New Epic ATs Idea Thread.
I would like Quantums, Voids & Galaxy's! And Longbow!
I would also really love to see something "Pantheonistically" flavored. In classic comicbook tradition, the gods of elder religions walk the earth and fight for the forces of good and evil. I would like some way to see this represented in game.
No, I do not have a specific mechanic in mind, but EATs should have a special feel to them, like the Asgardians or Olympians (or whatever mythology/ethnic group) of classic comics.
Perhaps they would unlock Incarnate stuff at an earlier level? I dunno, just considering ideas!
Longbow and PPD for Heroes with branching sets (Nullifier/Ballista, Seargent/Hardsuit with perma assault gun gloves and backpack like the Crab Spider), Nictus and Ruluruu for Villains with shape-shifts (Lobster/Squid, Natterling/Brute).
Once that's worked out, I'd love to see more uh.. Specialised/neutral concepts shown as an EAT, perhaps unlocked by getting an existing EAT to 20/50.
Swashbuckler gun/sword/defense for the pirate or dashing rogue characters
Magical set with high damage, buffs, debuffs, anything and everything the classic spell caster can do
Power suit with robot pets, rocket flight/jet pack based attacks, lasers, missiles, rocket punches etc
Time control/teleportation/reality manipulation, lots of buffs/debuffs and control and REALLY REALLY cool looking attacks
[Archetype] Incarnate, unlocking Incarnate content as they level with pumped up base stats compared to their AT counterpart. Dominator with constant Domination, Blaster with critical hit, Scrapper with Tank HP/defense scales, Brute with higher base damage/bigger Fury bar. Unlocked once you unlock the Omega slot maybe?
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
All else: Inferior
Rikti: Superior
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'll never understand why people want a Longbow EAT. Longbow are horribly generic. You can already make almost any Longbow npc in the game with the powersets and archetypes available.
The problem with Nictus is how do you differentiate them from Warshades?
PPD I can understand, there's at least 1 full option players have no access to (Hardsuits).
Really I'd like to see more BASIC archetypes before more Epics. Support/Melee(melee/support) is an oft requested one. Also often requested "Commander" summoning archetype (I'd say defense/summon with pets leaning more towards support). A hybridized ControlAssaultDefense AT possibly. Maybe even Ranged/Defense (VEATs are already this so it IS doable, they're just concept specific).

I'd personally like a Praetorian DE Epic AT. Something like Assault/Summoning with the summoning powers being pets and placeable debuffs.
1. Rikti EATs
2. PPD Hardsuit EATs
3. Ranged or Assault/Armour AT
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Thread for predicting possible groups or ideas that would make good EATs.

I couldn't resist.
AHEM! Okay, putting serious hat on.
I think Praetoria deserves its own lovin', since it doesn't have any EATs of its own. Yeah, you can make a character of any normal archetype there, but still.
I'd like to see an EAT for the Loyalists and the Resistance. The AT for Loyalists could probably be IDF or T.E.S.T. Rangers, and the Resistance could be some kind of commando that uses a melange of Heavy Barrel and Heavy Hands powers.
I don't think Praetoria needs its own EATs to be honest. I think they should just do 1 more for heroes and another for villains.
a Mu EAT would be awesome, as well as a 'Longbow' style Mastermind for heroes. You'd be a mastermind with 'Summon Longbow' essentially and as a secondary have a choice between 3 different 'super-powered' powersets, such as Spines, Energy Melee and whatever else those damn Wardens get.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
I would like:
- Coralax - a good enemy group that has been left untouched save for a Task Force including them. Maybe the return of Merulina?
- Rularuu - this could also mean the return of The Ravager. Faathim the Kind could rally an army against him in the form his Rularuu brethren - us.
- Blood of the Black Stream - who wouldn't want to play an Egyptian Shapeshifter... who could have all kinds of sorcery... mmm... sorcery.
- Signature Heroes! - you play as someone who has the same powers as the Signature Heroes! It's just something... I've always wanted to do. Y'know... play Mind Control Controller who has half of the Energy Blast tree.
- Nictus - you want a Nictus? Go role a Warshade and go rogue.
- Mu - go role an Electric Blast/Storm Summoning Corruptor.
- Longbow - terribly generic as they have multiple different power sets already available to players.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Midnighter Magus: Something to allow for players to have a "magical AT/powerset" choice as well as possibly giving multiple elemental attacks to one powerset. Also would allow for a lore tie-in and to show the fruits of the Midnighter's ranks swelling. Plus it can be opened for both sides. If they didn't want it to be unlocked by simply getting Midnighter club access, maybe they could put it behind Midnighter Archivist, also, this AT would probably need automatic Midnighter Club access, otherwise it's not gonna make a lot of sense...
Possible gimmick could be having multiple powersets to pick from off the bat compared to other EATs.
This would also fill the niche of a Magic origin EAT.
Blending the PPD Hardsuit and Techbot's suggestions together with my own spin I also propose...
Vanguard Mecha: Pilot either an experimental, specially piloted version of an HVAS or a Rikti Heavy Assault Suit and crush your foes under multiple tons of mechanical armor.
with this we would have a Tech origin EAT. Admittedly, having things that big stomping around, it would be hard to explain how they fit into buildings, but Malta titans can do it, DE can do it, so why can't we?*
*When my giant Soviet Robot clips through door frames, I like to imagine him bursting through them and taking part of the wall saying: "RAWR! Your puny, capitalist doors cannot hold back Socialist might!"
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You know, Rapthorn...
Darrin Wade already has the means to reassemble Rularuu's mind and release...
Even Faathim is chained to his true personaly; Faathim accepts his enslavement.
You know, Rapthorn...
Darrin Wade already has the means to reassemble Rularuu's mind and release... Even Faathim is chained to his true personaly; Faathim accepts his enslavement. |

Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
The Cult of Lanaru the Mad.
The powers are all chaos-based. Very random with sometimes unexpected results. Think Secondary Mutation but a lot more dynamic.
The lower tier powers are pretty standard, bolts, melee attacks, etc but the type of energy they release is random. So you could use Chaos Fist three times in a row and get smashing/fire, smashing/negative and smashing/ice along with the continuing damage, to hit debuff and slow effects. You have no control over the secondary effect since the Cult emphasizes madness and entropy.
Mid Tier powers get into control sets but, once again, you don't know if you're going to get a hold, immobilize, sleep or stun out of the deal.
High Tier powers are the most dangerous but also the most rewarding. These powers are of a Reality Warping class. For example you might have a power called Fire Cataclysm which can (randomly) do unbelievable single opp damage, impressive targeted AoE or PBAoE damage, summon three Fire Elementals as temporary allies, fill the entire area with flames that do on-going minor damage over time but don't run out... until you leave the mission... or turn your character into a pyric version of themselves with high defensive powers.
Because of the disadvantage of the chaos you have a harder time establishing strategy or tactics based on your powers, but heck... you're a Cult follower of Lanaru the Mad... not exactly a bastion of pre-planning here. To make up for this, however, you don't need to harness powers or take time crafting them carefully so the general animation times and recharge times are substantially faster than other sets.
And yes... I am forced to agree it is not surprising that *I* of all people came up with this idea for an EAT/VEAT.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I wouldn't mind a Mu archetype as long as it did more magic stuff than shoot red lightning.
A Circle mage with branching options would be rather interesting.
The problem with Nictus is how do you differentiate them from Warshades?
FAR different and far more possibilities than "just take a warshade rogue." And I'd love to see it, just to see the "other side" of the Kheldian war arcs. (Which is, after all, the "epic" in EAT.)
Nictus are going to have - let's just say "fewer qualms" about taking over others and feeding from their min... er, allies.
I worked up Nictus Blast/Nictus Aura modeled on Luminous/Umbral sets, but applied the self damage mechanics from powers like Absorb Pain and Energy Transfer to most of it's blasts, which got a higher base damage and lower end cost than comparable Hero Kheldian powers.
The idea being that you'd use the ATs self-healing powers to keep yourself alive while dealing out heavy damage.
Since Nictus aren't really shown using any forms, I changed the Nova and Dwarf forms from Shapeshifts to exclusive toggle buffs (like Granite Armor) that allowed use of the (non-armor) human form powers, but had an associated debuff (Nova buffed damage and tohit, and granted flight but had a large hitpoint penalty/Dwarf provided resistance and mez protection but slowed recharge and hugely debuffed range, forcing you into close range and limiting damage output).
That was long before GR came around though. Now I don't think it'd really be different enough from villain Warshades for that idea to merit it as a stand alone AT.

And Warshades are Nictus. Just reformed Nictus. They are still, aside from name and intent, Nictus.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Really? Then why are those random Nova's and Dwarves I see in missions in the 'Nictus' enemy group?
And Warshades are Nictus. Just reformed Nictus. They are still, aside from name and intent, Nictus. |

Thread for predicting possible groups or ideas that would make good EATs. I'm excluding the ones who were previously mentioned, such as the Coralax and the Blood of the Black Stream. My choices are the Order of the Four Winds or War Earth weapons.
The Four Winds are tied heavily to the lore of both CoH and CoV and it was stated back in the old Canon Fodder thread that they are looking for wielders of all the winds (the Four is just talking about the cardinal winds). It would be a mix of close range martial arts with some wind gusts doing wither heat or cold damage and maybe even some vortex holds. This would also be the first EAT that is tied with a magic origin.
The other idea was having one based around a discovered War Earth weapon (again, mentioned that they aren't sure how many weapons are on this earth). Perhaps the weapon itself will be a pole weapon many people have been wanting? Besides the melee powers, I'm not sure what else the weapons do because they are so ill defined in the current game.
So what ideas do the rest of you have.