% Chance of Build-Up every 10 seconds?
My understanding of the %chance proc enhancements is that when slotted in toggles or "always on" powers, they check for the proc every 10 seconds. If I slotted my Invulnerability power sets T6 "Invincibility" with a "Guassian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance of Build-Up" I think that, every 10 seconds, I would have a 5% per enemy within range of getting the build-up effect, to "Invincibility"'s maximum of 10 enemies. Thus, if surrounded by 10 or more enemies, around 50% chance of build-up every 10 seconds.... Does this actually work??
Nope, it doesn't. At least, not the way you're supposing. The proc will check once per 10 seconds, yes, but it's only slotted in ONE power. Having multiple enemies in range does NOT cause multiple instances of the Invincibility power; it causes the Invincibility power to give you multiple buff icons and stronger buffs. Thus, the proc chance will still be 5% every 10 seconds.
I've used the build-up proc in Invincibility, and it doesn't go off very often at all, so it definitely does not get a chance to proc for each enemy in range. I couldn't tell you the exact technical reason, but it doesn't.
If I slot a % chance of damage in a toggle, that chance applies to each enemy effected by that toggle, every 10 seconds, and it's also ONE power. Why would % chance of build up work any differently? I get a To-Hit buff for each enemy within range, up to 10 enemies.
In any case, having 10 separate rolls for the build-up to occur would be fairly overpowered anyway. If it worked like that, I'd expect to see it all over the Brute/Tank/Scrapper forums as advice for every Invuln character.
What about trying this with soull drain? Since it actually applies another boost to you per click, would it have any better luck than invincibility? I'm guessing not, but if it does, that would be pretty sweet.
Im using chance to build up in other powers, and so far I have absolutley no idea if it's working, how long the effect lasts, how to tell it's taken effect, or pretty much anythign for that matter.
So I am curious about this as well.
The GSFC proc is a 5% chance for +40% to-hit & +100% damage for 5.25 seconds. It's nice when it goes off, but the short duration and low percentage mean that you can probably find something better to do with that slot. If you can't find a use for that slot elsewhere, then by all means enjoy the GSFC.
I recommend it in a toggle or in a buffing attack (e.g. Follow Up or Blinding Feint). There'll be a lot of times where you don't notice it (either because you're doing something other than attacking or because you aren't watching your damage) and the occasional moment where the stars align to put the meat of your attack chain in the buff window and you see the difference.
Also, remember that the 100% is based on your base damage, not your enhanced damage, so don't expect your damage to double. For most, it'll be a little more than a 50% bump for those 5.25 seconds.
You'll know it fires when you see the [Boost Up] icon that looks like purple hasten or super reflexes quickness. Soul drain is a great place for it, but the set has no accuracy.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
What log does it show in? Combat?
Ya should show in combat, icon with the rest of buffs
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
Only reason to slot this is for the 6-slotted set bonus. Otherwise, steer clear as it's a waste of a slot.
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I was just observing some odd behavior of this IO the other day. I have it slotted in Tactics, and getting ready to log for the night, I looked through my combat log and saw that the power had barely gone off. In fact, I estimated that it had been about 10-15 minutes since it had triggered last. Then as I was finishing some market stuff, it went-off 5 times in less than 3 minutes.
So either there's something odd going on with it, or the Random Number Generator just hated me that day.
I was just observing some odd behavior of this IO the other day. I have it slotted in Tactics, and getting ready to log for the night, I looked through my combat log and saw that the power had barely gone off. In fact, I estimated that it had been about 10-15 minutes since it had triggered last. Then as I was finishing some market stuff, it went-off 5 times in less than 3 minutes.
So either there's something odd going on with it, or the Random Number Generator just hated me that day. |
I tried making an AE arc but alas since it wasn't a fire ambush map, it was swiftly swept into oblivion.
I fear only the power of the devs can save us. And they're too busy with new costumes and power sets. We're clearly doomed.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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The random number generator has been controlled by the redcaps since 2006 at least. I keep hoping they will create a story arc that lets us go inside the RNG and defeat them so that once again random will be random, instead of right now where random is malevolent....
That does give me an idea... maybe if my scrapper started to kick her pet redcap around, it'll make the proc trigger more often? Even if it doesn't work, it'll still her feel better.
My understanding of the %chance proc enhancements is that when slotted in toggles or "always on" powers, they check for the proc every 10 seconds. If I slotted my Invulnerability power sets T6 "Invincibility" with a "Guassian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance of Build-Up" I think that, every 10 seconds, I would have a 5% per enemy within range of getting the build-up effect, to "Invincibility"'s maximum of 10 enemies. Thus, if surrounded by 10 or more enemies, around 50% chance of build-up every 10 seconds.... Does this actually work??