Why make a Defender today vs Corruptor?

A Man In Black



Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
...ob. flamebait -- a /kin 'troller, there's a toon unlikely to SB you.
I think you meant to say Fire/Kin Controller. The majority of those I meet are farm builds that don't have a clue how to play in the rest of the game, nor on a team.



I think percentage values aside, the reason to make a Defender over a corruptor is the simple fact you get your buffing / debuffing powers sooner rather than later.

And I guess, that makes you more useful to a low to mid level Team of heroes (or villains).

A Defender's main function is to support his/her other hero (or villain) teammates. Fighting, is a secondary priority for sure. Corruptors are there, like most other villain based archetypes it seems, to fight, first and foremost. All the villain Archetypes are there to damage things.

I think you can ask yourself the same question re: tankers and brutes for example. Why make a Tanker, when you can have a Brute that does more damage once fury gets going, and has the same res and def caps? I suppose the answer is similar to Corruptors and Defenders.

I would rather be more useful to my team sooner rather than later, which is why I personally favour Defenders over Corruptors, and Tankers over Brutes.

That's not to say Tankers and Defenders can't fight well unlike their villain equivalents, because they can fight, and fight well.



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
I think percentage values aside, the reason to make a Defender over a corruptor is the simple fact you get your buffing / debuffing powers sooner rather than later.

And I guess, that makes you more useful to a low to mid level Team of heroes (or villains).
I dunno man, you're level 20 for like an hour, you stay 50 for a looooong time.



Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
I dunno man, you're level 20 for like an hour, you stay 50 for a looooong time.
Well, Synapse and Sister Psyche reward a LOT of Merits for buying IO sets.

Mind, Synapse can be boring as heck at times...



You can argue the numerical differences back and forth all day in regards to what is and isn't a significant difference.

For me, having played both, my personal experience is this: I notice the damage difference of playing a Corruptor, I don't notice the increased buff/debuff strength of playing a Defender.

Bear in mind, the majority of my play is end-game stuff, where AVs and GMs are prevalent. Against those kind of targets, Scourge really shines.

Plus, Defenders don't get Blaze or Rain of Scourge.

I mean, c'mon.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
You can argue the numerical differences back and forth all day in regards to what is and isn't a significant difference.

For me, having played both, my personal experience is this: I notice the damage difference of playing a Corruptor, I don't notice the increased buff/debuff strength of playing a Defender.

Bear in mind, the majority of my play is end-game stuff, where AVs and GMs are prevalent. Against those kind of targets, Scourge really shines.

Plus, Defenders don't get Blaze or Rain of Scourge.

I mean, c'mon.
It can hard to notice the de/buffs a lot of the time, but it's often because, at least for me, I'm not really thinking about it. I usually use Tanks and Scrappers and I watch target lifebars rather than orange numbers, so I'm often more worried about getting up there and doing damage/tanking than what guys I have supporting me. But they do make those differences.



Another reason to make a Defender over a Corruptor. Force Fields!!

Made a new Defender last night, FF/Elec, what a vicious combo! Between my single target bubbles and my AOE bubble toggle, I was giving my teammates just over 32% defence! With a few lucks they were literally untouchable almost! I had a Blaster tanking!!



Defenders have higher debuff values. Usually this doesn't matter, but sometimes it can, e.g. for sonic blast (Def: -20%/blast, Corrr: -15%/blast). There's a significant difference in the amount of -res a Rad/Sonic def can stack vs. the Corr equivalent.

Defensively, defenders are usually easier to build for due to higher values for ally buffs that also affect self e.g. Maneuvers, and they actually get Tanker(!) modifiers for Tough/Weave and APP shields. My Ice/Cold Corr build has around 25 defense to everything. The same build, reproduced exactly on a Defender, has close to 30 defense to everything. That 5 defense might mean the difference between softcapped and not on a tight high-end build.

Defenders get access to buffdebuff powers sooner, which is nice on sets that mature late (Kin, Cold). They can also skip or delay the T1 power of their primary, which can be an advantage on some builds (I'd skip infrigidate on my Cold if I could).

Corruptor advantages are that they do better damage, they are excellent at killing single hard targets, they get access to Fire Blast, and they do so without debuffing meaningfully less than Defenders (in most cases - see above).



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
It's really just a difference in play style. The corruptor is a support secondary. He's there to do damage, and he'll buff when he wants to. Where it is common for a kin defender to keep his team SB'd, I am surprised if I see a kin corruptor who does the same.
I think this difference is artificial and people focus more on one end only because they've been told to by the prevailing groupthink.

I've teamed with some very good Fire/Kin corrs that kept the entire team SBed while mowing down hordes of enemies.



Because I am not an anal nerd. It's a game, not the olympics, not warfare. I suppose it could come down to whether or not I want to give people the immediate impression that I am going to be more defensive or offensive. I suppose I have sort of thought; I'd like a corrupter but I'd rather go through the hero side missions because there will be more people to team with.

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I chose defender for my Cold/Sonic - there is a significant difference in -res debuff potential.




Any particular reason for necro'ing this? Just felt like celebrating the two month anniversary of the last post?



Oooh, good time for a necro as this thread kind of fits a question I had but didn't want to make a whole new thread about.

How about Time Manipulation and the great Defender vs Corruptor debate? I'm considering Time/Ice and wondering if I should go Defender or Corruptor but can't make my mind up.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
How about Time Manipulation and the great Defender vs Corruptor debate? I'm considering Time/Ice and wondering if I should go Defender or Corruptor but can't make my mind up.
Have you played Ice before? 'Cause you haven't played Time before. I'd generally lean toward the new unplayed set as a primary -- even moreso in a case like Ice where some of the top-tier powers get Blaster values.

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The rule of thumb is that if you're going to be fire blast, ice blast, or kinetics, choose corruptor. Otherwise, defender is probably the better choice.



It definatley depends on the power sets. It's been said.. (i dont know personally because I dont care to crunch numbers)...that a sonic/sonic defender does more damage over time than a corrupter. If it's something like a kin i would say to make corrupter....but for other things....like lets say a traps/ice defender will do more damage over time than a ice/traps corrupter when soloing because of the debuffs precentages alone.

Either way it's up to you....I personally love defenders, but I have wanted to get scorpion shield so bad for my sonic/sonic making her move verstile



Every time I'm about to roll a corrupter, I wonder why I'm not just rolling a defender.

As mentioned above, it depends not only on what sets you play, but how you want to play the character. Kinetics is usually better as a secondary than a primary, and some sets, like forcefields work just fine as a secondary and you may want more damage from your blasting set, so a corruptor is just fine.

Some sets though, like dark miasma or sonic, get incredibly good numbers as a defender where they make very compelling primaries.



What's also worth noting is, if you do a lot of endgame TFs/SFs/Trials, Scourge adds a tremendous amount of damage. Its overkill most of the time on minions/lts, but does terrific damage on targets with a lot of health like AVs and GMs.

As a matter of personal preference, the only sets I'd go Defender over Corruptor for are Empathy and Sonic Blast. The former because Corrs can't have it and the latter because the debuff values on the blasts are so insane with Defender mods.

As for the idea that Defenders buff more, I disagree. I expect the same of any Corruptor or Defender, that they support the team and blast. Any Corruptor or Defender worth a damn does both.

With the new AoE buff changes, its trivially easy to keep an entire team SBed/shielded. If you're playing with a Corruptor who doesn't support the team, you're playing with a bad Corruptor. Much like if you're playing with a Defender who doesn't blast, you're playing with a bad Defender.

In almost all cases, Corruptors won't blow Defenders out of the water damage wise. Similarly, Defenders won't blow Corruptors out of the water buff/debuff wise. If you want to be more offensive, make a Corruptor. If you want to be more supporty, make a Defender.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
As for the idea that Defenders buff more, I disagree. I expect the same of any Corruptor or Defender, that they support the team and blast. Any Corruptor or Defender worth a damn does both.
Except defenders have notably higher buff/debuff numbers, and notably higher damage numbers. I also expect that defenders are going to take most their primary powers, and they may skip a number of their secondary powers, while I expect the opposite from corruptor.

Expecting the same thing from a corruptor as a defender is like expecting the same thing from a tank and a scrapper, they are very different archtypes.



Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
Except defenders have notably higher buff/debuff numbers, and notably higher damage numbers. I also expect that defenders are going to take most their primary powers, and they may skip a number of their secondary powers, while I expect the opposite from corruptor.

Expecting the same thing from a corruptor as a defender is like expecting the same thing from a tank and a scrapper, they are very different archtypes.
Defenders have notably higher damage numbers? That's news to me. Why would a Defender and Corruptor of the same build take different powers? They're not very different at all, you should be buffing, debuffing, and blasting with both.




Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
Except defenders have notably higher buff/debuff numbers, and notably higher damage numbers. I also expect that defenders are going to take most their primary powers, and they may skip a number of their secondary powers, while I expect the opposite from corruptor.

Expecting the same thing from a corruptor as a defender is like expecting the same thing from a tank and a scrapper, they are very different archtypes.
Yeah, no. Defenders have higher buff/debuff numbers, yes. I'm not sure where you're getting them having "notably higher damage numbers" from. In some edge cases (Sonic Blast, counting team damage) sure, but overall? Nope.

I already addressed my own expectations in my last post. Any Corruptor or Defender worth a damn will blast and support the team.

The Tanker/Scrapper comparison is interesting. In a similar vein, I expect any Tanker or Scrapper worth a damn to both kill stuff and control aggro. I expect a Scrapper to do more of the killing and a Tanker to do more of the aggro control, but I expect both roles of both ATs. They're not actually that different.

I suppose its interesting, since I expect similar roles but different priorities for Tankers/Scrappers, but ideally would want equal priority for blasting/support for Corruptors/Defenders. That may be because I don't think its asking too much though. I don't think its a herculean feat to both support a team and blast.

YMMV, naturally.

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Originally Posted by Muse to my Ears View Post
like lets say a traps/ice defender will do more damage over time than a ice/traps corrupter when soloing because of the debuffs precentages alone.
People say this but I am not convinced. In fact, I am fairly thoroughly convinced that it is absolutely false. Defender trip mine does base 126 damage but Corruptor trip mine does base 194 damage. And any self-respecting traps toon has enough defense to trip mine mid-fight about the same time they get it fully slotted. So soloing I think an ice/traps corruptor would completely steamroll over a traps/ice defender in damage.

The advantage of -26.6 res for def in acid vs corruptor -20% isn't going to be (solo) enough of one to overcome the monumental aoe advantage the corruptor will have. Stealth up, trip mine, ice storm, trip mine is going to melt those x8 spawns.

Note that I *do* love defenders and play them all the time. I am just pointing out that your statement above is completely false. It is also probably true that some of the /sonic defs do solo better than the soc/ corruptors.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



It probably isn't true. I don't crunch numbers,as stated above, but my friend who does sounded pretty confident. Didn't mean to put out false information...but trying to point out a stronger defender. Guess I should have left it to just the sonic/sonic that most people have heard of
my bad



Originally Posted by ThePhlebotomist View Post
Thanks for the great replies, everyone!

I can see that Kinetics is likely not the best point of comparison.

I'm also embarrassed to say that I've never played a Traps toon! It sounds encouraging, so I'll give a Traps Defender a go this weekend.
The starkest difference, IMO, would be a Sonic/Sonic defender vs. corrupter. The beauty of the defender version can be easily seen with this combo. Better resistances and -resistances accross the board all stacking up to make you a very viable member of any group.
It's easy to compare as that's mostly all that type of char can do, resistance manipulation.
For instance, against an AV, the defender can add ~55% resistance while subtracting ~140% resist from the AV. The corrupter version is adding ~41% resist for the team while subtracting ~105% resist from the AV. When you think about the extra damage players must account for (either way) you can see why the defender version would be more powerful and useful for a team.
But as others have stated, it's a case by case situation.



Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
Except defenders have notably higher buff/debuff numbers, and notably higher damage numbers.

How does that Kool-aid taste?