 200 HP and an 80 percent buff.

Talk about the new Interface powers. They all have a DoT component. Because everybody was using Reactive. :P

I have a bottle of Sprite overflow with fizz after being untouched for 20 minutes before opening and miss a bit while I grab a towel.

TheNet offers to fix Zwill respeccing his Ice/Emp troller.
He's sped up a bit since he changed the epic to be 35.
He got the two attacks and slotted them to the max.
Hawk: "My APP powers tended to be most of my damage on my controller."
Zwill: "Jack Frost is the special needs Controller pet. The imps are going "You see that guy?""
Hawk: "Aminated Stone is going "Who cares? I'm invincible!""

Talk about alpha abilities. Wiping down desk and changing shirt. VK without a shirt is a Mag 4 Confuse, Stun, and Terrorize, as well as dealing DoT.

Chat is tangenting on the movie Labyrinth. Zwill sings "Magic Dance" when he notices.

Vorpal Damage has smashing damage and to the same scale as the others, even though it's highly resistant. IT does those kinds of damage because it's supposed to be a natural attack.

gemesis: q: Can you comment on what it was like being in love with Jean while she was married to Scott?
Hawk sighs.
Zwill snickers.
Hawk: "Having my own school is nice though."

Arbiter Hawk did indeed look at my Hellfire EAT, found in my sig, yay!

The new Destiny power can teleport from ANYWHERE in a zone, is for the ENTIRE league, and obeys the teleport prompt settings.

New APP's to add thematic bits to proliferated?
Hawk: "Not at this time."

They've considered making part of Vorpal unresistable, but that tends to break other things. If it underperforms in testing.

There's only one Judgment and Destiny due to them being essentially numbers, not requiring animators and effects artists.

Natural claws?
No, as it would require a new hand rig. They tried it on NPC's and it turned out really badly.

CoH_Llydia: Q: For Zwillinger - Any chance of extending the M/W/F forum contests? Not usually on the forums during work hours, and it'd be nice to participate. What about from M-W, W-F, and F-M?
Zwill: "F-M wouldn't happen due to us not monitoring the forums as much on the weekends. We will discuss that."

Talk of the Hydra in the Abandoned and new Sewer Trials.

psychoti: This is totally unrelated to CoH. I bought a keyboard. Keyboard has bugs. Their customer service rep is sending me a new one. Their name? Majin Buu. Majin Buu is sending me a new keyboard.

More pretending that they know nothing about Staff Melee and the usual jokes of no fighting amidst the paragon staff.


Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Good Job VK!

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



as always good job and thank you for the transcript.



what was the talk about the sewer trial?



Thank you as always and glad you are feeling better VK!



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Natural claws?
No, as it would require a new hand rig. They tried it on NPC's and it turned out really badly.
Quick, someone put this in their sig so the rest of us will not have to explain it the next time someone asks for it! haha

Thanks as always VK!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Thank you, Von Krieger!



Majin Buu sells keyboards? Awesome!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



How is it not creepy when you have David Bowie in a wig & tight pants singing and dancing to/with a baby in a roomful of angry puppets?



Thanks again VK!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I can't believe you have/take the time to recap this. Thanks.

Was going to suggest you incorporate "coffee talk" or whatever show moniker they are pushing (via facebook anyway) into your subject going forward - as I didn't recognize that this post (as a first time viewer) was about the ustream event today.

Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Natural claws?
No, as it would require a new hand rig. They tried it on NPC's and it turned out really badly.
So this was my question, and i was crushed, confused and refueled.

I'll save this for another thread - but man this quick hand of doom answer actually left me with far more questions and concerns. ("Tried" it on NPC's? Um... it's in full force on a variety of NPC's as we speak!)

Anyway, not done pursuing.

I plan on being a regular attendee... at least until my day gig catches on anyway... very cool.



Originally Posted by LastLeprechaun View Post
I'll save this for another thread - but man this quick hand of doom answer actually left me with far more questions and concerns. ("Tried" it on NPC's? Um... it's in full force on a variety of NPC's as we speak!)
Dibs on not telling the war wolves!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Dibs on not telling the war wolves!
The War Wolves have their own unique animations. To make this work for players, who have close-fist animations, would require new tech - a new hand rig in this case.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thanks for the update, I always miss this.
Now I can finally level my claws brute. I was afraid of new bestial claws as new powerset.
I hope they reveal Staff fighting at summit, as well as Dominators goodies.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Was Zwill referencing "I have no mouth but I must scream"?
No, that was me. Zwill started off the show feeling like he had to sneeze, but was unable to sneeze.

Originally Posted by LastLeprechaun View Post
"Tried" it on NPC's? Um... it's in full force on a variety of NPC's as we speak!
They answered this as well. The NPC's that are using it are NOT on the standard Male/Female/Huge rigs. The ones I can think of are the Warwolf and the Demon Summoning demons. All of which are not using the player rigs.

Thus the statement that they would require a new player hand rig in order to use.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .