Batman TBaTB, Young Justice, B10UA, GR, SWCW - new eps tonight
Reveal on the Cheshire/Artemis relationship. Superboy exploring M'gann's tonsils. Wally being clueless. And we get to see Babs going to school with Dick. Good episode.
Not just Babs, but the original Bat-Girl (later retconned to Flamebird) Bette Kane.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
I really like Young Justice, but I hope they can work out a better schedule than one or two new episodes every 10 weeks or so.
Est sularis oth Mithas
Batman was good as always, the opening bit was a tad strange however.
YJ was excellent. "Some day we'll look back at this and laugh" I see Bat's investigated prowess has rubbed off on Robin.
I'm betting it's the steel ball thingy is the real mole since it looks like Red Tornado got hacked. He know someone was going after him way back in episode three or four. And while Artemis does have family issues, I'm sure Green Arrow knows all about them.
Generator Rex had a "well finally" moment. Nice to see a cameo from 5. And 6 takes off his glasses! Always enjoy an episode with character development.
Ben 10 was a bit better character development wise with Ben and Gwen's chat about the past and present. I think at some point we will find out that Ben's inherently lucky. Not Lucky Girl level of luck but +5 on all his saving throws when it's life and death.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Oh, Robin, and his infatuation with certain words and prefixes. I think the root word in this case is "straught" rather than "traught", though. With the "di-" variant of "dis-" being used.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I like Young Justice but for some reason it lacks the flare that the other shows had before it. JLU, Teen Titans, hell even the Super Friends.....
Something is missing I can't put my finger on it..
I like the show, but it lacks that extra something..

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Fight my brute
Also, we got the possible reveal of who the mole is. Red Tornado, though he was obviously unaware of it himself. Good ep.
I really like Young Justice, but I hope they can work out a better schedule than one or two new episodes every 10 weeks or so.
I'm not particularly fond of the six month hiatus in the middle of the premiere season that we saw, but even Generator Rex had a three month hiatus after the first nine episodes of season one. It just seems to be the way that Cartoon Network works with a new series. If we go by what Weisman has told us, the first season is basically all done with preliminary production, and there are nine of the remaining fourteen episodes ready to air. I doubt we'll see any long hiatuses for the remainder of the season, though holiday programming may preempt a few of them for a week or two.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Reveal on the Cheshire/Artemis relationship. Superboy exploring M'gann's tonsils. Wally being clueless. And we get to see Babs going to school with Dick. Good episode.
Mesmer - Nice catch. Not many know who Bette Kane is/was.
Yes, I caught it too. Derp.
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse:
As the title says - Batman The Brave and The Bold, Young Justice, Generator Rex, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, and Star Wars, Clone wars are new eps tonight.
Batman The Brave and the Bold - Sword of the Atom
Young Justice - Homefront
Generator Rex - A Family Holiday
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien - Greetings from Techadon
Star Wars Clone Wars - Shadow Warrior - (a tribute to kagemusha)
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien