[NPC Pathing] While we're revamping...
I couldn't agree with this more. I would pay $20 (or tokens or whatever) for an inherent 'drag hostage by hair' or 'sling hostage over shoulder' power.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I would be happy if they upgrade or revamp the old NPC contact and citizens.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
This is sort of strange to me, as I've found NPCs to be pretty easy to lead out these days.
It used to drive me nuts, but nowadays it is rare for them to get stuck or fall behind (for me and my experiences).
I mean, I don't race through with travel powers on. Hover and/or Sprint seem acceptable to most NPCs.
Like I said, it used to be crazy and frustrating, but... I don't know... It seems like it is vastly improved if not perfectly fine now.
The following is NOT anything AGAINST making changes or improving NPC escort/follow pathing:
Also, sometimes I think that it's rather acceptable that either A) a rescued NPC needs you to slow down a bit to lead them out or B) a reluctant hostage begrudgingly moves along at a slow pace.
For a while now, I find myself looking and thinking that I may need to slow down or might lose them around this or that bend... but I never do.
I do try and be deliberate and mindful with my movements as I lead NPCs out.
If i am approaching a series of pipes in the sewers or multiple turns, I may pause here and there and I try and keep straight LOS between the NPC and I through multiple doorways/turns/slight bends and such.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
It seems to me that there have been some improvements over the years, but the follows are still quite uncoordinated. At least they don't tend to run off through the walls any time you go up or down an elevator like they used to.
Also I could be wrong but it seems like follows are better at getting themselves unstuck these days. It still takes a while, but eventually it seems like the AI has a fallback "I've tried everything else" trick the devs have given it, to do something akin to /stuck.
They're still pretty stupid. It's probably really hard to fix though. There's a reason the tech in the RSF (which was a common cause of /petitions and/or restarts) was changed from an escort objective to a "release" one.
The one that gets me the most is the FFG. For a thing that flies and has nothing to do but follow me around, it is the stupidest ******* thing ever. I don't know how many times I've been mezzed and getting shot up and look over to see my FFG some distance away with no obstacles between us, but it's just sitting there. Then some number of seconds later while I'm spamming inspirations like mad it finally decides to pick itself up and move over to where I am.
... Personally, I've always wanted the option to carry NPCs (with a toggle like "walk") at the cost of not being able to attack while holding them.
I often think that such a thing would be very cool.
Again, my first reply wasn't intended to be any shoot down of your post or anything. I was just honestly surprised that people still feel it is that bad.
All our mileages do vary though... And maybe I've been a bit lucky with it lately!
I do know that my robots are quite annoying once I start traveling through the cities/zones.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Again, my first reply wasn't intended to be any shoot down of your post or anything. I was just honestly surprised that people still feel it is that bad.
All our mileages do vary though... And maybe I've been a bit lucky with it lately! |
Maybe my luck will turn for the better soon. But with all the other improvements being made to the game, would be nice if this particular annoyance were alleviated as well. Which I guess is the point of my OP. This is not necessarily game breaking. But it is one of those moments where the games age really becomes glaringly obvious.
Personally, I avoid escort missions whenever possible, and will continue to do so until the devs allow me to attach a LITERAL leash to whomever I'm escorting. As in "stay within 15 feet of me or get strangled".
This would probably be easier to deal with if the maps weren't so easy to get hung up on. It's almost like someone went out of their way to add little bits that stick out and catch anyone trying to get through. CoT maps are a good example of this.
One thing I noticed last time I was on: if the NPC is afraid of combat, you actually have to defeat any mobs it notices rather than disable them. It looks funny for the hostage to stand there staring at the scary mobs and refuse to get the hell out when they're all asleep.
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I also avoid escort missions if possible.
There's also something wacky about those NPCs with attacks going nuts and chasing after runners, dashing into spawns, and so on. Ugh.
On the bright side, at least the civilians don't die when they fall from heights. They are certain some tough civilians. Can you imagine if they break their legs when they jump from the 2nd storey of those rooms with bridges?
"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
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They're still pretty stupid. It's probably really hard to fix though. There's a reason the tech in the RSF (which was a common cause of /petitions and/or restarts) was changed from an escort objective to a "release" one.
I feel like they've improved. I can now use sprint without losing them all the time.
I have never, ever, had any issues whatsoever with hostages, with the sole exception being the elevator issue that used to plague them all.
I simply target them. Then I lead them. And I run backwards, pausing at major hangup points and wait for them.
It's a game, to me, to see if I can lead the mouse to the cheese.
Almost zen in practicing this, actually, and I'm quite good at it. I like doing it, to be honest, because I know it can be difficult, and doing it right every time is an accomplishment.
That being said, +1 and $20 for 'drag hostage by hair' power, FTW. I ain't totally stupid, y'know.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
The game is undergoing some drastic changes in effort to keep it up to date, competitive and fun. I think this is great.
New starting experience. Character creation 2.0. Freedom. Graphic revamps of legacy zones and legacy factions. New mission tech permitting more complex story telling than old tech (even CoV) that required multiple missions instead of narrative segments within single missions. Streamlined travel requirements for arcs and TFs, etc.
But amongst all these changes, there is still one thing that can frustrate me to the point of logging off: leading hostages out of maps. IMO, the NPC pathing AI is as abysmal and problematic as the day it was introduced. I find when I need to lead an NPC somewhere on a map, I pretty much need to play with my map open. I focus more on those stupid green triangles and the NPC chat window to make sure the leash hasn't broken because I went 10 feet too far while the NPC gets hung up on something stupid like a railing next to the stairs they need to run down than I do focusing on the game world via the main graphics.
I realize pathing AI can be pretty arcane stuff. And that we are dealing with map geometry that has tons of little hitches and no invisible bounding boxes that make the maps more fluid to navigate (Orenbega, I'm looking at you! ). I also realize that when NPCs like this were first introduced it was too easy to just speed to the exit and the leash would never be broken, allowing players to effectively "cheat" any challenges the dynamic was meant to introduce. All that being said, though NPC pathing is probably not the most glamorous element for the tech devs to spend time revamping, I really feel the frustratingly poor quality of this particular game mechanic could affect player retention with all those new Freedom and Premium players who will hopefully be joining us some time this month or next. And I hope somewhere in the cards, AI pathing will get another pass to hopefully make it a little more user friendly. Personally, I've always wanted the option to carry NPCs (with a toggle like "walk") at the cost of not being able to attack while holding them.