What's the best way to ask the Devs for a bug fix issue?




Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Don't think he was saying that at all. Nor do I think it is even a remotely intelligent idea for a good number of reasons. Not the least of which being the simple fact that it's impossible to fix all the bugs. Period. In any software more complex than those Basic programs we did in elementary school that fill the screen with infinitely repeating words.
IIRC, the only place where I mentioned fixing "all the bugs" was in reference to people sitting on their hands. I pointed out that if they had no more bugs to fix that they could go on to new content.

And, yes I agree with your sentiment.

It's quite possible to have a period where bugs are re-prioritized w/o having to do any of these obviously bad ideas. It really is.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
As someone up thread pointed out, different departments do different things. And there's no reason to expect that every department would be tied up with bug fixes for equal amounts of time.
And it doesn't have to be for an indefinite period, it's just until launch of that issue.

You can make up all sorts of things that would be bad to do. But, that doesn't mean that they have to do the bad ideas. They could do it in ways that don't involve the obviously poor methods you're worried about.

So can new content. So it's a wash on that angle.
Yes, different departments do different things, but they tend to need to work on things together. For instance, the powers guys and the animators need to work together to create a new powerset. World designers need to work together with other artists and programmers to make new zones, and then need to work with the story guys to flesh out the zone.

Tying up one part of that can mean that the whole thing needs to be delayed. Yes, the world designers can create the skeletons of 5 new zones, but without the other units working to flesh it out, what good does that do? If we have animations for 10 new powersets, but no numbers to go with them, do we get the powerset? No, no we don't.

Does new content also create new bugs? Yes. But when you're asking the Devs to just sit there and fix bugs, but don't account for bug fixes to create new bugs, you leave the door open for additional problems with your idea.

You want a whole issue devoted to bug fixes. You're making assumptions there that might not be true. The least of which is that the Devs can fix the bugs you want them to fix in an issues timeframe.

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Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
I would like for the Devs to take an issue and devote it to fixing the various bugs in game. It would make having new content more meaningful if the new content worked and if it didn't break old content. As I understand it, there're various bugs that have existed for years. I think that it would do wonders for VIP morale. I think it would improve the game and make it more fun for everyone.
AFAICT, the only downside to fixing bugs us that it costs dev time. Which, arguably, they're going to spend working on something anyway.

So, what is the best way to communicate this desire to the devs?
It's a nice idea in theory at any rate...

The fault in your logic though is believing that there could ever be a time when they could fix all bugs in a game like this. As a software engineer with nearly 20 years of professional experience I can tell you that with applications as large as this game it's effectively impossible to fix every bug. Trust me when I (and others like Aett_Thorn and Tyger42) say it wouldn't happen even if the Devs ONLY worked on fixing existing bugs for the next 100 Issues.

So when you realize the idea that the Devs could just step back and spend a little time fixing everything before adding anything new is a pipe-dream then you'll understand why they'll never bother trying a "fix only existing bugs" Issue. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
It's a nice idea in theory at any rate...

The fault in your logic though is believing that there could ever be a time when they could fix all bugs in a game like this.
You know I took the text of my OP out and put it into Word, and even word couldn't find where I asked for "all bugs" to be fixed.

If I inadvertently gave that impression somehow, please accept my apologies and consider this a retraction.

I am just asking for an issue's worth of effort be sent on fixing known bugs.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The least of which is that the Devs can fix the bugs you want them to fix in an issues timeframe.
If they can't fix it in an issue's time frame then move it somewhere else on the priority list.
I suspect that there are some bugs that would fit into the category of things that could be corrected in an issue's time frame.

If you have an idea that's a bad one and a preventative measure, or a work-around, or solution can be thought up in less than 30 seconds, give the dev team the benefit of the doubt that they could figure it out too.



Keep in mind that 90% of the bugs one person thinks is mission critical must fix right this second the person standing next to them could careless about and they are worried about some bug that the first person doesn't think worth wasting any time to fix because their bug is so important.

Only 5 - 10% of any reported bugs are system critical. And that kind of bug gets immediate programmer attention. The rest of the bugs tend to be categorized by a variety of factors including how annoying it might be in general, not in specifiic, and how easy it is to track down and fix.

Just because you can fairly easily tell that X is happening because system Y does something doesn't mean you can fix it without completely rewriting system Y. And depending on how critical to the functioning of the program system Y is their may be very good reasons not to touch it until that entire system is being reworked. A lot of bugs fall into that category. Because it requires tearing apart a subsystem and rebuilding it often such bugs get set aside until the system is reworked again. That kind of bug can persist for years if the core system that has the flaw causing it isn't being redesigned.

In specific I suspect this is the nature of the Pet AI. To fix it would probably require a major rewrite of the pet AI and until there is more things to fix or new features to add they aren't touching the system. Instead the bug sits in a folder of bugs to be fixed when the pet AI gets its next overhaul. Keep in mind that anyone digging into that system for something will probably keep the bug list in mind to see if they spot a quick easy fix but unless they find such the bug will persist until the core problem can be addressed.

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Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
You know I took the text of my OP out and put it into Word, and even word couldn't find where I asked for "all bugs" to be fixed.

If I inadvertently gave that impression somehow, please accept my apologies and consider this a retraction.

I am just asking for an issue's worth of effort be sent on fixing known bugs.
Let's say for the sake of argument there are 1,000 known bugs in this game. Let's also say for the sake of argument that on average the Devs manage to fix 50 of them while working on the kinds of feature-rich Issues we've been getting all along. If the Devs were to switch gears and work on a "fix nothing but bugs" Issue they might, if they were lucky, knock out say 200 bugs. That leaves us with 800 bugs.

Can you (or anyone) say with absolute certainty that the difference between a game with 800 bugs would be so much better than a game with 950 bugs that it'd be worth giving up an entire Issue's worth of new features? I think you'd find that the trade-off was ultimately not worth it.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Let's say for the sake of argument there are 1,000 known bugs in this game. Let's also say for the sake of argument that on average the Devs manage to fix 50 of them while working on the kinds of feature-rich Issues we've been getting all along. If the Devs were to switch gears and work on a "fix nothing but bugs" Issue they might, if they were lucky, knock out say 200 bugs. That leaves us with 800 bugs.

Can you (or anyone) say with absolute certainty that the difference between a game with 800 bugs would be so much better than a game with 950 bugs that it'd be worth giving up an entire Issue's worth of new features? I think you'd find that the trade-off was ultimately not worth it.
So you have accumulated 1000 bugs.
Do you wait until you have accumulated 10,000 before you put a good wack in that number?
Or do you just let them incrementally trickle in ad infinitum?



Doesn't matter how you ask, it isn't going to happen.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Or do you just let them incrementally trickle in ad infinitum?
No matter what, bugs will CONTINUE being created forever. There is no way around that. Unless you want them to simply stop adding things to the game forever, that will stop new bugs from being created. Of course, that also means they can't get rid of existing bugs either, because that could mess with old bug fixes and cause new bugs.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Or do you just let them incrementally trickle in ad infinitum?
Yes because for every bug you fix 10 more are created.

Basically you never get perfect bug free computer code except for very small programs. Once past a certain complexity every time you touch the code no matter how good you are you risk new bugs being added.

This doesn't mean you don't fix bugs but it does mean you don't treat every bug you encounter as if the program were on fire and it must be fixed right this second. Instead you triage the bug and determine if the error is just something minor, annoying, or major and based on that you set about fixing it.

Well the other thing that gets considered is if you can fix it in 2 minutes because you know exactly what must have been accidentally typo'd to create the bug. But that is a different category.

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Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It's quite possible to have a period where bugs are re-prioritized w/o having to do any of these obviously bad ideas. It really is.
New content still needs to come out, though. As I said before, that goes MUCH farther toward player retention and attracting new players than fixing the minor bugs that tend to get left to stew for a long time. As for the major bugs, they may not get fixed as quickly as some would like, but that doesn't mean they're being ignored. Sometimes simply pinning down what int he code is causing the problem in the first place, much less how to fix it ( Especially without breaking something else in the process ), can take months...

You know I took the text of my OP out and put it into Word, and even word couldn't find where I asked for "all bugs" to be fixed.
And you know damn well right now that all you're doing is arguing semantics.... No, you didn't use those exact words. That doesn't give you an easy out of what your words meant.

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There are 65 threads over on the Beta test board that deal with all the fixes and changes they have done and want tested and feedback from for Issue 21.5. Issue 21.5 is a lot more than a couple of iTrials and Titan Weapons.

Every bug reported first needs to be duplicated in house so at the very least they can use the same steps that currently causes the bug to appear, to test that the bug is fixed. Once it's duplicated only then can it be prioritized, scheduled and then assigned to someone. The more information you can supply when you /bug something such as steps to duplicate, the quicker it moves along the process.

Games are art asset heavy. I'm not saying they don't have enough programmers at Paragon Studios but not everyone who's working on CoH are programmers. Artists and level designers aren't the people who fix problems in the animation sequencer or the market UI and those working on the game client aren't the same as those working on the server side software.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
And you know damn well right now that all you're doing is arguing semantics.... No, you didn't use those exact words. That doesn't give you an easy out of what your words meant.
w/e, dude.

The difference between all and and not all is more than mere semantics afaict.
obviously ymmv.



If you want the devs to fix something, pretend it's fun or you get some advantage out of it (say, avoiding what otherwise is a tedious grind.) They'll get right on it. Report it as a bug or a problem and it could be *years* before they even look at it.




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
If you want the devs to fix something, pretend it's fun or you get some advantage out of it (say, avoiding what otherwise is a tedious grind.) They'll get right on it. Report it as a bug or a problem and it could be *years* before they even look at it.


There're some things that seem super simple to fix, like typos and misspelling in text, that don't get fixed for w/e reason idk. I guess they're afraid of the bugs proper spelling could generate or w/e.
And then there're IOs that don't function at all which people are still purchasing from one another not knowing that they're completely nonfunctional.
I don't know what all bugs there are. And I don't have a pet set of them. I just know that there're a number of them.
There're just a whole host of little things like that which, to me, don't seem to require that much effort which just get swept under the rug issue after issue because other things are prioritized higher on the list.
Maybe it is just too hard. idk.



I don't quite understand how people think bug fixes are something you can stop and focus on, like balancing your checkbook. A closer analogy might be altering your lifestyle.

We've all got bad habits, and some might be obvious; take smoking, for instance. You can identify exactly what the problem is, and fixing it might seem a small change. But there are ripple changes as a result: anxiety, overeating, irritability. Those are other, smaller "bugs" that require other actions to accommodate. Then, there's more subtle "bugs" in your life, like shopping without a list. You might not realize it's an issue until someone else (i.e. friendly advice, reading an article somewhere) points out that changing that could be beneficial. And then, of course, there's "bugs" that cause major issues but have no obvious cause. These might be deep lying problems that take years of work with a psychologist to uncover, and even more time to completely work through. Let's not forget that it's a life, and so "content" is always being added. A seemingly unrelated change can bring up old bugs; for example, losing a parent may drive a recovering alcoholic back off the wagon.

Relative to our game, this could be a simple difference of "{" instead of "[" buried in 4 GB of code, and pretty much the only way you'll find that is by accident. Of course, your issue could also be caused by something more like the infamous "Y2K" bug, which required that miles and miles of code be rewritten in order to change the listing for a year from "xx" to "xxxx". Rewriting older areas of the game could bring back old bugs, as we've seen examples of with the release of Freedom, because the bug fix was in the rewritten area and the undiscovered, actual cause of the bug may have been somewhere entirely different. Occasionally, bugs are found and fixed by the creation of new content, as the unseen cause is wiped out in a rewrite, or the dev who happens to be working on the code sees the original error while checking their own work.

I know, this analogy isn't a perfect example. But it might be a little bit better to visualize the game, especially its code, as more of a living entity, always changing and growing in different ways, instead of a book that needs editing. It seems to me that in recent years the devs have done quite well finding and clearing some VERY old and major bugs, and have been fixing more and more issues all the time. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the patch notes for the past year; a majority of patches are bug fixes for this and that. Assuming Paragon Studios is built with some level of logic, they have a QA team who regularly checks new patches for stability, and is also searching through the old code troubleshooting the longer running problems.

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Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
I don't quite understand how people think bug fixes are something you can stop and focus on, like balancing your checkbook. A closer analogy might be altering your lifestyle.
This is because most people don't have grasp of what is involved in large complex computer programming. They imagine that it is all very simple and you can easily fix any bug in 5 minutes if they would just bother taking the time to do that.

Programmers know better. Plus we do see them fixing bugs all the time so they clearly are not ignoring bugs.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
This is because most people don't have grasp of what is involved in large complex computer programming. They imagine that it is all very simple and you can easily fix any bug in 5 minutes if they would just bother taking the time to do that.
I blame Hollywood.

Hackers/programmers can get a computer to do something in minutes if they rabidly type on a keyboard.

Criminal Forensics takes mere days to hone in on a suspect.

Doctors routinely save patients exhibiting obscure symptoms in a matter of days.

Police nearly always get their murderer.

Scientists are always oblivious to the potential downside of their work, or are outright evil. Their work of course escapes from their lab to ravage the city.

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It seems like it's a matter of allocating man-hours.

Perhaps not.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
w/e, dude.

The difference between all and and not all is more than mere semantics afaict.
obviously ymmv.
Yes, but you're arguing that you didn't use the exact words. That is semantics. Your post did heavily imply "all" even if the exact wording was never used.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I blame Hollywood.

Hackers/programmers can get a computer to do something in minutes if they rabidly type on a keyboard.
Yup. Typing fast is all you need to be a pro hacker. Didn't you know that?

Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It seems like it's a matter of allocating man-hours.

Perhaps not.
Absolutely not. Putting more people on the problem doesn't necessarily make it easier/faster to solve. The old saying about too many cooks and spoiled broth applies...

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Absolutely not. Putting more people on the problem doesn't necessarily make it easier/faster to solve. The old saying about too many cooks and spoiled broth applies...
Allocating man-hours doesn't have to mean putting more people on it. It can also refer to adjusting priorities so that man-hours are spent on it instead of something else--how tha man-hours are allocated.

If you can find a way to prevent, resolve, or otherwise find a way out of w/e objection you have in under 30 seconds, the devs can most likely figure it out too.

If you try, you can probably figure lots and lots of ways that wouldn't work. But, why bother?



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Allocating man-hours doesn't have to mean putting more people on it. It can also refer to adjusting priorities so that man-hours are spent on it instead of something else--how tha man-hours are allocated.
Well, after a certain point, the only way to allocate more man-hours is to put more people on it. I'm sure there are people on each category's team that are supposed to focus mainly on bugs. Just as there are different teams for different areas of the game ( Graphics, content, etc ), there are almost certainly people within that team for different jobs within that area.

If you can find a way to prevent, resolve, or otherwise find a way out of w/e objection you have in under 30 seconds, the devs can most likely figure it out too.

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Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It seems like it's a matter of allocating man-hours.

Perhaps not.
Throwing people who don't know a system at it to fix bugs is a recipe for disaster.

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