Smashing/Lethal vs Melee for Brute




I'm sitting here staring at my mids for hours. I have discovered the ultimate build for my brute, which is beyond top secret due to the extremity with which my brute will rock faces. However, I have one question nagging at my mind, and I'm wondering if it's the exhaust port on my death star.

Smashing/Lethal defense vs Melee. To my understanding the game makes a check against one for attacks, whichever one is higher. It would seem smashing/lethal covers most if not all melee attacks and is much easier to cap.

Are there any melee attacks that are not smashing/lethal? Is having a melee defense redundant with a high smashing/lethal defense or vice versa?



There are very few melee attacks that don't have some kind of S/L component to them. So much so that having capped S/L Def you wouldn't notice them, hopefully.

Having high S/L Defense, on top of high S/L resistance is not a bad thing. You avoid most attacks, and those that do get through hurt a heck of a lot less. That's a good thing. Layered defenses are always better than a very high amount of only one type.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



The layering I'm talking about though is specifically melee defense. I can't think of any attacks that are melee that doesn't have a smashing/lethal component and wouldn't be avoided by that before falling to melee defense.

So that kind of makes me wonder what the point of melee defense is.



Originally Posted by Comfort View Post
The layering I'm talking about though is specifically melee defense. I can't think of any attacks that are melee that doesn't have a smashing/lethal component and wouldn't be avoided by that before falling to melee defense.

So that kind of makes me wonder what the point of melee defense is.
Well, for sets that have powers that provide melee defense, it's very useful. Basically, going either positional or typed defenses is a good thing. Either way works out pretty well.

However, for melee ATs that start with no defense, going the S/L defense route tends to work out better, since a lot of the attacks that they're going to be faced with contain some sort of S/L component to them.

Meanwhile, if you do go Melee defense (either cost, or you have some melee defense from your powersets), it's not a bad option, since you'll be in melee range most of the time anyways. You can't go wrong either way, really. S/L just helps out a bit more.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Comfort View Post
The layering I'm talking about though is specifically melee defense. I can't think of any attacks that are melee that doesn't have a smashing/lethal component and wouldn't be avoided by that before falling to melee defense.

So that kind of makes me wonder what the point of melee defense is.
They're rare, but there are some: Scorch and Incenerate, for example is just Fire and Melee. Other examples are Siphon Life & Midnight Grasp (Negative and Melee), Jacob's Ladder (Energy and Melee), and Mind Probe (Psi and Melee). So they're out there.

But that's not really the point. Defensive Sets either tend to have the powers that actually grant defense focus on positional defense, or typed defense, but not both. So you're best bet is often to go with whatever the defensive set is based on when trying to incrementally improve your defense (typically not needed with pool powers, which over grant you both, but something to watch for with IO set bonuses).

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
There are very few melee attacks that don't have some kind of S/L component to them. So much so that having capped S/L Def you wouldn't notice them, hopefully.

Having high S/L Defense, on top of high S/L resistance is not a bad thing. You avoid most attacks, and those that do get through hurt a heck of a lot less. That's a good thing. Layered defenses are always better than a very high amount of only one type.
Note not all powers with smashing damage will have smashing as an attack type. But those still are not all that common.

Also, S/L defense will help verse a nice portion of ranged damage as well.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I went with melee Def on my Claws/fire and she has been very strong all the way along.

Took a bunch of imfluence but well worth it and not too tough to actually do. Oblits are your friend. The Kin Comabts didn't hurt either though.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Comfort View Post
I'm sitting here staring at my mids for hours. I have discovered the ultimate build for my brute, which is beyond top secret due to the extremity with which my brute will rock faces. However, I have one question nagging at my mind, and I'm wondering if it's the exhaust port on my death star.

Smashing/Lethal defense vs Melee. To my understanding the game makes a check against one for attacks, whichever one is higher. It would seem smashing/lethal covers most if not all melee attacks and is much easier to cap.

Are there any melee attacks that are not smashing/lethal? Is having a melee defense redundant with a high smashing/lethal defense or vice versa?
I originally went with melee on my SS/Electric brute as an experiment -- it was basically cheaper because I didn't need Kinetic Combats. It did not perform well enough. Lots of things hurt me a lot (Malta gunfighters, for example). Switching to S/L resolved the issues, even though the character is just shy of being soft-capped.

The Barrier Destiny incarnate may ultimately make hitting the softcap unnecessary for standard content, and on a league with several characters with Barrier who can coordinate its use pretty much everyone can be soft-capped all the time.



There are melee attacks that S/L doesn't cover, but it makes up for that by covering a large amount of the Ranged and AoE attacks as well.

Melee only covers melee attacks though. If a Hellion stops punching you and pulls a gun to shoot you in the face, even though it's in melee range, it's still a ranged attack. Same with the Buckshot attack used by any thug or soldier with a shotgun. If a Troll, or a Winter Horde or a Giant Monster, or any of a dozen other enemies uses Foot Stomp, that's AoE too, even though it must be used at melee range (or at least, pretty close). All three of those attacks are covered by S/L, by the way.

Melee defense will protect you from just under half the attacks used on you by all enemy groups. S/L will protect you from half or more of the attacks from most enemies, and ALL the attacks from enemies that mostly use weapons or unarmed attacks. Adding Energy def covers Plasma rifles, Sapper rifles and so on for high-tech groups. Pretty much the only things you'll be completely vulnerable to are ghosts (mostly negative), fire demons (from Circle of Thorns and Infernal), and psi users (some Carnies, Seers, and Mother Mayhem's old minions).

Short version: S/L is best of those two. S/L/E is better if you can do it.




I can say this much: I have a capped vs melee elec/elec brute. She can run at x8 against only those enemies who have primarily energy or fire attacks because her resists handle what her defenses don't (CoT and Rikti and basically no one else ((well council but they're such wimps they don't count))).

If I pop enough purples to get S/L to 45% she can handle x8 romans, malta, and usually arachnos (sometimes the psi is still an issue depending on spawn).

That difference is enormous to me. I can feel it immediately. S/L is vastly superior.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



". Lots of things hurt me a lot (Malta gunfighters, for example). "

Well, Malta gunfighters are always going to hit disproportionately hard because they have both Accuracy and ToHit. But, yeah, they do S/L.

(also, for the OP: As mentioned earlier, some things that do Lethal damage don't have the "Lethal" keyword on their attacks. I thought Behemoth Fire Sword was one of these but Red Tomax says otherwise.

I will also point out that if you pop "enough purples to get S/L to 45%" then you're probably boosting all other damage types and positions to at least 25%, cutting damage from those types by half as well.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I will also point out that if you pop "enough purples to get S/L to 45%" then you're probably boosting all other damage types and positions to at least 25%, cutting damage from those types by half as well.
Not by as much as you might think though. My S/L is starting at 29 and all others (typed and positional) below 10. All but AOE (again both typed and positional) below 5.

So with S/L capped, Aoe is at 21 and all others around 14-17. So reducing incoming, yes, but not a whole lot.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.