Can you transfer slotted IO's to another char?




Once slotted can you transfer an IO to another character, for example if you re-roll? Is it "bound" to your character ala WoW?

I know you can transfer things between chars via your chat handle, but am curious if you can somehow get that IO to a re-roll or alt or whatever.

Could you respec, then just keep the IO's in your inventory, then mail them, or is it one and done?



Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
Once slotted can you transfer an IO to another character, for example if you re-roll? Is it "bound" to your character ala WoW?

I know you can transfer things between chars via your chat handle, but am curious if you can somehow get that IO to a re-roll or alt or whatever.

Could you respec, then just keep the IO's in your inventory, then mail them, or is it one and done?
You can email the IO's from one character to another. You will however as you noted need to have a respec available to unslot the IO and you can only pull out 10 IO's at a time by using a respec.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
Could you respec, then just keep the IO's in your inventory, then mail them, or is it one and done?
Basically this. You can only send one at a time by the in-game email, and you can only get ten enhancements out of your build per respec. So if you're fully equipped it'll take a lot of time and patience.

Edit: Damn, too slow.

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Once a slot is assigned to a power, it is permanent. Once an Enhancement is put into a slot, it may not be reallocated to another slot or removed, although it can be destroyed, replaced with a different Enhancement (which also destroys the old one), or combined with a similar Enhancement to increase its level (more on that later). A player can use a power respecification to overcome these restrictions by completely rebuilding her character from level 1, but this is an all-or-nothing process, requiring every power and every slot to be re-chosen
Link and a C&P of the relevant info. Bold added by me to help point out the more relevant parts of the relevant section.



Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
Once slotted can you transfer an IO to another character, for example if you re-roll? Is it "bound" to your character ala WoW?
You're thinking "soulbound" or whatever the term is. Here, there are a *very* few things that are untradeable:
- Vanguard merits
- AE tickets
- Tailor tokens
- Reward merits
- Incarnate salvage (threads, shards, etc.) and the abilities (which "look like" IOs, sort of) granted by them.
I'm probably missing 1-2 things.

Pretty much anything else can be transferred. Yes, if you slot an enhancement, you need to use a respec to unslot it, but you're free to reuse, sell, delete, trade or store that afterward.



The only IOs that bind to a character are the Going Rogue Pre-order Bonus IOs which cannot be sold, stored or traded. You can respec and use them in a 2nd or 3rd build on the same character. They can be deleted.



Thanks for all the great responses. It didn't occur to me to keep respeccing to free them up in waves.




Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
Thanks for all the great responses. It didn't occur to me to keep respeccing to free them up in waves.

Yeah it's a pain to do it that way but the devs didn't intend the respec feature to be used to strip characters of enhancements and to date they have not given us any indication that they have changed their minds. In fact what the devs told us in the past is that they feel they were being generous when they decided to let us pull off 10 at a time.

Now it's possible that if they ever decide to redesign the respec feature so it's more user friendly they might let us pull off more enhancements. We can only hope.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Now it's possible that if they ever decide to redesign the respec feature so it's more user friendly they might let us pull off more enhancements. We can only hope.

About the best we can hope for is an upgrade to the respec interface. If we're ever allowed to pull more than 10 at a time out of our builds I will be VERY surprised.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yeah it's a pain to do it that way but the devs didn't intend the respec feature to be used to strip characters of enhancements and to date they have not given us any indication that they have changed their minds. In fact what the devs told us in the past is that they feel they were being generous when they decided to let us pull off 10 at a time.
Well you have to keep in mind that the current respec system was designed long before things like set IOs even existed. Basically in a world without IOs, markets or in-game mail there was barely any need to worry about striping one character of enhancements and moving them to another. Being able to do "10 at a time" was probably far beyond what they expected anyone would ever need originally.

I agree it would be nice if respecs were updated to reflect the realities of the evolved game we are now playing. But for the time being I'm going to be assuming that's not going to happen.

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It's generally in the interest of the game (any game, really) to make players acquire new items and spend money instead of recycling old items into their newer characters. That doesn't mean it won't be changed, but it does imply the Devs have a powerful incentive not to do so.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

About the best we can hope for is an upgrade to the respec interface. If we're ever allowed to pull more than 10 at a time out of our builds I will be VERY surprised.
To be honest that's the best I expect myself, but I'm also trying to be diplomatic with the players that want the 10 at a time increased. It costs me nothing to say maybe it will happen even tho I believe otherwise and agree with the devs current position on 10 being generous.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well you have to keep in mind that the current respec system was designed long before things like set IOs even existed. Basically in a world without IOs, markets or in-game mail there was barely any need to worry about striping one character of enhancements and moving them to another. Being able to do "10 at a time" was probably far beyond what they expected anyone would ever need originally.

I agree it would be nice if respecs were updated to reflect the realities of the evolved game we are now playing. But for the time being I'm going to be assuming that's not going to happen.

I remember how prior to IO's how respecs could leave a character broke with powers unslotted until they managed to earn enough inf to fill the gaps. So back then being able to pull 10 enhancements off of a character you were deleting and reuse them elsewhere was a godsend. Now that we can make inf hand over fist at any level (I have yet to have a character that didn't have 1 million inf by level 10 just from selling drops, and many times they get 500k just from selling the Insp they get in the tutorial at level 1), and we have several different ways to get the enhancements we want (Drops, Market, Merits, AE tickets) I don't see the devs changing their minds.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I remember how prior to IO's how respecs could leave a character broke with powers unslotted until they managed to earn enough inf to fill the gaps.
I remember times when I had to respec so I could sell back the enhancements at full price in order to afford a set of new ones.
Mostly on redside - my big earner was a hero and had no way to send money to a villain.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I remember times when I had to respec so I could sell back the enhancements at full price in order to afford a set of new ones.
Mostly on redside - my big earner was a hero and had no way to send money to a villain.
Wow, burning a respec to be able to afford new SOs. Brings back memories. Completely forgot I used to have to do that too, oh how times change.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I remember how prior to IO's how respecs could leave a character broke with powers unslotted until they managed to earn enough inf to fill the gaps. So back then being able to pull 10 enhancements off of a character you were deleting and reuse them elsewhere was a godsend. Now that we can make inf hand over fist at any level (I have yet to have a character that didn't have 1 million inf by level 10 just from selling drops, and many times they get 500k just from selling the Insp they get in the tutorial at level 1), and we have several different ways to get the enhancements we want (Drops, Market, Merits, AE tickets) I don't see the devs changing their minds.
Well whether the "10 at a time" scheme was a godsend years ago or not I think Sailboat hit the nail on the head - the Devs really have no fundamental incentive to make this aspect of the game any easier for us regardless.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well whether the "10 at a time" scheme was a godsend years ago or not I think Sailboat hit the nail on the head - the Devs really have no fundamental incentive to make this aspect of the game any easier for us regardless.
I think he's right as well which is why I didn't disagree with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
To be honest that's the best I expect myself, but I'm also trying to be diplomatic with the players that want the 10 at a time increased. It costs me nothing to say maybe it will happen even tho I believe otherwise and agree with the devs current position on 10 being generous.
I gave up on diplomacy.

I go with blunt now. People may think I'm being a dick, but at least there's no mistaking what I meant.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



One thing I have thought that would be nice to add to the game is a "unslot recipe", which you could craft into an "enhancement" you could drop onto one slotted enhancement to pop it out to your tray. It could be set at an appropriate level of drop rarity, but would provide a nice alternative to the rather time consuming use of a respec recipe to get 10 IOs out. I don't know if there is a way to do that in the software, of course, but given the "combine enhancements" window that is already available I would think it could be done.