WIR? (Spoilers)

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
John "Protean" Hegner just said on the lore panel at the player summit that he was working on Katie Douglas' story right now, and that they wanted to leave a cliffhanger at the end of FW.
Even my cold-hearted Mu assassin felt pretty bad about stuffing Katie back into the network.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Look, there are things about CoH that I like, and which distinguish it from other games. If there weren't, I would have no loyalty to it - I could substitute any other game and it would offer me the same things I enjoy. Every game system has distinguishing features that give it this sort of consistency and distinction from its competition. D&D 3e had a consistency of features. D&D 4e has a consistency of features.

Claiming it's different every time I play it without acknowledging that it offers consistency of experience (and consistently different experience from other games) would take willful ignorance. This is what I am talking about.

In any case, this was not even what you rebutted, going off into garbage comparing the business models of a cereal and game maker, thereby stretching the effective context of my analogy beyond all possible recognition. In effect you built a strawman argument out of a simple analogy by arguing extensions of it that were never meant to apply.

Your post was dumb. That you argued against the analogy itself (badly) without any clear intent to argue something about either WiR, sexism in products (like D&D) or like/dislike of 4e D&D. As a result, you threadjacked a topic that was already about three steps removed from the OT. So your post was both dumb and massively off-topic.

I won't be responding to you about this again. Not in this thread at least.
Wow, I pointed out right off the bat that I was going off on a tangent, and apparently I've offended you. Sorry. Mind not throwing a fridge at me next time?

In any case, with regards to the "WiR" thing going on, probably the worst thing that anyone can do is try to adjust a story based on their perception of it. WiR is not a "thing" that can be applied to a story like a sticker. It's a trend. And as a trend, it's something to be aware of when writing stories.

If we suddenly realized that 50% of new shows on TV were crime dramas, we'd want to be aware of that if we were writing one, so that we could make our story stick out.

Some people say that "fridging" is when you kill a character to empower another character, in which case uncle ben and gwen stacy are probably the biggest (and most well-done) examples. Bruce Wayne's parents fit right in. Those are two incredibly well written stories, and two very memorable characters. Attempting to piggyback on their success isn't a bad thing. It's smart!

The problem is when it's done very poorly, and a character who was a breakout inspiration for a group of comic readers gets thrown under the bus, and a lot of fans get pissed, and the industry suffers from losing readers without understanding what happened.

Gail's a writer in the comics industry. She has to look for this kind of stuff all the time, it's no secret there's more to what she's saying on that blog than anyone's read into it.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Mind not throwing a fridge at me next time?
But the thread is full of them!

PS: I like your thought process in the rest of that post.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Gail's a writer in the comics industry. She has to look for this kind of stuff all the time, it's no secret there's more to what she's saying on that blog than anyone's read into it.
Apparently*, Ms Simone wasn't yet a comic book writer when she made her site, and when she went on her campaign to solicit industry opinion about the site. She was a fan. Depending on your vantage, that little factoid could put a whole new spin on the discussion.

(* -I say apparently because I spent way more time than was healthy reading up on the subject as a result of this thread. I neither knew nor cared who Gail Simone was before.)

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
Apparently*, Ms Simone wasn't yet a comic book writer when she made her site, and when she went on her campaign to solicit industry opinion about the site. She was a fan. Depending on your vantage, that little factoid could put a whole new spin on the discussion.

(* -I say apparently because I spent way more time than was healthy reading up on the subject as a result of this thread. I neither knew nor cared who Gail Simone was before.)
Although I'm hardly an expert on the subject, I'd wager the Industry is aware of most of the big fans, and the line between "fan" and "pro" tends to blur as you reach those levels. At any rate they probably hired her partly because of her ability to stir up debate and interest like this, so if that is the case, they chose well.

That is an interesting factoid though.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3