Master of Lamda *Done*
Many thanks to everyone that was on that team. Excellent job!
It was purely epic, and a ton of fun. Good job guys.
@Captain Drej
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"


Very nice. Congrats!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Well done!
"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)
Good times. A very productive evening, all in all.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Grats to my old EG buddies here. My gang'll be trying for this one again tonight, wish us the luck and skill you guys had for getting this DONE! Cheers!

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Grats on a job well done! Glad to see so many ppl had a great time!
Thanks all! Was a great time...
@Turgenev good luck...bring lots 'o debuffs
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"
Congrats guys, and here I turned your invite down for that, I coulda had a cool picture. =O

Great work guys. Looking forward to the next one
Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire
Kudos Gang!
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Guess we are going again because I missed this
Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
Good Job all.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
Great job, guys. Not an easy task.
Also - Marut, I read your testing commentary with great interest. Great work there.
Wish I wasn't on the phone throughout the Marauder phase!
But great teamwork to everyone that was able to roll though that trial!
Champion/Freedom Servers
@Orion Zidane
@Orion Zidane2
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Also - Marut, I read your testing commentary with great interest. Great work there. |

Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire
I've been on a few runs now where no one bothers with acid or turrets, but I've not seen Marauder defeated without use of grenades yet. Were you very reactive-heavy on this run or did you bring along a bunch of debuffers?
I was thinking dark/psi/nrg characters would also help for higher damage, as would pets (MM or otherwise) to prevent Mar from one-shotting key players.
Any other insights?
I think I'm missing the good 'ol temp power solution to problems like this. Say what you want about cheating, but there's nothing quite as laugh out loud funny as dropping preposterous numbers of nukes, Shivans and HVAS on an NPC who absolutely MUST be killed for a badge.
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

I don't recall how Reactive-heavy the team was, but I don't think it was terribly so. In the grand scheme of things, we didn't actually have a lot of debuffers. IIRC, for -res we just had 3 Rads and a Storm. -regen wise the 3 rads and some from Photos kin. 4-5 debuffers out of 16 really isn't a lot. I'm almost certainly forgetting someone (sorry!) but the point is, you don't need stupidly stacked debuff teams to do it.
Psi damage definitely helps. Even just one psi damage dealer like a Fort or Blaster can make a significant difference since Marauder doesn't seem to resist it at all. If that character can pump out a lot ST damage it does make a difference.
As for minimizing Marauder 1shotting people, with decent defense buffs he's really not that dangerous as long as people back out of Nova Fist. For our run, I think most people would have been softcapped (to the new values) so he wasn't that big a threat to be honest.
I was actually surprised how little of a threat the 10 portals pumping out ambushes were. I think its mainly because in the beginning they're all converging on Marauder so the spawns swell pretty quickly. Once you're fighting Marauder and he's jumping around the spawns are a lot more staggered in how they get to the fight. At which point they're asploded by Judgements/AoEs.
The biggest difficulty is dropping Marauder in time. It takes a long time to burn him down when he's Enraged. Making sure to use all available -regen on him is also important to maximize the damage that you do apply.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I'm not sure what the balance of interface powers were, but a couple didn't have Interface or judgement unlocked yet, and at least one didn't have even their Alpha level shift.
A lot of it was concentration and focus, and realizing that on this trial, that clock is a serious enemy. You will be able to tell within the first 5-6 minutes of the fight whether or not you're going to be able to make it, because if you're not ahead of the curve on DPS by then, when he hits US, it's a death sentence for the attempt. I'd say that you have less than 30 seconds to get from the elevators to in his face and blasting or else you're risking missing the boat. As Silas said, it takes a long time of constant damage to put him down, and by that I mean almost all the time they give you.
Also, we did have one MM with us, but be very wary of lots of pets and lag. That timer doesn't care if you have powers lag, it keeps ticking, and the more spawns you rack up, the more laggy it's going to get; MM pets can add to that. Use in moderation
Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire
In my exuberance over finally completing this very difficult badge, I spelled it incorrectly.

However, even so....On April 16, 2011 @10:52pm, Earthguard (with help from Synchnotron) completed the Master of Lambda run. A good time was had by all.
Photometric - Kinetic / Rad Blast Defender - Champion Server - Earthguard SG
"There's a new sheriff in town...and his name is Reggie Hammond"