How can a Praetorian character have 1229 badges?





Over on, Blazing Tiger sits at the top of the list of badges with 1229. She does NOT have Bug Hunter or Passport.

Looking at the list, he DOES have Avid Reader and Agent of Praetoria. Meaning this is a Praetorian character.

But how can any Praetorian character have all the anniversary badges, as she clearly does? Is some bug involved that allowed a several-year-old Blazing Tiger to get Praetorian-only badges, or a different bug that allowed a new Praetorian character to get old anniversary badges?

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some characters on CIT appear bugged, as i have 2 of my toons showing 1200+ badges when they really dont, only my main toon is 100% accurate in terms of badges atm

i havent been keeping up with badge hunter due to how much easier it is to use the titan sentinel to verify badges lol



Blazing Tiger is NOT a praetorian. I've been playing alongside her for years! So yeah, i'd say it's a praetorian badge bug.


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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Blazing Tiger is NOT a praetorian. I've been playing alongside her for years! So yeah, i'd say it's a praetorian badge bug.
Yeah...? Well then... HOW DO I EXPLOIT THIS BUG TOO??!!??

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
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Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post

Over on, Blazing Tiger sits at the top of the list of badges with 1229. She does NOT have Bug Hunter or Passport.

Looking at the list, he DOES have Avid Reader and Agent of Praetoria. Meaning this is a Praetorian character.

But how can any Praetorian character have all the anniversary badges, as she clearly does? Is some bug involved that allowed a several-year-old Blazing Tiger to get Praetorian-only badges, or a different bug that allowed a new Praetorian character to get old anniversary badges?
It is likely a bug with Herostats, not the game. Herostats doesn't immediately recognise a character switch and can continue to report that a character is on for up to 5 minutes. During that time badges from a new character can be mis-applied.

You might want to look at this post on the CIT forums about it:

Apparently it happens with the quit to character selection (instead of quitting to login).

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I play with Blazing Tiger all the time and she does, in fact, have those Praetorian badges.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Blazing Tiger is NOT a praetorian. I've been playing alongside her for years! So yeah, i'd say it's a praetorian badge bug.
Originally Posted by Commander View Post
I play with Blazing Tiger all the time and she does, in fact, have those Praetorian badges.
Two possibilities, same person different server or decided to reroll Blazing Tiger as a Praetorian. Computer programs are not smart enough to catch such irregularities.

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Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
Is some bug involved that allowed a several-year-old Blazing Tiger to get Praetorian-only badges, or a different bug that allowed a new Praetorian character to get old anniversary badges?
Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
So yeah, i'd say it's a praetorian badge bug.
You guys remember back when I20 first went live there were a lot of mapserver problems with the new Incarnate trials. As it turned out many people were finding themselves accidentally reloaded back into OTHER PEOPLE'S MISSIONS when the game dropped the trial instances. I myself had a situation where one of my characters was reloaded back into a mission of someone else's ITF so I know it occurred to others as well.

Technically speaking of course Primal characters should not be able to have any of the following badges right now:

Moral High Ground
Resistance Member
Avid Reader

So if I had to guess Blazing Tiger had the incredible good luck of being thrown into someone else's Praetorian tutorial mission. This not only allowed her to get Avid Reader but I'm assuming while she was there her Agent of Order/Chaos badge (the primal version of that badge) was flipped to become the Agent of Praetoria (the Praetorian version of that badge). Since she had likely long ago verified Agent of Order/Chaos she was probably able to verify the Agent of Praetoria in that mission or afterwards.

Basically what happened to her is the same thing that happened to a few people back when they "accidentally" got PvP reputation badges or the Passport badge on NA servers automagically. This isn't the first time people have gotten badges they shouldn't have and sadly I doubt it'll be the last.

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Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
So if I had to guess Blazing Tiger had the incredible good luck of being thrown into someone else's Praetorian tutorial mission. This not only allowed her to get Avid Reader but I'm assuming while she was there her Agent of Order/Chaos badge (the primal version of that badge) was flipped to become the Agent of Praetoria (the Praetorian version of that badge). Since she had likely long ago verified Agent of Order/Chaos she was probably able to verify the Agent of Praetoria in that mission or afterwards.
Agent of Praetoria and Agent of Order/Chaos should be mutually exclusive.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Basically what happened to her is the same thing that happened to a few people back when they "accidentally" got PvP reputation badges or the Passport badge on NA servers automagically. This isn't the first time people have gotten badges they shouldn't have and sadly I doubt it'll be the last.
Well, I hope it gets corrected (the 2 agent badges), and that everyone gets a chance at avid reader.

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How the bug happened I don't know. But somehow Blazing Tiger was able to get it. Unfortunately I can't exclude this badge from him, or I'd have to do it with everyone.

All I can do is keep removing it from him. I'm in the process of working on a way to exclude the Praetorian badge from Primal characters and until this happens, I will leave it alone.

I hate to say it, but because its a bug, these badges should be removed from any character. I had a villain character who obtained hero mission badges a long time ago and they were taken from me. I suppose people complained about me having them and they couldn't so they were removed. I can't blame them but they should be removed.

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I have to disagree. If a character in the game was able to achieve those badges... why should they be removed? TOTALLY different story if they were awarded from doing nothing and it is totally random. But if the player actually EARNED a badge (Avid Reader, for instance) than I don't see why they should be stripped... regardless of how they got the opportunity to earn it.

Earning, though, is the key word.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I have to disagree. If a character in the game was able to achieve those badges... why should they be removed? TOTALLY different story if they were awarded from doing nothing and it is totally random. But if the player actually EARNED a badge (Avid Reader, for instance) than I don't see why they should be stripped... regardless of how they got the opportunity to earn it.

Earning, though, is the key word.
Ether earned or not, it was done so through a "BUG" and should not be on a Primal Character, just like when the badges were stripped from me. I earned them through a bug, so having them taken from me is only right. I can argue all day long that I earned them, but they were earned through a bug and therefore should be removed from me, as I'm not meant to have them.

Same goes for anyone else. If earned through a bug, they should be removed.

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When joining a trial, my league once got thrown into the Praetorian tutorial. I tried very hard to get avid reader, but sadly someone completed the mission before we could click through the 5 or 6 clicks to get the badge (once the mission completes, he no longer chats with you it seems). I did get some badge at the end, agent of something I guess.

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Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
Same goes for anyone else. If earned through a bug, they should be removed.
I feel differently. If earned through a bug: keep it. If earned through an exploit: remove.

The reason that people had badges removed (ie. hero badges on a villain) was because they exploited their way into getting them, not "acidentally" bugged their way into it.

I know. The hero badges I had on my villain were gained by tricking your way past the system. I didn't just stumble into them accidentally. Same with the badges that were removed from you. (Barring that hero exploration badge that villains were awarded that was removed.) AE badges were considered exploitative in nature, so they were removed. Badges that were earned by a villain forcing his way into a hero-only mission map (ie. teaming in RWZ and entering the "Ferry" through the exit door) were removed because the villain was never supposed to have the ability to get into that map.

Now we're in an age where everyone has the abliilty to earn almost every badge. These Praetorian badges will be no different as they will, most likely, add a way for non-Praetorians/Primal Sympathizers to earn them via flashback.

The last couple of years before GoRo was introduced, the devs stopped trying to limit what badges could be earned based on faction. When I found and posted on how to get the "Lost Cure" badge on a villain, the only thing the devs did was try to fix the way the badge was earned (by adding the Hero Mission/Villain Mission stipulations to the arc.) But, even when that was still able to be bypassed to get the Lost Cure badge on villain, they just let it go. They didn't mark the badge as Hero Only, as they could have done.

At this point, there is no need to remove badges from people because, in the end, the opportunity will be there to get them all.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Now we're in an age where everyone has the abliilty to earn almost every badge. These Praetorian badges will be no different as they will, most likely, add a way for non-Praetorians/Primal Sympathizers to earn them via flashback.
Except that Agent of Order/Chaos and Agent of Praetoria are two mutually exclusive badges. Both these badges are for one thing: Owning the Going Rogue expansion. To put it another way: Tiger has earned the Primal Earth version of the badge, and should not keep the duplicate.

It would be like saying a level 50 primal earth character could earn Protector of Innocents, Soldier, and Praetorian Professional on one character. Barring a developer turning on all badges, no character can get both versions.

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
At this point, there is no need to remove badges from people because, in the end, the opportunity will be there to get them all.
Avid Reader, providing the developers are working on a way for everyone to earn via flashback, I have zero issue with.

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
They didn't mark the badge as Hero Only, as they could have done.
Agent of Praetoria is marked as Praetorian Only. Avid reader, by its nature is Praetorian Only. Agent of Order is an mutually exclusive badge to the Agent of Order/Chaos and one of the two (either Order/Chaos or Praetoria) should be removed from Tiger.

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Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
When joining a trial, my league once got thrown into the Praetorian tutorial. I tried very hard to get avid reader, but sadly someone completed the mission before we could click through the 5 or 6 clicks to get the badge (once the mission completes, he no longer chats with you it seems). I did get some badge at the end, agent of something I guess.
Likely Agent of Praetoria, which I've mentioned several times above is the Praetorian version of the Going Rogue ownership badge.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



The problem with allowing disallowed badges gained through some non-repeatable event (bug or exploit) is that everyone else who couldn't get that badge will be petitioning the Devs over and over to get it, too.

So, the Devs now have two choices: 1. Remove the wrongly awarded badges; or, 2. Find a way for everyone else to get the badge.

In fact, it was because there was a bug with the awarding of the second set of respec trial badges that the Devs fixed that problem by making so everyone can get it.

The precedence has been set and either solution is fine with me... as long as there is a solution.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, the Devs now have two choices: 1. Remove the wrongly awarded badges; or, 2. Find a way for everyone else to get the badge.
The likely solution might have to be 3. Both. A way for everyone to get avid reader and removing then properly re-awarding all Agent of X (Order/Chaos/Praetoria).

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Originally Posted by Commander View Post
I feel differently. If earned through a bug: keep it. If earned through an exploit: remove.
The very definition of exploit is earning a reward via a bug. Personally I think the badges should be removed since it's unfair to players unlucky or unwilling enough to use a bug to get them. It's not like those badges are difficult to get, if the devs ever do give Primals the opportunity to get them, it won't take more than a few minutes to do so.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
The very definition of exploit is earning a reward via a bug.
So by that definition, getting Bug Hunter is an exploit? I'm confused.

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Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
So by that definition, getting Bug Hunter is an exploit? I'm confused.
You don't receive Bug Hunter VIA a bug, you get it for IDENTIFYING a bug. That's a pretty significant difference.

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Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
You don't receive Bug Hunter VIA a bug, you get it for IDENTIFYING a bug. That's a pretty significant difference.
That's still via/by way of a bug. But my point is... given a choice between the avid reader/agent of badges and bug-hunter, what would most people choose?

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Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
That's still via/by way of a bug. But my point is... given a choice between the avid reader/agent of badges and bug-hunter, what would most people choose?
So you pick the one and only exception to the rule and use that to prove a point? Weak man, weak. And as a badge hunter, I don't want to chose between, I want them all, but I'll follow the rules to get them. In other words, if I get a badge via a bug, I'll report it even if chances are I'll lose that badge, because that gives me a shot at Bug Hunter, which is much much harder to get.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
So you pick the one and only exception to the rule and use that to prove a point? Weak man, weak. And as a badge hunter, I don't want to chose between, I want them all, but I'll follow the rules to get them. In other words, if I get a badge via a bug, I'll report it even if chances are I'll lose that badge, because that gives me a shot at Bug Hunter, which is much much harder to get.
So you choose to call my point weak, only to answer the question I posed to make the very point I was trying to make. OK! Now I've seen everything.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
So you choose to call my point weak, only to answer the question I posed to make the very point I was trying to make. OK! Now I've seen everything.
Are you still confused?