?/Empath support troller




I think I agree with what it looked like others were saying here:

Mind/* is not the best control set by any stretch, and Ice/* or Earth/* are going to be better if you want to be "mister safety/healer" for teams.

Don't get me wrong, Mind/Emp is a lotta fun. Very surgical and thematic.

For the poster who wants to aggressively solo, I would make the decision this way:

Want to solo bosses/EBs/etc: Go Illusion/*
Want to solo big groups of minions: Go Plant/*

Now, empathy isn't the best solo set in the world. Sure you can get your own AoE Heal, Regen and Recovery buffs out of it. But think of all that focus going to waste makes me weep. I say: Illusion/Emp and Plant/Emp for agilely-small (4-man) teams.

Finally, if it were me, I'd be playing electric/Emp-- some sort of Victor Frankenstein concept maybe.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Or maybe a Frankenstein descendent from the future, after the family heirs have perfected the technology and started working on rudimentary time travel. So they could save and heal all the great minds from the past on their deathbeds and snatch them away to the future.

Is the name Frankenstein 5000 taken? Or campier still, Frankenstein 5000 A.D.

EDIT: Actually, I think the best would be Frankenstein A.D. 5000. Maybe.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
both sets are actually fairly close in terms of every-spawn hard control power
Fire is a better set for hard control. Mind is a vastly better set for soft control. While my Mind/kin does collect some dust these days due to too many alts, my Fire/kin flat out got rerolled. I'll just point out I was leading a team of SG members and some PuG people while on my Mind/kin. At one point the tank in my SG complained we were going to fast. Fire still does more damage as it should. Mind can still be played to be extremely powerful.



You are in RKLand, yes? We should get together, and you can show me what the build can do. (And are you sure it's not the /kin talking?)




Plant also has the benefit of being the only controller primary with a healing power. Just another thing to consider.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Fire is a better set for hard control. Mind is a vastly better set for soft control. While my Mind/kin does collect some dust these days due to too many alts, my Fire/kin flat out got rerolled. I'll just point out I was leading a team of SG members and some PuG people while on my Mind/kin. At one point the tank in my SG complained we were going to fast. Fire still does more damage as it should. Mind can still be played to be extremely powerful.
I quite agree. I find Mind quite useful on iTrials because, contrary to Laev's suggestion, the objective is not to steamroll the enemies. In the Lambda and, to an extent, in the Keyes trial you want to hit your objectives and move on. For instance, in the glowie collection of Keyes, it is viable to mez the enemies, grab the glowie, and move on without defeating the enemies. The same is entirely true in Lambda (mez the mob, destroy the glowie) with the additional advantage that Mass Hypnosis and Mass Confusion can halt pursuing mobs without drawing aggro.

Personally, I don't find Illusion's built in stealth such a great advantage to take note of, other sets can easily compensate with stealth, SS, and stealth IO's. However, Group Invisibility does have some oddities to its mechanics that make it more interesting.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The real advantage of Illusion over all other controller sets is that PA works against almost everything that foils controls. Purple triangles, mez protection, all-boss/EB spawns... none of them give a perma-PA controller pause. In addition, while a lot of controllers are good at mezzing hordes of minions and Lts (i.e. the weakest and least threatening enemies), illusion can control single spawns of very strong enemies. For this reason it's a very versatile, powerful controller primary, especially when you get as little out of your secondary as an empath.