A Quick Tip for Fresh Praetorian Alts




I discovered this completely by accident. I had rolled a fresh dom in Praetoria and was going through the tutorial zone. I reached the Resistance clockwork and clicked the glowy for insps. I then logged. When I logged back in later I found myself back out on the street. So I went back through the door and re-initiated dialogue with the Resistance clockwork. I was able to click the glowy again for another large insp!


-Talk to clockwork
-Click glowy, get insps
-Do NOT talk to clockwork and log out.
-Log back in
-Talk to clockwork
-Click glowy for extra insp.
-Sell all 3 insps at Trading House

This trick may work in Outbreak and Breakout too, though I haven't tested it.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



For awhile now the first thing I do with a new character after tutiorial is to sell off the 2 large Inspirations you gain. The Heal one can get anywere from 100k to 500k!!!

Its a very handy trick to give your new toons some Influence jump start for the time they need DOs.

I didn't realize you could keep reloading like that LOL. You should bug this honestly... the reload combine with a few other things = Influence exploit.

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu



I was about to say it only works the once as you fill out your tray with 3 insps, but I figured out what you meant by the influence exploit. It probably ought to be reported. Shame really as I thought it was a good tip.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Not a bad tip. I usually buy the abundant high level IOs for 250 to 500 and sell them to the quartermaster for profit. Usually the calibrated ios give my praetorian toons the starting cash for DOs.



Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
This trick may work in Outbreak and Breakout too, though I haven't tested it.
It wouldn't work in either Outbreak or Breakout because you don't get your inspirations in an instance. The moment you get then in the two, you get the new mission. The Praetoria one is the only one that would have an instance to reset to try this.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



On the other hand this exploit is limited. You can only hold three Insps at that point, and you can't e-mail them. You might be able to get 1.5mill out of the gate, but that's about it.



It's not really an influence exploit, either, since the only place you'll be selling them is the market, so the inf you're gaining is straight from other players. It's really a supply exploit, the ultimate result of which (should many people use it many times) would be that these insps are cheap to buy.




First thing I do with fresh Praetorian alts is level pact them to a toon on primal and level the primal toon so I don't ever have to touch Praetoria again.



Originally Posted by runt9 View Post
First thing I do with fresh Praetorian alts is level pact them to a toon on primal and level the primal toon so I don't ever have to touch Praetoria again.
Does this work for another toon you happen to have, or another player's?

If the latter I doubt I'd do it. I hate the idea of mooching off another player just to get to 20.



You use a 2nd account or a get a buddy to make a "throw away" character. One made solely to level pact and get PL'd to 20 and deleted. Its useful as a way to get blue side AT's over to red side (or vice versa) without doing 2 days of tips.



Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
Does this work for another toon you happen to have, or another player's?

If the latter I doubt I'd do it. I hate the idea of mooching off another player just to get to 20.
You would need 2 accounts to not be a mooch.



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
You would need 2 accounts to not be a mooch.
Don't be silly. It's not mooching if you both want to start new Alts.

I trade PLs with others for this reason all the time. I've deleted lvl 32 pact-mules several times doing this. It's a fantastic way to avoid the repetitive Tips library of missions.



Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
You use a 2nd account or a get a buddy to make a "throw away" character. One made solely to level pact and get PL'd to 20 and deleted. Its useful as a way to get blue side AT's over to red side (or vice versa) without doing 2 days of tips.
^^Yeah pretty much that.

Useful for getting those Brutes and Corruptors over to Atlas AE that much quicker...



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Fascinating. What can they do in Atlas AE that they can't do in Mercy or the RWZ?
Higher population in Atlas = more socializing. Just run a /whoall sometime in Atlas and you'll be amazed how few lvl 1-10 toons actually reside there anymore. I always feel sorry for the lone broadcaster LFG "Sewer Team?"



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Fascinating. What can they do in Atlas AE that they can't do in Mercy or the RWZ?
I probably should've elaborated... Both of my farming toons are hero side, and it's much easier to get a toon from Talos to Atlas than it is to get them from Cap or Talos to RWZ. Also saves me from having to move my farmers all the way to RWZ. Plus I dislike most of villain side, TBH.

But yeah, point is, it's easier than having to deal with Ambushtoria for about 6-8 hours when I can get them out in 30 minutes.