Why aren't you buffing?

Adeon Hawkwood



Lately I've been noticing a lack of buffs...specifically Shields from Therms/Colds/Sonics...even Bubblers. This isn't just on trials where Incarnate abilities are the norm, but in regular game play. I especially notice it when teams are going through a tough spot and notice when we regroup that A. We've had two Colds the entire time and B. We haven't had shields the entire time.

Generally speaking I contribute it to one main thing, Laziness. The reason for this laziness is pretty straight forward though, it's not so much a crime of the individual as it is bad gameplay mechanics IMO. The buffs don't last that long, 5 minutes is nothing when you have you are in a mission continuously fighting, and you have to buff everybody with multiple shields. There are macros to help this but still, I thing some gameplay mechanics should be changed.

I can't complain without making a suggestion but hey, here goes nothing.

Instead of shield buffs only applying to an individual, have them apply for the amount of people on the team who don't already have that same buff from the same person (double buffing from going in mission doors could still take place) and have the Endurance cost scale to however many members you have on the team. I'm unsure if this same mechanic should be able to be used on other teams in a League, on them only with the same Endurance scaling. Haven't thought about that much.

I'd also like to increase the time that the buffs last. 10 minutes seems more fitting to me. This will "generally" last through most intense fights.

My intent is not to just help lazy people out, I honestly thing the shield buff durations and mechanics need to change. (More like a want, but wutevs )

So in conclusion:

- Increase duration of the buff
- Buff applies to entire team and endurance cost scales for how many players are buffed.

Thanks much.

"PvP Messiah"



the biggest reason i usually dont toss around buffs is because doing 8 people individually is annoying as is, if your a /FF mm, then its just even worse doing your pets + your team, and if your trying to buff a whole league then your gonna be near constantly buffing if you have to buff 3 teams + your own pets if your a /FF mm

its annoying msotly cause its single target, for stuff like fortitude and frostwork, they should stay single target, but for normal shields like FF, sonic, and cold, they should be pbaoe like destiny buffs, but of course slightly weaker than destiny

i have heard compelling arguments for leaving them single target, and i can agree with them, so while i hate to individually buff things, i do not think they will be changed anytime soon



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the biggest reason i usually dont toss around buffs is because doing 8 people individually is annoying as is, if your a /FF mm, then its just even worse doing your pets + your team, and if your trying to buff a whole league then your gonna be near constantly buffing if you have to buff 3 teams + your own pets if your a /FF mm

its annoying msotly cause its single target, for stuff like fortitude and frostwork, they should stay single target, but for normal shields like FF, sonic, and cold, they should be pbaoe like destiny buffs, but of course slightly weaker than destiny

i have heard compelling arguments for leaving them single target, and i can agree with them, so while i hate to individually buff things, i do not think they will be changed anytime soon

Exactly it's annoying, and makes people NOT want to participate. I could deal with it being PBAoE for sure.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
Exactly it's annoying, and makes people NOT want to participate. I could deal with it being PBAoE for sure.
i think it more makes poeple not want to shield, all of those sets (except maybe FF) have a lot of other powers which are a helluva lot better to help the team

on my ill/cold i rarely use my ice shields at all, except to help keep my phantasm alive a little longer because it kills itself running into melee all the time due to the horrid AI




A search will provide you with the reasons why, as this discussion has been had within the last month, though not in this forum IIRC. Go past a month and you'll definitely run into it.



I agree with the basic request (make shield powers easier to use) although personally I think making them AoE is better than a durration increase. I'm not going to go into the why because honestly I'm fed up with arguing about it .



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

A search will provide you with the reasons why, as this discussion has been had within the last month, though not in this forum IIRC. Go past a month and you'll definitely run into it.

I read a couple of posts and that is YOUR opinion. I disagree.

Like I said, the End cost would scale. It also doesn't have to necessarily be PBAoE either.

I have therms, colds, Sonics, bubblers...and all of them could use this and it would make them more fun to play. Playing at +4 requires buffs up pretty much all the time.

"PvP Messiah"



Bill is right that this has been discussed quite a bit. I am in the same camp that doesn't want to see a change for all the reasons previously mentioned.

And why am I not buffing? I buff what player needs the buff at the right time. This game is pretty easy and doesn't require 24/7 buffing of every single player on every single fight.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Bill is right that this has been discussed quite a bit. I am in the same camp that doesn't want to see a change for all the reasons previously mentioned.

And why am I not buffing? I buff what player needs the buff at the right time. This game is pretty easy and doesn't require 24/7 buffing of every single player on every single fight.
Stop playing on easy mode?

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
I read a couple of posts and that is YOUR opinion. I disagree.

Like I said, the End cost would scale. It also doesn't have to necessarily be PBAoE either.

I have therms, colds, Sonics, bubblers...and all of them could use this and it would make them more fun to play. Playing at +4 requires buffs up pretty much all the time.
"Would make them more fun to play" is *your* opinion, not a fact. Don't call something my opinion and dismiss it and then put yours up as fact.

Nothing I've seen so far is any new idea related to this, you don't address the problems brought up in *every other discussion* about this either.

Please take the time to read more than "a couple of posts."



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
Stop playing on easy mode?
LOL! Ooooh, you are funny. I am not playing easy mode. Try again.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Would make them more fun to play" is *your* opinion, not a fact. Don't call something my opinion and dismiss it and then put yours up as fact.

Nothing I've seen so far is any new idea related to this, you don't address the problems brought up in *every other discussion* about this either.

Please take the time to read more than "a couple of posts."

I'm not going to burrow through a crap ton of YOUR posts to again read YOUR opinion, which was based on YOU thinking that you don't need to buff all the time. Unless you are playing at +4 against every enemy group without anyone dying or being slowed down, then no one has room to talk.

It's more efficient. There has not been a single valid reason why the ideas I posted couldn't be implemented.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
I'm not going to burrow through a crap ton of YOUR posts to again read YOUR opinion, which was based on YOU thinking that you don't need to buff all the time. Unless you are playing at +4 against every enemy group without anyone dying or being slowed down, then no one has room to talk.

It's more efficient. There has not been a single valid reason why the ideas I posted couldn't be implemented.
There are times buffing everyone blindly is *bad.*



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
It's more efficient. There has not been a single valid reason why the ideas I posted couldn't be implemented.
Generally speaking I contribute it to one main thing, Laziness.
My intent is to help the lazy OP out, search the forums. This has been discussed many times over. For and against.



If your mention of there some times being a need for a lack of a buff on a certain player is valid, then don't you suppose it would be more efficient to offer a solution to that issue? Allow the power to select all on team or by individual. I'm not talking PBAoE here, but even if it was, people deal with PBAoE buffs all the time on characters.

"PvP Messiah"



I agree with counter arguments made previously in other threads.




Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
If your mention of there some times being a need for a lack of a buff on a certain player is valid, then don't you suppose it would be more efficient to offer a solution to that issue?
OK. "Don't change it from how it is now." Status Quo is a legitimate stance to take. There's no need to change.

1. Duration: We've been told previously the buffs are balanced around current duration. Longer duration = greater cost of some sort. Either in END, strength, or both.

2. Duration and applying: I play buffers. I play a metric crapton of buffers. It doesn't take that long to buff a team, and if you bring up leagues, it's not my job to buff team 1 and 3 if I'm on team 2.

3. Endurance: "Buff everyone who doesn't have it?" First, I don't particularly trust the devs not to screw this up with the new leagues, and I'd much rather NOT burn all my END when it "happens" to hit 18-24 people.

4. Endurance, part 2: I can prioritize buffs if I'm in the middle of other things that require more END... such as debuffing. (See also thermal, cold.) If I hit my "Shield" button, I'm sending a bigger chunk of END out than I may want to right then.

5. Endurance, part 3: Masterminds. Multiple masterminds. And the rest of the team. END? What END? Oh, you wanted to debuff something? Sorry, no go. (Or someone or some pet that could USE the buff doesn't get it because you're out of END.

6. Not everyone needs buffs, no. Extra fire resists on that fire tank? Yeah, not needed. Past-softcapped defense vs most enemies? Why waste the end?

7. Buffs are NOT always good for everyone. Two words. Sonic Resonance. Examine the history. And I do know of other buffs (and other powers) that still affect people that way.

8. Not everyone WANTS said buffs, for whatever reason, and that should be respected.

Your suggestion: They get them anyway, and I burn the end.
Status Quo: I have much finer control over how and when buffs are applied. And no, it doesn't take long to do at all.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
OK. "Don't change it from how it is now." Status Quo is a legitimate stance to take. There's no need to change.

1. Duration: We've been told previously the buffs are balanced around current duration. Longer duration = greater cost of some sort. Either in END, strength, or both.

2. Duration and applying: I play buffers. I play a metric crapton of buffers. It doesn't take that long to buff a team, and if you bring up leagues, it's not my job to buff team 1 and 3 if I'm on team 2.

3. Endurance: "Buff everyone who doesn't have it?" First, I don't particularly trust the devs not to screw this up with the new leagues, and I'd much rather NOT burn all my END when it "happens" to hit 18-24 people.

4. Endurance, part 2: I can prioritize buffs if I'm in the middle of other things that require more END... such as debuffing. (See also thermal, cold.) If I hit my "Shield" button, I'm sending a bigger chunk of END out than I may want to right then.

5. Endurance, part 3: Masterminds. Multiple masterminds. And the rest of the team. END? What END? Oh, you wanted to debuff something? Sorry, no go. (Or someone or some pet that could USE the buff doesn't get it because you're out of END.

6. Not everyone needs buffs, no. Extra fire resists on that fire tank? Yeah, not needed. Past-softcapped defense vs most enemies? Why waste the end?

7. Buffs are NOT always good for everyone. Two words. Sonic Resonance. Examine the history. And I do know of other buffs (and other powers) that still affect people that way.

8. Not everyone WANTS said buffs, for whatever reason, and that should be respected.

Your suggestion: They get them anyway, and I burn the end.
Status Quo: I have much finer control over how and when buffs are applied. And no, it doesn't take long to do at all.
You are talking about the seizure issue with Sonic, but if their on a team, their likely to see it on someone else during a mission.

The main thing that would appease both worlds is adding in a selection to either buff an individual or buff the group. Every single one of the issues you raised would not be an issue if that was implemented. And duration wouldn't be an issue if it was implemented.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
You are talking about the seizure issue with Sonic, but if their on a team, their likely to see it on someone else during a mission.
Which doesn't affect them the same way. You obviously weren't affected by it. I was. Friends of mine were. (And it's migraine, not seizure, in most instances.) Few people who complained about this - and I fought for this change for a solid year and a half, butting heads with the developers at times - were actually affected by the bubbles being on someone *else.*
The main thing that would appease both worlds is adding in a selection to either buff an individual or buff the group. Every single one of the issues you raised would not be an issue if that was implemented. And duration wouldn't be an issue if it was implemented.
Which means you're essentially building a whole new second powerset to do the exact same thing. And given a powerset is internally balanced, duration could well be part of what's changed. Or buff strength. Or END cost.

Personally (and yes, this part *is* opinion,) if they're going to do the work on a powerset that this would require, I'd rather see it done on a *new powerset.* Doesn't mean it has to be non-buffing, but doing more than just creating (for instance) "Force Fields 1" and "Force Fields 2." Remember, you wouldn't *just* be adding the new version of the powers - you'd be delving into quite a bit of work to make sure the old ones were still accessible, that something else didn't get broken in the meantime (such as what happened with Inherent Fitness in beta,) work in the UI changes and the like. Not an insignificant amount of work, given the number of buffing sets.



Memphis, you don't think they could simply add a button on the team tab that you could click instead (like MM pet's have to select all to change stance) and yes it would change end cost but it would again scale, and the duration issue is yes decided by all those things now...but that could change.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
Memphis, you don't think they could simply add a button on the team tab that you could click instead (like MM pet's have to select all to change stance) and yes it would change end cost but it would again scale, and the duration issue is yes decided by all those things now...but that could change.
Honestly, no. It would be far more involved than that. MM pet stance is nothing like changing how a power actually works. And no, Swap Ammo is not like that, either.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Honestly, no. It would be far more involved than that. MM pet stance is nothing like changing how a power actually works. And no, Swap Ammo is not like that, either.
I'm not saying it's *needed* but would be a great quality of life fix for a lot of people.

"PvP Messiah"



/Unsigned to this idea every time it comes up for the various reasons stated here and in all of the other threads like it.



To each his own. I don't play defenders simply because I like playing CoH, not whackamole.

But for those who are so opposed to group buffing what do you think about returning to the old form of MMs where each one had to be upgraded individually? After all there is no reason for the group upgrading other than laziness on the part of the MMs. They can selectively upgrade or do it on the fly right?

Or perhaps we should take shift even further into the individual buff territory. Fulcrum RA and AM should be made individually targeted buffs.

Now personally I don't care if they make things easier or harder. I just won't play a defender because like I said, I don't like playing whackamole. On the other hand I've heard from people who love doing just that.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!