Photon Seeker issues - discussion and suggestions




Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I'm still waiting on coffee to brew, so I don't think I'm firing on all pistons, but how is this any different from how they are now, apart from the shortened recharge time?

Or is the shortened recharge time the point? (where's that frickin' coffee?)
Well, firstly I would say that making them motion-sensor based would remove the derpy A.I they currently that's different.

Also, like i said in my post above, to actually make a useful change make them an AoE aura/pesudo pet that will detonate when an enemy gets to close, making a mobile mine suit sorta thing; plus with your suggestion of the damage buff i think it would be VERY useful on teams and to a PB in general. It would really contribute to teams more, and raise them up closer to the level of a WS, considering that a PB can't cap its resistances permenantly and have pets that can still attack even if you're dead.



I'd be happy with them lowering the recharge and maybe upping the damage a bit.

Ideally, on top of the lowered recharge, I'd like the summon animation to remain the same, with three balls of energy but change it to a targeted AOE. So you summon, and they speed off to a targeted baddie and go boom. That's essentially what happens now if you are close enough to a mob of baddies only their target choice seems rather random.

If they are going to be pets then I suggest making them permanent and give them some pew pew like the new polar lights incarnate pets. And yeah, I don't care about the cottage rule.



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
I'd be happy with them lowering the recharge and maybe upping the damage a bit.

Ideally, on top of the lowered recharge, I'd like the summon animation to remain the same, with three balls of energy but change it to a targeted AOE. So you summon, and they speed off to a targeted baddie and go boom. That's essentially what happens now if you are close enough to a mob of baddies only their target choice seems rather random.

If they are going to be pets then I suggest making them permanent and give them some pew pew like the new polar lights incarnate pets. And yeah, I don't care about the cottage rule.
That's not to bad of an idea, I wouldn't mind if they were a targeted AoE, it would totally get rid of the whole crappy A.I problem. And it really wouldn't change the power much at all



I like all the ideas, so i decided to steal from all to make my idea hope ya dont mind

K Like mercury says you press the seekers but they auto home in on the target you have. However only two out of the 3 seekers is a bomb.. The other is a range pet like voltic that will remain with you till the 300 duration.

The second effect it has is that other posters (sorry cant remember your name) said. Once the 2 seekers hit they have a chance to spawn three more bombs that do weaker dmg, which those inturn have a chance to spawn three more at weaker dmg and weaker chance and so on and so on...

So you press seeker.
2 goes to target detonate
1 stays by your side blasting away
it stays on a 300 timer
2 of the first bombs have a chance to make 3 more bombs and so on so forth..

this might be a fun idea..

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Originally Posted by IronAlex View Post
I like all the ideas, so i decided to steal from all to make my idea hope ya dont mind

K Like mercury says you press the seekers but they auto home in on the target you have. However only two out of the 3 seekers is a bomb.. The other is a range pet like voltic that will remain with you till the 300 duration.

The second effect it has is that other posters (sorry cant remember your name) said. Once the 2 seekers hit they have a chance to spawn three more bombs that do weaker dmg, which those inturn have a chance to spawn three more at weaker dmg and weaker chance and so on and so on...

So you press seeker.
2 goes to target detonate
1 stays by your side blasting away
it stays on a 300 timer
2 of the first bombs have a chance to make 3 more bombs and so on so forth..

this might be a fun idea..
It would totally be a blast, only problem..devs may cry "overpowering" because you might be able to level a mob in one shot.
Even if the drones have a chance to spawn babies...imagine if the chance occured three times in a row > It would be awesome!



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I'm still waiting on coffee to brew, so I don't think I'm firing on all pistons, but how is this any different from how they are now, apart from the shortened recharge time?

Or is the shortened recharge time the point? (where's that frickin' coffee?)
Did you ever find your coffee Joe?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Did you ever find your coffee Joe?
Yes, and apparently I needed it, because somehow or another I missed like five posts up there! o.O

Note to Smiling_Joe: Think changing Photon Seekers like this would help go a long way towards closing the DPS gap between Photon Seekers and Extracted Essence(s)?
I like the suggestion. Plugging the recharge and damage into my IO'd Peacebringer Spreadsheet of DOOOM, it looks like - with the recharge bonuses and slotting that my character has, Photon Seekers would recharge in 6.8 seconds, spawning one pet per summon that would do 177.6 points of damage upon exploding to all within a 10 foot radius.

Due to the life of the pet being 60 seconds, the most I can have out at a time is limited by recharge+animation time, which at a 6.8 second recharge and an Arcana-time animation of 2.244 seconds comes out to six photon seekers. After the sixth one is summoned, you've got around 5 seconds before the first one expires.

In practice, you'd likely never stand around summoning that many, but IF you did (like in preparation for an av battle or something) you'd do a burst of just under 1200 points of damage.

A far more efficient way of using the power would then be summoning one during combat on the fly whenever the power recharged - sort of like toe-bombing trip-mines. If you did this, then you'd bring up human form solo dps to around 160.3, counting the weighted burst damage potential. By comparison, a solo warshade with a well IO'd build can put out *around* 208 dps, mainly due to the fact that the build I used for the numbers can have three essences blasting at a time fairly regularly.

Is that enough of a damage increase for Peacebringers? IMHO yes, it is. I would happily adjust my playstyle to accommodate this change, and it comes with none of the caveats that Warshades have to remember to maximize the damage potential of their pets (like keeping them alive, for example)

Is it over powered? Honestly, the only way I could see this being overpowered was by summoning massive amounts of seekers for one big burst of damage. A thousand points of damage is a massive burst, but it's not going to be killing that elite boss or AV. It's not even going to kill a boss. And you have to stand around for a minute summoning seekers.

So no, it wouldn't be overpowered, IMO.

Good suggestion. Sorry I didn't see it before now.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I'd like to see changes that are closer to the concept outlined in the power description.

You manifest 3 spheres of light from your Kheldian essence. These spheres will follow you until they detect an enemy target. The Photon Seekers will then zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The explosion is small but devastating and may affect multiple foes if they are near the target.
I want seeker AI to be fixed after being broken for 6 years and a recharge reduction. I use seekers as a nuke because the AI is terrible. I would like them to become more like Northern Lights. The Dev's would only change the concept from "zero in on their targets and detonate on impact" to "zero in on their targets, attack, and detonate on impact". The seekers would attack for their duration and detonate as they expire. This would add a simple and useful twist while maintaining the cottage rule. Peacebringer's would pick up the extra pet damage Warshades enjoy and their damage output would probably be more on par with them.

Old School



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I like the suggestion.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
177.6 points of damage upon exploding to all within a 10 foot radius.

6.8 second recharge and an Arcana-time animation of 2.244 seconds comes out to
... approximately +19.6 DPS averaged over time (not including Animation Scheduling).

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
In practice, you'd likely never stand around summoning that many, but IF you did (like in preparation for an av battle or something) you'd do a burst of just under 1200 points of damage.
That's the point I really like about switching Photon Seekers to being "mobile" pet Trip Mines. If you need a "big burst" of damage, you can prep for it (over the course of 1 minute) and deliver it. If you'd rather just do steady "plinking" AoE Damage over Time in discreet bursts, you can do that too. You'd even be able to make Photon Seekers part of a "regular attack chain" if you wanted to do that, if they operated more like Trip Mines (that move with you). That kind of tactical flexibility alone would be a major, major plus ... since it's something the power doesn't currently offer.

And the only things you'd need to modify in order to implement it are a *FEW* edits to the database entry that defines the power. No animation reworks, no GFX reworks, no extra work of any kind beyond text editing the powers database.

It's almost too easy ...

Black Scorpion? You reading this ...?

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
sort of like toe-bombing trip-mines. If you did this, then you'd bring up human form solo dps to around 160.3, counting the weighted burst damage potential. By comparison, a solo warshade with a well IO'd build can put out *around* 208 dps, mainly due to the fact that the build I used for the numbers can have three essences blasting at a time fairly regularly.
Ease back that comparison of PB vs WS to having only two Essences full time and I think we'd see numbers that come in close to parity on DPS output ... which "feels" about right for a good comparison between PB and WS.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Is that enough of a damage increase for Peacebringers? IMHO yes, it is. I would happily adjust my playstyle to accommodate this change, and it comes with none of the caveats that Warshades have to remember to maximize the damage potential of their pets (like keeping them alive, for example)
Black Scorpion? Yoo hoo ... where are you ...?

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Is it over powered? Honestly, the only way I could see this being overpowered was by summoning massive amounts of seekers for one big burst of damage. A thousand points of damage is a massive burst, but it's not going to be killing that elite boss or AV. It's not even going to kill a boss. And you have to stand around for a minute summoning seekers.
Such is the nature of Trip Mines, too ... and how they typically get used against Hard Targets.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
So no, it wouldn't be overpowered, IMO.
Has anyone seen "your bud in the powered armor" anywhere lately? Anyone? Bueller?

Am I going to have to run a Patron Arc to talk to this guy?

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Good suggestion. Sorry I didn't see it before now.
Pish tosh. You just needed a Minion to bring you your coffee.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Now that you mention it Joe, it isn't THAT overpowering. I was just comparing them to the WS fluffies, but thinking about it now Fluffies can live after the WS their damage limit is REALLY high.

I love the Trip-Mine Seekers idea

Is there any way we can bring this to scorpion's attention? Because Khledians in general are overlooked when it comes down to power fixing. I think scorpion could really give PB's the attention they deserve!




Conceptually, I like a lot of the suggestions in this thread, but the mechanics
seem a little cumbersome, particularly from a dev coding standpoint, with
re-summonings, and or buffs, etc.

I like the ideas, but question the liklihood of a practical implementation.

For myself, I'd be quite pleased if they simply behaved like an actual pet with
an MM style interface where I could point at a target (of my choosing) and
say "Fido, attack --> *that* guy"...

The biggest problem I have with them is their AI - it's been abysmal since day 1.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Conceptually, I like a lot of the suggestions in this thread, but the mechanics
seem a little cumbersome, particularly from a dev coding standpoint, with
re-summonings, and or buffs, etc.

I like the ideas, but question the liklihood of a practical implementation.

Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Photon Seekers Power changes TWO power parameters (Recharge and Endurance Costs) and deletes TWO power effects (summons only 1 Pet instead of 3 per casting, permit multiple pets to exist concurrently).

Photon Seekers Pet's Impact Power adds only TWO power effects (+0.67 KnockUP) and modifies TWO already existing power effects (+2.077 KnockBACK changed to +1.407 KnockUP).

Trick Question: how "hard" would it be for someone of Black Scorpion's caliber to implement the changes I'm proposing here to Photon Seekers?
Edit/change 4 fields, delete 2 fields and add 2 fields in the power database tables ... is "a little cumbersome, particularly from a dev coding standpoint" ... in what way? If I (personally) were editing the powers database, I'd be hard pressed to find an excuse to need more than 3 minutes to implement such changes as my Photon Seekers as "Mobile Trip Mines" proposal would require.

Or were you talking about some of the other ideas (and just didn't mention which ones)?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by FourSpeed
Conceptually, I like a lot of the suggestions in this thread, but the mechanics
seem a little cumbersome, particularly from a dev coding standpoint, with
re-summonings, and or buffs, etc.

I like the ideas, but question the liklihood of a practical implementation.

Not sure why you're confused by my response. Right now we have a power
that summons a pseudo-pet, and (mostly) goes Boom when a target is
in range... Pretty simple code.

Without going back to see which suggestions belong to which posters, there
are summoned pseudo-pets which partially go Boom, summon still more
pseudo-pets, and/or buff bots, for varying effects and lengths of time, among
other suggestions.

So... Interesting ideas, but I'm fairly sure that somewhere in there it stops
being "simple code"... At that point, given the low number of played
Khelds, I further question the liklihood that the Devs would jump on board
with those.

Hence my far simpler suggestion - make it a real pet with limited MM
control to overcome the idiotic AI they currently use... <shrug> YMMV.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



This was part of my post in another PB thread. It's specific to the PS issue.

The Photon Seeker Pets would be modified as follows:

  • The seekers duration would remain unchanged.
  • The pet window would open for command and control of the pet.
  • The pets have similar ranged attacks and damage as the WS Dark Extraction power.
  • A new “go to my target and detonate” command would be added to the pet command window. The PS would move to the target's location and then detonate. Detonation damage would remain the same as it is today.
The AI for ranged attacking would be the same used by DE. This would make the pet power into an actual controllable pet instead of a mini-nuke PBAoE like it is used for today. Also, the mini-nuke ability is retained, but at the expense of having the pet go away.

Of course, with this change the pattern would become "cast, use for ranged attacks, and then mini-nuke at the end of the pet's duration."

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Originally Posted by Gargoyle_KDR View Post
This was part of my post in another PB thread. It's specific to the PS issue.

The Photon Seeker Pets would be modified as follows:
  • The seekers duration would remain unchanged.
  • The pet window would open for command and control of the pet.
  • The pets have similar ranged attacks and damage as the WS Dark Extraction power.
  • A new “go to my target and detonate” command would be added to the pet command window. The PS would move to the target's location and then detonate. Detonation damage would remain the same as it is today.
The AI for ranged attacking would be the same used by DE. This would make the pet power into an actual controllable pet instead of a mini-nuke PBAoE like it is used for today. Also, the mini-nuke ability is retained, but at the expense of having the pet go away.

Of course, with this change the pattern would become "cast, use for ranged attacks, and then mini-nuke at the end of the pet's duration."
I like this, the whole "swarm my target" option would be really nice. It kind of balances out that a WS fluffy can live past your expiration date as well.