Your main villain's apocalypse




I'm cool with that. As long as it's not the only long term villainous goal, of course. I'd love a "sit upon my unfeasibly huge pile of money" and a fame track as well.

This is actually something City of Villains lacks. Villains are supposed to be proactive, but we're still following what everyone else tells us to do. Sure, some of the newer arcs have the option of taking initiative ourselves, but it's still confined. Really, villainous plots should have been what the 40-50 and epic pools should have been redside.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Is there anyone who would object to the option being added to the game, were it possible, to set an apocalyptic villanous goal at some point and pursue that goal via dedicated Contacts, Salvage, and Recipes to the point of creating a semi-generic apocalyptic alternate future?

If so, why?
Nope. In fact, you could easily let players have their cake and eat it if you said the REAL world was destroyed by you, but there's an alternate dimension where you decided to let everything be, and that's the one you can keep playing in. You could still go visit the apocalyptic real world any time you wanted though.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Is there anyone who would object
The answer to this is always yes.

Regarding the initial post, most of my villains aren't the 'conquer the world' type, let alone 'destroy the world' type. That said, my main villain is exactly suited to the apocalyptic scenario as a high priest for an Outer God. Amassing a legion of followers to crush her opposition and bringing the Great Old Ones into this world to take the souls of all mankind is pretty much her thing. A few of my other villains are tied into helping her achieve that goal.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




My Villains...

-Lastjudgment(Energy/kinetic corruptor), His plans basically involve tearing down society and wiping out everyone who he deems unworthy of life as a self proclaimed angel of death. Michael Erikson was sent to past save the human race from extermination at the hands of an alien race the Gryurax, but some alien time cops(the Greys or Cydaxes) caught him and returned him to his present time in 3051. One of them decided to leave a clone of him to continue protecting humanity as she was a human sympathizer. When the clone succeeded at repelling the Gryurax invasion and blew their homeworld back into the stone age he had no purpose.

Having Lastjustice's memories but not his spirit he became disenchanted with humanity. Particularly after a DA was Graping women who was one of his friends, and messed with evidence to cover his tracks. Lj dropped him out a 10 story building window since the law wouldn't ever punish him as his judgment was passed. He snapped. Why save something that's ultimately going destroy itself? When those who are in power will always use it for self serving reasons, why let the system stand? So help the process along and rebuilt it the way you like he figures. Basically people have to stop him because he'd kill majority of the population with Nukes or any other weapon of mass destruction he could get his hands on.

- Drakis the Dark(Necromancy/dark Mastermind) , Dirk Drakis is a Necromancer who seeks ultiamte power. He aligns himself with evil beings but usually tries pull a starscream along the way and keep them from ever succeeding in their plans. The moment they do, they'll no longer have a use for him. His plans usually involve bringing some ultimate evil being into the world, but he only comes along for the ride as the Shadows of the Dark hand, usually need to teach him some new spell or arm him with a new artifact for their operations to work. he fights hard enough to sell he wants what they want, but in the end he feigns his defeat to continue milking the till he can cast them aside. In the event he took the power of the temple of the living god for himself that the guardians of the earth infuse themselves with, he'd enslave the planet. He'd kill anyone who didn't play ball. (then raise them as undead servants.)

- Power Monger(robots/force field mastermind), Christopher Gates was infused with illegal alien technology during a fight with super heroes while trying build an ultimate warmachine. Becoming a hybrid of man and machine, he now seeks become the ultimate cybernetic life form. If he happens wipe out all organic life in the process all the better. He might just because he can if he ever reached his goal. They'd remind him for his former weakness.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
This is the theory:

I'm looking forward to your feedback. I think a good part of the "villain experience" that could be added to this game would be the ability to define an ultimate goal for your villain that would essentially fall into the category of "Conquer the World" "Destroy the World" and possible "Fix the world at too great a price". You would be able to work toward this goal throughout levelling, and ultimately be rewarded with the ability to create a alternate world reachable through Portal Co that was to some extent personalized (via AE tech).

Of course having 'won' to some extent doesn't mean your villain would not continue to wreak havoc in Paragon, Praetoria and the Isles...

...what do you think?

Sounds pretty cool! I only play redside (I couldn't be paid any amount of money to even TOUCH blueside *gag*) having more things like the villainous tip/morality missions, not as tips per say. But as arcs, Like that make overdrive your lackey mission that *possibly* could have been turned into a neat story arc IMO.

Really though all i want... Is more heroes to beat up, nothing makes me feel more of a Bad*** Villain than laughing at the hero while i beat him and cast him aside like a dirty used napkin. I must have more of that! It seems the only place to get my hero beating fix is in mayhem and the defeat sea witch mission in sharkhead. How about a system where the more bad you are you get random heroes trying to stop you in your missions? I play villain side i just don't feel very villainous half the time. Unless I'm beating up the good guys :P



Not a CoH character but one of my villains from when I played a super hero PnP RPG.

The Cabbage Patch Queen: The name "The Cabbage Patch Queen" is a name that was bestowed upon her by the media and the heros who have tried to stop her. She just calls herself mommy. She was a kindergarten teacher, married with two kids. Her life was happy and content until the day of the fire. Her husband had brought the kids to the school to have lunch with her. Her oldest, Samantha, had just turned 4 and had gotten a cabbage patch doll for her birthday. She had stepped out of the classroom long enough to go to the bathroom, and when she returned, the door was jammed shut from the outside. The paper that normally covered the small window in her door began to burn. The police never found out who set fire to the room, though the fire marshal found evidence of accelerants. None of that mattered to her though. Only one thing had survived the fire, Samantha's doll. She spent 7 days in the hospital following the incident, recovering from the burns on her hands that she received as she tried over and over again to open the door. She didn't sleep; she didn't lie down. The only thing she did during those 7 days was sit and try to comfort her daughter's doll. "It'll be okay, Sammy. It'll be okay." On the 7th day, the last thing anyone heard her say before she disappeared was, "It'll be okay, Sammy. Mommy will fix you."

Several months afterwards, seemingly random thefts began. A toy store was robbed, but only cabbage patch dolls were taken. The next night, an electronics parts store was robbed. Then, a few haz-mat tanker trucks were found, the tanks drained and the drivers dead. No one realized their peril until a few days later when the mall was taken over by an army of robotic cabbage patch dolls.

The only survivor described in detail what happened just before dieing of complications from multiple cases of frostbite and chemical burns caused by injected liquid nitrogen and sulfuric acid. "They just suddenly appeared blocking every entrance and exit. More and more began coming out of the closets and backrooms and out of cardboard boxes that were delivered that morning. They were cabbage patch dolls, but they could move, and they had these retractible needles that came out of their palms. They gathered everyone up in the center of the mall, and one came forward. It looked different from all the rest, like it had been in a fire. It spoke, I guess through a speaker, with a small child's voice. 'Mommy says that all of you need to die so that you can be reborn as one of us.' "

"The rest of the dolls, each with another small child's voice, took up the chant, 'One of us. One of us.' The one that was different spoke again, 'Don't worry, it only hurts for a little while.' Then, they began to close the distance to us, closed us in a circle, chanting as they came, 'One of us. One of us.' I blacked out. When I came to, there was a woman in the room. She appeared to be building new dolls and was using the information in everyones wallets to give them names. I heard her say, 'You've been a good girl Sammy. Soon there will be no one left, and you and my other children will inherit this world. Just think of all your new brothers and sisters I'm going to make... 6 billion of them. There will be nothing but a sea of your smiles.' I must have moved or made some noise because she turned and looked right at me. 'Tsk, tsk, Sammy, you missed one.' The doll looked at her and said, 'I'm sorry, Mommy. Don't be mad. I'll fix it.' The lady said, 'Good girl. Mommy will be waiting right here for when you get done.' The doll approached me, 'Don't worry, mister, everything is going to be alright. You'll be my new brother soon,' and then it started stabbing me, injecting me with those needles in its palms. Some of the wounds burned. Others just felt cold and numb. I passed out again. Next thing I knew you were hauling me into here on a stretcher."

The police searched everywhere, trying to find what the media had started calling the Cabbage Patch Queen, but she had gone to ground. Other mass disappearances have occured all over the USA, each one larger than the last. Her army is growing. If she ever accomplishes her grand plan, then the last thing she'll see is a world of small smiling faces before she, too, joins them.

Villain or villain?

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Dr. Forsythe would finally bring about a transhumanist utopia, in which immortal uploaded minds are free from all the needs and flaws of the flesh, the waste of war and prejudice, etc etc...

But, like Moses not being allowed to enter the Promised Land, he would be denied entry (or deny it to himself) because of all the crimes he's committed and lives he's sacrificed to make that dream a reality.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Most of the Midnighters will stop at.. pretty much nothing less than their philosophy being the only one on Earth, through brainwashing the planet if necessary. Especially conquering the unattainable amongst the Dawn.

...And then they might either look farther, or they might have difficulty looking past their own nose and what they have.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.