New Alignments




I didn't know which category exactly to post this in, but I suppose this--City Life--category fits my thread closest.

ANYWAY, I've been thinking for a few days on this and I wondered, 'There could be two other alignments for characters.' Reading through comic lore in my life, and based on the four Primal Earth Alignments in City of Heroes, I've theorized there could be an extra two. Now both of these alignments would be in the morally gray area, like Vigilantes and Rogues, but correspond to each respectively. Think about switching back from a Hero to a Rogue, or from a Villain to a Vigilante. It wouldn't happen exactly this way; therefore, I've thought of two more alignments there could possibly be in the foreseeable future:

One of these alignments would be an Anti-Hero, corresponding with a Rogue. Now, an Anti-Hero would originally be, in the beginning, a good-natured, heart-of-gold Hero, doing noble things and expecting nothing in return. Come level 20, however, said Hero might believe his/her talents are worth paying for: money, valuables, specific items/enhancements, etc. The Hero's subsequent Alignment Tips would feature an option to do something heroic for a price. For the Anti-Hero Icon, I suggest it would be similar to the Hero Icon, except that the star in the center is flipped upside-down, maybe having the star's white color be dulled and/or cracked, as well as having the background color be purple instead of blue, symbolizing the shift from a blue-aura hero to a red-aura villain.

The other alignment I'd like to introduce is a Zealot, corresponding with a Vigilante. A Zealot, as the name suggests, is a character built upon a strong philosophy, belief, or code of honor. Instead of doing whatever a villain does because he/she wants to, a Zealot would perform actions that fit his/her way of life, or because the way of life requires these actions. Now Zealots are very, very close-minded, as opposed to open-minded, as they believe every other way of life is perhaps inferior to theirs. If it so happens that someone, or some group, were to commit a 'crime' or 'misdeed' against one's way of life, the Zealot would seek to punish the 'heretic' harshly; just as a Vigilante would punish those guilty of breaking a law. Likewise, a Zealot always believes his/her actions are justified. The Icon for a Zealot would possibly be (I didn't really think this through for that long) a head with a halo--not the ring-shaped halo, but the one that looks like a 2-dimensional circle surrounding the person's head, symbolizing holiness, moral superiority, vast intelligence, etc. The background color can probably be yellow (what, we've already used every other color except for green!), also enforcing the holiness, morals, intelligence, etc. aforementioned.

Should these alignments make their way into CoX, the circle of alignment shifts could effectively be reversed; instead of the typical 'Hero-->Vigilante-->Villain-->Rogue--Hero' cycle, it would go 'Hero-->Anti-Hero-->Villain--Zealot-->Hero' and all other changes in between.

I hope you all are intrigued by my propositions, please feel free to tell me what you think. (I sure hope one of the Devs sees this! )

Certa salute vitae.
(Latin for, 'Fight to preserve life.')



Your intriguing, but...I'm confused on one bit. Are you talking about:

A) Replacing Vigilante/Rogue?

B) Adding new points in between?

C) Having an alternate path that is separate from the normal alignment scale?

If A, I think some people would have a problem with that. Indeed, it would be somewhat mean to the people that like to roleplay a fall to the dark side. If B, that is going to make the transition from hero to villain a lot longer than it needs to be. And if C, how would you propose that working? I can see how it might work, but I'd rather let you explain just in case.



It's an interesting idea. That being said, my view has always been that the various in-game alignments are really intended more as guidelines than actual limiting alignments. The current four alignments correspond by name to the most common alignments in Superhero comics but the actual in game effects for the alignments really allow for anything you want.

The analogy I like to use is the Alignment System in Dungeons and Dragons. each character has two alignments, one determines how they feel about order (Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic) and the other how they feel about good and evil (Good, Neutral and Evil) for a total of nine alignments. But then within this system you can still have a lot of variations within a single alignment category.

I see the CoX alignments in a similar system. The names of the alignments imply a certain type of morality but I don't feel they restrict you to that. An actual Vigilante would be Lawful Neutral but the Vigilante alignment in game is suitable for any Neutral but tending towards Good characters. Adding additional alignment types would be an option but honestly it doesn't seem necessary. Mechanically any new alignments would function the same way as one of the existing alignments in terms of access to content so what is the point? No matter how many alignments you add someone will always want more. I think a better option would be to keep the current alignments but add a "display alignment" feature where people can type in whatever alignment they want (similar to bio and battlecry).



I'd kind of prefer to see the Devs develop the current alignments more before adding new ones as it is. Something like Alignment specific contacts or trials/TFs/SFs or something, or some more alternate rewards or something.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
C) Having an alternate path that is separate from the normal alignment scale?...

...if C, how would you propose that working? I can see how it might work, but I'd rather let you explain just in case.
I mean keep the existing cycle of Hero to Vigilante/Villain to Rogue and so on, but also have the cycle able go in reverse, where a hero turns into an Anti-Hero--similar to a Rogue--and a villain turns into a Zealot--similar to Vigilante--and have this cycle overlap the current one. Does this make it clearer?

Certa salute vitae.
(Latin for, 'Fight to preserve life.')



Seems overly complicated. Four alignments is enough.



Can I have True Neutral alignment too?

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
It's an interesting idea. That being said, my view has always been that the various in-game alignments are really intended more as guidelines than actual limiting alignments. The current four alignments correspond by name to the most common alignments in Superhero comics but the actual in game effects for the alignments really allow for anything you want.

The analogy I like to use is the Alignment System in Dungeons and Dragons. each character has two alignments, one determines how they feel about order (Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic) and the other how they feel about good and evil (Good, Neutral and Evil) for a total of nine alignments. But then within this system you can still have a lot of variations within a single alignment category.

I see the CoX alignments in a similar system. The names of the alignments imply a certain type of morality but I don't feel they restrict you to that. An actual Vigilante would be Lawful Neutral but the Vigilante alignment in game is suitable for any Neutral but tending towards Good characters. Adding additional alignment types would be an option but honestly it doesn't seem necessary. Mechanically any new alignments would function the same way as one of the existing alignments in terms of access to content so what is the point? No matter how many alignments you add someone will always want more. I think a better option would be to keep the current alignments but add a "display alignment" feature where people can type in whatever alignment they want (similar to bio and battlecry).
That kind of presents another interesting idea for a wrinkle in the game...a good wrinkle, hopefully.

Where you have the alignment track we have now (Hero/Vigilante/Villain/Rogue) but also a level of 'code' or 'moral' (Lawful<>Zealot/Neutral<>Unlawful).

What your 'moral code' would change in-game? I haven't the slightest

But it should be hard to change this...maybe only something you can change through completing *real* story arcs and making choices.

Maybe it could affect NPC dialog and dialog choices would be a no-brainer (your lawful guys are going to be focused on retaining a balance while zealots will be focused on upholding their ideals, neutrals won't care and do what they do while unlawfuls will disrupt balance even if it foils themselves)...maybe change your character name/title color? But it should be possible to be a Lawful Villain (so you're working for corrupt retain your place and don't rock the boat) or an Unlawful Hero (*kicks pebble over cliff which escalates into a landslide* NEVER FEAR! I'LL SAVE YOU, HAPLESS CITIZEN!). It'd be interesting if it even affected the missions but that's most likely too advanced for our greying comic game.

Originally Posted by 1withapencil View Post
I mean keep the existing cycle of Hero to Vigilante/Villain to Rogue and so on, but also have the cycle able go in reverse, where a hero turns into an Anti-Hero--similar to a Rogue--and a villain turns into a Zealot--similar to Vigilante--and have this cycle overlap the current one. Does this make it clearer?
For those still not wrapping your head around the OP, I think he's suggesting a means of side-stepping the 'end' instead of going Hero > Vigilante > Villain > Rogue, he's implying jumping right from Hero to Rogue by becoming a Zealot (or that Zealot would technically be a Rogue). I dunno, still a bit confused...



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Can I have True Neutral alignment too?
Rogues are basically true neutral. They just do whatever is profitable or useful to them at the time. Whether that means stopping the criminals or helping them out. The motivation for rogue missions tends to just be making money.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by 1withapencil View Post
I mean keep the existing cycle of Hero to Vigilante/Villain to Rogue and so on, but also have the cycle able go in reverse, where a hero turns into an Anti-Hero--similar to a Rogue--and a villain turns into a Zealot--similar to Vigilante--and have this cycle overlap the current one. Does this make it clearer?
You can already go in reverse. You got Hero-Vigilante-Villain then Villain-Rogue-Hero.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Funny. Most Vigilante tips already play out like your Zealot alignment. Most Rogue tips already play out like your Anti-Hero alignment. Whether they should or not is an argument for another thread. Why add more?

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