P.E.R.C. Presents: Mr. and Ms. Paragon Universe 2011




Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
I wish I could steal all the finalists costume codes and insert them into an AE arc to beat down for being so awesome.
Well, there was talk about sharing out the .costume files... Also, Arkyaeon has videos compiled of all the contestants, so hopefully we'll get a chance to see our fellow competitors in their Moment of Glory(tm)!

Grats to Deathman of Champion and Azazel of Vigilance!



The Player Event Resource Committee would sincerely like to thank everyone who competed in Mr. and Ms. Paragon Universe. The Server winners were each asked to complete a demo-record of their powers, character text, concept, etc. which the judges watched together. The effort put in by each server winner was just amazing. It was beyond difficult to name a winner! We met on December 3rd to acknowledge their effort and announce the winners.

PERC is pleased to announce Mr. and Ms. Paragon Universe 2011!

Mr. Paragon Universe 2011- Deathsman
Ms. Paragon Universe 2011- Azazael

All of the server winners deserve to be acknowledged:

Mr. Champion 2011 ~ Deathsman*
Ms. Champion 2011 ~ Crazy Nutz
Mr. Defiant 2011 ~ Blast Master
Ms. Defiant 2011 ~ Midnight Conduit
Mr. Exalted 2011 ~ Time Splicer
Ms. Exalted 2011 ~ Fay
Mr. Freedom 2011 ~ Dr. Turgenev
Ms. Freedom 2011 ~ Ret Con
Mr. Guardian 2011 ~ Song Cricket
Ms. Guardian 2011 ~ Maggie Mae
Mr. Infinity 2011 ~ Bizguit
Ms. Infinity 2011 ~ Bogeyma'am
Mr. Justice 2011 ~ Legerdemain
Ms. Justice 2011 ~ Trixie
Mr. Liberty 2011 ~ Storm Wrath
Ms. Liberty 2011 ~ City Rep
Mr. Pinnacle 2011 ~ Gentleman Geoff
Ms. Pinnacle 2011 ~ Her'ja
Mr. Protector 2011 ~ BO BO Ape
Ms. Protector 2011 ~ Black Amethyst
Mr. Triumph 2011 ~ Cardshark
Ms. Triumph 2011 ~ Vortex of Souls
Mr. Union 2011 ~ Bloodtype Power
Ms. Union 2011 ~ Sepulchre of Souls
Mr. Victory 2011 ~ Homunculus Jones
Ms. Victory 2011 ~ Little Butterfly
Mr. Vigilance 2011 ~ Elwood Thompson
Ms. Vigilance 2011 ~ Azazael*
Mr. Virtue 2011 ~ Automobile
Ms. Virtue 2011 ~ Thiket
Mr. Zukunft 2011 ~ Master of Ceremonies
Ms. Zukunft 2011 ~ Mezdeke

*Overall winner

PERC has copies of the all of the demo-records and will be uploading them to our website very soon. They will be posted in this thread in the next few days.

Thank you all again for you hard work and extremely creative ideas!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Originally Posted by La_Clef View Post
Could you post a screenshot of each winner ?

There will be screenshots with the demo-recordings. Should be up in just a few days. If you are in a hurry, there are screenshots for each server winner in the thread on their server forum.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Well, there was talk about sharing out the .costume files...
I guess it would have been cool if I had collaborated this with my Global Costume Contest back in July where I tried to get characters from each server to make "guest appearances" in AE arcs I'm still working on. I'm very happy with what I got, though I didn't get one from each server. Only got 1 of the arcs done, but getting close to 2nd one being complete.

I think the winners of this would be interesting to insert into an possible AE future event that doesn't involve a lot of combat (if any).



Thank you very, very much for posting all the videos and transcripts, PERC! And extra Thank You to Arkyaeon for recording them!

They were great and everyone made me wish I had thought of a trick or two myself. Rather glad the judges knew how to pick just one, because I sure couldn't!

PS If anyone is serious about making an AE arc using costumes of the finalists, poke me via PM and I'll send you my costume files in exchange for the AE arc number.



Watched through everyones and WOW! I thought I rocked it out but clearly I was wrong. It was _crazy_.

Congrats again to everyone. We all deserved it. ;D



Originally Posted by Fay View Post
Watched through everyones and WOW! I thought I rocked it out but clearly I was wrong. It was _crazy_.

Congrats again to everyone. We all deserved it. ;D
I thought I did well too but geez I had no clue how much I moved around in mine, lol. I guess that's just my playstyle coming out especially when I'm on a squishy corruptor. Everyone brought their A game on this recording, thanks for posting those and congrats everyone again!

@Kay Parfait, Twenty-One 50s, Arc ID: 71880



Yeah I have to echo what the rest said, everyone did a great job with their demo's.

I actually don't have much experience making 'really cool costumes' or rping as a character but it was a lot of fun!



Everyone's demorecord had something cool about them. It was fun to compete in an artistic way. Thanks PERC for all your hard work (and the money lol)! And gratz to all who competed. It's people like you that make the game "fun"