Dark Manipulation Problem




As we know, blasters are at their best (usually) when attacking from a distance.

I'll get back to that point a bit later, but just keep that thought.

I recently made up a blaster on the Beta Server and decided to try out the Dark Manipulation secondary (one of the latest power proliferations). I was pretty excited because... well, Smite and Shadow Maul are really great melee powers and there are some other pretty cool powers in it too. The initial immobilze Penenumbral Grasp is very nice... so as I was going along I had a good feeling about the set... until...

As I was tooling along looking at the power set and planning ahead I suddenly noticed that Soul Drain--which functions as the set's 'Build-up'-- is PBAOE.


Now that wouldn't be a problem except that unless you have a primary power set that focuses on PBAOE attacks you're not going to be able to use this power to boost your Alpha Strike let alone any ranged damage like snipes. Bottom line is this power is nearly useless to a ranged blaster and of limited use to a blapper.

So why is this not a Targeted AOE for blasters? Does anyone else think the PBAOE is essentialy a death sentence in a lot of situations for squishy blasters --especially soloing?

This should certainly be looked at.



I could say the same about /MM, and guess what's the most popular blaster secondary at the moment?

Close range blasters simply do more damage than long range blasters, and the squishiness can be made manageable with teammates, inspirations, IO's, and more.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Fire Manipulation has a total of 6 PBAoE powers.
It sure does...And; If we could pair Dark Manipulation with Fire Manipulation... wow. But we can't. You have to pair the Soul Drain PBAOE attack which is going to agro every stinking mob in a group with your mostly ranged primary attacks--depending on your primary that could be mostly single target. If you're going Dark/Dark blaster then the only other PBAOE attack you have is your nuke. Same for Fire/Dark. What about your snipes? Never going to get in a snipe after soul drain unless you have a tank. Cone shaped attacks? Going to miss half your targets in a big group because you'll be too close.

Look, I don't have a problem with blapping. Pair Radiation Primary with Fire secondary and again... wow. Aim + Build-up + Irradiate + Combustion + Fire Sword Circle + Burn Patch + Hot Feet = lots of dead mobs in a hurry especially if you have a controller to lock them down or a Tank to get their attention.

But Soul Drain does not play nice with ranged primaries where as build-up does. It also does not play nice with any of the melee attacks in its own set since they are single target or narrow cone.

I would rather see Soul Drain dropped for Build-up or made into a Targeted AOE.



i personally am gonna reroll me rad/fire blaster as rad/dark, the -tohit coupled with the awesome powers in dark melee will be excellent dmg



I'm glad they did something different a lot of the powers ATs are getting are just rehashings of things already in the game, Blasters get something new and unique and from what I have seen is that it can give a better benefit than Build up can and lasts longer. You can almost make it perma and for 30 seconds you get a large damage boost.

If you take the power and replace it with buildup I don't see any reason to take it. Mental is better, Energy is more proactive, Fire has more damage, Ice has utility.



yes, it's a PBAoE, but my plan is to use it on one pack after I've unload a bit from ranged, so that the buffs are going when I hit the next group. Lasting 30 seconds is a huge boost, and if you have enough recharge to make it almost perma.... *drool*

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