Silas Heals Leet and So Can You!
Cheers Ashcraft
For the link-clicking averse, the guide has been posted in its entirety here too.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Thanks Silas.
Been wanting to make an Emp for a while, this might just give the final push to do so.
Still torn between Emp/Son Defender and Mind/Emp controller, though...
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
Send a link to Prixy...
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
MMM, nice guide. I have an Emp/Arch Defender at 45.
Archery is so darn awful, though, that its difficult to motivate myself for the next five levels. On teams I feel unneeded often - at that level a lot of teams seem to be surviving fine without my heals or buffs (AB and Fort and CM are still useful, yes, but not as mandatory; the heals are rarely used) and my damage is too low to be noticed (I can't even solo a mob of only minions on default difficulty settings). So whenever I make my build for it I'm going to have to focus on recharge and damage, somehow.
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server
MMM, nice guide. I have an Emp/Arch Defender at 45.
Archery is so darn awful, though, that its difficult to motivate myself for the next five levels. On teams I feel unneeded often - at that level a lot of teams seem to be surviving fine without my heals or buffs (AB and Fort and CM are still useful, yes, but not as mandatory; the heals are rarely used) and my damage is too low to be noticed (I can't even solo a mob of only minions on default difficulty settings). So whenever I make my build for it I'm going to have to focus on recharge and damage, somehow. |
How are your attacks slotted? You should be able to solo on default settings at least. You'll have access to Stunning Shot from 35, that can help to take a troublesome mob out of the fight. Emp isn't great for soloing since it only really gives you the self heal, +regen and +rec auras. That just means you've gotta be more reliant on your blast set.
Slotting your attacks up well makes a big difference. You only need a couple attacks and an AoE to solo decently. My Emp only ever uses Shriek, Scream and Howl.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Emp/Dark anyone?
Tenebrous Tentacles and self heal attack thrown in for good measure. Immobilize your foes en masse while your fort/ab boosted buddies hack n slash to their delight. Semi-trollery while getting all 'fender benefits. Also, thoughts on leadership pool thrown into the mix.
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"
Emp/Dark anyone?
Tenebrous Tentacles and self heal attack thrown in for good measure. Immobilize your foes en masse while your fort/ab boosted buddies hack n slash to their delight. Semi-trollery while getting all 'fender benefits. Also, thoughts on leadership pool thrown into the mix. |
I've heard several people with Emp/Dark really bemoan the lack of damage but I've not personally tried it. Not a great deal of synergy but it does have its positives as you've noted.
I'm not sure what you meant with the last sentence though, is that a statement or a question? I'm pretty sure I mentioned the Leadership pool in the guide, given the awesome Defender mods for it. Essentially animation free large area team buffing is good times. If I didn't or it wasn't clear please do let me know, I can go back over it. All feedback is welcome

The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I will apologize, I read this on my phone and the type was really small, so I might have missed it....
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"
Oh man, reading and posting on the boards from my phone is such a bad habit for me. Aside from how damn fiddly it is, the autocorrect wreaks mayhem on all the ingame terms.
I've had to edit many a post where Hami got autocorrected to Hamilton or some nonsense.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Awesome as always, Silas!
Thought it might be time to further explore emping for i21. Think you just motivated me to do so
Looks really nice, I will try this. Thanks

I am a lil confused why would you make a PvE emp build so expensive? Also why smashing lethal when an emp really has no need nor should it be in melee range?
Also recall friend pairs nicely with Rez so I would have forgone something like flurry for that. Also you took rez so late then when you exempt and it would be most useful you won't have it.
I see you have a ton of recharge and that is nice but honestly you really don't need that much seems like overkill and an expense on a toon that doesn't need it. Just my opinion btw. I would re do this to be much more team friendly, but again that's my opinion and my playstyle. Some emp's like to pew pew.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
...I see you have a ton of recharge and that is nice but honestly you really don't need that much seems like overkill and an expense on a toon that doesn't need it. Just my opinion btw. I would re do this to be much more team friendly, but again that's my opinion and my playstyle. Some emp's like to pew pew.
Also why smashing lethal when an emp really has no need nor should it be in melee range?
I see you have a ton of recharge and that is nice but honestly you really don't need that much seems like overkill and an expense on a toon that doesn't need it.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
I am a lil confused why would you make a PvE emp build so expensive? Also why smashing lethal when an emp really has no need nor should it be in melee range?
Also recall friend pairs nicely with Rez so I would have forgone something like flurry for that. Also you took rez so late then when you exempt and it would be most useful you won't have it. I see you have a ton of recharge and that is nice but honestly you really don't need that much seems like overkill and an expense on a toon that doesn't need it. Just my opinion btw. I would re do this to be much more team friendly, but again that's my opinion and my playstyle. Some emp's like to pew pew. |
The softcapped smashing/lethal is also something I covered in the guide. It mitigates a huge amount of damage, being in melee or not. All gunfire from mobs, all energy blasts with a s/l component, its not just melee damage that s/l protects against. Ranged defense is definitely a very good alternative, I just prefer s/l because Scorpion Shield allows you to softcap it with relatively little power/slot investment, freeing up more of the build for other things like recharge.
If I could take Recall Friend I would have, it's a nice bonus. Flurry is there as a Kinetic Combat mule. The point about taking the rez earlier is a really good one, I should try and move that down in the build.
The problem with the Recall -> Rez combo is that it takes a lot of time. Run far away from the fight, spend almost 6 seconds porting them then rez them. I prefer to just rez them on the spot and hit them with Fortitude/CM as soon as they're up. Riskier, certainly, but a lot faster.
The Port/Recall combo works well right after a team wipe, but I've found its utility in normal teaming to be very limited.
How would you rebuild the character to be more team friendly? Other than Recall Friend, what is it I'm missing? I don't see how having overkill recharge means its not a team friendly build.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I'll post some thing if you like, let me mess around in mid's. Also I have about 130% recharge on one of my PvP emp and my AB is just about perma (1 sec off) and can still keep 6 people fort'd. My AB is slotted for both health and endurance. Also I have played many of my emp's with just SO's and I don't die so the need to slot an emp for def I just don't see, but then again I've been playing emps a long time and i have i think 4 or 5 now i forget.
Regarding TP i don't mean for you to run away and tp and rez I just tp to outer edge where i am and rez. (thats only on emps with rez many of mine don't have it)
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Gahhhhhh the forum logout bug just ate a big response.
Don't really want to type it all out again. Cliffnotes:
I'd appreciate it if you could show me a sample build. Again, I'd like to see what it is I'm missing that would make my build "much more team friendly". From what you've said about your Empaths, I'm sure you've got much more experience than I so your input would be great.
So far you've mentioned endmod in AB and Recall Friend. Even without running far from the fight, Recall takes you out of the fight way too long for my tastes. To each their own. As for the endmod in AB, personal preference. I found other things to be a bigger priority in the build given the times when having endmod in AB will realistically be useful. Bear in mind this is a PvE build, I'm sure things would be different in a pvp build.
You said your Emp has 130% recharge, I'm assuming that includes Hasten since otherwise you'd have even more ridiculous recharge than me So that means 60% global recharge, which isn't enough for Hasten to be perma, even if you 6 slotted it (which I highly doubt you did).
So you won't have the full recharge benefit of Hasten all the time. You can work out the average recharge buff you're getting from Hasten though, so you can look into that. Long story short, with your recharge you'll be able to maintain Fortitude on just under 6 people assuming you always had 130% recharge, which you wouldn't because Hasten isn't perma. Without any Hasten buff, it'd be about 4.5 people.
So realistically we're talking maintaining Fortitude on 5 people, not 6. To reliably maintain Fortitude on 6 people you need it to recharge in about 17 seconds.
To address the IOs issue, I know a build like mine isn't needed, a build like mine is what I wanted. To address this point I specifically said in the guide that you don't need IOs, let alone a build like mine to Emp well. Here:
You don't need IOs to be a good Emp. They can make you much more effective through higher recharge or more survivable through defense or +hp, but people were Emping well long before IOs. With just SOs you can still maintain Fortitude on 3 people reliably, 4 briefly. |
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I am a lil confused why would you make a PvE emp build so expensive? Also why smashing lethal when an emp really has no need nor should it be in melee range?
Originally Posted by Phillygirl
Also recall friend pairs nicely with Rez so I would have forgone something like flurry for that. Also you took rez so late then when you exempt and it would be most useful you won't have it.
As for taking Resurrect sooner, it really depends on whether he plans on using his Emp at lower levels. Some people build for end game only.
Originally Posted by Philygirl
I see you have a ton of recharge and that is nice but honestly you really don't need that much seems like overkill and an expense on a toon that doesn't need it. Just my opinion btw. I would re do this to be much more team friendly, but again that's my opinion and my playstyle.
Originally Posted by Philygirl
Some emp's like to pew pew.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
My usual budget for IO set builds is two billion. By the time I'm sure about my "final" version I should be able to come up with that much, and spending more than I can carry just seems wrong.

The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Silas is ballin'.
Oh noooooooooooooo my Emp guide is done D:
Look what my careless hands have wrought!
X: Empathy
Oh god, an Empathy guide. Fortunately for the neckbearded among us, I refer to Empathy the support set, not the ability to understand the feelings of another. Empathy is a support set with totally bitchin’ buffs and some heals (and also a rez!), empathy is a cornerstone in any real human relationship.
No, your love pillow doesn’t count, no matter how well you think it understands you.
So, Empathy with a capital E! Not like the entertainment news channel, which is much like your fanfiction in that no one cares about it.
And thus:
Why Empathy is Awesome and you wanna play dat emp:
Slotting Recommendation: What’s most important is that you max out the healing on it. Decent end redux is good too, recharge to taste. This and Heal Other recharge pretty quickly at base so you don’t need to worry about the recharge so much. I’d recommend Doctored Wounds or Panaceas. They both give recharge bonuses which are awesome for Empathy. Panaceas give better set bonuses overall, but DW gives a heal bonus earlier and is much cheaper.
How to Use: For healing yourself and/or several allies at once. Good for healing up people after a nasty AoE hit (y helo thar Keyes Trial). Don’t put it on auto. Not even on the Keyes Trial. The AoE on it is decently large but try and get a feel for it nevertheless so you can position yourself to hit as many people as needed with it.
Slotting Recommendation: same as Healing Aura, really. Heal being most important, some end redux too.
How to Use: to heal allies, mostly. Heals for about twice as much as Healing Aura, has decent range, recharges and activates fast. I bind it to Q for fast access.
Slotting Recommendation: This is a monstrously powerful heal. You can slot it similarly to Healing Aura or Heal Other, but IMO it doesn’t need it. A slot or two of healing is more than enough to make it a big enough heal for even Tanker healthbars. The end cost is negligible, because the main cost of this power is…in blood! Dun dun duuuuuun. Or hitpoints and regen, like, whatever, man.
How to Use: When you need to do a massive heal and you need to do it right now. Heal Other is enough to keep people on their feet 99% of the time. Sometimes you need two single target heals right after one another. Or you need to bring someone with a lot of HP back up from low health right now. These are the times you need Absorb Pain. The special noted above is that it ganks your health regen and means you cannot be healed for 20seconds after using it. 20 seconds is a long time if stuff is mad at you. Be smart about how you use AP. Because danger lurks around every corner
Slotting Recommendation: A single end reduction IO. It costs a fair chunk of endurance (26 at base) so you want to bring that down. It doesn’t really need recharge IMO since even though its somewhat long (3 minutes), people shouldn’t be dying more than once every 3 minutes. I’ve found global recharge and Hasten to be more than enough to bring it back up fast enough even when the poop is hitting the fan. Splut splut, poop joke. God, you guys are immature.
How to Use: to rez people, funnily enough. They’ll be protected from XP debt for a minute and a half afterwards, not like XP debt matters though. Unlike Rise of the Phoenix from Thermal or a few of the self-rezzes from armor sets, it does not make the target untouchable. This means they can be beat right the **** down right after they rez. Hit ‘em with Fortitude right after to avoid this.
Slotting Recommendation: Doesn’t really matter. I’d go with an end rdx or a range enhancer. It doesn’t cost a lot of endurance but what the hell else are you gonna put in there? The range enhancer would be just if you want it to have similar range to Heal Other. Personal preference.
How to Use: Either proactively or reactively, depending on the situation. Ideally proactively. I wouldn’t recommend maintaining CM on the whole team all the time, because that’s totally stupid. First of all, most melee types won’t need it except for very rare occasions (more on that later). Secondly, not all mobs have mezzes. Most lategame mobs have a lot of mezzes, but its only a few who are nasty enough to require full time CM upkeep on the squishies. Mobs like Rikti, Malta, Arachnos and Rularuu. When fighting easier mobs like Council or Nemesis you can get away with using it reactively. Most of the mezzes won’t land anyway due to Fortitude, so when fighting mobs that don’t mez a lot I’d just hit people with it when you see a mez land on their buff bar or they call it.
Slotting Recommendation: Membrane Hos are perfect for this power, since they'll enhance every enhanceable aspect of it. They can be pricey though. Enhancing the tohit is a nice benefit, but what's really important is maxing out the recharge and defense on it. So if you don't want to go with Membranes or want to use some other set, just make sure you get burly defense and recharge numbers. Frankenslot if you gotta.
How to Use: This one depends. Fortitude can be used for two major purposes, to boost damage or survivability. The damage and tohit buffs are great to put on high damage characters, the defense can turn a squishy into a, uh, not squishy. Well still sorta squishy, but like SR squishy. Your first priority is trying to keep people alive though, so put Fort on the people who are taking a lot of damage first. If the healthbars are pretty stable, put Fort on the damage dealers. More on this later.
Slotting Recommendation: Maxed out recharge, good recovery. If you have to cut slots, this is one place you can do it since it gives a boatload of recovery at base. Getting it to recharge as fast as possible is what's really important. It'll give everyone hit by it far more endurance than they'll know what to do with in any case.
How to Use: position yourself within range of as many teammates as possible, fire it off. Both this and Regen Aura have the same radius (25') as Healing Aura, so you can get to grips with how big it is by playing with HA.
Slotting Recommendation: Again, maxed recharge. Unlike Recovery Aura, IMO its also very important to max out the healing enhancement on this one, because of how drastically the +regen can affect people with high hp. Combined with Fortitude, huge amounts of damage are negated.
How to Use: Exact same as Recovery Aura. gg laziness
Slotting Recommendation: First priority, max out the recharge. Second priority, max out the healing. Endmod if you want, I've never bothered.
How to Use: Put on whoever you want to turbocharge. The recharge boost on this is massive, twice as powerful as Speed Boost. It'll also give them the recovery to fuel it and huge regen to boot. Throwing it on whoever is leading the charges is generally a good idea, since the regen will help them absorb the alphas. If no one is taking any serious damage, throw it on a damage dealer (like with Fortitude). Use it! Seriously, Adrenaline Boost should never sit unused in your tray. It's a phenomenal buff, using it only for end bar crashes or whatever is nonsense.
Given that Empathy can often require split-second reactions to catch a falling healthbar, a blast (or control) set that has quick animations is very helpful. Keeping a full team buffed and in good health requires a fair amount of time investment, so ideally you want to pair Empathy with a set that doesn't require a lot of maintenance. For Controllers, Illusion is a great example.
I personally went with Sonic Blast due to omgdebuffvalues, I mean, -20% resistance a blast? What in the hell is going on with that? It's nuts. You can stack 60-100% -res on a target just spamming Shriek and Scream. If you bring Screech into the mix you're reliably at 80-120% -resistance.
For non totally broken sets, I'd recommend Ice or Fire. Okay, Fire is still a little broken, but not as broken as it is for Corruptors. Both have fast activating attacks that deal good damage, both have the advantage of the rain power which will do Blaster level damage. The problem is that you don't have any way to keep stuff in the rain. They're both end-heavy sets but that generally isn't a problem for Empathy due to Recovery Aura.
Feast your eyes, peasants!
Something I didn't cover in the screenshot is the placing of Absorb Pain and the rez. Basically, the former is bound and the latter doesn't get used so much so I don't mind moseying the mouse over there to hit it.
Yes, I've got Vengeance. Ideally people won't die, but **** happens. When it does, Veng is an incredibly powerful buff that can keep the rest of the team/you alive to prevent things becoming a wipe.
As far as Incarnate stuff goes, I went with Spiritual for my Alpha. Extra recharge and extra healing power = do want. Went Reactive for more damage and -res, Clarion Destiny for mez protection.
Same as the rest of my builds, I've got the accolades. Demonic helps when thing are going down the toilet and the +hp/end accolades help shore up low Defender hp as well as increasing the benefit you get from Regen/Recovery Aura.
Even though Power Boost is stupidly powerful for Empaths, I decided I wanted s/l softcap instead. Personal preference, really. I like the added survivability it gives me, I find slotted Fort to be plenty to keep people alive.
I considered going with 6 slots of Panaceas in HA/HO for the heal bonus, but decided against it. Couldn't find somewhere else to take the slots from and the proc is prohibitively expensive. Speaking of Panaceas, I personally went with them in HA/HO because they don't need recharge. Putting Panaceas in AB/RA isn't a good idea IMO, since the extra global recharge from the set compared to DW doesn't make up for the weak enhancement values. Meaning you'd need to dedicate a 6th slot for recharge.
Soooo. There is is, hope its of use to some of you. All feedback welcome
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans