Someone stole my name!




Since my forum account was unaccesable during this entire thing, I just wanted to say that this whole incident made me lol



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
i'm in ur account, blocking ur access!
I cut j00!



Originally Posted by ArcticShu View Post
Since my forum account was unaccesable during this entire thing, I just wanted to say that this whole incident made me lol

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



I secured Bill's identity, that's all I cared about. I didn't get him on 2 of the euroservers but eh, close enough.



Unless they took it on Infinity, no one stole anything. Names were not reserved on Exalted.

You are not a unique and special snowflake where you "own" a specific combination of 26 letters, 10 numbers, and 3-4 special characters. There were several names I wanted, but didn't get. I didn't cry they were "stolen" from me, I just grabbed a straw, sucked it up, and tried a different one. And as a result, I have ~24 lvl 1 Science Arch/Dev Blasters in black leotards sitting on Exalted, squatting on names I think are cool/interesting/neat/preparation from future powersets, because I'd "like" to have a character with that name. I've done the same thing on other servers with sweet names I just don't have time/appropriate character idea for yet.

Frankly, whoever grabbed it, I applaud you. You played the game according to the game's rules.

And while I realize I'm fueling it, by posting in the thread, especially at this late date... Get over yourself, Belle. You ain't special.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Congrats on getting your name back. I'm surprised that someone who was willing to go to the trouble to snipe your name would be willing to give it back. Your friend must be pretty persuasive.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Frankly, whoever grabbed it, I applaud you. You played the game according to the game's rules.
One can act in a manner entirely within the rules and still be a tool.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Unless they took it on Infinity, no one stole anything. Names were not reserved on Exalted.

You are not a unique and special snowflake where you "own" a specific combination of 26 letters, 10 numbers, and 3-4 special characters. There were several names I wanted, but didn't get. I didn't cry they were "stolen" from me, I just grabbed a straw, sucked it up, and tried a different one. And as a result, I have ~24 lvl 1 Science Arch/Dev Blasters in black leotards sitting on Exalted, squatting on names I think are cool/interesting/neat/preparation from future powersets, because I'd "like" to have a character with that name. I've done the same thing on other servers with sweet names I just don't have time/appropriate character idea for yet.

Frankly, whoever grabbed it, I applaud you. You played the game according to the game's rules.

And while I realize I'm fueling it, by posting in the thread, especially at this late date... Get over yourself, Belle. You ain't special.
Quick, get this man some empathy stat! >_<

Stay classy Bro...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
One can act in a manner entirely within the rules and still be a tool.
Would the same point of view not apply to the original post? I mean, crying because someone took an internet handle in a private forum that all are paying for is all well within the rules, but would it not fall under the "tool" catagory as well? Or is Belle exempt from that because people like him/her? What if it was someone we didn't like?

These are the real questions behind this story.

These questions brought to you by Shu being back in school and needing research information for psychology and marketing.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Quick, get this man some empathy stat! >_<

Stay classy Bro...
I have Empathy... Level 50 Illusion/Empathy Science Controller, Jesus - Christ

Had it for years.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Seeing as this issue is done and over with. Why are you still beating this dead horse of an issue? Granted the possibility of this forum to ever be courteous is out of the question, but is it too much to ask for a civility? Just end this as is.

Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara



Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
[...] Granted the possibility of this forum to ever be courteous is out of the question, but is it too much to ask for a civility? [...]
Like this? Given most of the only active threads are people forming TFs at the moment, that seems a low blow to the people currently active in this server's forum.

Per actual issue of thread--it's relevant, seeing as people are still rejoining to check out the new content and may be upset that 'their' name is taken on another server. It is within the rules, and personally, I like the rules. Roll new toons, try out different ideas. I've had the chance a couple times to see what people have done with 'my' names of alts I've released, and honestly, it's really cool.

Anyone griefing in game will be banned for griefing, making the worry of Belle pointless. The person couldn't 'become' Belle on the forums unless Belle's account got hacked, which wasn't the case. Belle's reputation wouldn't be harmed no matter what.



Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
Seeing as this issue is done and over with. Why are you still beating this dead horse of an issue? Granted the possibility of this forum to ever be courteous is out of the question, but is it too much to ask for a civility? Just end this as is.
mainly because I didn't have access to the forums during this and would have asked these questions then and there. And since I saw people every day congratulating Belle I felt compelled to ask the questions I didn't get to ask to begin with. I thought that every thing I said was quite courteous (excepting maybe admitting that it made me laugh). I also didn't realize I was beating a dead horse since other people were commenting in the thread as well. I guess if your congratulating someone, its ok, but asking questions, well, thats not. Sorry if my attempt to continue a discussion inteferes with your forum time. Feel free to abandon the discussion if you don't want to follow it.



Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
Seeing as this issue is done and over with. Why are you still beating this dead horse of an issue? Granted the possibility of this forum to ever be courteous is out of the question, but is it too much to ask for a civility? Just end this as is.
*SB's Doc*


I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.





Originally Posted by ArcticShu View Post
Would the same point of view not apply to the original post? I mean, crying because someone took an internet handle in a private forum that all are paying for is all well within the rules, but would it not fall under the "tool" catagory as well? Or is Belle exempt from that because people like him/her? What if it was someone we didn't like?

These are the real questions behind this story.
Actually, the real question is why did the person use a name widely associated with another person? If someone took a name because it has broad appeal and they wanted to use it, fine. If someone took a name specifically to annoy another player, that makes them a tool. Whether we like either person is irrelevant. It's their intent that makes them a tool, or not.

There are other Ironblades on other servers. No surprise. It's kind of an obvious name, even before they introduced a power called the Iron Blade. Taxibot Belle, however, is more of a 'personal' name than a 'hero' name.

At this point, there are several players known to have used the names of multiple other players. And, again, I'm not talking about names like Ironblade. I'm talking about names like 'Frank the Magician'. That makes them tools.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Actually, the real question is why did the person use a name widely associated with another person? If someone took a name because it has broad appeal and they wanted to use it, fine. If someone took a name specifically to annoy another player, that makes them a tool. Whether we like either person is irrelevant. It's their intent that makes them a tool, or not.

There are other Ironblades on other servers. No surprise. It's kind of an obvious name, even before they introduced a power called the Iron Blade. Taxibot Belle, however, is more of a 'personal' name than a 'hero' name.

At this point, there are several players known to have used the names of multiple other players. And, again, I'm not talking about names like Ironblade. I'm talking about names like 'Frank the Magician'. That makes them tools.
Now that is the kind of answer I was looking for, well thought out and concise, with relevant points. That was all I was looking for, from anybody. So the conclusion is that its not the action of "stealing" the name that everyone had a problem with. Its the intent that everyone perceived it to be a malicious act against another person that people had a problem with.


The intent of the action, while generally unknown to the populace at large what it was, and not the action of taking the name itself is what upset everyone. If the name were simply "Taxibot" with nothing else behind it, no one would have had a problem. The fact that a "personal" name was taken, and that everyone assumed it was for malicious use, is what people had a problem with.

Last question and then I can maybe finish this research paper on perceived intent vs real intent:

Why did everyone instantly assume that the person who took the name took it to be malicious?



Originally Posted by ArcticShu View Post
Last question and then I can maybe finish this research paper on perceived intent vs real intent:

Why did everyone instantly assume that the person who took the name took it to be malicious?
Because it's easier to assume people are being ***hats when dealing with something where intent is questionable on the internet. It's possible that the person who took it wasn't trying to be a d-bag, but if you assume that they are you get to be all indignant - and that's a lot more fun! Everyone likes to be righteously indignant here, just look at all the farming threads!

There's also the point that, if they knew that someone else used it, it would've been easier for whoever took it to leave the name available.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I truly think that whoever took the name, either for a day or 2, had a intent. That what I am trying to explain the "non courteousy" of some people in this forum. Knowingly take someone's name, granted we have no "legal right" over it, either for fun or spite just to shows me that they lack intelligence.

and I wholeheartedly agree with Ironblade's explaination.

Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara



Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
I truly think that whoever took the name, either for a day or 2, had a intent. That what I am trying to explain the "non courteousy" of some people in this forum. Knowingly take someone's name, granted we have no "legal right" over it, either for fun or spite just to shows me that they lack intelligence.

and I wholeheartedly agree with Ironblade's explaination.
On the contrary, that sort of forethought to plan and execute such an action shows intelligence, not a lack thereof.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What the hell, dude. I think that weird distortion on that image just gave me a stroke.
psychedelic popcorn cat is psychedelic

Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
I truly think that whoever took the name, either for a day or 2, had a intent. That what I am trying to explain the "non courteousy" of some people in this forum. Knowingly take someone's name, granted we have no "legal right" over it, either for fun or spite just to shows me that they lack intelligence.

and I wholeheartedly agree with Ironblade's explaination.
lack of intelligence isn't really the key phrase you're looking for.