Suggestion: Water Power Pool




Yes, it started as a pun , but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.
The low tier powers:
Drink: this would have the same effect as using a dual green and blue inspiration.
Wash: this would remove debuffs from allies, like clear mind does in the empathy power set.
The middle tier powers:
Rinse: this would remove debuffs from self.
Squirt: this would be a taunt power. I imagine the animation would be like a water gun.
The top tier power:
Dampen: this removes buffs from foes.

Well, that's what I came up with.



I'll give you this, it's creative and kind of interesting. But I think those powers would be too redundant from the other pools... plus it's hard to justify how water would actually make it work (I don't see water being the source for buff and debuff removal).

But overall, I liked it.



I would... strongly urge against calling any power 'squirt'. We are simply not mature enough for that, myself included.

I like the concept, otherwise. We definitely need some kind of water based something or other.



a majority of the reason a water based anything has not been introduced would be coding limitations as well as having to significantly increase the min requirements of the game if it ever got added which would kick the playerbase which as min spec computers in the shins



Maybe this could be part of an elementals power set.
Water, Air, Earth and Fire.
Great, now I have to come up with an entire power set.
And Paragon Studios isn't exactly footing the bill here. LOL.



we already have earth, fire, and air based sets, technically ice IS just frozen water




Storm/Earth/Fire Dominator.

You start with Air, then Water and Earth, then F-




Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post

Storm/Earth/Fire Dominator.

You start with Air, then Water and Earth, then F-

doms dont get storm though lol, now you could do a earth/storm/fire or fire/storm/earth controller



We do have Leviathon Mastery, you know?



Removing buffs and debuffs seems like a mechanic that would usually be fairly worthless, but on occasion would totally trivialize what's supposed to be a challenging encounter. It would be better to come up with a mechanic that's always useful, but not overpowering.



I am disappoint, but only in that the powers listed were buff/debuff ones. I was expecting, an offensive set. Something Like this:

Water Control
You can extract the water from your surroundings, or if needed, the air, and control it in various ways.

First Tier (3)
Waterjets. You can create concentrated jets of water, which slice through a foe like an industrial waterjet machine does metal. May also debuff the foe's aim. (Damage: Low. Recharge: Fast)

Water Cannon. You can create a high pressure, high volume stream of water to subdue a foe. This also has a chance to knock back your foe. (Damage: Medium. Recharge: Average)

Washout. You can create a small stream of fast moving water under your foe's feet, causing them to be knocked down, as well as some damage. (Damage: Medium. Recharge: Medium)

Middle Tier (3)
Rehydrate: Using the water around you, you can heal yourself. This power is interruptable.

Percolate: You make a small pool under your foe, and heat it causing damage. There is a chance to also debuff the foe's defense. (Damage Medium, Recharge Medium)

Steam: You make a large amount of steam in a foe's direction, the cone effect causes blindness as well as damage, your enemies will not hit anything for a small while.(Damage low, recharge short.)

Top Tier (2)
Whirlpool. You can create a whirlpool of water that will disorient any foe in it's range with it's violent spinning, but does not in and of itself cause damage. The foes are also debuffed from defense for a while. (Damage: None. Recharge: Medium)

Tsunami. You can create a large wave of water that will inundate all foes in the area, causing heavy damage, knockdown, and disorentation to the foes. (Damage: Extreme. Recharge: Long)

Of course, I'm just a noob at this inventing of powers, but something like that for offense wouldn't be terrible, I'd think. I see it as maybe a 'troller/'fender/corr/dom offensive set.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
a majority of the reason a water based anything has not been introduced would be coding limitations as well as having to significantly increase the min requirements of the game if it ever got added which would kick the playerbase which as min spec computers in the shins
i dont see why really

since there is a bubble aura that is pretty wattery, the water spout and leviathan master's bile spray, the geyser powers and bubble bursting powers of the kraken heads in the sewer trial and im sure im forgetting a few more. and heck there's waterfalls...

they could make a not too complicated water set pretty easy i'd say.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
we already have earth, fire, and air based sets, technically ice IS just frozen water
also, calling "ice" a water set [which i knoooowww it iss] is like calling "sonic" an "air set", [i know, im going somewhere with this], "lightning" a "fire" set, and "plant" an "earth" set. i mean, they KIND of are but that's also like calling katana and broadsword the same thing. hand held blades. yes. different worlds though. StJ and Martial Arts are both hand-to-hand combat but they are way different when you play them.

soooooo water should happen and have nothing to do with ice. maybe one or two powers cross over like with the ice buff set and the storm buff set [which sorta counts as wind but it's not wind enough to be "wind blast" XD] but be different.

and so aero blast should happen too. i'm just sayin

aero blast. think about it. [and then ask the devs for it so im not the only one hounding them about it, k thaaannkksssss ]