New trend for paid costume sets: No add ons or modifications based on players feedback?




Just what the tittle says...
New costume sets we buy at the store are not tested, doesnt have any Mod made thread for bug fixes or player feedback, so Im concerned...
We made suggestions for Barbarian and CoT and they were ignored so far, and no dev have mentioned anything (aside Posi's excuses for the tiny CoT costume set being that way without coolest pieces due to "clipping").
So... is this the new trend? No add ons or modifications?
Also, why? They so focused on new costumes to dry our Paragon points they dont have time to made tweaks or add ons?

Ok if so, change trend doing designs for costumes to make them as gender equal as possible, because if they keep the girly corset trend and heels (as much as I loved them), players will always want another gender costume piece, and they will request it, then will be ignored because devs are focused on new shinies as aways and player feel ignored and pissed.
And please dont come with "that boat sailed" because those costume sets are on sale, and you never know when a little add on or tweak can make someone decide on buying it.
I think this is my longest post ever, but you guys get my idea?



They were pretty good about changing the Steampunk booster fairly dramatically and fixing bugs in other boosters (Martial Arts springs to mind) after launch. Have you actually made a post describing exactly what you see as the problems with the new pieces?



When the Animal booster was launched, it took about a month to add the changes we requested after the fact. When the Steampunk booster was launched, it took about a month for the changes we requested to be put in after the fact. The CoT and Barbarian sets are, what, two weeks old at this point? Give it at least a little time for something to happen before you cry wolf, please.

Not that I necessarily disagree, mind you. The CoT set looks suspiciously like an unfinished, untested rush job just so something new could come out that week, and as a result it is wholly underwhelming, and that's surprising for a set as wild as this. There are a few decent pieces, but there AREN'T many more that should have been in it.

What I'm trying to say here is - finish those sets before you kick them out to the Store. If that means delaying them another week or another month, then by all means, do it. I'd rather have quality work than half-baked experiments. You held off a perfectly functioning, entirely complete powerset FOR A MONTH, and yet you release a costume set that's barely finished FIRST? The logic here defies explanation.

Sure, there's still time to fix the CoT set up. I'm a patient man. But that should not have been launched like this in the first place. If something HAD to be sold on the Market that week, that could easily have been Street Justice.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



What's wrong with the Barbarian set? Seems fine (wonderful in fact) to me.

As for the CoT set : Meh, I'm past caring about that whole trainwreck.



I think the larger problem is that they still feel the need to release full sets. I think they should just release them as they have them ready for all three models, rather than trying to hammer them into a set.

The devs mouths/hands are tapped up pretty light when it comes to what they can tell us. I expect more items, or a second CoT set. They are in a bit of a position where they have said something new will be added to the store each week (and not just sales), so it is really a smart thing to hold some stuff back for a week or two down the line.

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I thought a while back they attempted a redesign of the CoT costume pieces after they were previewed in beta, there was a bit groan about it and the devs actually took the feedback and implemented it as such before release. CoT used to be all spandex but now they retain some of their regal cloakiness that they used to have.

But yeah, I would have to say they should give themselves extra time before releasing content like this, after all, they're still going to get the money/point-redemption and the combined quality and good service would encourage people to spend more in the future. It's not to be sniffed at!

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The CoT hood is both awesome and incredibly annoying. The shape is brilliant and the fact that you can combine two colours on it makes it also awesome, but it clips with everything. Well, I'm sure everything except the CoT stuff. But all I want is the hood. I can't even wear a cape with it.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
What's wrong with the Barbarian set? Seems fine (wonderful in fact) to me.
Nothing, actually. Well, nothing BIG, anyway. I merely mentioned it to say that we got Barbarian one week, the CoT the next, then Street Justice the next. It seems the point is to have SOMETHING new every week, even if that something had to be booted out the door half-way through its development process. I don't think that's a good idea, since I prefer to have quality, even if it costs more, than constant half-baked additions like the CoT set.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BeyondReach View Post
The CoT hood is both awesome and incredibly annoying. The shape is brilliant and the fact that you can combine two colours on it makes it also awesome, but it clips with everything. Well, I'm sure everything except the CoT stuff. But all I want is the hood. I can't even wear a cape with it.
Wait, what does it clip with? I can't seem to come up with anything to make it clip bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Nothing, actually. Well, nothing BIG, anyway. I merely mentioned it to say that we got Barbarian one week, the CoT the next, then Street Justice the next. It seems the point is to have SOMETHING new every week, even if that something had to be booted out the door half-way through its development process. I don't think that's a good idea, since I prefer to have quality, even if it costs more, than constant half-baked additions like the CoT set.
More worringly this Feed the Beast attitude seems to also be impacting powerset bug fixes somewhat. Synapse has apparently said that most of them have to wait for 21.5 to make it to live.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
More worringly this Feed the Beast attitude seems to also be impacting powerset bug fixes somewhat. Synapse has apparently said that most of them have to wait for 21.5 to make it to live.
Actually, I think this has something to do with their Byzantine update pipeline. BABs was famous for saying he's made changes but had no idea when they'd be implemented and what build they were in, and Matt Miller has repeatedly talked about them working several Issues, and presumably a dozen builds, ahead of time, so it's not too hard to imagine a lot of stuff being done, but being tucked away in a build queue waiting for a blue moon to rise or some such.

Seriously, though - that sort of thing is more QA and scheduling than development priorities. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a lot of the bug fixes Synapse is talking about have already been done and are waiting for a full build to introduce them, and I21.5 is probably close enough that THAT will be the next full build.


Completely separately, I21.5 reminds me of I19.5, and how that thing's sole reason to exist was because Melissa Bianco, for some reason, promised that they'd add more Incarnate stuff once a month or thereabout, hence why they didn't want to wait the full three to four months for I20 to launch before the introduced the new WTF mechanic (I think). It's interesting that we still seem to be getting half-Issues even though that practice seems to have been discontinued (and good riddance, far as I'm concerned).

That's not to say I'm not worried about schedules and quantity causing quality to take a serious dive, all for the sake of having a new shiny to make "people with poor impulse control" always buy something. Personally, I never had a problem waiting three months or more for a new Issue, and I'm perfectly fine waiting until Paragon Market stuff is finished BEFORE it goes to market. However, part of Freedom's... Well, freedom, is that the development team can release things in smaller bundles and have us purchase them separately.

Where the CoT set fails is that it is NOT a full bundle, yet it's being priced as a full bundle, and at no point has anyone suggested that this is not the full set and that more will be added at a later time. Personally, I would never complain if a costume piece came out every day if that's how they chose to do it, provided they were priced accordingly and provided I had reason to believe more like it might be produced.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yeah, that's what pees me off about the CoT set too. The list of excluded pieces seems awfully arbitrary for clipping to be the sole concern. Surely the armored gauntlets couldn't clip worse than the ones we already have? As for the color issue, the thorn casters wear those gauntlets in a two-tone color scheme compatible with what we players use. Or some minor element like the straps could be left as one color (like some steampunk parts), while the gauntlet (and tights underneath) are able to be tinted one color, with the trim being another.
And how exactly would the hat clip any worse than the hood, or any of the other hats we've got? And why can't we have that nice short capelet?
I said before this was released that I would rather wait for those pieces to be ported over to the female and huge models, or for any other needed adjustments to be made, so we players could enjoy them. But nooo..We got what feels like a half-a$$ed rush job, with a weak explanation to try and justify it, and no reassurance that anything will be done, aside from letting us twist in the wind. No additions coming later, no supplement packs, nothing.

We've also been asking for a version of the warrior belt that could be worn with things other than robes ever since it came out, but that too, has never been implemented. For shame.

As for the CoT's all spandex look, that was the result of beta testing, or so I have read- at the time those poor screen shots were taken with a camera phone, all of the CoT's parts were not in the game yet. The basic tights and a few other bits had been finished, but the skirts and other pieces were still under construction, hence those poor mages running around in tights, being the brunt of "Stupid sexy mage" jokes. The robes were always meant to be there, they just weren't finished at the time.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Where the CoT set fails is that it is NOT a full bundle, yet it's being priced as a full bundle, and at no point has anyone suggested that this is not the full set and that more will be added at a later time.
Serious question: What makes a "full" bundle? I'm clueless.

I just checked the costume bundles, and while all of them are 400 points each, they vary in the number of pieces. 43, 36, 25, 23, 21, 20, 2 @ 18, 16, 11, 10, and a 5 piece cape bundle. The CoT set is 12 pieces. None come with auras, emotes, or powers. So why the CoT set dislike?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait, what does it clip with? I can't seem to come up with anything to make it clip bad.
Over Shoulder Mantle Cape, virtually all robes. Those are the only things I tried it with, every single one of them clipped. Basically, anything raised around the clavical/shoulder area will clip with it. Normal hoods sit nicely on top of them.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
What's wrong with the Barbarian set?
The bracer in the Barbarian Ring glove option should accept two colors such that it can be made to match the two-colour barbarian belt and shoulder rings. Not a huge issue, but annoying nonetheless.

I also wish the shoulder/glove armour pieces could be coloured so that the trim of the plate was contrasted against the main colour of the plate. But that's less of an issue and more of a fanciful wish.

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