?/Empath support troller




I have never played an Empath before so I'm wondering...

What would be a good primary for an Empath troller? Thinking of Mind control/ice control/elec control mainly because I've tried the other sets quite thoroughly. Any advice with pros/cons? Also, what would you recommend as IO bonus focus?

I heard that Mind control is the heaviest control set nowadays. Ice would be nice for general mitigation, I guess, and Elec seems to be quite solid too. Any positive/negative personal experience with any of these combos?


The Man is the Disciple and Pain his Master

My Disciples on Freedom:

Dark Access - LVL 50+3 Dark/Dark/Stone Mastery, Master of debuff and Control

Healing Aoi - LVL 50+3 Empathy/Archery/Power Mastery, Defender Blaster hybrid

Mega Electron - LVL 50+3 Electrical Armor/Kinetic Melee/Mu Mastery, Spanker

Max Fource - LVL 50+3 Fiery Aura/Electrical Melee/Pyre Mastery, Blanker (Blaster+tanker)



A key question is whether you want to be a Controller first with the Emp secondary, or do you want to focus more on Empathy but provide some control? Personally, I would put Earth over Mind as the "heaviest" control set, plus you get a little tank as a pet. Mind's damage falls off in higher levels, while Earth's damage increases with its pet. Earth's controls are persistant (they stay around and keep working) while Mind's controls are one-shot (fire it off and you're done until it recharges).

My choice for best pairing with Empathy would be Illusion. Why? You get full invisibility to get to teammates without a problem. You get Deceive to pull foes off of teammates without drawing aggro (same as Mind's Confuse). You get Phantom Army to distract foes while you heal/rez your teammates.

Comparing Mind (which I like better as a Dominator set), Ice (melee AoE soft control) and Elec (which has significant weaknesses when you have teammates with AoE DoT powers or an AoE Immob with -knockback . . . and a Fire Controller using Fire Cages invalidates several of Elec Controls main powers).

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I have to agree with the Illusion/Empathy.. those two sets are just made to go together so well that its not even funny. Healing from hiding and confusing from hiding are wonderful combination.



OK, here's a question. I'm thinking about a /emp as well. I know I'll probably be soloing more than a bit of the time (due to the sporadic nature of my play time sometimes). Would you still recommend Illusion over something a bit more... err... visceral?

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Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
OK, here's a question. I'm thinking about a /emp as well. I know I'll probably be soloing more than a bit of the time (due to the sporadic nature of my play time sometimes). Would you still recommend Illusion over something a bit more... err... visceral?
For soloing you want something that can do enough damage so Ill more than works for that. Sometime in the 30s I went to Crey's and started to street sweep even con mobs that had multiple bosses in them. This is before i19 and without Stamina. I'm not sure if I had anything better than common level 25 IOs as well.

One not listed that would work would be Plant. While Plant benefits from a secondary that debuffs, it's still a good match for /emp.

I like Mind from the list of what the OP was looking at. I like Ill better, but it wasn't listed. Ice and Elec are best played at melee which can be an issue for an /emp. Mind can be played at range. The biggest knock against Mind/emp at one point was trying to figure out how to put in all of the powers you would want, but then came inherit Fitness.



I'll add another vote for illusion/empathy. Why?

Pet-centric/summoned control works well with an active secondary. Why? you may miss having strong influence in fights, but this aspect means your pets help mitigate/distract so you have more space/time to work.

The pet aggro/ally-based approaches work well with invisibility, as you will stay hidden easily and not draw attention.

Blind/spectral wounds are fast, so interspersing them with some heals is easy.

Both illusion and empathy benefit from +recharge bonuses very well, giving you pets more often, and buffs for more team members.

Downsides: phantom army can't get your tasty buffs, empathy can offer nothing to make the army work any better through debuffs. You have less control, so you have less ability to soften damage with lockdown, putting more stress on your secondary. As such, you have to be strategic about you holds/confuses in tight spots.



One more vote for Illusion/Empathy - go-go gadget stealth support!

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Anything should work. Especially with the recent addition of iTrials, content is varied enough to warrant a number of different tactics. Illusion is fine but doesn't strike me as better than other sets.

I will say I specifically disagree that "melee" oriented sets don't pair well with Empathy. Empathy provides a very powerful Regen effect, a self heal, and a recovery aura to deal with the typically high endurance costs of these sets.

I also disagree with the characterization of Electric Control as low in control. It is not a steamroller set. But Electric has a non-aggro-Confuse-from-stealth power that is so abusable during iTrials and other places where teams have to break apart that IMO it deserves a spot at the top. IMO CoH is evolving very quickly away from a game where the main objective is to obliterate groups of mostly easy enemies who stand in tight clumps and don't move around much. Aggro-less powers are a huge asset once the focus becomes "complete the objective" instead of "kill everything you see." Especially against enemies who have high base accuracy and are almost guaranteed to kill you if you engage too many of them directly.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Anything should work. Especially with the recent addition of iTrials, content is varied enough to warrant a number of different tactics. Illusion is fine but doesn't strike me as better than other sets.

I will say I specifically disagree that "melee" oriented sets don't pair well with Empathy. Empathy provides a very powerful Regen effect, a self heal, and a recovery aura to deal with the typically high endurance costs of these sets.

I also disagree with the characterization of Electric Control as low in control. It is not a steamroller set. But Electric has a non-aggro-Confuse-from-stealth power that is so abusable during iTrials and other places where teams have to break apart that IMO it deserves a spot at the top. IMO CoH is evolving very quickly away from a game where the main objective is to obliterate groups of mostly easy enemies who stand in tight clumps and don't move around much. Aggro-less powers are a huge asset once the focus becomes "complete the objective" instead of "kill everything you see." Especially against enemies who have high base accuracy and are almost guaranteed to kill you if you engage too many of them directly.

I agree with you. Even though they are melee/close ranged control sets, it doesn't mean that they don't fit well with Empathy since it has many powers as the Healing aura and PBAoE buffs since you usually go close to the mob anyway to heal tankers/scrappers and other suicidal team mates.

I already have a lvl 50 Illusion controller so that's out of questio to me. I don't see a point playing the same primary set twice to lvl 50. I'm probably going to go with Mind control, maybe even gravity, as it's the only one I've never taken past lvl 10-ish. Mind control could probably go well as a concept with Empathy too. I'm usually quite picky about concepts as I usually get bored playing a character without a one.

The Man is the Disciple and Pain his Master

My Disciples on Freedom:

Dark Access - LVL 50+3 Dark/Dark/Stone Mastery, Master of debuff and Control

Healing Aoi - LVL 50+3 Empathy/Archery/Power Mastery, Defender Blaster hybrid

Mega Electron - LVL 50+3 Electrical Armor/Kinetic Melee/Mu Mastery, Spanker

Max Fource - LVL 50+3 Fiery Aura/Electrical Melee/Pyre Mastery, Blanker (Blaster+tanker)



i would prolly vote with ill/emp too

stealth + heal/buffing is very good

you can help phantasm survive in melee range with fort AB, ect unless your fighting like an AV or GM that could 1 shot it

you could tank with your PA while your buffing an ally (be it the phantasm, or another teammate)



If Illusion isn't an option I'd suggest Plant. My Plant/Emp/Primal has been a blast to play 1-50. You end up being a green machine, quite capable of handling yourself while also turning team-mates into God Mode.

You get lots of AOE damage, especially once you proc Roots and Carrion Creepers up.

Elec/Emp sounds like it'd be fun too but would have low damage.



Illusion is one of the better choices, for the reasons said above. Illusion works fine without a lot of attention, letting you focus more on the empath side when things get heated without losing effectiveness. With PA to tank for you, you're free to ignore defense completely and go all out on recharge. PA offers stealth and aggroless control that works well against all the things that foil most controllers - mez immune enemies, masses of bosses/EBs, and AVs.

Having played both Mind/emp and ill/emp (100 levels of the former and 50 of the latter) I wouldn't recommend Mind in general or Mind/Emp in particular. Mind has no spammable immobilize to set containment, so on controllers it's forever doomed to be low damage. Illusion at least procs reactive well - my Ill/emp solos pylons in 5 minutes, no Lore pets.

Mind's control ability is overrated. Total Dom and Mass Confuse combined have only the same uptime as Flashfire. Mass Hypnosis + Terrify make up for the shortfall but the advantage isn't as significant as some people think. TK is terrain dependent, endurance heavy and has a low target cap. What Mind does have a lot of is single-target control options. It's fun in the low levels to juggle bosses with Levitate and turn off Mary's hurricane in the KHTF, but at high levels where the game is all about steamrolling large spawns of enemies with the occasional AV or three thrown in, it's pretty lackluster.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
If Illusion isn't an option I'd suggest Plant. My Plant/Emp/Primal has been a blast to play 1-50. You end up being a green machine, quite capable of handling yourself while also turning team-mates into God Mode.

You get lots of AOE damage, especially once you proc Roots and Carrion Creepers up.

Elec/Emp sounds like it'd be fun too but would have low damage.
It's unfortunate then because I already have a lvl 50 plant/thorns dominator and a plant/storm troller :P

Yes, I think Elec/emp would be quite fun too. I don't care too much about damage, but i think it might lack some control as the "AoE stun" is in this case an AoE sleep, which will be broken quite easily with DoTs and AoEs. Also I don't think it's worth jumping into the mob and drain them as it might cost me my life which is contradicting to what an emp wants to do; keep your team mates alive.

The Man is the Disciple and Pain his Master

My Disciples on Freedom:

Dark Access - LVL 50+3 Dark/Dark/Stone Mastery, Master of debuff and Control

Healing Aoi - LVL 50+3 Empathy/Archery/Power Mastery, Defender Blaster hybrid

Mega Electron - LVL 50+3 Electrical Armor/Kinetic Melee/Mu Mastery, Spanker

Max Fource - LVL 50+3 Fiery Aura/Electrical Melee/Pyre Mastery, Blanker (Blaster+tanker)



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Mind's control ability is overrated. Total Dom and Mass Confuse combined have only the same uptime as Flashfire. Mass Hypnosis + Terrify make up for the shortfall but the advantage isn't as significant as some people think. TK is terrain dependent, endurance heavy and has a low target cap. What Mind does have a lot of is single-target control options. It's fun in the low levels to juggle bosses with Levitate and turn off Mary's hurricane in the KHTF, but at high levels where the game is all about steamrolling large spawns of enemies with the occasional AV or three thrown in, it's pretty lackluster.
Hmm... so I guess that shuts Mind Control out. What I can choose between now is Illusion (I already have an uber slotted ill/rad), Ice and Grav. I'd maybe choose Ice in this case for the nostalgy of my first toon ever being an Ice/Emp. Only got him to lvl 18 though!

I think Grav has the upper hand as it has a stun, Dimension Distortion, while Ice has the slow/confuse field.

Any thoughts about this? Ice vs Grav! What are your opinions?

The Man is the Disciple and Pain his Master

My Disciples on Freedom:

Dark Access - LVL 50+3 Dark/Dark/Stone Mastery, Master of debuff and Control

Healing Aoi - LVL 50+3 Empathy/Archery/Power Mastery, Defender Blaster hybrid

Mega Electron - LVL 50+3 Electrical Armor/Kinetic Melee/Mu Mastery, Spanker

Max Fource - LVL 50+3 Fiery Aura/Electrical Melee/Pyre Mastery, Blanker (Blaster+tanker)



Originally Posted by Akhillius View Post
It's unfortunate then because I already have a lvl 50 plant/thorns dominator and a plant/storm troller :P

Yes, I think Elec/emp would be quite fun too. I don't care too much about damage, but i think it might lack some control as the "AoE stun" is in this case an AoE sleep, which will be broken quite easily with DoTs and AoEs. Also I don't think it's worth jumping into the mob and drain them as it might cost me my life which is contradicting to what an emp wants to do; keep your team mates alive.
The AOE Sleep is a pulsing AOE patch. It works more like Spectral Terror (without making things occasionally run away in fear) than anything else.

Elecs big advantage is the amount of "Up for every spawn" controls it has. There's nothing wrong with jumping into a mob if they're all confused and/or asleep anyway.

Grav/Emp wouldn't appeal to me, Singy doesn't get much from most of your set, Wormhole isn't particularly Team Friendly, nor is Dimension Shift.

My Ice Dominators rely heavily on Arctic Air for providing control, so you're back into the "jumping into the mob to control them" issue, but without a reliable set of quick recharging semi-aoe mezzes to fall back on. Ice Patch is great and all but so easily broken by teammates spamming AOE Immobs.

Earth has a tonne of AOE control and no need to go into melee range, plus a pocket tank. Is that a viable option or has it been played to death too?



I dont think you should rule out mind control. The aoe sleep is up enough that solo, you can at least get mass hyp + terrify off once in a fight, maybe twice. Also, aoe isnt a big deal when soloing and on teams you are planning to work your empathy side.

But lets say its down to ice and grav.

Ice has super low damage if you care about that, especially aoe damage is low. And it also has no reliable aoe hard control to prevent retaliation to aoes you launch, and the one passable mitigation (ice slick) requires some trickiness to apply safely and it interacts awkardly (tho not a deal breaker) with the aoe immobilize that grants containment. Plus your arctic air power can generate a lot of aggro at times ... Not always the best for an empath.

That said, I played ice/emp to 40 or so. I deleted her but only because I needed a new character and I was absolutely out of slots.

Gravity control is rough in a way. Aside from getting its aoe stun late, it also has a long cast animation which can get you faceplanted every time you try to use it. Now, you can leverage the non-line-of-sight aspect of wormhole, but I think its more accurate to say that you are obligated to leverage it, not merely that you can do so. That long animation time is killer.

But I know someone that swears by his grav/emp. I just feel that empathy is one of the least helpful powersets for smoothing out some of grav's weaknesses. Well, you do get a self heal, and the fire epic has a self rez

I have fire/emp, illusion/emp and earth/emp at level 50 and I love all three. But if they are out and mind/emp is out, I would say ice/emp.

Tho what about elec/emp? Or did someone turn you off of that? It has an aoe confuse that is up frequently, it has the best sleep power in the game (in that its location based, aoe, and re-sleeps foes) and you have an aoe for immobilization to set up aoe damage from the epic. And since the confuse can be active all the time, its pretty safe to leverage that aoe.

So elec/emp would be nice.


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Originally Posted by Akhillius View Post
I already have a lvl 50 Illusion controller so that's out of questio to me. I don't see a point playing the same primary set twice to lvl 50.
(Looks at his Ill/Rad, Ill/Storm, Ill/TA, Ill/Cold all at 50 . . . )

I had a lot of trouble liking Gravity until I paired it with Storm. Snow Storm and Freezing Rain help make up for the set's lack of AoE control in lower levels, and the Freezing Rain/Crushing Field is quite nice. I think it would be a lackluster primary with Empathy. The "stun" in Gravity comes from Wormhole, which is a fun but very situational power. I thought Wormhole worked well with Storm, where I could throw foes into a corner and then keep them there and debuff them with Hurricane while I beat them up with Lightning Storm and Tornado -- but that doesn't work for Empathy. And Singularity can't be healed . . .

I enjoyed Ice Control, but I also paired that one with Storm. That let me get added damage in the higher levels. I often would fire Ice Slick and Freezing Rain from range, then run in with Arctic Air while the foes were flopping. Freezing Rain often helped make up some for my low damage. Much of its control comes from layered soft controls, which would probably cause you to faceplant fairly regularly. It is really better with a secondary that can add some more control, like Storm or Rad.

Mind/Emp will work fine, but I agree with Laevatien's criticism of the set. Mind really doesn't need anything from its secondary to be effective. Because Confuse and Mass Confusion and Mass Hypnosis do not draw aggro, you will be able to control and use your Empathy powers to buff and heal without drawing aggro. (I recommend some kind of invisibility, though.) The main down side is that you won't have any pets to buff. That, and I found that the damage on Mind Control drops off in the upper levels just as other controllers are getting a lot more damage from their pets.

My suggestion if you don't want Ill/Emp or Plant/Emp would be Earth/Emp.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I made an ice/empathy troller 3-4 years ago. After already having a defender emp., I was thrilled playing it ... at first. Empathy? With something actually strong and effective?! Something NOT team-dependent?! WOW! As I got into the midlevels, though, I came to dislike it intensely. During the alpha strike, I had to make a choice - heal all the incoming damage, OR do something effective to prevent that damage from occurring. There was no way to do both. To make matters worse, empathy as a secondary is not as strong as it is on a defender. As the caster, it's not obvious buffing before the fight, but it IS noticeable when you're applying lukewarm heals over and over.

If you want to play an empath, I'd suggest just making a defender empath. If you are really set on a troller version, I'd strongly recommend illusion. You can set your pets to work right at the outset, then stay back, heal, and reapply buffs. If your team is floundering, you can do some stealth confusing (deceive) before the fight to mitigate damage.

This is just my experience. I have friends who have have troller empaths and really enjoy them, saying they are better for small team play. They bring out the defender versions for large teams. Now that I think of it, they all have illusion/empaths, too.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Total Dom and Mass Confuse combined have only the same uptime as Flashfire.
You really want to compare Mind control to Fire in terms of control and poorly at that? How about making better comparisons like Total Dom versus Cinders, or TK versus Bonfire, Mass Hyp versus Flash? Mind control isn't overrated. It's just a set that you can't simply go up to a mob, disorient it, and go from there. You actually have to think about what you are doing and how you can use the numerous tools in the best manner for the current situation, ie figuring out how to use Mass Hyp in an effective way on a team even after combat has started versus simply saying it's only useful when solo.



IMO the only real way to "lose" City of Heroes is to play it with the mindset that only the best will do. "Average" performing sets just aren't far enough behind the "top" ones for that sort of analysis to matter, nor is the game hard enough to need to excessively min/max. There is also no pressing reason you need to be able to farm or solo an AV on your 10th or 20th character.

In other words, whether the sets are technically "equal" is kind of irrelevant, at least to me. I have played one or two of each of them and they all have their ups and downs. Barring the fact that some of the Controller sets lean heavily on teaming until the 40s, all of them IMO offer worthwhile and unique game experiences and the main way to lose is to worry too much about whether there is something better. One day the game will be over and everything you have "earned" will be gone anyway, so you might as well enjoy the game for what it offers while you play it. And even the most heavily min/maxed character can be reduced to crap in an instant with the introduction of a enemy type or challenge. For example, all it would take is one major enemy type with Dispersion Bubble to nerf Fire Control into the floor.

All of that aside, speaking from a purely objective standpoint on relative power, it is my belief that 7 of the 8 Controller primary power sets are so strong that they all deserve an A- to A+ grade. Gravity is the only one I'm not crazy about (I'd give it a C), but it's not so terrible no one should ever play it. IMO taking your Mind Controller farming and complaining that it sucks is missing the forest for the trees... trees that went extinct some time ago.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
You really want to compare Mind control to Fire in terms of control and poorly at that? How about making better comparisons like Total Dom versus Cinders, or TK versus Bonfire, Mass Hyp versus Flash? Mind control isn't overrated. It's just a set that you can't simply go up to a mob, disorient it, and go from there. You actually have to think about what you are doing and how you can use the numerous tools in the best manner for the current situation, ie figuring out how to use Mass Hyp in an effective way on a team even after combat has started versus simply saying it's only useful when solo.
You can't compare power to power just because they have the same effect. The control ability of the entire set must be considered as a whole. My point in comparing Flashfire vs. Total Dom + Mass confuse is to show that, discounting TK which is very tricky to use, both sets are actually fairly close in terms of every-spawn hard control power, which is a huge point in Fire's favor considering it does so much more damage. Mind is overrated, because people like to portray it as an extremely control-heavy set, which is only true if you go by very artificial metrics like counting the number of control powers it has.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
IMO the only real way to "lose" City of Heroes is to play it with the mindset that only the best will do. "Average" performing sets just aren't far enough behind the "top" ones for that sort of analysis to matter, nor is the game hard enough to need to excessively min/max. There is also no pressing reason you need to be able to farm or solo an AV on your 10th or 20th character.
Nobody's saying that only the best powersets should be played. That's just a strawman you use to avoid any productive discussion. What we're doing is pointing out the relative advantages and disadvantages of each powerset. The decision of what to play ultimately lies in the player's hands.



I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but in addition to ill/emp just being awesome, Empathy's recharge buff from Adrenalin Boost works on Lore Pets, so it has an extra source of obscene damage beyond PA, Phantasm, and the Blind-Wounds one-two punch.

It's worth considering that Plant Control is obscenely powerful, if you don't like Illusion.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Nobody's saying that only the best powersets should be played. That's just a strawman you use to avoid any productive discussion. What we're doing is pointing out the relative advantages and disadvantages of each powerset. The decision of what to play ultimately lies in the player's hands.

I know you and I have cracked heads recently over other issues, and its not really my prerogative to further that minor spat. On the other hand, I'm not going to support you when you write:

...but at high levels where the game is all about steamrolling large spawns of enemies with the occasional AV or three thrown in, [the set is] pretty lackluster.
If you had an intention when you wrote that to say something other than sets that can't farm or handle AVs are sub par then I apologize. IMO though it is not "unproductive discussion" to say that view of the game is not shared by me. I can certainly understand why you wouldn't like certain sets if you approach them with that POV, but IMO there is more to the high level game than what you attribute to it.



Originally Posted by Midnight_Tempest View Post
I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but in addition to ill/emp just being awesome, Empathy's recharge buff from Adrenalin Boost works on Lore Pets, so it has an extra source of obscene damage beyond PA, Phantasm, and the Blind-Wounds one-two punch.

Thanks, I was just about to ask this very question for my Plant/Emp controller. Looks like I'll be picking Cimorians for certain now then, my Plant/Emp needs a meatshield and ABed Broadsword attacks would be pure evil.