So, Whats YOUR fav AT & Powerset?




anyone got some good powersets and why you like them? Im trying to decide on a character to really invest my time into lol.



I've had an awful lot of fun playing with my favorite Tank, Scrap and Peacebringer, and while I do adore each of those characters on their own merits, as a group I have to say that I love my Stalkers most of all.

"Underpowered" though they may be, they're the ones I find myself going back to most often.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Okay, this is going to be wierd but...

My favorite AT is Scrapper... while I like Brutes they tend to get me into trouble when I Rage-Chase too far.

Now for the wierd part...

Despite Scrapper being my favorite AT... my favorite powerset combination is Fire/Devices for the Blaster.

Reasons (because there has to be a list in here somewhere):

  • Major AoE Pwnage
  • Even at lower levels Caltrops + Rain of Fire + Fireball + Fire Breath will destroy most minions right off the bat.
  • For boss fights nothing beats laying down 10 or more Trip Mines then sniping him into running into the middle of the pile.
  • In rooms filled with overlapping spawns lay a row of Trip Mines across the room's entrance and let your team know to run past it if they get into trouble.
  • AoE can be a hit or miss kind of thing but Targeting Drone makes for more hits than misses.
  • Getting close enough to lay down Caltrops, etc can be tricky... right until you get Cloaking Device.

I love the strategic "chess-style" powersets and ATs... it's also the reason I like playing Stalkers solo because pre-planning each battle as to who to take out first, 2nd, etc can be fun.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Favorite AT: Brutes, I love the fury mechanic and a StJ or Titan brute would be rather fun when they come out. working on a new SS/Elec at the moment.

Favorite Powerset: Willpower, not the best at everything but pretty damn survivable and is my Go-to set for new melee characters.

Limitshift: Lv50 EM/WP brute

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



Controllers are my favorite, and my level 50 Earth/Storm is my favorite character (and most powerful).

What a chore to solo prior to level 32! What a joy to solo after level 32! What a joy to team from 1-50!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Favorite ATs are brute and VEAT.

Powerset combos:
SS/fire brute
earth/storm controller
fire/plant dom
DP/devices blaster
archery/TA corrupter

to name a few

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



My Mind/Fire dom. Just an unholy terror... starting at level 3 when I first cranked the difficulty up.

Thugs/Poison MM - Took me from "I cannot stand MMs" to "Hey, I just accidentally soloed an AV."

My Peacebringers. My first one, a triform, and my later 50 (and second roll for her, first version's still on Virtue) Human-only. Quite different play styles, still a blast (and a punch, and a slam, and...)

Plant/Thorn Dom. It was fun getting two levels soloing Scrapyard's followers...



This is normally when I leap into an enthusiastic post about Electric/Electric/Electric Blasters and detail my enjoyment of the blasts, the melee, the holds, the endurance sapping... The Oh $#*! button powers!
...But I'm a bit under the weather today, so this is all I've got.

E3 the electric blaptroller!! My champion of fun and excitement within this game... As I pick and choose how to approach each battle and love the thrill of standing toe-to-toe with enemies and only having a sliver of health as the final foes drop to the ground.

Honestly, my Mind/Psi Dominator comes close... and I've found much enjoyment in just about all ATs and powersets that I've tried... But nothing will ever trump E3 Blasters for me!


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



While I do quite enjoy Tanking and Scrapping, my fire/cold corruptor is ascending my ranks.

All told, my favourite power would either be Cold, or Willpower.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by FlamingIntern View Post
After 7+ years, still my namesake Fire/Fire tank.
nice to on guardian im the same thing since dec 27th 2004 fire/fire tank till the end!



Mind/Electric Dominator
Electric/Kinetic Corruptor

Those I think are my favorites.

Others have been fun to play, like my MA/WP Scrapper and my Illusion/Storm Controller, just not as fun.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally, my favorite AT/set was Blaster/Ice Blast, but lately it's been Dominators/Mind Control. I was never a fan of Controllers, but Doms have spiffy attacks to go with their mez, and Mind has that lovely Confusion that's just so fun to mess with.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Brutes are the current object of my obsession, but I also like tanks.

It isn't available yet, but I am most looking forward to playing a claws/regen brute.

My favorite powerets are Claws and Kinetic Melee, with Claws edging KM only because of Focus and Shockwave.



Originally Posted by Gezus View Post
For me, so far, I would have to say either my bots/dark MM, or my MA/Regen scrapper.

My MM is only level 26 though, and my scrapper is level 9 lol.

I kind of want to see what other people like to play and why! So post up!
Hard to choose.

I have a positional softcap (minimum 44.5% vs all positions) SS/Fire Brute that I'm currently loving. I also really like Warshades, they take some real skill to play as they should be played (the MFing way), but once learnt they're basically Gods (i.e. can comfortably hold their own on x4/+8 Fire ambush farms in which every other non-fire toon dies within seconds, as well as normal content).

Favourite AT is probably brute.



Favorite to least favorite, with fav power sets:

1) Scrapper: Martial Arts/Super Reflexes/Fire
2) Brute: Fire Melee/Fire armor/Fire
3) Dominator: Earth Control/Fire Assault/Fire
4) Tanker: Fire armor/Super Strength/Fire
5) Controller: Mind Control/Empathy/Psychic
6) Stalker: Electric Melee/Ninjitsu/Scirocco
7) Kheldian: Peacebringer
8) Soldier of Arachnos: Widow
9) Defender: Kinetics/Electric Blast/Psychic
10) Corruptor: Dark Miasma/Radiation blast/Ghost Widow
11) Blaster: Fire Blast/Electric manipulation/Electric
12) Mastermind: Ick. Just no. (Shiver)

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Controllers top my list, with any AT with buff/debuff a close second. It's just more interesting to me to have more things to do in combat than just attack. That said I really am liking both my Plant/Fire Dom and my Fire/Shield Scrapper too. The former is sufficiently busy and has fun sfx, the latter is just effective.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Overall, my favorite AT is probably Brutes. I simply know that pretty much ANY combination is one I will enjoy, so it's easy to say it's my fave. The first character I got to 50 (despite playing since launch) was a DM/Elec Brute. Lots of fun!

Then there's my Archery/MM Blaster, she's great, and I think I'd love Archery with another 2ndary as well. Oh and my Masterminds! Much love for them, especially my Thugs/Traps.


My current favorite (yes, they change over time) character is a Mind/Psi Dom. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Perma-Dom ohmygosh. Confuse ohmyGOSH. Soooo much fun, Sooo much love.

Now, pardon me. I have to go Dominate something.



Controllers and doms are my favorite AT's. Aside from a single mastermind, all my other 50's are one or the other.

Mind Control is my favorite control set and I really enjoy /Storm as a secondary. I've never paired the two however.



After 7 years...

Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster is still king.

Though overall I just love electricity in the City. I think I have every AT rolled up for whatever electricity I could find lol.



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
Though overall I just love electricity in the City.
Electric buff set amirite?



I adore Defenders, always have, and CoV was never my cup of tea. But now that we have the ability to move characters over to Blueside despite being Redside ATs, I've sort of fallen in love with Corruptors - they're basically Defenders turned up to 11.

Love Controllers.

Love Scrappers.

I don't really play much else, but I've got a stableful of those three, plus a handful of others that are mostly curiosities.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Electric buff set amirite?

There is an electric buff set? Those exist? Point me in the right direction lol. I'd be all over that. I just started up an electric Dominator. Looking forward to playing that if I ever have the time.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Electric buff set amirite?
That's all we need! One day!!!! Hehe, I hope, at least!

Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post

There is an electric buff set? Those exist? Point me in the right direction lol. I'd be all over that. I just started up an electric Dominator. Looking forward to playing that if I ever have the time.
Hehe, nah... That's basically the only slot we can't fill with an electric powerset yet.

I haven't made one yet, but I always figure that Kinetics would be my choice for faking an Electric Buff set. Obviously Storm has some lightning, but it's also got the snow which doesn't fit so well for me...

Anyway... It's nice to see so many Electric lovers! I've been meaning to make an RP'd all Electric Super Team over on Virtue. Any AT, all Electric Powers...

Zap Zap!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"