Praetorian Invasion Zone Event!
OMFG!! YES!!! /SIGNEDx1,000!!!
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Yes please!
Make it so, number one. And also, there are tanks parked on the Lambda Sector, maybe they can be used as well?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Out of curiosity, would these be random occurances or triggered by something like how finishing a LGTF triggers a rikti invasion event? If the former, how often? And if the latter, triggered by what?
I'd love it either way, but there are these little details to consider.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Out of curiosity, would these be random occurances or triggered by something like how finishing a LGTF triggers a rikti invasion event? If the former, how often? And if the latter, triggered by what?
I'd love it either way, but there are these little details to consider. ![]() |
Maybe trigger after a Tin Mage or an Apex TF?
My initial thought was to trigger after an Incarnate trial is completed, but then they'd never stop!
Jazra -- Level 50 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Swayvill -- Level 50 Plant/Psi Dominator
Droshalla -- Level 50 Warshade
Latro Dectus -- Level 50 Fortunata
Starseeds -- Level 50 Elec/Storm controller
Id say trigger after a completion of Tin Mage or Apex as well. Makes sense. Either in retaliation for beating up on Battle Maiden, or invading Nuetropolis.
Tieing them to BAF or Lambda... They'd be going on constantly. Even if tied to having 2 done in a certain amount of time, they'd be going off constantly.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Make it so, number one. And also, there are tanks parked on the Lambda Sector, maybe they can be used as well?
Come to think of it, those military vehicles don't see a lot of action, do they? They look to be very similar to the models used in Vanguard and Shadow Shard military areas, and I think the only time I've ever seen those actually fighting is when they're stationary, and have a Turret entity as their top half.
Belated, but I just now saw those (I've not done the Lambda Sector trial, and my flagship Praetorian just entered Neutropolis today)--yeah, I'd like to see those made enemies, too!
Come to think of it, those military vehicles don't see a lot of action, do they? They look to be very similar to the models used in Vanguard and Shadow Shard military areas, and I think the only time I've ever seen those actually fighting is when they're stationary, and have a Turret entity as their top half. |
It'd be nice if the Tanks in Praetoria and the RWZ did something, along with those attack choppers. /Signed
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
First off, let me say: The Pratorian Surge invason was REALLY fun. Probably the best part was being able to talk smack with the Praetors.

Though during the invasion, there was something I noticed ...
... Life as usual went on in Paragon City and Rogue Isles during the invasions. An army of Goliath War Walkers wasn't enough to convnce the street gangs and citizens to run for cover.
That got me thinking: Now that Emperor Cole is on the war path, why not introduce random Praetorian Invasion zone events, like Rikti Invasions? Use similar protocol to make citizens and enemy groups run for cover, sound the alarms. Then the portals open, like they did during the Surge, and the invasion begins!
The military vehicles I've seen in Praetorian warehouses could be used in these! Drop ships could be replaced with fighter jets that bomb and strafe targets not under cover. Instead of hunting defective bombs, attack helicopters could provide the IDF close air support. War Walkers and Goliath War Walkers could replace the Rikti Heavy Assault Suits that show up when a certain threshold of destruction is achieved.
As far as rewards, given these are Praetorians and a lot of Incarnate content involves Praetorian stuff, it could be a great way to provide alternate sources of Incarnate XP and drops. An accolade power and badge set would always be awesome, too, though I'm not sure what would be good. (I will say that, especially for my low level characters, Elusive Mind has been REALLY good at surviving psionic enemies like Madness Mages, Fortunatas, and the Lost.)
What do you guys think?