Saturday Matine, July 2 - I Can Mash Potato & I Can do the Twist




What: Eden Trial, followed by the Ice Mistrals Strike Force
Where: Woodsman in Eden; Ice Mistral in that zone with the pyramid
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start

Sorry I'm late posting; I have a cold. But the good news is Phantom is eating food that doesn't come through a tube. (Granted, it's hospital food, but still!) Let's celebrate his first meal of hospital mashed potatoes by being awesome.

I'm not going to try and guess when the Eden trial will end, so you can start your awesomeness by signing up for both. Thanks!

Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you

Thank you.

1) Sarah Wynter (Controller) / Miss Anthropic (Dom)
2) Naphil (PB) / Major Rearden (Stalker)
3) Little Black (Cor)
4) Ally
5) Darkbridger
6) Manoa
7) Silverlash (Scrapper) / Arson Angel (Brute)
8) DW (Fort) / Twilight's Valkyrie (Stalker)

Team Two
1) Mike Honcho / Heat Miser Honcho (Corr)
2) Deep Blue (Def) / Deep Blue (Brute)
3) Doc Amp (Blaster) / Doc Amp (Blaster)


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I'll join with Naphil for the Eden Trial, and Major Rearden (lvl. 35 Claws/Willpower Stalker) for Ice Mistral.

Naphil, 50 Peacebringer
Captain Darkspirit, 50 Warshade
Operative Acier, 50 Bane Spider
Durante Ragno, 50 Fortunata
et al.



I can do both on Little Black n red lvl 50 dp/pain cor



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
I can do both on Little Black n red lvl 10 dp/pain cor

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I will bring something for Eden and something else for Ice Mistral.

Darkbridger will do the same.

Allyriah - 50 Ice/Ice Blaster
Cyrrena - 50 Sonic/Dark Corr
Ally Stryke - 50 Inv/SS Tank
and so many more...



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
I can do both on Little Black n red lvl 10 dp/pain cor
Except that the Eden Trial and Ice Mistral SF are levels 39+ and 35+, respectively.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
I can do both on Little Black n red lvl 10 dp/pain cor
Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Except that the Eden Trial and Ice Mistral SF are levels 39+ and 35+, respectively.
10-key typo?

I can make it tomorrow. Count me in for both...I'll be bringing a Fire/Emp controller and Fire/Fire dom (hmmm, I should probably get a little practice in on the dom so I'll remember how to play her!).

EDIT - Somber's interested too. He'll be bringing a something/something somethingoranother.



For Eden I'll bring my 50 Fort. For Ice Mistral my 50 Nin/Nin Stalker, Twilight's Valkyrie.

Global: @Death's Whisper - When there's trouble you call DW!



I can bring...something for Eden. I'll bring Heat Miser Honcho, lvl 40 corr, for Ice Mistral.

"Live every week like it's Shark Week" - Tracy Jordan



I've got a LVL 39 Storm/Elec Defender for Eden and LVL 50 Dark/Dark Brute for Ice Mistral.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Doc Amp - lvl 50 Elec/Elec blaster for both. (@DocAmp)



Can't make it this time. Gonna be out and about with the crankiest tank the Justice server has ever known.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by Manoa View Post
10-key typo?

I can make it tomorrow. Count me in for both...I'll be bringing a Fire/Emp controller and Fire/Fire dom (hmmm, I should probably get a little practice in on the dom so I'll remember how to play her!).

EDIT - Somber's interested too. He'll be bringing a something/something somethingoranother.
Yes it was a Typo I fixed it already



Late sign up here, but I can bring something for team 2.



Sorry my cable went out for a few hours by the time i got it back up you already started the edin trial, so I joined a LGTF thinking it was going to be a speed run when it was not and missed Ice Mynstral



Thanks everyone for the awesome runs and Missi for setting up the Mats!