THOR-Spoilers included




Just got back from seeing the 9:30am showing of THOR (in Adelaide South Australia) and I'm still geeking out about it.

Branagh has delivered what he said he would. THOR is fantastic fun from start to finish, and don't forget to stay for the traditional extra scene after all the credits have rolled. [SPOILER ALERT]
It has Nick Fury, Loki and a cube of cosmic implications for the Avengers movie.

This is the definitive THOR movie.

Icerider appearing in issue #1 of the CoH comic
Playing CoH since January '04
CoH forum resident since Sept '01



I have been happy with the recent posters I have seen.

After some discussion her about whether or not they'd be allowed to refer to him as an actual god or not in a film that kids will be seeing (as opposed to Thor, the Extradimensional Being Utilising Advanced Technology that Appears to be Magic When Perceived by Primitive Minds), I have had my concerns somewhat alleviated by the movie poster with a close-up of Thor and the caption "The God of Thunder!"

Glad to hear the movie is actually good.

Your impression of the fight scenes? (Something else criticised recently)

Edit: I hate you for seeing is so long in advance of me.

Edit 2: BTW... what is the rationale for film opening more than 2 week earlier there? Surely they know that people who are dying to see it will probably find it online in about another 12 hours or so, possibly then choosing not to spend money to see it in the theater...

Est sularis oth Mithas



The US commercials for the movie has a catch phrase that goes something like;

"The world has many heroes" - showing Hulk, Iron-man, Nick Fury

"but only one is a God"

That can't go over well in the south.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Fight scenes were really good, Sif and Fandral were very impressive and even Volstagg, even though he was a lot smaller than in the comics, had some good moves. Hogun was . . . suitably grim. Thor, himself, was impressive in battle, especially against the frost giants. Even Loki was pretty damned athletic.

They do mention the "Extradimensional Being Utilising Advanced Technology that Appears to be Magic When Perceived by Primitive Minds" theory, but Jane Foster's "Oh my . . . GOD!" when he finally gets Mjolnir back blows that theory to Hel.

BTW: I can live with your hate.

Oh, and we get it earlier because the World Premiere was in Sydney the other night, Thor is an aussie in case you didn't know, and it's the easter/autumn school holidays atm over here, which is how I was able to go to the movie at 9:30am on a work day.

If they've upset the southern god-botherers by calling him a god then they've made up for it with upsetting the neo-nazis by casting Idries Elba as Heimdall. He's pretty damn good too.

Icerider appearing in issue #1 of the CoH comic
Playing CoH since January '04
CoH forum resident since Sept '01



damn you for getting to see it! *shakes fist*



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post

Edit 2: BTW... what is the rationale for film opening more than 2 week earlier there? Surely they know that people who are dying to see it will probably find it online in about another 12 hours or so, possibly then choosing not to spend money to see it in the theater...
Chris Hemsworth is Australian, I believe. Kind of silly to do this, since I'd worry about the movie being all over the internet before it opens in the U.S., but movies premiering earlier in other places is not entirely uncommon.

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Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
... I'd worry about the movie being all over the internet before it opens in the U.S., but movies premiering earlier in other places is not entirely uncommon.
I know it's pretty common, but I just never knew why. Especially a lead time of over 2 weeks, which seems like a lot. I've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. It's just the whole pirating thing that makes me think it's a bad idea.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I know it's pretty common, but I just never knew why. Especially a lead time of over 2 weeks, which seems like a lot. I've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. It's just the whole pirating thing that makes me think it's a bad idea.
Those who were going to pirate, were going to wait and pirate it anyways.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
The US commercials for the movie has a catch phrase that goes something like;

"The world has many heroes" - showing Hulk, Iron-man, Nick Fury

"but only one is a God"

That can't go over well in the south.
But they are saying "but only one is a God" not THOR is the one and only God of the universe.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
The US commercials for the movie has a catch phrase that goes something like;

"The world has many heroes" - showing Hulk, Iron-man, Nick Fury

"but only one is a God"

That can't go over well in the south.
We'll get over it.

Proud to be a southerner, the last stereotype that apparently isn't offensive to make fun of......

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Those who were going to pirate, were going to wait and pirate it anyways.
Yes, but now they can rationalize it more conveniently. </sarc>

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
We'll get over it.

Proud to be a southerner, the last stereotype that apparently isn't offensive to make fun of......

I grew up in the south reading Thor comic books, which explicitly state he's a god, so I don't think the furor will be quite what (s)he expects.

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I grew up in the south reading Thor comic books, which explicitly state he's a god, so I don't think the furor will be quite what (s)he expects.
I think you completely missed my point. Read the "We'll get over it." with a snarky sarcastic tone. Father Xmas claimed it would be a big ordeal in the south. My post agrees with what you are saying.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff