Freedom effects on the market

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
F2P sounds like it sucks.
Who would pay for that kind o....

Oh, wait.
It's an upgraded trial account. Even the new F2P account I find to be rather limited compared to other F2P accounts I have played elsewhere.

I have been calling them freebies.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
PVPIOs will flood the market as everyone will have unlimited accounts.
Depends on whether or not F2P and Premium accounts can access PVP zones and/or arena. Has that been confirmed?

Even if they can access arena/PVP zones, its already been said that access to Inventions is on a fee basis. Meaning the free accounts may not get IO drops at all.



Paragon Reward Points? You know, I'd be a little worried about working for Paragon Studios. From month to month, you never know what currency your paycheck will be in.
Not at all, everyone knows Paragon Studios pays it's developers in shiny beads.
Pffft. That was 2 issues ago. Now they're paid in beady shines. Keep up, dammit!

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
I don't expect purples to go for peanuts and given the difficulty in attaining them etc, I'd say their price range as it stands now is about right. But 150 million for kinetic combat? When a single alignment merit will buy it? Crazy. All you gotta do is wait 2 days.
It's not crazy. It's the very definition of demand. Instant gratification is the core of all video games, so patience is not something you can expect to find in the general population.

I also think a lot of people don't understand how the market functions, or how alignment merits work. They seem to think the prices listed in the market window are the asking prices, rather than the last few prices sold for. They seem to think you have to pay the amount listed.

Many people don't seem to know that they can do a few tip missions a day and then cash in the alignment merit for the thing they want.

For every one person who reads the forums and understands how the market functions, there are probably scores who have only the foggiest notion of how things actually work. Every other day another one of them wanders into the forums and asks how to make more money, or complains about how speculators are manipulating the price of common salvage.

People who've been around a long time underestimate the amount of knowledge it takes to play this game in "easy mode." Once you know everything it all seems so simple. But new players are inundated by all there is to know, and have a hard time figuring out where to start.



Originally Posted by Black_Mute View Post
I want to know if they are getting rid of the inactive accounts rule of where your market items go poof after so long.

Also, does anyone else think we may see more pvp io farmers when people won't have to pay for a second account? I think so, but not sure to what extent.




Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
but once you hit level 50, and have your character all done where you want him/her in the enhancment department, IMHO its time for a little bit of philanthropy.
I've been playing for over 3 years now and don't have a single character "all done". Even if you don't count incarnate stuff, I still don't have a single one "all done". Not even the one level-locked at 15 for 18 months.

Muhaha, I will never have to be a philanthropist! I guess it is fitting that 4/5 of my characters are redside.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
Depends on whether or not F2P and Premium accounts can access PVP zones and/or arena. Has that been confirmed?

Even if they can access arena/PVP zones, its already been said that access to Inventions is on a fee basis. Meaning the free accounts may not get IO drops at all.
You misunderstand. My Mastermind PVP IO farmer now has as many targets as I want him to.

The freebie accounts don't have to receive drops, just GIVE drops when killed.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You misunderstand. My Mastermind PVP IO farmer now has as many targets as I want him to.

The freebie accounts don't have to receive drops, just GIVE drops when killed.
Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Only if free accounts are permitted to PvP, which I'm doubting they will.
I'm with DarkGob on this. It's such an obvious means to farm for PVP drops, if Play-For-Free accounts can engage in PVP at all, which I find doubtful, then they'll be set to never drop a PVP recipe.



Why would free accounts not be allowed to PVP? Is the PVP population too big to accommodate them or something? lol



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
That was already removed a few issues ago.
Thought it was 90 days of account inactivity?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You misunderstand. My Mastermind PVP IO farmer now has as many targets as I want him to.

The freebie accounts don't have to receive drops, just GIVE drops when killed.
Why would they let you load up their servers to generate items for free, when they can cut you out and make a real profit selling them to your customers.



Originally Posted by Cooking Music View Post
Thought it was 90 days of account inactivity?
60 days, officially. However, many people have reported having an account inactive far over the 60 day limit, and not had anything deleted.




Eyepatch said:

Last night I ws bidding on two Damage/recharge pounding slugfest recipes. I bid 600,000 inf for each. This was in the morning. Left for work. Came back later after work at about 7pm. Checked. Still bidding, but, there was only 2 people bidding. But 65 for sale. So, I withdrew my 1.2 million inf, and bid instead on a Damage/Endurance pair. Got the two instantly, for 100,000 each.

So it pays to shop around if you are frankenslotting so to speak.
... whut?

You could probably have gotten instant buys for under 200K on Focused Smite or Smashing Haymaker.

Usually I think of Frankenslotting as "I don't care what set it's from as long as it's a dam/rech" instead of "I don't care if it's dam/rech or dam/end as long as I get two Pounding Slugfests".

Anyway, supply and demand is a little tricky when you get down to the low end of both. A lot of people can't tell the difference between 10 million inf and zero; a lot more can't tell the difference between 1 million inf and zero.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Eyepatch said:

... whut?

You could probably have gotten instant buys for under 200K on Focused Smite or Smashing Haymaker.
Well, I wanted the regen bonus from that set that 8% makes a big differnce to my combat ability. Dam/End would have been preferable to help my end issues, but it would have meant paying a lot. Dam/rech was a suitable alternative, and it cost me less any way.

I've been playing for over 3 years now and don't have a single character "all done". Even if you don't count incarnate stuff, I still don't have a single one "all done". Not even the one level-locked at 15 for 18 months.

Muhaha, I will never have to be a philanthropist! I guess it is fitting that 4/5 of my characters are redside.
Well, not counting incarnate content, I have only one character "all done" myself. So he's now a philanthropist, the other characters, are in it for themselves till they are done.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Why would free accounts not be allowed to PVP? Is the PVP population too big to accommodate them or something? lol
Freeper enters any PvP zone

Freeper: They want me to pay good money for this?!

Leaves and never comes back

Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)

Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)



Originally Posted by Black_Mute View Post
I want to know if they are getting rid of the inactive accounts rule of where your market items go poof after so long.
Isn't that rule long gone? I logged into one of my accounts on reactivation weekend and had 190 days on some marketeering toons and their stuff was still there.



At first, I was concerned that people might use multiple free accounts to corner markets, and flip prices up to ludicrous amounts, but if limitations like what I suggested are in place, that's not a likely scenario.

Prices in the AH is already ridiculous, i only sell there never buy there. many more options to get what you want and much easier than paying high prices rather than spending my hard earned inf to get for all my 50's.

( p.s. I am in no way shape or form not suggesting no one not to pay those prices of course since i do sell for those prices :P ). ( Some one has to pay for all the cool shinies i have hehehe being ebil is sooooo much fun. )

Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server



I suspect we may get an initial "preview" of Freedom's upcoming effects with the release of 20.5 today. Since Emp Merits and Astrals can now be used to purchase IO recipe's, we may see some of the prices in the market fall as a result. I've T4'd out two of my 50's and between them they have over 350 Astrals and 100 Emps remaining. Will be interesting to see what the prices are for the IO's using Astrals/Emps.



Originally Posted by Talos_Maltalomar View Post
At first, I was concerned that people might use multiple free accounts to corner markets, and flip prices up to ludicrous amounts, but if limitations like what I suggested are in place, that's not a likely scenario.

Prices in the AH is already ridiculous, i only sell there never buy there. many more options to get what you want and much easier than paying high prices rather than spending my hard earned inf to get for all my 50's.

( p.s. I am in no way shape or form not suggesting no one not to pay those prices of course since i do sell for those prices :P ). ( Some one has to pay for all the cool shinies i have hehehe being ebil is sooooo much fun. )

You only sell but never buy, and the people on the other end of your transactions are getting a bad deal ?



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Paragon Reward Points? You know, I'd be a little worried about working for Paragon Studios. From month to month, you never know what currency your paycheck will be in.
Okay. Coming to the thread late, but this got a belly laugh from me.

You can tell someone that, somewhere, a game is going Free To Play. And it's all right. It's all "part of the plan."

But then you tell them that City of Heroes is going Free To Play. And suddenly everyone loses their mind!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay. Coming to the thread late, but this got a belly laugh from me.

You can tell someone that, somewhere, a game is going Free To Play. And it's all right. It's all "part of the plan."

But then you tell them that City of Heroes is going Free To Play. And suddenly everyone loses their mind!

I'll see your incredulity and raise. How many people who are now insisting this is a wonderful thing, and smiling and talking about buying up the paragon store repeatedly said free to play would mean the death of the game, there was no reason for CoX to free to play etc etc etc.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I'll see your incredulity and raise. How many people who are now insisting this is a wonderful thing, and smiling and talking about buying up the paragon store repeatedly said free to play would mean the death of the game, there was no reason for CoX to free to play etc etc etc.
I'm one of them. So...

To be sure, I'm not lapping this up though. I'm very cautious about this. My gut is telling me that this is a Bad Thing™ (considering the size of my gut, it's a miracle I can hear anything above the roar). But I like the game and I like the devs. They've, mostly, done a bang-up job with the game. So I'm inclined to give them a chance to change my mind (such as there is of it).

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Market prices of Numina +regen/+recov seem to be dropping already. Price is 32 Astrals at the vendor. I earn that many in a night of trials.