Hook Positron up to the LGF Queue ASAP




I've been hearing this repeated fairly often in /help chat 'What other trials are available?'. The first time I replied, I explained the Cavern of Transcendence, the respecs, the AST, Eden, and soforth. I realized that wasn't really what they were asking for.

The new players LIKE the LFG queue interface. It's a good interface, especially for single-group teams. They like it a LOT and would prefer to be able to do more content via it.

So plug Positron part1 and/or Virgil Tarikoss to the system so that players can queue for those. I think it would dramatically increase retention, especially as those players start to look outside Atlas for more to do.



I've been saying this since the LFG showed up. Two things need to happen with it, and until they do, I will consider it broken and/or unfinished:

1. Put all TFs and Trials into the LFT queue.

2. Let me queue for a TF or a Trial while inside of an instance and let me be teleported away from my instance when the Trial starts.


3. Let people put their own teams that they're running into the LFT queue so that those looking to team for something other than TFs and Trials can get auto-assigned to a PuG.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



All good ideas that should have been implemented yesterday. Given how many people strongly dislike leading and recruiting, automated team making is a must.

Regardless, it's nice to see they're adding more and more stuff to do with the LFG tool with each content update.



As a new player myself, I do love the LFG screen, I just wish there were more short, instanced trials like Death From Below, as from what I understand there really aren't any others like that which are relatively short, lots of fun and not so difficult you need to be a +4 incarnate to be able to do it



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let me queue for a TF or a Trial while inside of an instance and let me be teleported away from my instance when the Trial starts.

I don't want to stand around doing nothing while I wait for an event to start.

Hyperbole. Of course, I can street hunt or something, but still.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've been saying this since the LFG showed up. Two things need to happen with it, and until they do, I will consider it broken and/or unfinished:

1. Put all TFs and Trials into the LFT queue.

2. Let me queue for a TF or a Trial while inside of an instance and let me be teleported away from my instance when the Trial starts.


3. Let people put their own teams that they're running into the LFT queue so that those looking to team for something other than TFs and Trials can get auto-assigned to a PuG.
All 3 please!!

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I personally think the LFG tool would work 100 times better if the automation was removed entirely (or at least not expanded on) and we used a billboard system that was just the reverse of the old Looking for Team panel. Give players a second comment field to write whatever they want for people they are looking to recruit and people looking for teams could just search for them that way.

The issue I have with the LFG panel is that it has no flexibility. It doesn't even bother to tell you whether other people out there are interested in the same trial you are and how many of them are waiting. And I do think it's kind of odd/funny that we are excited to get trials that lack the options and feature set of Task Forces. A step backward, IMO, just to justify the simplistic LFG tool. You just aren't going to be able to make the LFG tool handle masters runs, +level runs, or really anything other than very basic mechanics.

In any case, the way the LFG tool works right now is incompatible with the current mechanics of Task Forces. The tool makes the (IMO pretty much fatal) assumption that any random person can be selected as leader and everything is just as well. This is part of why the tool isn't popular for incarnate trials. But the technical issue with Task Forces is that they are tied to the leader's level. If you throw a random person in as leader you end up changing the level of the team. "Trials" only work because they level lock you and remove the possibility of any options or settings.

A sort of compromise would be if when you went into the LFG tool you saw a list of all the people who have volunteered to *lead* a trial/TF and could directly sign up for the team there. But if you do that, you would have done even better to just not have the group recruitment mechanic be forcibly tied to any specific TF or trial and just let it be used for everything, hence my statement above about why a billboard system would be more effective.



Had never thought or heard anybody mention putting the taskforces in the LFG tabs but now you mention it, it does make perfect sense.

I for one would welcome this with open arms!

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It does make a bit of sense, however if you do it for positron then you should also do it for every other tf.

I don't think that such a thing would be a good idea. It would clutter the LFG tab and I personally like the idea of moving to the contact in question (at least the first time) to start the tf. Nothing wrong with a bit of travel.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The issue I have with the LFG panel is that it has no flexibility. It doesn't even bother to tell you whether other people out there are interested in the same trial you are and how many of them are waiting. And I do think it's kind of odd/funny that we are excited to get trials that lack the options and feature set of Task Forces. A step backward, IMO, just to justify the simplistic LFG tool. You just aren't going to be able to make the LFG tool handle masters runs, +level runs, or really anything other than very basic mechanics.
It simply needs a better interface, I believe. I'd borrow the classic server browser interface from practically any game that ever supported LAN play. Then let people either host their own games, thus making the host the "leader" when the Trial/TF started, or let people join games already hosted by others. As long as you give people a list of existing games with information given on who's hosting them and what settings he's hosting them with and let people pick, then I see no reason why the interface can't handle the task.

Inversely, if a person doesn't want to host his own team or bother looking through a list, THEN is when random game joining comes into play. Let the player pick some basic options, such as level bracket or task preferred, and then let the computer auto-assign said player to a team.

FPS games perfected this years ago. Last time I played TF2, I could random-join a server or look through a list of servers. If a server was full, I could let the game auto-retry to have me join there, then join another server and play in the meantime. As soon as a spot opened, I would be auto-disconnected from the server I was playing (with no warning) and logged into the one I had "queued" for. That's how the LFT queue should work. It shouldn't be a "queue" at all, but rather a game browser.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



back when i21 was still in beta, i was running a lowbie toon through some of the new arcs while queued for the LFG and encountered an odd bug where you could enter a "board train" mish while still in the queue

however if your queued trial started while you were in the mish, it would kick you out of your mish (and reset it) and it wouldnt let you rejoin the queued trial that you just tried to load into.

this might be one reason why we dont have LFG in mishs yet



Guys they currently CANNOT do this.

Right now rogues cannot join the DFB Trial on heroside.
If they set up the LFG queue for all TFs they would be Villian or Hero only, I assume.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I personally think the LFG tool would work 100 times better if the automation was removed entirely (or at least not expanded on) and we used a billboard system that was just the reverse of the old Looking for Team panel. Give players a second comment field to write whatever they want for people they are looking to recruit and people looking for teams could just search for them that way.
Yes. I'm quoting just this part for brevity, but everything in this post is true.

This is what I thought we would be getting when the LFG queue was announced. What we got is something most people don't want for these kinds of events-- they want to join/form teams with a predesignated leader that knows what they are doing, and inform people what they are doing and who they are looking for. That's why Trials are mostly pre-formed. It's frustrating that this thing was created, it only works for a few things, and I still have to go to a specific zone or watch a ton of different global channels to see if something is going on.

There's no reason we can't have the current LFG tool too, for random PUG stuff (it's great for the sewer trial, which doesn't even need a leader), but this is something that would improve team play in the game dramatically, and is something we've been asking for for as long as I can remember.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
2. Let me queue for a TF or a Trial while inside of an instance and let me be teleported away from my instance when the Trial starts.
This, this, this, a thousand times this. The queue is completely useless as long as I have to sit around doing nothing for it to work. Not to mention that the few things I could do while not running missions like, say, update costumes or work on an AE arc? Also don't work with the queue. This feature has been, just all in all, a real failure. Not one that can't be corrected, mind, but the fact that it could be and it hasn't really only adds to what a failure it is.



When it comes to free players are the developers even listening? I remember seeing ALL of these requests in early beta and it seems like most of it was ignored.

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